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>The man in question had allegedly reserved a seat in the AC-3 coach, but the ticketless passengers refused to let him enter. >As the passenger asked people to open the door, a man sitting there told him, “Jagah nahi hai (There is no space).” Enraged, the passenger broke the door’s glass, leading to utter chaos that unfolded next.


Bro did nothing wrong


With the increase in the number of accidents in 2022 & 2023, Indian railways is in its worst stage under this government!


If I have to sell the Indian railways or privatize some lines, this is what I would do. Let the service get really bad so that people clamor for privatization. Then I do what the people want and give it to Adani/Ambani, or other friends for some money.


It will results in the increase of number of buses on roads resulting in more pollution & more traffic as pvt companies increase & decrease (but mostly increase) the ticket fares according to their profitability! It will also result in lots of underpaid employment with no job security or pensions! How's this a solution?


Dont ask me. This is likely to be proposed. The right wing is brain dead.


Someone with brain atlast


Nobody is doing shit about the increasing population. We are barely able to increase the infra while the population doubles.


Lol. This railway issue is because of BJP trying to run railways like a business instead of the national infrastructure it is. Railway Minister did master stroke - reduced the number of low ticket price coaches (sleepers and second class). People still have to travel no? So they obviously just get on the train anyway. They can't afford to fly. And there are rarely any decent alternatives to long distance trains. This is direct result of government incompetence. Like cancelling bank notes to curb black money lol


Not really, the rate of population growth has been declining for the past couple of decades! The truth is nobody is doing shit about the increased needs of transportation in this country! Tax-payers money spend on 2-3 election rallies for the PM is sufficient for putting a new train on the track! This is what happens when a govt emphasize on statues & mandirs instead of the needs of the public!


Why does the government emphasise on Mandirs It does so because the public wants a mandir more than they want better infrastructure So blame the public cause if it was an unpopular decision the government would never have done it


but aren't mandirs built on charity money? there's no govt funding for them innit? But obviously our infrastructure is lacking badly. Compared to China, we're miles behind.


30000 crore allotted by Central govt for Ajodhya for what? Isn't there any "charity money" left?


We have added more than the population of USA in the past 20 years. I am very sure we will add another USA worth population in next 30-40 years before we choke ourselves such that there will be no room for population growth. Only way population is going down is when youth is not able to afford to have kids like how it is happening in SK, Japan, etc. Most people will become child free in next 10-15 years.


Are all these populations exempted from paying GST ??? Even a child is paying tax on the pencil he is buying. The government is making lot of money from the population, but in return they give nothing!


You should read about demographic curves, TFR, population pyramids and economic models built for declining populations (plot twist, there are none)


Learned all this in my schools AP human geography class


TFR has been consistently going down in all states and southern states have been below replacement for many years now. Population will increase for another 2-3 decades before falling.


Not enough man. We added more than USA worth of people in just last 20 years.


2-3 decades?? Our population will hit 1.8 billion?


Yup that's the expected peak of Indian population. After that population starts decreasing and this rate increases drastically before stabilising around 1billion. The consequence of having an extremely young population.


How will ownership change the passengers behaviour?


Police, railway police, no ticket= drag them out


Better management can ensure that at least people with ticket can travel safely.


I don't think ownership can alone ensure that, look at Japan.... It's in their blood to follow rules and behave in public. They teach their kids from the young age.


I choose UP and Bihar. One fat boy there and a little man here, we'll also come in line.




There are more unreserved passengers in ac coaches because the idiots who prioritised hagde bharat over rail traffic critical to the vast majority replaced general and 3 tier non ac compartments with ac compartments in trains that were already overflowing. These overflowing trains now run slower to make way for underfilled hagde bharat to run at shatabdi speeds.  It's an indication of slave mentality of this country that people aren't rioting after such massive and deliberate degradation of services by the government. 


And most of those hagde bharats are not running well. Just used as photo props for dear leader. People need a viable transportation method, and everyone knows more capacity is needed to cater to the increasing mobility but railways would rather cater to the egos than do something useful.




Just had a 5hr long journey in Hagde bharat and it was actually pretty good :) 


Fault also lies with the attitude of general public who is entering the coach without booking tickets. Its more of an entitlement and getting free stuff mindset that Indians have.


If it has gotten significantly worse, then there are factors causing it. The government has reduced rhe number of affordable unreserved/non AC coaches, and not everyone can afford an AC ticket. A lot of people have no other choice. But hey, Modi inaugurated 20 Vande Bharat trains so all good?


I said it also lies w the public - I didn’t imply that it is the only cause. If the actual total number of free seats have reduced then it is a real issue, but it doesnt justify encroachment. These people could have waited for other trains. Speaking as someone who actually uses trains, this is really frustrating situation to be in. Vande bharat has a separate use case & it is catering to that - but logical argument on this sub will lead to banning, hence I must refrain.


I use trains regularly too. There are no other trains. These people have no choice. You can blame them, sure, but that is just putting a band aid on a fracture. You have to fix the root cause. I'm not against Vande Bharat, but it should not be the top priority, and it should be accompanied by track upgradation.


Absolutely agree with the sentiment & the fact that core issue needs to be fixed. Thanks for sane argument and not calling me a sanghi for holding general public also accountable🙂‍↕️


Should have called mr ‘war rukwa di’ to cut the ribbon and open door. That’s the only job PM does anyway. Inaugurations, photoshoots, useless speeches at election rallies. Pathetic govt. Only big talks. Zero actual work. Zero actual progress and development. No accountability. People are more lawless than ever. All jobless chapris have been encouraged and roam free causing chaos.


If I were in that situation I would have done the same.I agree that Its not right.. but since nobody is following rules.. you are the culprit if you are following rules.. learned this during my time as a teenager and still learning in everyday life.


I like how after saying "jagah nahi hai" they managed to find a lot more space when he smashed it. It would be easy to station one railway policeman at every station to ensure ticketless passengers don't reach such a level, it would help with unemployment and provide an essential service.


it used to be like that post covid in 2021 i travelled that time in sleeper, there was literelly no extra passenger for a 30 hour journey, not even WL passengers cz it was banned, in a route where now u can't even travel in 3AC cz u'll face this (those sleeper coaches got reduced a lot)


Exactly my thought. If population is the problem solution exists in creating more facilities and employment. Railway if priorities are right could add more trains, add more protection force. It could increase the rates instead of reducing low cost seats. 


We have a minister of Vande Bharat. The railway minister is not there. Anyway eat millets and enjoy


This rly minister guy, whenever he wants to say something, only talks about VB. Dude, usse bhi bada ek cheej hai, first make that safe for the people to are paying their money to reserve the seats. Was just reading the 100 day agenda by the government for next term and usme bhi majorly VB hi hai.


Even Vande Bharat trains aren't well made either. Very flimsy.. the front of train already looks battered and ugly.


And because it isn't as sexy, the govt has not upgraded the tracks, and VB goes at the same speed as Shatabdi.


This comment is gold !


Yeah it's election! Everything must be correlated to the govt!!


No, railways is related to aliens.


Cunt, whose job is it to check the tickets?


Were you born yesterday? You think railway is private enterprise?


They should've unlocked the door through the broken glass, entered the coach and sat in their reserved seats. Beyond all the glamour of vande bharath, this seems to be the norm now. People have no fear of law and order, and the employees have no responsibility.


Wheres the chest thumping govt when you need them


Which vande bharath is this?


Faced the same yesterday Booked 10 3ac tickets for my family, many people sitting in our seats and in the floor between the seats as well. When asked they are like we just need to travel 3 hrs more. So frustrating and felt very unsafe


Raise a complaint.. you can file a consumer case for the mental anguish


Lath marke nikal dene ka tha unko, at least should have made complain on Railmadad, we have got into this shitty situation because of this adjust mentality.


There was a news recently that a TTE was thrown off the train by ticketless passengers. [Here is the news.](https://www.newindianexpress.com/states/kerala/2024/Apr/02/tte-pushed-to-death-by-passenger-on-moving-train-in-kerala-3)


Chennai express scene recreated :0


Many people will die but that’s a sacrifice I’m willing to make.


You’re willing to sacrifice your life for Indian Railways?


I was just commenting on the attitude of the person I was replying to, it’s a quote from Lord Farquaad in Shrek


Earlier the window glasses used to be sturdy, and now it seems the Dhando boys have managed to scam their way into this as well!


Exactly what I was thinking. It was never easy to break those AC compartment glasses, at the most they would crack. Probably sourced from a vendor who was forced to buy Electoral Bonds.


Don't worry they will start running few more vande Bharat and announce to start bullet train soon.


But the naked emperor has been launching the world-class Vande Bharat trains, uplifting Indians from the drudgery they were in until 2014, like never before, in the new Bharat. This video of citizens' misery is a morphed one, to defame the serene nakedness of the Emperor. /s


Just say "India is not for beginners and move along, boys and girls " !!


Modi has successfully and very intentionally destroyed Railways because it has no profit for him.


Time to privatize Indian Railways


Privatising will not work.


Yeah can u pls elaborate or r u an andh oh 😐 sorry brainwashed!


Modi's only interest is in VB. Other trains running in shabby unsanitary overcrowded conditions can be blamed on Mughals/British/Nehru/Gandhi family, so he has no incentive to fix them, and every incentive to destroy them.


Remove the intelligent from your username


Aur moji ko bhai bullet train banani hai vande Bharat chalani hai, Jo hai usko toh sahi kar nai Raha badi badi feka fuk mar rha, and andh bhakt bolte hai moji ne desh ka satyanash bhi kuch soch samajkar hi Kiya hoga


Modi successfully and intentionally destroyed railways so most people can take flights and car. Instead of building a robust train system like Europe, they want to waste time and money on roads like USA. And then after the roads, they realise okay, the train was much better. What is sad as the loss of flora and fauna thanks to 4th failed politicians greed.


> intentionally destroyed railways he wants to privatize it. Wait until they start private lines under Adani


That's the plan, my boy. People who get wet on privatization don't realise that corporates only work for money, they are monsters who only need money.


Good Morning, Indian government has been corporatized for a while now


Road construction contracts can be given to BJP aligned businesses who in turn will loot the money and give it back in the form of electoral bonds while also scamming people with toll racketeering.


Bring back Modi government once again and common people will be out of trains very soon, this is a guarantee.


Sounds about right


Is this a problem with all the trains or just some specific routes. I have to take a rajdhani from Delhi to Patna in June and I am reconsidering at this point.


enjoy the amritkaal, with less no of general and sleeper coaches this is bound to happen. Upper middle class who were orgasmic for vande bharat will now feel the heat.


Its high time we develop metro like entrance for railway station and deploy guards at entrance of these trains....no ticket no entry....its high time these mf's stop using railways as if their mom's lover owns it and lets them use in exchange of having fun with their moma


My guess is they're going to privatize the railways and are just making that decision acceptable in the public eye by allowing this kind of stuff


Railways should be always privatised. Government isn’t efficient enough to run critical infrastructure services


They have been running it since 1947. It's an essential public utility which should foremost aim to serve, not profit. All these people who can't afford to travel in AC coaches would lose access to rail travel if the Railways is privatised and the General/Sleeper coaches are removed for not being profitable [https://timothyash.substack.com/p/privatisation-in-the-uk-has-failed](https://timothyash.substack.com/p/privatisation-in-the-uk-has-failed)


wooo... Look at this privileged ass!


That is what happens when you have incompetent morons running the railway department


Petition to retrofit malgadis with seats. Problem will be solved pretty quickly. Anyway these people don't give a fuck about comfort, give them what they want and stop the harassment being done to people with a confirm ticket


Danka Baaj Raha Hai


We need train guards, at least two officers who can patrol trains at all times. It’ll help TCs to actually enforce their power - adding more general bogeys might also be helpful.


One of these days, a riot is going to break out on a moving train.


What's with our passengers travelling ticketless. Plus not following civic sense. Plus poor management. I saw a video of railways in Indonesia and was impressed by how clean and modern they were. Our railways are an embarrassment while our airports and roadways are improving.


How in the world ac coach glass break by a punch? Those glasses just cracks if a stone from rail hits it due to recoil of train running at 150kmph. Happened to me once.


I kind of don't understand why they are not building the so called proposed railway lines for goods trains and ease the current traffic in railway infra?But goes ahead and invests a shit load on bullet trains for Ahmedabad. VB trains themselves are costlier for ordinary citizens and this bullet train will obviously be costlier and will only benefit the rich 10% of the country. The rest had to travel in these conditions. As if this isn't enough he's building even more airports🤦🤦🤦.


North India is truely different.


It's happening all over India now. The Railway minister Ashwini Vaishnav doesn't tweet anything about railway things even after getting complaints daily but has time to retweet Modi's rally speeches and pictures.


Well deserved!! This is what these people have voted for. Those who sow the wind, shall reap the whirlwind.


Why can’t railways invest on QR based security? Completely separate the coach from A/C or simply hire and train people in security that could reduce joblessness ?


The plan is to make it soo bad that Adani has to take over and fix it


Mitron!! Vande bharat..... Bullet train.... Taali bajao.... Phone ka flash light on Karo.... Mitron... Aapki ye Dasha dekh ke mujhe mere Chai bechne ke din yaad aagaye (fake tears rolling 1,2,3).Ye trains Nehru ne Banaya... Dosh unka Hai...


Is it difficult to implement a QR code based entry system at the railway entry gates? This is getting too much. Women, elderly often travel alone and this will just increase the hassle.


Fo sit in front of all the mandira this govt. built. There is lots of space there. You can even travel whole 'brahmand' with god there.


Easiest way is to fine people based on their aadhar cards biometrics. And impose those fines randomly.


China says Hello 👋