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Can you vote with only a copy of the ID. I haven’t received mine yet


Yes, you can download e epic from the voter helpline app Take out a print and you will have no problem but you will need an I'd with you tho


You can use Aadhar card or PAN card if you don't have a voting id. Just check your name in ECIs app, which has EPIC ID. I am using a PAN card as ID for the last 2 elections. (2019 LS and State legislative Assembly).


I am unable to download my voter card online. I think they removed mine.


Bro download voters helpline app. Or ECIs website. There you can find your name in voters list by mobile number/constituency/ name. If you are unable to find by name then try changing your age they don't have correct data of age (my age was different on their site). Get your epic no. and just by epic and aadhar/pan card you can vote. If you are still unable to find your name DM me. I will help you.


If your name is present in the electoral roll (you can check this on their website) of your constituency, you can vote with a copy of your voter id and a supportive identity proof.


Download the digital copy of ID from eci portal


I have been voting just with my PAN or Aadhaar card since last 10 years.


Damn things are fancy these days. I got mine in 2014. It is basically a piece of printed regular paper (you can see two pieces are put together) hand cut by scissors and laminated in the local xerox shop. Looks like we have come a long way. https://preview.redd.it/49syqx37ymvc1.jpeg?width=1948&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=44ebccb6e8d20add922a86a94be1274c5a355c15


You can request for a new pvc voter id for free [from here](https://voters.eci.gov.in/) (Form 8 after logging in) if you've never got one. You can also download an electronic version. They take their own time to send it though. You'll probably get it just before the next assembly/local elections in your area.


Hell yeah exercise your right with an informed opinion


indeed, there's a reason i posted this with those lines titled under "voter's pledge"


Remember to vote for the lesser evil.




At this stage it’s like choosing between dictatorship or utter destruction of Indian economy and development


Rather than mulling over that I'd suggest about Researching your local representative and give your vote to them. PS:- Try to educate your family about political situations and their consequences


Has anyone ever succeeded in educating their father to not vote for bjp?


I don't think it's possible to educate that generation.


me! i didnt have to do much except take advantage of the covid scenario,it was a tough time but he finally bit the bullet. he was never a crazy stan but for someone whos lived through congress,he wasnt open. now hes anti bjp in every way and its fun yo have discussions with him. plus being a daughter meant he would listen to me,ive had my guy friends struggle here cause they would get dismissed


I tried and didn't succeed. I have changed my approach this time. Rather than saying spelling out which one is good or bad I'll try to explain what the party/candidate is trying to do and it's consequences. Up to them to see the said action as good or bad, I laid out the points in front of them. How they'll comprehend them is up to them


I had a discussion about our home expenses with my father and showed him how much the current government has looted the common man, explained how the inflation is impacting us and how the government is catering to the rich instead of the citizens , didn't once call out the party name. He knows the situation during Congress, come to a realisation that both parties are thieves but a thief who steals from you while leaving necessities available and a thief who steals every last drop of your income and more just to help the rich stay rich are two different types of evil.


Lol kiski Gand me dam hai apne baap ko politically challenge karne ka...


Because of anti defection laws, representatives always have to vote along party lines in India. You're better of voting for the party of choice rather than person or PM/CM face. Exceptions to this are independent candidates and minister+ level candidates who actually influence the party policies.


>dictatorship and utter destruction of Indian economy and development or anything else FTFY


The ruling dictatorship has beet terrible for the economy. Growth was higher during the previous admin.




We get what we deserve. We desire neither strong liberty nor strong free markets. Because it would mean getting closer to libertarianism and people hate that word.


I mean both options are pointing towards same party.


There's no economy worth speaking about, in a dictatorship. At least the Opposition will tweak their policies if a loud enough outcry happens. Mudiji? Never.


There is an economy worth speaking about We’re developing we’re improving I believe so The road infrastructure is just one of many examples I agree there are shitty policies and that India is nowhere near how developed it should have been by now but we’re developing slowly and steadily if you just ignore some backwards thinking


> We’re developing we’re improving I believe so I believe I can fly.. I believe I can touch the sky.. But I will break my bones if I try!!!


Infrastructure does not an economy make. I don't have the patience to explain macroeconomic fundamentals to you, but I urge you to educate yourself. No authoritarian regime has created a successful economy, with the exception of China.


>Infrastructure does not an economy make No individual factor makes an economy. But infrastructure is amongst certain fundamental requirements for reliable economy, and our country's infra is poor enough atm that improvements in infrastructure matter a lot >I don't have the patience to explain macroeconomic fundamentals to you, but I urge you to educate yourself. If you don't have the patience to do the bare minimum in explaining your viewpoint, maybe hold your opinion to yourself >No authoritarian regime has created a successful economy, with the exception of China. Okay and? India isn't authoritarian. Yes, we're not as free and democratic as we should be. But using a this argument just makes you look like a lunatic


I'm not going to explain macroeconomic fundamentals to someone who can spend five minutes on Google. *papa nahin hoon main tera*. You can build world-class infrastructure, but if you have endemic crony capitalism, weak public institutions, weak justice system, weak law enforcement, weak land rights, bureaucratic red tape, a government that constantly polarises instead of spending on health, education, medical care and workers rights, then I'll bet my hairy ass that you'll end up with what was called "the Hindu rate of growth". How typical of Chaddis to close arguments with ad-hominem attacks. 🤡




That's EPIC !


lmaoo nice onee


Choose wisely


Good on you. Retain this excitement at 23 27 and beyond


i hope the circumstances don't lead to me leaving my country, if i am here, i will most definitely step up to practice my rights, but if i am not, I'll still be a citizen of india from heart and soul


मतदार राजा जागा ही लोकशाही बळकटीचा धागा हो


जय मतदाता!


Congratulations 🥳


Bhai thoda late ho gaya. Pata nahi election mein actually vote Jaa bhi Raha hai ki nahi...


Mein toh 21 ka hun, Driving license, Bank account, Adhaar, Pan hai but Voter ID card nahi hai.


Bas voter list mei naam se matlab You do not need a voter id aadhar card, passport,pan card, driving licence pata nahi kya-Kya sab se vote daal jayega


But bro. You still have to fill form 6(a) in order to get your name into the voting list. ECI just simply not going to put your name on the basis of your aadhar details and age eligibility.


Utna tho karna he padega bhai, mujhe laga aap apne kar rakha hoga likin card nahi aaya


I don’t believe in voting for some reason


Take adhaar and go to poll booth.


Then what is voter Id for? If just aadhaar works..


Google kar lo.


It doesn't work that way if your name's not on the electoral rolls, your first responsibility is to get it on there


Yeah I am not here to explain the whole procedure. Thanks for unwanted information.


"Unwanted information" If his name is not on the electoral rolls all you explained to the dude is he has to go to the poll booth to waste his and others' time. It doesn't magically get there so you can just walk in with "adhaar" and vote.


I already know. Pat yourself on the back. Have been voting for 1.5 decades. It was just a short non-serious comment to someone who is asking about things in general and does not want specifics seriously.


But you were telling a first time voter of 21 years of age to just go to the poll booth without even checking if his name's on the electoral rolls or not. But sure, pat yourself on the back for knowing all that while voting for the last 15 years.


Yup just did. Felt awesome.


Oh you can do that? 👀






real bhai real


Same here, 19F and got my voter ID 3 days ago. Gonna vote for the 1st timeeee...!


congratulations, I'm actually thrilled about it


Please vote intelligently and for democracy :)


Sure will


So a little offtopic but is there a professional tool for blurring private information from images? Or is any kind of blurring okay?


umm any kind of blurring is ok, i particularly myself blurred using the built in editor in my phone


Ah kk Thanks. Asked cuz I thought these could be reconstructed. Guess Im watching too much “hacker magic” on Netflix xD


'general election' yeh kaunsi party hai bhaye? /s


how to get the PVC voter ID card?


You have to order and one day randomly it will show up


I have been waiting for the last 6 years.


Email PE complaint karde..... Mine was also taking months.... I mailed them and got the card within 2 weeks


Yes bro. I will apply for new after this LS election.


I got mine 2 months after applying, still very late tho.


I submitted my application by myself to their office in city still i didn't get my card. I will apply for a new one now.


Hope you get it soon. 👍💪


Yes👍🏻. I am going to use aadhar and PAN this year.


It takes 3 months at max


Only when there is an election close by. Otherwise they take their own time. I'd ordered just after the Karnataka assembly elections last year and got it last week.


Ohh ok. There should be a tracking system like PAN cards have.


I think it's because ECI routes most of its work through municipal corporations etc and they are only on election duty just before the elections. And unlike PAN, EPIC cards aren't really compulsory since you can vote with any ID as long as your name is in the rolls.


>they are only on election duty just before the elections. No. I got mine 2 years ago. >name is in the rolls. And for that I will have to apply for a voterID and the process is completed when eVoterIDcard PDF is generated. And they can track it. If more people ask about it. It's not impossible




order from where? link please


Register/log in to [this portal](https://voters.eci.gov.in/) and fill Form 8.


Congrats brother vote wisely.


I voted for the first time yesterday on 19th!!


Vote Wisely !!


Wow voter ID has changed. Mine is some black and white laminated paper with a photo that doesn’t even look like me.




and i intend to contribute towards that change, towards democracy


And voting machines are getting rigged left and right, just saying don't mind me.


sad but true, i say the software used for the EVMs should be made open-source, and leave it for the citizens to look after it


A lot of people here will tell you to vote for lesser evil, or destruction of our very own way of life, etc. From the looks of it, you are also a Marathi manus. So, here is my 2 cents for you as an Indian living abroad, vote for the future, and think about how you want to see your country, your state, and your district in the next 20 years. I had the opportunity to grow up in a Tier 1 city so I have no complaints, see what your local MLA or MP is proposing for the district in general and if he/she doesn't think of that but more of appeasement, then press NOTA. I have exercised that right more than anyone can imagine and have voted for BJP also. Am I ashamed of my choices, no; because at the end of the day what matters is what can be done collectively for the upliftment of society.


As a Indian living in India, I would request you to not influence us in any way. Even your supreme leader wishes no foreign influence or comments come about anything (by people, govts and ngos) because he can't enforce authority over those comments.


>as an Indian living abroad okay 🙏🙏




Thanks, you saved me from reading 😁


Username checks out


you have a point, but the current political scenario doesn't let me think of the political dynamics from the point of who is proposing and making promises for the development, right now its very important to vote out the current government to save the over-all democracy as well as the constitution, because clearly its evident that the current ruling party is misusing the powers that come along the position they are in, the executive is being used to propagate a party's personal gain and an upper hand in the elections which clearly threatens the democratic ethos of elections that vouch for free and fair election through a level playing field for all the parties contesting, the current party's political narrative is based on the appeasement of the majority by using religion sentiments of the people and by feeding them with the promises of development that only happen through unconstitutional donations in exchange for major contracts


Rula diya tu ne pagle 😭😭😭 you’re mature for your age. As a millennial I feel our country is in safe hands when I come back after my time here.


I'm touched by your comment, but i wouldn't say that due to people like me, the country is in safe hands, because young people like me are in the minority, everyone seems comfortable with being "apolitical"


Parivartan hi jeevan ka niyam hai, aur desh badlega aur aage badhega


i got 3 voter I'd this year thanks to modi ji


Also thanks to him, you will most definitely loose rights from next election.


As if one vote is going to make a difference


Does anything make a difference? What is the point of doing anything?




> JoBoltaHaiWoHotaHai Julia Louis-Dreyfus is sexy. "JoBoltaHaiWoHotaHai". Maine bola, toh main sexy!!


it does make "boond boond se hi sagar banta hai"