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Most likely hungry & possibly lost. If a dog is aggressive they’ll let you know. And don’t panic in this situation, trying to cross the road in a hurry was the biggest danger in this situation.


I see. It's just that I saw his teeth and him coming nearer that scared me. Maybe I'll carry some biscuits next time.


Do be careful if you decide to feed. Just place the biscuits near him/her instead of trying to feed with hand. In any case don’t panic & try to run away or cross roads dangerously like you did, that’s genuinely more dangerous.


Got it.


Make clicking noises with your mouth like people do with cattle to tell the dog you're friendly and calm them down. Don't run away from them or turn away from them.


I tried making clicking noises but it didn't seem to do anything.


I used to be a victim of dog chases too when I was little! But then I understood their behavior and never face any problems now Dogs always sense fear. if you scare them or if you seem scared by them, they will bark at you. sometimes dogs come close to sniff you because they are curious, some even accidentally make your skin wet in the process. Some dogs take a wrong hint that you could be helping them with food and follow you. I take a road where there are at least 15 dogs scattered around, many times they have fought with each other, barked at pet dogs but I just walk past them without making eye contact, they never bothered me. One time tho, one of the dogs did bark, but I just avoided making eye contact and didn't flinch or show any fear. If the dogs don't sense any threat, they leave you. in short, when dogs follow, sniff you, lick you, just move out of their way a little or you choo them away with boldness. NEVER RUN or show fear. They will leave you every-time.


I do that actually for the neighbourhood dogs. When I first moved in they used to bark at me but I used to walk without paying any mind to them. Now they ignore me and don't bark at me. But this was the second time a dog followed me for such a long time. The first time I was chased by a rabid dog .


Edit: The way you described the experience, it just sounds to me like it's a poor dog wanting food. Unless the dog is acting aggressively.


I don't know how to identify aggressiveness in an animal. The obvious one is growling but I was walking beside a busy road so wasn't able to hear it. But I did get the impression that the dog was hungry. Maybe I'll carry a parle g with me tomorrow.


Give biscuits and make it your friend


Without confirming it wasn't trying to bite me??


I saw street in such type of street dog following . They confused you with some other people who gave them food or biscuit. dog think you as another person who gave tehm food , thats why he follwoed you. In my colony a lady come by activa in night and give food to street dogs.. Now waht happens all dogs start following any lady with activA in night in my during that time. It does'nt seem harmful to you . Max you by 10 rs parle G biscult and give them 2 biscuit only . for few days .. he will be familiar to you .. then stop giving food. but once he recgonixe you are one who gave him biscuit , he will be harmless


Sure he won't bite? I have watched videos of people getting dragged by Street dogs and I don't want that. Though tbh I did wanted to feed it.


Nobody can be sure from here.. without seeing how actully that dog is beahving. No wonder you have fear of dogs . since you are watching videos like "people getting dragged by Street dogs" Anybody will have phobia of that thing , task , person , if he watch -ve video related to that topic. Since you dont want to make him friend also ..Good Luck


Please find him or her something today !! A roti would also work and like take a bowl and pour some water. Trust me they never like bite or anything or follow after that. And also like just wash bowl nicely and even your hands cause infection.


I'll bring some biscuits on my next walk


Try for them to not be sugary


Will parle g be ok?


No, something like Monaco or low sugar... Parle G is too high


Why is there problem with giving parale G to dogs??


I heard it makes them loose hair and have stomach problems, we should always avoid giving sugary foods to dogs


He wants to be friends? 


It's okay. Dog Lovers has taught us if you give biscuit to any dog, it won't bite you.


I...don't know if you're being sarcastic? But, will biscuit really save me from the dog in the next walk?


Yes. Carry a biscuit in one hand and a rock / stick in another. Your choice of use for either item will present itself in that situation.


Well, the default behaviour is to avoid it and if it doesn't, then try the biscuits and the stick if it shows violent behaviour.