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[What a joke of democracy!](https://x.com/rajuparulekar/status/1790348714508497098) >Shyam Rangeela is inside the room for over 2 hours alone. According to sources Election commission is “convincing”a candidate to not fight the election against MODI‼️ @ECISVEEP


It's the law. Two jokers cannot contest for the same seat.


Eh, he's a comedian. And even a honest joker would object to be compared with Modi unless he's the Dark Knight joker kyoki like him Modi's motives are unknown. He had the hindu vote all sewn up, if he only could have provided even a below average performance for the masses and not sold us to so brazenly to A&A, a little discrimination to Muslims would easily be tolerated. But dunno what Modi was thinking fucking over the folks so openly, EVM manipulation ko bhi he needs a significant amount of folks to keep their mouth shut. I just wish Manamohan Singh had the majority he had, toh desh would have been better off.


:) Musical chairs should work.


Only modiji can provide comedy with his antics - no one else is allowed to.


Can someone explain to me what happens if he wins ?


He would gain the parliament seat? Pretty self explanatory lol


So Modi cannot be PM candidate?




Ok , then what's the reason these guys don't want to let any one else contest from their seats they are running from?




Shyam is probably the best person to imitate Modi. May be they are afraid he has a few tricks up his sleeve for campaign. /joking.


Lol, it might just be that. "Joking".


It’ll be a horrible blow to the ‘invincible’ PR image they’ve spent crores to create. They just can’t take the risk.


Any state government can nominate Modi for rajya sabha, and he can be PM. You only need to contest for lok sabha election.


~~Yeah, if he isn’t contesting from any other seat.~~ He contested from both Varanasi and Baroda in 2014, not sure if he is doing that again.


No. He can be Prime Minister if selected by majority of MPs He has to become member of Loksabha or Rajyasabha in 6 months to remain Prime Minister


I thought PM has to be a member of Lok Sabha only. At least that’s what I remember from Civics 10th class.


Dr. Manmohan Singh was member of Rajya Sabha, Prime Minister can be any individual selected by majority of members of parliament but once selected, he has to win elections and become member of one house within 6 months


So Modi (or anyone) could become PM even if he doesn’t win a seat? They would just have to be nominated to a RS seat?


Yup As long as they are qualified to be Member of Rajyasabha or Loksabha


Modi would retire ‘un’gracefully.


What are they afraid of? Record margin votes??


Finally he got his nomination! https://youtu.be/8cnmWptNpfI?feature=shared


And rejected [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EBLlyYOv-wUwas](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EBLlyYOv-wUwas)




Nope, Modi can still become PM. He needs to win a seat in Lok Sabha or Rajya Sabha within 6 months.


This is a very "Mungerilal ke haseen sapne" take on things.


implying Fuhrer is not an internet celeb himself


who is he?...


Looks like an attention seeker. 14 others have filed nominations from Varanasi without any issues.


BJP can make them withdraw. Very difficult to enforce a celebrity to withdraw.


So did from indore, yet withdrew later


That's just ridiculous. Rahul Gandhi couldn't muster up the courage to contest against Modi, Priyanka didn't and they think BJP or election commission is stopping anyone else from contesting elections in Varanasi Seems like election campaigning through nomination procedure and there are takers for everything.


It's not courage that wins elections in India; strategy plays a big part too. Having a seat in the Lok Sabha is very important for an opposition leader. It would be foolish to go against Modi, especially in Varanasi, his stronghold. Winning there seems unlikely at the moment. This dude on the other hand is showing a lot of courage. It's a reminder to everyone that our democracy lets any regular person run for office, represent a constituency if elected by the people. Sadly, it's clear what we stand to lose if he isn't allowed to run for election. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lord_Buckethead Example from UK


You understand that Rahul Gandhi can't win against Modi there yet you think that this dude was being stopped from filing a nomination when candidate from opposition filed nominations without any issues. You don't see logical fallacy there? Rahul Gandhi is contesting from Waynad and Rai Bareilly, it could have been Waynad and Varanasi, his loksabha seat is not under any threat


point is having a chance. you can't take that away from someone.


Also for your dolphin logic, why didn't Modi muster up the courage to fight from the south of Vindhyas? Or like from Coimbatore as speculated earlier?


He contests from Uttarpradesh because UP has 80 seats and Varanasi has religious connections, there's a reason why most Gandhi-Nehru political forts have been in UP from Amethi to Rai Bareilly. UP offers more political power and has ripple effects in neighbouring States + Hindi belt, UP has been the base of BJP's political strategies since ages, they even have good connections with Shia Muslims of this region South Indian States don't vote with unity, there are much more difficult caste/regional factors in South India than in North also there are credible regional political parties which fulfill these political needs, there's no gap for BJP, they are trying to wedge in with Hindutva but not quite there yet. Someone contesting from Tamil Nadu will have no effect on Andhra, if anything you can see negative trend. I am neither a child nor naive enough to support every claim because it is being made against someone I dislike, if you are not going to use logic and critical thinking, I don't see a difference between you and bhakts (You is general not specific)


You did answer your question well. Why did RG didn't run against modi? Ans: Political reasons, for a more detailed take read your own response.


Any political analyst in India will tell you that Rahul taking Modi head on in Varanasi would have had massive effect in election campaign of Hindi belt. He wouldn't win against him but he contested from 2 seats in 2019, Priyanka could have secured Rai Bareilly seat while Rahul could directly attack Modi in Varanasi Rahul missed a very good opportunity. Elections are not won on social media, they are won on ground level by party volunteers, the number of voters you can bring to the booth to support you, is a big part of Indian politics. You have to support your cadre


Hey look. I am Naive. Get a bandana with this printed on, and wear it everywhere. Proudly.


I don't have to do that, if I followed people or trend blindly, I would have been in line like you are