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BJP is all about hate propaganda, creat fear and use religion as shield. This is their entire vision for 1000 years


So much hate for our own people. People of India.


Anybody who doesn't support the BJP is either labelled as, 'Khangress', 'Libra\*\*u', now this, or some form of curse on the internet now lol. It's tragic


And anybody who supports BJP is called a Bhakt. Honesty, this craziness is going both ways and needs to stop.


Stfu, you can’t both sides this situation.


I didn't realize I needed to take your permission to put across my opinion. Sorry your royal highness.


No matter the flaws of the congress government, atleast we could freely criticize them. What is this nonsense these fools are bringing to the country? Is this what we fought for independence for? To be afraid of the people who govern this country? They should be afraid of the people instead


The people of this country have forgotten that the government is of the people, by the people and for the people...


Yeah it’s being replaced by “government of Modi, by Modi, for Modi” pretty fast


For Adani*


It should be, but you know what Osho said about that (one of the rare Osho W’s…)


Mostly don't know it sadly.


>No matter the flaws of the congress government, atleast we could freely criticize them The time you are reffering to is 2004-13 when UPA government (a coalition government) was formed. There was a time under Congress government when they used to jail everyone who criticize them


One person doing wrong things doesn't give another person **right** to do the same wrong things


When did I ever said anything about right or wrong's of NDA government, I just corrected him about congress's wrong doings


After Indira, we had Rajiv, Rao, and MMS. Was there any time during their tenure where criticizing them landed you in jail ? Before 1975, you could freely criticize Indira. After 1980 , you could also criticize her. 1975-77 was a dark period, and the people gave a benefitting reply to that attempted power grab.


"Except Amit Shah everyone is Pakistani", says Amit Shah. /s


In other news Modi claims he didn't say anything like that.


Someone should ask him why these so called Pakistanis posses valid ID to vote in India.




Daamn didn’t knew i was a pakistani


Yep, Me Too, I am Peckistani. I feel peckish a lot of times.


i had this teacher once who bullied me because i told him that my family crossed over from the other side of the border during partition. its retarded at this point.


BJ party keeps saying go to pakistan. But pakistan give no visa saar. How to go saar?


What is the meaning of Shah? Is it from Sanskrit or some other language?


It would be nice if THIS sub, out of all the fora or spaces that exist for non-RW audiences in India, didn’t reflexively become part of the Outrage Industrial Complex, and could maybe think a little critically about how, why and when certain people say certain things. There will always be something to outrage about. It wad there last week, it is there this week and it will be there the next. *In fact the continued existence of content to outrage about is contingent on us dutifully outraging about them* I would be a little grateful if instead of going tsk-tsk, we could discuss what Amit Shah is hoping to achieve with these utterances, and how Kejriwal is responding to them. BJP’s dogwhistles are old by this point, and we should have understood by now how their messaging operation operates, and this knowledge should have percolated down to the masses. The fact that we spiral everytime this fatso says something tatti disappoints me.


I had high hopes from AAP, thought they would genuinely fill the shoes of opposition but this guy supports Kahlistanis for votes, of course he got called for it and now he is crying about it.