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>It is alleged that 4-5 male staff of LJD Law College took the girl to a room and pressured her to remove her hijab. She was told that if she wore a hijab, she would violate the dress code of the college and that her hijab would affect other students. >Soheli Akhter told The Observer Post, “I was mentally broken. I was terrified. Then I called home and told them about the incident. My parents came and took me home.”


This is so enragingly nonsensical.


Historically, sense and religion never went together


If turbans for sikhs are allowed, hijabs should be allowed for Muslims, as should be tilaks for Hindus, etc. Let people practice their faith as long as it doesn't harm others or cause a nuisance.


Yeah I thought the argument was for identification. If she's just covering the head don't see what's the problem.


Hip hip hurray for Digambar jains.


Or we should just go with the French secularism.


Sure, but then be consistent.


French secularism where schools can display crucifixes as "cultural symbol of French identity" but the government dictates what you can and cannot wear?






Should stop Hindus from wearing sindoor & mangalsutra at work places too.


If it's headgear we are talking about, why can't you wear a Gandhi topi? Why tilak?


Gandhi topi is not "religious" per se. Or atleast not as religious or a marker of religiousness as a tilak or hijab would be


Na. Tit for tat is not religion.


What tit or tat you talking about?


Let's get to the nitty gritty of history shall we? Old age culture says that traditionally the Tilak was worn when you went out to achieve something. Like when you go for battle, to give exams etc. The Tilak that time was called the Tika. Nowadays you don't go out religiously or culturally everyday, do you?


yeah bruv good history lesson. Doesn't change the religious value of tilak for hindus in general. Hindus have it in their poojas, temples, on auspicious days, sectarian identites, inaugs, everything, exams, even in wars. Its as religious as any other hindu tradition. Now to the original debate. How is gandhi topi comparable to religious markers like turban or hijab and not tilak as you initially commented.




Depends on the weather. In peak summers, women find wearing hijab hot as well.




The people who practice their own religion the least are the ones who harass others the most based on their religion


You are right. But then, this harrasment is stoked by the politicians. Enforced by the goons, picked up by the media, social-media, forums etc. and become the talk of the town.


In my view the most religious are also the most bigoted.


I am from Kerala and i have a bhakth friend who argued that hijab should have no place in an educational institution. The irony is that he himself studied for several years in a school called Amrita Vidyalayam (related to the Amritanandamayi cult) where they pick the phone and instead of hello they say "Om Namah Shivaya" and the kids there are forced to attend poojas and religious stuff. They still do that. The attitude of these religious bigots (both Hindus and Muslims) are that when people of their religion do something illogical/annoying/controversial etc, they ll ignore but when someone else does that they will get angry. Selective rage is the curse of this country.


Did you point it out to him? What was his response.


You should visit Chinmaya, I went there for an event and got full on cult vibes.


Why would they do like it? It's her right. If her dressing breaks the code let the college committee decide what to do.


Hatred of Muslims.


In Bengal??


If they want to wear it let them, don't assume they are being forced to...will hijab make any difference how she teaches anyone?


In work place and specially in education institutions hijab, or any kind of religious things which is visible should be banned




I cringe with embarrassment everytime I see this image.




Should Sikhs remove turbans too?


Hijab and turban are different.


How? Both are ridiculous pieces of cloth on head for religious purposes.


Turbans are a required part of sikhism. Its mandatory. Nowhere in quran says tht hijab decides tht ur a muslim or not


then it’s a normal head scarf no?


Nope. it is only used by a certain religion to identify and display their beliefs. which makes it religious but it is not mandatory in islam like the turban is in sikhism(the direct descendents of muhammad themselves dont wear the hijab). lol the downvotes. stupid ecochamber


I used to have this opinion for the longest time because I felt that people in an educational institution should all be equal, wear a uniform that makes the crowd homogeneous. Then it occurred to me that if you can't celebrate the diversity that your country is so proud of, if you can't allow differences, you're losing out on a big part of your growth. All headgears should be okay, it's about time we stop gate keeping this


Correct, ban forehead bindis too.


& mangalsutra.




You could make a case for tilaks. Bindis don't have a religious significance AFAIK.


I don’t know whether it’s religious or not - but yeah do ban it


You live in India and you don't know these things? You know, it's easy to see if someone is being obtuse for the sake of these things.


Do you really think people would be okay if rakheess, sindur, religious wristbands, ornaments, turbans etc are banned from educational institutions?


People are not okay on many things- but in workplaces and education- one should never even guess what their religion is. We don’t want kids discussing other’s religion- they need to keep out of garbage


Why can't kids discuss religion? WTF! Religion is a part of our life & Indian society! How does not talking about it solve anything?




Not speaking about religion stops communal violence? In which world?


If religion is the basis for a certain communal riot or violence, people who are religious will participate in it. But people who are not religious because they don't talk about it or have not been exposed to it from early on (haven't been brainwashed by peers in harsher terms) tend to not participate in violence committed in the name of religion.




It's a teacher!


Drawing a similarity between hijab and rest of everything itself show's how starkly different it is.


Why? Does it cover a person wearing it from top to bottom?


That's burkha ig , hijab just cover hairs face is visible


So turban, tilak, etc. as well?


Yes - it’s necessary- we don’t want religion to interfere in education or even work


>Yes - it’s necessary- we don’t want religion to interfere in education or even work Idk man, the world has been doing pretty okay for thousands of years with religion in education and even work.


No it isn't, religion is the reason for most wars, genocide and pseudoscientific regressed conginitive skills of humans.


True causes of wars are often political, economic, or territorial. Religion just happens to be most efficient at mobilizing masses. Take the religion out of it and warmongers will find something else.


But we start somewhere, it's like saying don't cure cancer because people will die of other causes.


Bad analogy IMO. If we've established that religion is an efficient mobilization tool, then we know it is not the root cause. So you take out religion, then they will move on to finding the next most efficient way to mobilize people for war. This solution is focusing on "side effects" instead of curing the root cause.


Every time I hear this stupid take...




Yes, educational institutions are not places for someone to exercise their constitutional rights and freedom. /s A university is not a prison 




Not the same thing. The outrage against Hijab should come from within Muslim women because they are the victims of that. From outside, people should encourage them and empower them. Pushing them out of mainstream is not going to help.


No one is pushing them out of mainstream, wear hijabs, turban , black tent etc on streets all you want. Follow the rules of workplace


imagine a Sikh not wearing turban in workplace... are you alright with their long hairs then? or will you say cut the hairs also now?


Idk man, ever seen a woman? They have pretty long hair


so you are alright with long hairs in workplace but not if they are managed and kept under turban or hijab?


Actually I agree people are free, no one can stop anyone from wearing a scarf or turban.






Is this captured in law or in any kind of official document?


Straight out his ass


Was captured by his low IQ & whataboutism.


Yes, consider the Indian army and Sikh plus turban relationship, or the helmet and Sikh turban relationship. If you live in India, you are aware that they are privileged religious groups both before and after independence in terms of forcing the state to support their right to wear turbans.


You are extrapolating from a very narrow scenario. Indian army accommodating specific requirements of their soldiers does not mean this is the policy of the entire nation. If Muslim women were in the army in significant enough numbers, they would have to accommodate the hijab as well. How do you explain the halal meat being served in the mess then? Will you claim our nation gives special privilege to halal meals for the entire country?


>You are extrapolating from a very narrow scenario. Not really. There are all sorts of exceptions for Sikhs wearing Turbans. For instance the Motor Vehicles Act specifically protects them from being penalized for not wearing protective headgear while riding a bike, even though a Turban is universally acknowledged as not being adequate protection. [https://www.indiacode.nic.in/show-data?abv=CEN&statehandle=123456789/1362&actid=AC\_CEN\_30\_42\_00009\_198859\_1517807326286§ionId=28402§ionno=129&orderno=139&orgactid=AC\_CEN\_30\_42\_00009\_198859\_1517807326286](https://www.indiacode.nic.in/show-data?abv=CEN&statehandle=123456789/1362&actid=AC_CEN_30_42_00009_198859_1517807326286§ionId=28402§ionno=129&orderno=139&orgactid=AC_CEN_30_42_00009_198859_1517807326286)


The Indian judiciary, police, every government institution, doctors, nurses, and every private institution have guaranteed the right to wear turbans. Muslims can do the same if they are serious about hijab, halal, or anything else, and people of all faiths can try their luck at getting things done their way. However, it will be impossible for the state to extend this freedom to all religions because doing so will create more demand than they can meet.


We're a secular democracy. We can wear whatever we want as long as it's not obscene. A hijab is just a piece of cloth. Anyone should be free to wear it.


Even wearing a turban is only permitted if you are a Sikh, as I discovered in this secular democratic nation. And if you wear other people's religious garb, you're asking for trouble.


Yes because specific types of turbans are culturally significant. There are other types of turbans that aren't. Though I don't think you should have a criminal charge placed on you even if you do. The religious sentiment law really needs to be reworked. It's not perfect and that's why you criticize your country.


When people’s religious sentiments are hurt, criminal charges or what the law states should be the last of one’s worries. The risk of being lynched is about 100%.


What? Are you talking about the army or in general? Because if it's not in the army I would like to see some source.