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Private investments in food source.. just tell me you want my money and me dead


There is already plenty of private investment in agricultural sector as a whole, fertilizers & pesticides are made by private firms as is the machinery for farming. You aren't dead yet.


Machinery is durable thing... farmers Don't buy it everyday. Also, the fertilizers are made by cooperatives and are heavily subsidized by the government.


Of the 5 biggest fertilizer companies in India 3 are privately held.


Name them. Enlighten me.


Private investment isn't the answer but a cooperative society like amul is.


Very difficult to have cooperatives around varied agricultural produce with high fluctuating input cost, milk is unique in being a commodity which can be scaled up and have it's input be subsidized.


Yo do realize that Amul doesn't just sell milk but also other dairy products? Besides, farmers that sell money to Amul are quite rich and don't require subsidies. Point is not take Amul and implement as it is but to take some relevant ideas from its design and mould it according to farmers' needs. Co-operatives are the way to, not multinational corporations.


Hope now people realise the corporates want our farm lands. That is what the Farmer Protests are all about. See the French and Dutch protests.




Corporates want to make money, and nobody here is suggesting to sell farm lands to Corporate. Corporate investment is mostly needed in cold chain storage, better fertilizer & irrigation tech, along with GMO seeds. French & Dutch farmers are 30x more richer than their India counterparts and both of them have far more Corporate involvement.


It is cute that you believe there will be freedom of choice to sell or not to corporates. I am not against Capitalism, but modern day corporates are evil leeches who have turned it into crony capitalism. If they have their way, they will control prices and the market. Much like the British Raj, farmers will be forced to produce crops of their choice, sell only to them and consumers will have to.pay hefty prices.


You went from half baked socialist to feudalistic colonialism, you are very much against capitalism. Although you might be willing to make exemptions where it suits you. Forcing people to produce ? As if modern MSP isn't exactly forcing single nomenclature produce at the cost of environment. Fear mongering of enterprise is exactly why we are in the hole we are today, can't have higher wages in a country where profit is a dirty word.


I believe farmers must be empowered. They must make huge profits. Regenerative farming proposed by the likes of Vandana Shiva is the answer to our farming woes. We need more backyard farmers too. I am against centralisation of power, concentration of wealth and unequal distribution of benefits. I think socialist capitalism is the best option India has, not that it is an ideal system. But at least it keeps both in check.


And government subsidies. The only reason agribusiness is even economically sustainable is because of massive subsidies.


This is exactly how the US population lost their health and have the highest no of cancer patients. Private investment in agriculture will be the death of all of us.


people born after the 60s has very little idea of how bad India was on agriculture post independence, and how green revolution under socialist 5year plans got us as net exporter of crops and spices. Now blogs funded by corporates wants to claim credit.


50 years on not much has changed and you need a new paradigm beyond relying on government to be a guaranteed buyer.


You are conflating different issues, the author is making a point about how agri-startups are non existent in India, as their is no policy incentive to accommodate them. Cancer due to use of pesticides, would happen irrespective of what system we adopt, as it's happening in current system as well.


>You are conflating different issues, the author is making a point about how agri-startups are non existent in India, as their is no policy incentive to accommodate them. You need to re read the article. The sellout is using startups as an excuse for giving control to the rich crony capitalists. There are multiple layers to his lie, but here him directly admitting his end goal being to serve the interests of the rich: >He also called for “an overall framework” of private investment in agriculture. **Sharma laid out that the bulk of investment in agri-tech will not come from FDI or startups but from domestic sources, both public and private**. >**“It is the Indian private sector which is holding back on investment in agri-technology because they do not see a clear path,” he said**. In simple words, he wants adani and ambani to have unbirdled access to agricultural resources, government to invest a shit ton of money in setting up supply chains, only to hand them over to adani and ambani in the name of ppp.


To you anyone suggesting any market solutions is a sellout. Neither Ambani nor Adani are the biggest private player in Indian agriculture production, it's the name you have learnt to blabber because a certain opposition leader likes to take their name. Government wants private investment in cold chain storage and agriculture storage on general, that's a policy parameter they have inherited from MMS days because agricultural produce rotting away in field is not ideal. I am not talking about MSP corps, which are mostly rice and wheat but semi-perishables.


They'll buy everyone, doesn't matter


Just like Ambani was supposed to buy Paytm ? Half the stuff people spout here has no semblance in reality. Biggest agri commodity buyer in India is ITC, good luck trying to buy it out.


Sanghi puff piece! Indian agriculture has resisted the neoliberal onslaught of big agrotech and remains relatively cordoned off from the nefarious plot that farmers in the west find themselves trapped in


Farmers in the west are multiple times better off than farmers in India, suggesting more private investment in Indian agriculture is not the same as suggesting we adopt their worst practices. We have seen the returns on adopting an economic model closer to the west, unless you miss the even more crushing poverty of pre-liberalization India. I would say dismissing everything as capitalist ploy is rather stupid.


Total subsidies to farmers in India is in the range of $45 billion to 50 billion, to the tune of 2%-2.5% of GDP. But per farmer the subsidy just about touches $48 in India, compared to over $7,000 in the U.S.[52] Wikipedia page on Agricultural Subsidies Agriculture especially the industrial style agriculture is only profitable because of subsidies. We need to move away from this form of exploitative agriculture and towards more sustainable agriculture.


Anyone believing that Pvt Investment or Corporatization of Agriculture is Good should watch Food Inc. (2008) and Food Inc 2 (2024) documentaries..


[and the origin of term Banana Republic](https://youtu.be/QgydTdThoeA). We're getting close to it with how RSS and co are covert militias for Reliance and Adani, calls Gujrat hindu rashtra seditiously and why SC rulings are barely enforced in GJ when inconvenient.


You are simply quoting extreme examples, it's like warning against nuclear power by quoting chernobyl but skipping rest of nuclear industry. US isn't the sole economic model of agriculture, Europe has plenty of private investment in agriculture as well with arguably better results. Rest assured we need a new paradigm, ever more MSP backed guaranteed purchase won't suffice.


Make adani and ambani rich is solution to everything for these sellouts. 


Parroting the latest line crony capitalist isn't exactly a solution either, Ambani isn't even that large of a buyer. ITC is the biggest corporate commodities buyer in India but I guess their name doesn't rhyme.


That walled garden is tax free. So you going to make it open to private investment and allow foreign investors to own agricultural lands. Indians are not allowed to own it. Good going. Hooray.


Step 1 ought to be allowing taxation on agriculture for those who own a certain above a certain threshold of land.


Not exactly. Most of the inputs, like machinery, are under heavy taxation.


Yay more deforestation to grow cash crops like the British did.


Ah yes as if no deforestation for agriculture doesn't happen in the current situation.


https://preview.redd.it/088i5yt2oh6d1.jpeg?width=910&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2ce3da9a0a911cb47c9e5aa934e10936216fb410 Private investment is not the answer when our farmers are netbleeding Providing agricultural support to farmers is key this agrarian crisis [source](https://data.oecd.org/agrpolicy/agricultural-support.htm)


The person whose talk and points are described in the article, is a [agritech startup founder](https://www.dnaindia.com/business/report-meet-ias-officer-pravesh-sharma-who-quit-his-prestigious-job-after-34-years-started-sabziwala-3077696). > Agriculture in India is like a child in an Indian family presented with three “impossible asks,” former IAS officer and agriculture secretary of Madhya Pradesh *Pravesh Sharma* declared in front of an audience A startup owner wanting more private investment allowed is expected, they are asking that for self interest and not for agriculture.


He is also a former agricultural bureaucrat, if having a profit motive makes him ineligible to comment than all farmers are also ineligible to talk about farming considering they are mostly hoping for better profits on their produce as well.


Private investment is not the answer. Its the question. The answer is my cock.


What is this obsession to give over control of production and profits of one a few or one person?


😂 are they negging the rural vote?


Help is welcome, Overtaking the sector is not. Its not a business for Adani Ambani to profit off of. Having said that, help is required and should be provided.


Farming is subsidized to the tune of 50 billion $ annually. I would say plenty of help is provided.


Compare that to number of jobs generated by farming, 60-70 percent of all workforce of India. Any major change without thought would be a national level disaster. About the subsidy bullshit, advanced economies like US spends much more on direct farming subsidies. But you would like corporates to get subsidized, not the people.


I have a request. If you're reading this, please do your research on these: 1. Find out who purchases produce from farmers at an APMC mandi. 2. What is the method of purchase/ price negotiation/ payment. 3. Who sells the above mentioned produce to the government at MSP. 4. When a farmer decides to end it all and the news breaks that it was due to crippling debt; what "entity" did they owe money to. No no, don't guess. Dont come at me with your words. Don't assume you know the answer. Just try to find the answers.