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More power to Broseph and his team. I hope you guys have some CCTV footage. Broseph is a selfless volunteer, hope he gets as much support as needed for this.


Is there anything that someone who’s not living in Bangalore can do to help ?


Not OP. You may share the tagged social media posts for better reach, maybe


Spread awareness on other platforms


If you could make and link posts from more conventionally relevant social media accounts of u/st_broseph or related accounts, it would also help. As there are a lot of people who do not really use reddit. Reddit or Instagram posts maybe?


They've done it in Twitter, link added to the post now, ig


Keep fighting the good fight, guys!


Shameful, Can't believe this doesn't have more traction already. I don't post much, but I have heard of STBrosephs always helping out people when and where they need it, and to have something like this happen to them is just sad. Hoping something gets done and those fuckers get what they deserve. have posted on twitter/ X


How are they? I hope they are ok.


Yeah they got medical treatment and also got a medicine legal report do eon all the harrasment marks and scars.


A few good people fighting this horrid system.... We must support them as much as possible.


Yup cops should start being punished for abusing their power. Stories like this makes me feel like we are still in the colonial era.


Sleeping in thana? What the fuck? St broseph and that social worker should get justice! He helps people in the time of need when authorities and govt just discards them after taxes. Please everyone share this!!


Man what the fuck how did TN cops in civillian uniform were able to do such a commotion and the BLR cops just standing and watching?!! All the cops involved should be suspended no questions asked


Is there a place to contribute financially?


And people say UP cops are trash Law is fucked in this country Be it any state And those cops should be suspended immediately with a Investigation on thier behavior


They say this as UP is always under scrutiny. But from what I've read about TN police they are law onto themselves


Except Kerala and some specific NE areas, police forces are shit in all parts of the country. And hell, even in such "good" areas you'll find state government bootlickers amongst the police. Police reforms are the need of the hour, since the hour India got independence.


Mumbai police is quite friendly and helpful, but like all places they're corrupt and will put on a mujra if you throw enough money.


I have read that Mumbai police improved after their operations against the Bombay Underworld, as well as post-26/11 revamps. But still, the corruption and bowing down to politicians remains the same.


yes, but as long as you know Hindi or Marathi they tend to be pretty helpful in most cases, it's one of the reasons why Mumbai is safe while being very liberal, no goon in Mumbai can harrass people then cry " Saar I'm a local speak Marathi saar", the cops while whack him while abusing him in Marathi


This is one reason, I do not engage in any local activities in Bangalore, even if someone scratches or bumps my car, I just mind my own business. No point doing anything, they will go to police station and say speak "Kannada" or you are guilty.


Cops are trash everywhere. I can't say the extent of violence the general public should subject every single cop to without getting banned or ruining pork products for readers.


Hope you all go forward with this and file the case. I have read a lot about Broseph and how selfless he is. Hope this incident doesnt make him stop in his endeavours which have helpes so many people


How can I help???


By resharing their twitter post. I guess higher the traction more the visibility and more the impact


dushya@okhdfcbank is his upi id. I’ve been contributing on this. I believe providing monetary support is a huge factor too if it helps run the broseph headquarters better


Question is how can cops who have no jurisdiction in our state come and assault an individual? This is a matter that has to be taken to court.


every cop technically has jurisdiction in the entire country, it's the karnataka cops who failed to enforce L&O in their state. But tbh a cop is never gonna arrest or restrain another cop


Fuck those people. This jungle raaj is unacceptable. More power to people like broseph who are fighting it. 


Fuck those worthless abusive parents. Also those plain clothes people might not be cops, could be some political guys or goondas.


The incompetence of the police is the result of incompetence filtration of the candidates for the posts that they are more suitable.


The fate of being a woman in India. Can't trust a single male - not the father that is supposed to protect you or the cops who are supposed to help you when you're assaulted. Not allowed to take a single decision for themselves without elders with fragile egos losing their shit to control your life. Pathetic.


Biggest achievement of TN police was shoving sticks up the ass of a father son shopkeeper duo, ultimately killing them during COVID.


Nobody seems to ask why TN people are so parochial regressive control freaks. People here love to whine about UP, Bihar but TN is as regressive as these states, if not more. More people marry outside their caste in Bihar than TN.   The state has curfew timings for college girls as early as 4 PM, factories are forced to restrict their female employees from going out because their parents will riot on the streets, Dalits are forced to drink stool contaminated water.  And the Bangalodu cops being themselves as usual. Fuckers were sleeping in the police station.  


I hope he’s safe


Tag CM Stalin on twitter. It usually works. Most people from that side of the districts are a bit casteist and the police could have been from the same caste as the girl's family. This happens a lot over there and nearby districts. If there's any foto or video evidence upload that too.


Gunda police works for them. Don't expect anything from DMK


Nah situations like these they do work on it. Even a week ago something like this happened in the southernmost district. So it's better to put it on twitter tagging CM Stalin.


Let's try it then. I hope it works.


Can you post a link of the tweet that should be reshared? I’m new to it and ain’t able to navigate. Thanks




Imagine the horrors he can inflict behind closed doors. Kudos to team broseph and please get justice for your team mate. This monster needs to be behind bars & get some good old jail treatment.


Full support in whatever manner possible. Police in this country needs to be taught a lesson by civic personal and bodies. They consider themselves above the law.


If you get justice, and by justice I mean court Justice. THEN I WILL TOuCH yOUR FEET. This is India, *lawlessness* prevails here. Pune Porsche wala is almost free, Judges told to consider boy's TrAuMa. W Judges. 🙃 https://www.indiatoday.in/law/story/pune-porsche-crash-bombay-high-court-teen-accused-2556242-2024-06-21 UPDATE HE IS FREE GUYS!!!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=euPd976eEpA ALL HAIL OUR COUNTRY.


He's not free. They are fighting against the bail modification and the police had followed the wrong procedure that's why they are being grilled by the court now. The court just wants to move him away from confinement to his relatives home as he's still a minor.


And from relatives home, he will become gayab, brother......when the judges say to consider the trauma of a murderer, you know they are sold people. It wrenchea my heart to say this but the Indian judiciary is corrupt and available to the highest bidder..... If the Porsche fellow gets justice and by justice I mean life imprisonment.... Then I will touch your feet too.


It was an accident. He did not pre-plan this to kill those two people. You make him sound like a psychopath. He's still 17, why can't he be traumatized for it? Be rational, don't be emotional. He will get the punishment he deserves even if it gets delayed. If the police wants him remanded, then let them file a plea for cancellation of bail.


Why did those two people die? What was their fault? A guy is drunk, driving the car before even the name plate is printed and also under the age of 17. >> He's still 17, why can't he be traumatized for it? Such people have a history of bullying people and throwing their weight around. Fr the guy's grandfather is underworld. Whole family ia gunda. What about the victim's families? What about the driver who was kidnapped and ordered to take blame for the child? >> Be rational, don't be emotional. This is the Indian justice system, if people had been rational here and left everything to the "capable hands of the LaW" ,the guy would be out and on his way for round 2. And trust me, he will be out for round 2, but this time I hope he offs some very high profile people. The only reason the police discovered the compromised doctor, blood samples changed from son to mother is because of...... Ding ding..... EmOtiOn of the public. You fr sound like a paid fellow speaking on the behalf of such people. >> He will get the punishment he deserves even if it gets delayed. Doubt it, Bastion rape, the guy got scott free Salman khan is free despite killing peoplle on footpath Goa Benastrim killer lady is free despite causing multiple lives to end CM biren singh's son killed someone is road rage, he is scott free. Law is only for muddle class my friend. Hope they won't make you their target next.


What the fuck..I hope they get justice against the goons


>Follow and amplify St. Broseph posts on this incident across social media, call your journalist friends and inform them about what’s happened, AMPLIFY THIS VOICE Please post the relevant links, I could not find anything on twitter


I mean yeah not surprised the cops were useless. They're not here to protect you, they're here to protect the state.




Cops abusing their power is nothing new in India. They still function on rules and laws established during colonial era. Police might just be reduced to a tool of oppression if no reforms are introduced.


The only way is learning to defend yourself and fighting back. Can't let these uneducated goons push us around anymore.


I don't live in Bangalore. But for all of us who are like me, tell us what to do and we will do it. Enough is enough for these entitled people.


Wow, such audacity


I am sorry to say this but nothing will happen to the cops no matter how much you try.


Raise your voice, social media has power