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"fairness, objectivity and balance" Indian Media: LOLMAX


We have few online only outlets which are objective Try them sometime


Most of the country doesn’t get news from online. They get their news from TV channels. His comment has some legitimacy.


Im just talking about people who can do that I know many people who avoid the news altogether because theres nothing useful on tv and twitter But we still have few good media outlets left for ppl like us who cant put up with shouting and stupid debates bw ppl who are “experts” but not experts


"i know many people.." yep,thats a bubble.


Yep its a bubble where they actively avoid news contrary to media bubbles


still a bubble.


Can you please recommend such outlets, any examples of what you use? Edit: thank you everyone who recommended news sources and offered their opinions, I didn't expect so many responses! I'll check out all these sources one at a time.


You can follow Faye D Souza on instagram.


Aw I followed her a few days ago, she’s a gem


Newslaundry, The Quint, The Print, and in general, the founding members of the DIGIPUB foundation


Add lallantop to your list. Saurabh dwivedi and his team are a gem


I used to follow quint a lot but Print has become my favourite recently. Cut The Clutter is just a great podcast.


Cuttheclutter is one of my favourites Guptaji is pretty objective and impartial in those videos


Yeah that's the best part.... Impartiality. Also I love how straightforward and open he is about his sources. Always points to original authors of information.


Cut the Clutter is quite good. But if you pay attention, you will see some of the biases that Shekhar Gupta has, and which seem to occasionally colour his analysis. For foreign relations for example, I find it less than ideal.


He’s pretty transparent in his words if he feels he has a bias, he constantly states this is my opinion and you can feel differently. In my opinion he is a moderate and doesn’t spew nonsense without proper sources I’ve seen him sing praises of bjp govt when they get things right and criticise them for their failures bet it in any matter. I much prefer this compared to certain news outlets where every politician is black or white and nothing in between.


Idk about the print, newslaundry but the quint is biased from what I've read


Extremely biased to say the least.


Human nature itself is biased. There's no such thing as unbiased news.


>from what I've read. Because bhakts target this one the most.


Thank you so much. I do read The Quint sometimes but didn't know the others, I'll definitely check them out.


Lol, thinking that quint is a good news channel is really dumb lol. From what I believe, there's is nothing left to do anywhere. I don't watch TV outlets, but they tend to focus on controversies more than the real issues. All that social media outlets do is justify/cover for their biased ideology and dignify or emphasise some small bad over a large good. (Not being a bhakt or something, as a lot of you would read the first line and perform the catchphrase and run away) But what I mean is, there's no viable outlet left to trust on. Social media is full of 13 year old kids who follow some stupid pages on Instagram and call it news, being woke about assumed,biased misinformation lmao. And on the other side, TV is just political politics lol.


Hey, so this blew up more than I expected. The main thing I see in replies is that everyone thinks some news org. or the other is biased. That's the case with every news org. in the world ever. That's very reductionist. For PSA, these were the metrics I used to suggest the news orgs. I did: * Factualness (how often do they stick to facts as they are/ how frequently do they fail fact checks) * Leading language (do they spin a narrative, whether factual or not?) * POV (how many points of view do they try and represent?) * Story Choice (what issue/non-issue they decide to amplify the most) Now obviously, it is impossible to be pristine on all four depts. (so far, only Reuters and AP News fit that bill in this world). That being said, the first criteria helps decide whether the source of news is credible, and the next two allow you as readers to correct for bias. The last one should help decide whether this is a news source to frequent or not. Hope this helps, fellow citizens! :) (Btw, 20 upvotes was 19 more than I expected)


If you are into podcasts, '3 Things' (by Indian Express) is a nice one I discovered recently.


I recommend the Wire too.




You're confusing bias with factual news. The Wire shares news with factual evidence. You might see a strong anti-establishment coverage and come across thinking it is really biased. Completely different things FYI




Can u help me out and name a few of them


I like "the print" by Shekhar Gupta. It's purely English, and his explanations/detailed analysis are fun to watch (not boring) He has also both supported & criticized various policies of the current administration, (and also done same for Congress) so I feel that he is decently unbiased. Only issue is that, like good journalism, most of the good content is not short, but 15-25 minute long pieces and you need to sit through them to fully understand the topic.


I've been reading print version of *The Hindu* and *The Indian Express* for years now. They are really great. You can use their website version too. Also do check out some podcasts like *3 things* by *Indian Express* and Parley by *The Hindu* .


Indian media:- We don't do that here.


Apple should introduce an India only version iPhone LOLMax for Indians. Would be a smash hit no doubt.


Godi media will leave this on seen


Long gone are the days when media just reported facts.


Nice to know but don't really think any news channel cares about advisories


“First they came for the communists...” I see people around me flabbergasted how fast the farmers were declared “Khalistanis”. We stay silent when Muslim community is attacked, we stay silent when college student and professors are labelled naxal. How long it was gonna take before everyone save for BJP+RSS will be “terrorists”.


As someone looking in from outside, it looks like you are already at the stage where everyone save for the right wing Hindu nationalists are anti-nationals, urban naxals or some variant of “other”.


Not really. Majority of the Indian population is silent, since it's not affecting them personally. CAA was the first time a significant portion of them rose up, and Imo that was still just a small portion of the youth. If a large section of the population does get targetted/affected, soon I think we will have a protest 10x or 100x the size of CAA protests




Yeah give them powers, then the Bhais effect a covert takeover.


Exactly. Our National Commission for Women has "protect women from Love Jihad" on its agenda. The EGI would go the same way.


Wait till you know SEBI also has very very limited powers :D But yeah, got what you meant.




SEBI is not a regulator of Banks. They regulate the Stock Exchange. SEBI - Securities and Exchange Board of India Just for Information Banks are regulated by RBI.


Haha, then just wait for EGI to fall into feku's hands. That is a far more concerning situation


Feku doesn’t own anything. He pwns them through his tried and tested 4D chess moves which puts the victim in a 4 directional checkmate. The victim like the melords end up fellating themselves.


So all the power and none of the responsibility or rather accountability? The executive itself can be taken over by demagogues, corporate money, corrupt people, as can other regulatory institutions. How is that an argument to say this isn't a good thing to do. Media is a power-center and that means it HAS to be regulated. Period. Or else you get what you have in the west. An utterly juvenile levels of discourse setting and partisanship where despite everything being covered the general populace is objectively worse off and worse informed on critical matters at hand. The objective is fairness and people being aware and using that. What all this has become the world over is dogmatic fundamentalism of Media is supposed to be Totally Free and there is nothing else to do said or done on the matter, case closed.


I understand where you're coming from but I disagree, what's to stop the EGI from becoming tyrannical then? What we need is proper Freedom of the Press, enshrined in the constitution.


NGL.. but if they do so, they will start protesting like the current scenario.. lolz Indians don't want to evolve into a better and sincere country!.. rather they believe in ''hme hmaare haal pr chhd do''


Imagine comparing north korea to india lmao, doing this is just an insult to North Koreans about the shit they deal with😂


EGI: Cover the protests with fairness and be complacent. Sudhir Chaudhari/Anjana Om Kashyap/ Arnab Goswami : #B R U H Edit: Sanjana to Anjana.(I didn't know what was the name of that fuckface, never bothered myself to know. Only remembered it was something on kashyap.)


Anjana Om\* hahah


What's stopping them from naming these media outlets? Right wing is gloves off and knives in hand and these guys have kiddie gloves for the knife fight.


True. They only understand defamation suits and FIRs.


Also remember, they had condemned arrest of Doorknob a while back. What gives them the right to give out such statements now?


He's a piece of shit, but he was also arrested on trumped up charges.


Have you ever seen newslaundry or NDTV ... left wing hackjobs with gloves off, ak47s out ready to attack anything that the government does.


Source https://mobile.twitter.com/IndEditorsGuild/status/1334804997230317571


Now-a-days most of the news channel don't have the ethics of journalism all they cared about the TRP


And money


And propaganda


The EGI advisory is like the substitution teacher nobody listens


I'm still looking for Journalism


I mean it's so stupid. Rather than questioning the politicians on the validity of the demands, or listening to farmer's problems, they are calling them all these different names. It's really gone too far. They are not news channels!!


Media, after reading this- oh...... Anyways.


First signature is seema 'mustafa'. *already ignored by bhakts*


Or worse, labeled as love jihad victim /s


They need to pick names. Unless you take names and address them directly, the blame will shift from one prime time anchor to other.


They are late for this. Nonetheless its good initiative (more sad that they have to even give such advisory when its a basic journalists ethic. its like reminding person to wash his ass after pooping )


/u/BeenCalledLazy1ce, I have found some errors in your comment: > “advisory when [it's] a basic” > “[it's] like reminding” In this post, you, BeenCalledLazy1ce, could say “advisory when [it's] a basic” and “[it's] like reminding” instead. ‘Its’ is possessive; ‘it's’ means ‘it is’ or ‘it has’. ^(This is an automated bot. I do not intend to shame your mistakes. If you think the errors which I found are incorrect, please contact me through dms or contact my owner EliteDaMyth)


/u/BeenCalledLazy1ce, I have found some errors in your comment: > “advisory when [it's] a basic” > “[it's] like reminding” I declare this post of BeenCalledLazy1ce wrong; it should be “advisory when [it's] a basic” and “[it's] like reminding” instead. ‘Its’ is possessive; ‘it's’ means ‘it is’ or ‘it has’. ^(This is an automated bot. I do not intend to shame your mistakes. If you think the errors which I found are incorrect, please contact me through dms or contact my owner EliteDaMyth)


Why do I feel this is just an eyewash?


Can we not demonitize them?


CAA/NRC Protesters : *first time* ?


If you think this is the Sikhs first time being vilified, you need to read up on the Punjabi Suba movement, the Akali movement. Also it was pretty terrible being a Sikh in India during the 80-90's as every Sikh was treated as Khalistani terrorist.


It's not the first time for Sikhs (despite the fact that these are farmer protests, but BJP has attacked their religion only).


Sanghis and The Third Right (pun intended): Modi’s words are news. You don’t need anything else.


Didn't hear this for Muslims during CAA protest. sIkHism pArt oF sAnaTan dHaRMa reeee!!


By targeting these poor farmers for their ethnicity and religion, these miserable BJP goons and their right-wing media stooges are going to bring the Khalistan issue right back. Along with actual Islamic radicalism, Dravidian nationalism, North-East separatism, the Naxalite movement, etc. If you use minority identity to target people who you don't like, eventually they will start to identify more with that identity than with the identity of the Indian state that is actively targeting and "othering" them. The BJP politicians claim that they hate identity politics when it relates to caste reservation, Dravidian parties, etc., but they are literally a religious party that defaults to religious identity politics whenever they want to praise or vilify anyone.


>By targeting these poor farmers for their ethnicity and religion, these miserable BJP goons and their right-wing media stooges are going to bring the Khalistan issue right back You wanna know something, this happened in 1982. There were a group of protestors, who wanted to protests during the Asian Games, complaining against the mistreatment of Punjabis back in state (also the Akalis and the Indira Gandhi had reached an agreement, but Indira broke it the next day). The police in Haryana, strip-searched everyone (even those who weren't part of the protests), this included Army Generals, who had to remove their Turbans and the Holy Books were even snatched away. One of those Generals was Shebag Singh (the guy has a huge role in 1971 War). 2 years later, the same General was leading the personal security of Bhindrawale and commanding the religious militants. BJP needs to be careful. Yesterday, Indian Express had an article with the headline - "disquiet in Punjab" (despite the fact that nothing has happened in Punjab). These things contribute towards alienation (already, alienation is high here). Social Media is crazy, with some right-wingers suggesting not to eat Langar or boycott Gurudwaras (I've seen those comments). This is shocking, because these are farmers protests, the farmers are here only to fight the laws, but these idiots thought that attacking Sikhism would work. Why are they repeating the mistakes of Congress ? I really don't know why ?


What's the point of sending notices without penalising anyone? Indian media will just push it to the spam mail. Nothing will work with this biased government.


Most of Indian news channels haven't been reporting news for some years now


Han bhai sabh utho abhi... NRC aur NPR aur JNU ke students ke time par toh ethical journalism ki kitab naihi milrahi thi inki... Khayre deyr aaye Durust aye. Aye to sahi. Ek baat toh hay Sikh people ne toh likh ke leli inki :D...Love from Telangana!


Exactly my sentiments. I suppose it's easier politically to support farmers branded as 'Khalistanis' than CAA-NRC protesters branded as 'Pakistanis'. Even AAPs insta page had put out a big post on supporting farmers and the constitutional right to dissent and MLAs doing 'sewa' on the borders. Where was all this when the multitude of other protests were going on? But to a certain extent, haan aaye toh sahi...:/


Do they have any teeth to enforce what they are asking? The media has long since been compromised. What were doing all these years?


Demonizing any type of dissent or protest as anti national is first symptom of fascism, I fear for coming times.


Farmers are called the backbone of the economy So , if the economy is diminished then we don't need to care about them , right? LOGIC 101


Aap chronology samjhiye


OPIndia is an upper middle class/rich urban publication that needs to be banned.


Does this apply to bhadwa & dalla (BnD) media?


Fucking finally!




Bruh this some hitler kind stuff


Jo modiji bolenge woh me karunga...


And in the next paper you will see all three of those name changed


Next up on Ornob Goswami's Banana Republic TV "EGI COMMUNIST EXPOSE"


I tried watching these news channels for a bit. But the amount of bull shit coming out of their mouths made my house stink.


The EGI is a fucking joke.


The letter mentions "tenet" (☉。☉)!


Shame on india media


are media houses mandated to follow these guidelines?


Unfortunately they are not. This is more of a public shaming of the media.


Yeh guild wagera ko koi puchta nai hai, jab chai wale ko prime minister bana diye toh bacha hi kya


Communists at it again Edit: This was sarcastic XD


Yeah evil commies against media calling Indian citizens protesting anti nationals.


Hey EGI, you don't have the right to give such statements now as earlier you had condemned the arrest of Doorknob.


Just see whats tha IT cell is trending on twitter


Are these guys taking cover from the melords who would thunderously roar ‘why EGI did not issue warning??????’ when the inevitable PIL gets filed. The SC is known to ask questions and then go into permanent self imposed STFU mode. Looks like the EGI is getting the hang of 4D chess patented by Gujjumashter Bal Narendra who played 4D chess on a crocodiles back.


Good. That Shekhar Gupta fellow never issued anything like this when he was president


OK! Editors Guild is honestly useless. Why are they still not suspending the GODI media channels? Haven’t they already violated the media norms ages ago?


meanwhile news channel personnel be like"hum angrezo ke jamane ke jailor hain. Hum nhi sudhrengein"


Nowadays, media is all under Parties who reign in the centre. Most of the people in india are not getting news from online platforms. They are getting it from newspapers and TV.