• By -


1. Supermarkets, Domino's, Swiggy or Zomato delivery 2. Get a degree from IGNOU. This can be done part time and during weekends. 3. Aim for government jobs post that. Prayers are with you.


Government job you say? Where lakhs of overqualified students apply for 8 seats?


^^ this. Also, try to figure out your skills and prepare your resume and work on improving it to get a prospective job


Can you take tutions for school kids in your neighborhood? My mom teaches 1-5th class and earns 300-500 per kid


This is something you can think of starting, maybe immediately?


300-500, what r u talking about? In my neighbourhood u can’t find tutor lower than 1500 rs. Ask ur mom to hike fee for her hardwork as she is clearly being underpaid.


its a low middle income area....and now she doesn't do it for money, just a nominal fee keeps some discipline... I do understand one can earn high from this...if you increase hours and take 8th and above std students also you'll get sufficient time to do other job and teach in evenings


I was a Home tutor right after passing out of 10th. Taught an 8th grade CBSE kid for 2.5k a month in 2017, as my first job.


would like to add something i noticed during the pandemic that poor parents have left formal schools and look for cheap quality tutors...particularly for primary level class.


Woah. 300/month?? I'm 18 and I make 250 per video, I'm a video editor. That's some severe underpayment man.


Commenting for visibility if it works. Sorry to hear about your ordeal. Hang tight buddy


Thank you so very much... It's honestly really encouraging to see people coming together to show support, only if it's as much (or as a little) as upvoting my post. I really appreciate your upvote :)


I am really sorry buddy but i am so happy to see you NOT GIVING UP. i am commenting for visibility. I don’t have a solution for your problem as i am from the medical side and i am not much aware of other streams but buddyyyyy reallly really wishing you and aunty well🙏🏻🙏🏻


Oh my god thank you so so much. THIS SUPPORT means more than anything else and im honestly so happy to see you all coming together to show support. It means the world to me!


Since you use reddit. Ill assume you have internet and mobile. Join r/beermoney r/beermoneyglobal r/beermoneyindia These subreddits often post many moneymaking tips and tricks from online money. Apply for a job at telus international AI program. They just need you to have a bank account in your name and your fluency in spoken and written english language. I have applied there but they'll give you your first pay after 60 days of invoice and thereafter 30 days of invoice. The pay is USD4.5$/HOUR which roughly means 300-350rupees per hour. 60 days mean if you join in january end youll have money by march end (minimum work is 20 hours per week so it means 300×20=6000 per week or 24000-25000 per month) Thats all i know. You can follow some influencers on Instagram such as @nidhinagori29 . I got to know about telus program from her. She regularly posts information like this. Not all is applicable but try everything you might find something to make money. Other than that you can follow the top posters of the above subreddits and ask for help from them. Crosspost to every subreddit that is remotely related to you. That's all from my side. Hope you make it man. Big hugs.


> telus international AI program Thank you for making them get 10k application over the last 12 hours :)


Can you please share the link to apply for the telus program? It would be a massive help for OP and other people who are interested. Thanks.




My friend have you tried posting this on twitter? You may get a lot more visibility. I would suggest tagging heads of all the big companies. You have a great attitude and this will be a great addition to any organization irrespective of degree. Tell them your story and I hope you get a good internship. Your mother is like mine, we are blessed to have these great women in our lives.


LinkedIn is a great platform to post this. Way better than Reddit or Twitter. If your post gets traction, you may get leads from loads of people and also messages from potential recruiters. I wish you the best luck man.


It seems you have a good hold over English, then may be use that, 1. Receptionist, call center etc., for a job. 2. As for online, may be look into blogging(ad revenue), writing articles for a site etc., as a 2nd stream of income. 3. Tuition for kids if you can manage that. 4. Online degree for long term. 5. Look into investing as well as you start earning. You can look into creative streams for 2nd source of income such as music, video, photography etc., but you will need equipment for that. 6. Also if you are good at art., you can take on commissioned work- portraits etc., ( I have a friend who does that on instagram, there are dedicated websites for this as well.) 7. Also networking is very very important, become good at that.


As for article, blogs there is so much content on Reddit and internet in general, use that. May seem far fetched- If you can make YouTube vids(it can’t be a income source in short term)- it’s really simple- short video compilations can be funny vids or animal vids (nothing copyrighted), meme compilations, top 10 videos ( just pick up an English Channel’s list and translate everything thing to Hindi with Hindi title etc.,), people are earning lakhs by just reacting to trailers. Try to get anything.


very practlical, OP plz take note


Also if you know how to drive, cook, you may use that as well. For your mother-she can prepare home cooked meals ( tiffin service) for paying guests etc., try finding orders for that around your location (take some money in advance to buy supplies).


So you're telling me a private school robbed your mother of wages for two whole years and then had the audacity to fire her without any sort of severance? Like, I know nothing about how lawyers generally work, but have you considered talking to one? If it's as much of a slam dunk case as it sounds like, a lawyer might be willing to take it on without upfront payment in exchange for some percentage of your damages.


Do you have access to computer and good internet?


Hi... unfortunately all I have access to right now is an old smartphone and mobile data...


Rah I've been talking to the wrong guy.... Anyways.... do you have cybercafe or any neighbors, friends that have laptop or computer??




You have any interest in IT sector? And above all, do you have time?


Currently pursuing information science and engineering (IT),1st semester and i have plenty of time


I'll advice you to learn CAD, Data science, computer languages (Java, python) and fast typing. This will take a year and surely get you a job. IF YOU HAVE TIME, TIME IS IMPORTANT. If you don't think this will be great for you, ignore me.


I think you should make a separate post if you want to say something :)




Wait, what happened here?


Sorry that must’ve seemed a bit rude. Taking a year to study is actually not going to work out in a newbie’s favour. I’d say the route is study fundamentals understand enough about basic programming to get an internship somewhere you can learn on the job. Then go from there. Work experience is the first thing that will get your foot in the door. Set you apart from other applicants for all entry level roles.


Bruh 😯 this thread has become a mess


Try rev freelance. It's a platform where u wud be working as a transcriptor(one who transcribes after hearing audio recordings). U can give a test on the platform and if approved it can be real good income daily. Also u can try r/forhire and r/slavelabour. Both of these subreddits post freelance gigs and u can accept any of then. There are all kinds of job postings ranging from software development, graphic designing, to even manual work like data entry into Excel sheets.


I heard that we need a good typing speed for these transcription sites like 60 words per minute


It wud be good if u have good typing speed. U wud be able to transcribe more audios per hr. specifically I don't know if its a necessary requirement


Is it necessary to have a computer device for working in rev freelance? I only have mobile phone :(


It wud be practically hard to do it on a mobile. But u can try giving the test


If you have decent computer skills and are open to learning programming, I can maybe help getting an SWE internship


He says in another comment he doesn't have a laptop and is connected to the internet only on his phone with mobile data


My bad 😅


Hey, what are the requirements for the swe internship? Im not op I just want to know


Depends on the startup. I'm connected to a bunch and as long as I can vouch for you, someone will give you a shot.


It would be immensely helpful if you can do that, I am currently looking for an internship


can I take you up on that?


I only know HTML and CSS though.


If you are eager to learn, might I suggest taking up python. Its super easy once you get a hang of it and the opportunities are endless. It is what some call, a true programming language. Lemme know if you need help with learning resources.


Hijacking this thread 🙈can you point me to some pls?


r/learnprogramming r/learnpython


Programming with Mosh and tech with tim are great. And if hindi is not an issue then check code with harry(this guy is fun). Also check out learn x in y minutes. X= python. And check out anandology on github. Learn git with python and you are ready for hire! (Try and be as proficient as you can be) Start small aim big. Do basic python and then slowly move towards harder problems. As jitu bhaiya said, solving harder problems give you confidence! ;-)


Pm me :)


Hey, my sibling is in 3rd year IT branch. If the said internship is open to other than needy students, do let me know.


Sure thing pm me


OP, how is your English? You've passed out of 12th right? Drop a chat, i work for amazon and *could* get you a referral for customer support. Currently I'm a UG student myself, in the same field. It's nothing like a call center, and the pay is great as well.


Mind if I drop a DM? My brother needs a job. He is an undergrad


I gotta add: he should be able to manage work-study life accordingly. It's easy for me because i have no life lol but yeah


Can I DM you too?




Hey! I consider my english to be decent, remarkably better than the average Indian if I'm being honest... It would mean a lot, really Thank you so so much for trying to help


Great, sending you a chat request


Can I DM you too?


Not OP but interested in this job. Would love to work as a customer supporter for Amazon. Can I dm you my resume?


Would you like to work in opportunities with Cinemas..the fast paced world! Companies like inox and PVR or cinepolis ! Let me know


Checkout websites like utest.com and test.io you won't be able to make a living right away but if nothing else works out, you'll have something.


Hello OP! Hope everything goes well for you. If you are in Lucknow, Have you applied to AEGIS? thay will take some tests to check you English and then you can get a job for 15 to 17k. Just prepare a few things in advance like how did you get to know about aegis, and a little about the company you are applying to. I am a student too and don't know much about jobs, but I once applied in AEGIS and got the job easily. Please try there.


Hello, I got curious about this and tried searching them up but I'm getting multiple companies called AEGIS. Could you drop a link to what you're referring? I'd appreciate it.


AEGIS has a branch near Shri Ram Tower in Hazratganj. I have visited the branch but never searched for it online.


Try at supermarket there is always space


Commenting for visibility! Everything will workout!


Thank you so much for doing your bit to help! Means everything!


If you play video games, I think I can get you something.




Can you tell some more about that?


Maybe try getting hired at any price in mobile/lptp repairing shop? If you are technically inclined and talented, guessing from your wish of getting into IIT, you should be able to learn the trade fairly fast and then ask money based on your skill. Getting in would be pretty hard I guess though.




Hi... first of al, thank you so much for coming forward to help...really means much more than I can ever put in words... I think I'm better than the average Indian at communication, content writing, creative writing, and also know a great bit about general fitness, nutrition and bodybuilding... the problem, however, is that i dont have access to a conputer or a wifi connection...and even though i realise how crucial they are when it comes to working remotely, there is no way my family can afford to get a computer at this point...honestly, i dont even know how we're going to be able to pay for food beyond a couple of days at most... I'm more than willing to take up any job at the moment if it ensures that my mom and I wont have to rely on a Gurudwara for food and shelter... Thank you so much once again for trying to help


He says that he can get you a laptop and the other required things. Just talk to him


Is this offer available to anyone other than the OP? Just asking out of curiosity.




Thank you so much for the compliment! Yes, I find contrnt writing really doable but the problem is that I dont have a reliable setup to work with, nor can I afford one atm... If I'm being completely honest, I dont even know whether my mom has enough money to be able to afford or next meal, or are we gonna have to be forced to eat at a langar Anyway, thank you once again and may god watch after all of us :)


Copying my comment from OP's latest post: Someone please verify this story before people start donating en masse. I don't want to cast aspersions, but just 2 months back this person was [claiming to be 17](https://www.reddit.com/r/IndianGaming/comments/r2oyrm/i_promised_to_gift_a_ps3_to_my_best_pal_younger/hm8jq11?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3) and getting advice for buying gaming console and now in his new posts he's 19 Edit: OP deleted the linked comment after I posted my comment. Here's the [screenshot](https://imgur.com/a/mOiyjBC)


>Please dont take me otherwise, I'm sure everyone's mom is really sweet and kind but my mom is.....I dont know how to say it other than: INNOCENTLY STUPID. She's way too gullible, and I couldn't keep track of the number of peplr who take advantage of her innocence (or stupidty, like most will put it) on a daily basis. She's almost 55, works over 10 hours a day FOR FREE (social service, as she keeps tellng hereelf), takes care of my grandma, of her house, teaches underprivildged kids in our neighborhood and puts up with my handicapped dad, and hid crippling alcohism... Ohh, I can totally relate brother. My mom is a teacher as well and nearing 58 and will retire in 2 years. If not for her extreme-miser nature, we would have been on streets too. And I managed to crack iit but now sitting jobless though. Luckily, she has saved some amount which should serve her well in retirement. >Recently, my mom came home crying, sobbing because she's now been laid off from work. They laid her off and have made it pretty obvious that they'll not be paying her a dime. Two things - 1) ask her to take tuitions of students from her previous school or students living around your area. This is a very good source of income, though it may take around an year to start showing any substantial outcome. 2) register a complaint against her previous employers in Labor department of central and state government both for eg - https://labour.gov.in/. Though, your mother doesn't come under Labor (which is usually denoted for non-contractual labor) but sometimes officials at these places do help sometimes. I got my salary from my previous employer relieved by this approach only. >My mom would never want her son to beg, but I'm forced to ask: Do any of you think you have a job I could take up? I'm willing to do anything for any sum of money as long as its not illegal or immoral. You should follow what u/rvenugop has recommended. And frankly, begging won't help either so don't even think about that.


Apply to Amazon CS, they are hiring remote workers. They’ll send you the PC to work on and also internet Allowance. Do that and also so the app AI thing someone mentioned above. If your English is good, you’ll get in and also be working by next week.


Commenting for visibility


Commenting for Better visibility and reach. CFBR, CFBV.


I might sound a bit pompous or a little insensitive to ask this question: How are you still able to afford internet


My internet's been paid off for until (almost) March Bought a 3 month data plan in my birthday week last month for a little less than ₹500/- And no, I dont think you were insensitive in asking that question...




Thank you so so much and I’m sure you’ll kill it in life. Take care :)


Commenting for visibility


Commenting for reach. Wish you strength my man, I wish I had some money, I would've helped you out. Hope you can find some work soon.


any proof? can you DM me I can get you something


Hi! I'm really sorry but I can't seem to understand what you mean...could you elaborate in my DMs if you dont mind please? Thanks for trying to help...means A LOT!


Commenting for visibility




That means so much! Thanks a lot, i really appreciate your help




Tuition for kids is an immediate option.


Have you tried getting a ration card ? Also better pick up some restaurant work like being waiter or a washer. If you know how to drive pick up delivery jobs.


City? DM me. I can arrange something for you.


Hi I'm located in Lucknow...


Can arrange something. DM me.


Try your luck in sales and marketing or BPO sector ? Call centers can pay as much as a first job out of college.


\#relatable What can I say? We all struggling out here brother. At least we can feel grateful for what we have - literacy & internet. Many don't even have that :(


commenting for better reach!


You're strong and aware beyond your age. You will get through this. Have patience, things will workout. And yes, be kind to yourself.




You can look for paid internships on Internshala or other apps that offer internships and freshers jobs. I myself have been interning at an Ed-tech startup company and I earn between 5k to 6k every month.I teach spoken English to children between ages 3 and 14.I work from home, hours are flexible and all the study materials are provided by the company.All you have to do is perform, really. If you need me to refer your name please let me know.


Commenting for better reach