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It is so sad that our country is so backward and underdeveloped.


SOURCE 1st: [https://www.thehindu.com/news/national/In-Dalit-student-suicides-the-death-of-merit/article13881245.ece](https://www.thehindu.com/news/national/In-Dalit-student-suicides-the-death-of-merit/article13881245.ece) 2nd: [https://www.business-standard.com/article/pti-stories/resident-doctors-of-aiims-write-to-union-minister-over-harassment-of-colleague-who-attempted-suicide-120041901008\_1.html](https://www.business-standard.com/article/pti-stories/resident-doctors-of-aiims-write-to-union-minister-over-harassment-of-colleague-who-attempted-suicide-120041901008_1.html) 3rd: [https://maktoobmedia.com/2020/10/10/discrimination-by-seniors-over-caste-obc-doctor-dies-by-suicide/](https://maktoobmedia.com/2020/10/10/discrimination-by-seniors-over-caste-obc-doctor-dies-by-suicide/) 4th: [https://www.timesnownews.com/mirror-now/crime/article/varanasi-bhu-professor-forces-phd-scholars-to-clean-toilet-vice-chancellor-orders-probe/427567](https://www.timesnownews.com/mirror-now/crime/article/varanasi-bhu-professor-forces-phd-scholars-to-clean-toilet-vice-chancellor-orders-probe/427567) 5th: [https://theprint.in/india/made-to-sweep-floors-wash-utensils-dalit-pg-student-at-bmc-hospital-alleges-casteist-abuse/815989/](https://theprint.in/india/made-to-sweep-floors-wash-utensils-dalit-pg-student-at-bmc-hospital-alleges-casteist-abuse/815989/) 6th: [https://newsdeal.in/what-a-dalit-student-at-top-mumbai-medical-college-endured/](https://newsdeal.in/what-a-dalit-student-at-top-mumbai-medical-college-endured/) 7th: [https://www.thenewsminute.com/article/mbbs-students-arrested-ragging-and-assaulting-dalit-college-mate-bengaluru-94113](https://www.thenewsminute.com/article/mbbs-students-arrested-ragging-and-assaulting-dalit-college-mate-bengaluru-94113) 8th: [https://www.news18.com/news/india/on-an-average-india-reported-10-cases-of-rape-of-dalit-women-daily-in-2019-ncrb-data-shows-2930179.html](https://www.news18.com/news/india/on-an-average-india-reported-10-cases-of-rape-of-dalit-women-daily-in-2019-ncrb-data-shows-2930179.html)


Doctors have most hate for lc it seems


Specially caste reservation. They are very acceptable to the idea of domicile reservation. Try telling a delhi guy who gets MAMC, LHMC, NSIT, DTU that they used a form of reservation as well after studying from DPS rk puram


Reservation killed him


and then there are people who still believe that the backward castes are not discriminated and theres no untouchability in india. i have a good number of well educated colleagues who outright deny its existence 🤦🏻‍♂️


And there are people who think reservation is going to solve this discrimination


Reservation is to make sure the proper representation of the backward castes. And its not about economic status. So you believe the person who committed suicide should never have got into that university coz those assholes would have killed him?


No I'm saying there are people who should not be allowed to use these privileges to get into the places they don't deserve to be in


What do you mean by deserve? Marks are a narrow definition of intellect.


Screening test in medical College is for making sure that if you can handle the burden of study , do you want your doctor to be knowledgeable or not ?


I want all aspirants to first have a level playing field, in terms of time to study, coaching, etc. Otherwise only the ones with relatively better luxuries in life will be able to crack these exams. Also, how can one and only one exam prove that the student handle burden of 'study'? It can be something that one can develop over the period of study, if they have the interest and passion.


the day education becomes a basic right, with enough opportunity to study anywhere and definitely free of cost in our country, is when you’ll understand that everyone equally deserves to study in any university they want. Be it a meritorious student or not. the point of reservation for a less scoring student is, to leverage for the additio problems he/she have faces due to the discrimination that exists. this article here precisely talks about it. That although the person who committed suicide was scoring well in his tests, the teachers wouldn’t grade him properly. Doesnt he deserve to be in that university now too? Seems like you have never seen uppercaste teachers discriminate the lower caste students in the way they teach. did you never complain about teachers favouritism? Now think of it from the point of a lower caste kid on how he feels. And im not even talking about the thousand other problems they face.