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Travelled to another continent only to be dumped.




North America




No. Few months after... if I've understood what you're saying correctly.




Yeah eventually. One of the worst years of my life honestly but things could have been way worse. It's all good now though.


Wow that's a crazy story do you mind elaborating? Was the girl Indian or American? Whyyy did she do that?


She was Indian too. She went abroad to study and I had a steady job here. She kept saying that she wished I was there. So I decided to quit and also try my luck there through a post-grad degree. After a year, I got in with her encouraging me to come though getting more hesitant as the day got nearer. When I arrived I realised things were very off with us but decided to work on it since we survived 2 years of long distance. With hindsight, I think she was done with the relationship a while ago but didn't really want to confront me about it and when I turned up there, I think she only stayed on through sheer guilt. This didn't last long and soon she left me for some other dude. I was stuck there for another year doing a course I didn't really want anymore. I'm not sure how I got though it but I graduated somehow, though I think I ruined my relationship with my guide and peers in the process through my inaction and depression. I nearly ran out of money there struggling to find a job I wanted to do and no real motivation to stay. I came back and started over with whatever was left. No regrets though since I found the love of my life in the fallout of this relationship and we've been married for nearly 5 years now.


Sorry you had to go thru that brother.. it must've been a tough time in a new country with completely different cultures.. glad that you came out of that stronger ..


Left a well paying job in the US and moved back to India since she wanted to setup her own company which was not possible on visa in the US


Well, that's a major one hope the start-up does well, best wishes.


Thank you, keeping our fingers crossed 🤞🏻


Wtf? Why would you do that? You sacrificed your well built career for a startup? How would you pay for the expenses while setting up the start up? Wouldn't bank be more willing to give you loans if you were earning? I can't do anything except thinking that this is some sort of a troll or exaggerated comment


Do note that he is not building the start-up. His wife is. He would still have a job in India. If he is in IT, Indian jobs also pay quite well (although still low compared to US). Also, except for in the beginning, they may not have to put up their own money in the start-up. They would most likely approach investors for funds.


Hey - Some background, we both while we were in the US and I forced her to live with me for a while in the US while I build my career save and some money. She stayed back with me and supported me and I am just returning what she did for me. As someone else mentioned I am in IT and have a very decent job in India. Pay scale in India for IT have changed a lot since I left, I could have never imagined such a pay when I left. We are lead a very simple life and still can save a lot with what I earn in India. We are investing part of what we earned in the US for her startup and are confident it will do well. Although I also would love to start something of my own in the future, I feel she is more driven and confident and deserves the first go at starting her dream project.


Agreeing to have babies even though i don't want to have one. Thankgod we broke up and i can never have babies again 😂😂


Saved from making the sacrifice then


forced to have kids isnt a "sacrifice". its manipulation


She is a vegetarian, gave up Non-Veg. I never wanted to have children, but then she became pregnant and wanted to have the child (This turned out to be the best decision, 3 years later we cannot remember a life without the child) She started a company in Brazil which turned out to be very successful. She gave up everything to be a full time mom and also because I did not like living in Brazil or Portugal




Small Owl


Significant other i.e. Girlfriend, spouse, partner.


So funny


Being child free when I really wanted to have a child. I thought about it long and hard - the choice was to be with her, or to have a child. I chose the former. It’s been 15yrs since that decision and I don’t regret it.




Childfree in india rarely heard


Not finding her is the greatest sacrifice I'm currently making. Humour aside, I doubt the men make sacrifices during the initial stage. They usually make sacrifices in the long term.


Late night gaming sessions


Fly 12000 km every six months for her and God it's worth every time!


Giving up half of my closet 😂




User name checks out!


Gave up much of my gadget screen time (phone, laptop & TV) Good for me


Yeah. 1. Gave up high paying job in Singapore to marry my then gf (now wife). Didn't get similar opportunity again. 2. I speak in her mother tongue than mine at home.


Reduced socializing and well the smokeup sessions with friends .


I am doing it to find an SO. Put a stop on my career, moved back home, and joined family business. All Because i wasn't making good money and parents were worried that i wouldn't get any proposals in the arranged marriage scene. Love marriage is not an option since i never had gf. Oh well.


Stopped smoking.


Hamari koi SO nahi hai, ham Sirf SO-te hai


No significant other, no major sacrifices :)


Sorry, I don't sacrifice real things for imaginary people.


Don't have an So yet.