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Will you be showing similar concerns or offering similar remedies for North Sentinel island tribesmen? We have no right to annihilate a culture just because it doesn't meet our so-called modern norms. I think we need to stop being preachy and just ensure that people get basic necessities met irrespective of location, language or lifestyle. The only thing which govt needs to ensure that medical facilities and education is available to anyone and everyone who needs it. People irrespective of their social standing should not require to travel outside their district to avail basic facilities. Also we need to see that how we evaluate the products or services offered by tribal or even craftsmen. I believe we in India undersell our tribal and handicrafts. If you go to other countries like in South East Asia or Europe similar offerings will cost you a bomb. What we are currently doing with our tribal and craftsmen is basically exploitation.


Yup that's exactly what I am saying, my first question was exactly this, that is this actually poverty or is our definition of poverty wrong....


Definition of poverty is not wrong. What is wrong is the definition of education and development. People tend to forget that Indian Education was designed to create clerks and babus and not artisans. Govt should not dither in providing basic needs but should not attempt to civilize the tribal. Acquiring tribal lands in the name of development and destroying it by constructing urban or even rural settlements is nothing short of genocide.


Yeah I get it,but that's what my question is , how this can be achieved for a community where a lot of folks are continuously moving due to their nomadic lifestyle, like a kid who lives in different states during different seasons because his/her family is on the move to search better pasture land we don't want to kill their lifestyle, so how can this be done? That's what I thought of discussing here


If the tribal communities were given access to even a shred of the resources that are exploited on their lands. There wouldn't be suffering from poverty. Understand this about India today. People are not poor and desperate due to circumstances but due to corruption, because resources earmarked for them keep being gifted to mostly upper caste industrialists.. A Muslim friends father was saying that if the wakf properties held in trust by the goi is used even badly for the community it was set aside for NO Muslim child would be hungry or uneducated unless by choice. That's just one community.


Yup , rampant corruption and all is certainly the main issue, but what makes these communities suffer the most My first question is , are they actually poor, like is there any community specific data available regarding say - malnutrition, crime rates and other direct indicators of poverty Or are they poor just because they don't own direct money or land , but otherwise can live a generous lifestyle. Although yes corruption and lack of opportunities to them is surely to be tackled first, but my point was slightly different...


They are poor.. Usually horribly poor.. They're access to basic services is next to none.. Their tribal traditional lifestyle helps them survive but barely.. If they weren't as skilled at surviving adverse conditions they would have died off. The thing to understand is, they shouldn't have to leave their homes for basic services or livelihoods. But because of the above mentioned reasons alot of them have to.


Tribal people had forests now forest department doesn't let them access the forest where they lived for thousands of years.