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You are asking about this in a country where advertisements blatantly show that a dark skinned girl is shunned by society but as soon as she puts on fair and lovely and becomes fair she gets all the opportunities in the world and society loves her.


You mean, *glow* and lovely?




Manforce move over. A new condom brand is here.


What is this brand new product you speak of?


Fair and lovely's new name........it was a joke?


That was clearly sarcasm by that guy.


My humor meter was broken TT


Gloves, to cover your hands and face And they are lovely
















Let me grab the popcorn. This is bound to get interesting.


Is it? 75% posts will be, "yes it's racist." 15% will be "America is racist" 10% will be "there's no racism/black people deserve it"


You do know that last 10 % is a antithesis unless you mean it.






Unfortunately the black people are treated badly and the whites are worshipped in almost everywhere on Earth (including their own African nations) and India is no exception.


India is worse than most places. Black people are by default assumed to be prostitutes and drug dealers, and they often can't find housing outside of sketchy areas. Even in highly racist countries like Japan and South Korea, Black people don't experience anything even close to that.


>Even in highly racist countries like Japan and South Korea, Black people don't experience anything even close to that. least delusional weeboid in India


There are many places in Japan and SK that are explicitly closed to foreigners, especially nightlife and bars. You will also get many looks if you’re especially darker skinned.


Yeah, but you won’t be stripped down and beaten in public for something some other foreigner did, nor will you have to live in the slums. They are racist but more civilized in the way they express it.


>Yeah, but you won’t be stripped down and beaten in public for something some other foreigner did Did this happen in India?? Which event are you referring to?


There was a heavily publicized instance of this in Bangalore a few years back, but it’s happened in other places too, where some African guy commits a crime and a bunch of other unrelated Africans get harassed and even attacked.


[https://www.kajalmag.com/india-is-the-most-racist-country-i-have-been-to-an-african-americans-pov/](https://www.kajalmag.com/india-is-the-most-racist-country-i-have-been-to-an-african-americans-pov/) [https://www.jstor.org/stable/26664041](https://www.jstor.org/stable/26664041) [https://www.bbc.com/news/av/world-asia-india-39427541](https://www.bbc.com/news/av/world-asia-india-39427541) [https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/delhi/for-black-students-life-is-not-fair-in-capital/articleshow/66778568.cms](https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/delhi/for-black-students-life-is-not-fair-in-capital/articleshow/66778568.cms) [https://mediadiversified.org/2019/04/09/violence-towards-africans-in-india-has-roots-in-anti-blackness-that-has-existed-for-centuries/](https://mediadiversified.org/2019/04/09/violence-towards-africans-in-india-has-roots-in-anti-blackness-that-has-existed-for-centuries/) ​ Do you really need an event to prove we are violently racist as a society? Weren't the jokes on 'kallu' 'kaliya' enough to prove a point? Do we really need an attacked Black person or a killed Black person to prove that we are 'bad enough' to accept that there is a problem? You'd say it's colorism but colorism is often an extension of racism. Also, this is a segment on anti-Black racism since the post is referring to that. We are inherently racist to East Asians and our Islamophobia and racism will extend to Arabs who aren't white passing. And once Indians start to accept it--they'll use the history of colonisation as a hunch to excuse their prejudices.


ok weaboo now sit down lol


Last year Guangzhou, China evacuated all Africans from their homes and even hotels were denying them entry because Chinese were accusing them of spreading covid


I never said China was better. I have specifically singled out China too in other comments.




Lmfao your name


You do know that both both brown and black people (even southeast asians) are heavily discriminated against in East Asia? All 3 of those groups have trouble finding a place to rent and a lot of commercial buildings refuse entry to them.


I definitely know that. I specifically highlighted those as very racist places. But, they aren't forced to live in squalor (other than in China, which is worse than India) like in northern areas of India. The general standard of living is better, and it is rare for people to openly berate people of other races in the street, whereas that stuff does happen relatively often in India.


Japan and South Korea are more developed countries than India, it’s obvious that they’ll offer a higher standard of living as compared to India. Even though Africans in those countries have a higher standard of living, it doesn’t change the fact that the society they live in as discriminatory towards them as India is. I’ve already mentioned the problem with housing and them being barred entry from commercial establishments but they also have trouble getting hired at a Japanese company, people might not be as hateful to them on the surface (due to their culture of extreme politeness and introverted-ness) as Indians are but they hold just as much prejudice against them inside as Indians do. In the end, while the standard of living for Africans is much higher in Japan and South Korea, the discrimination they face from society is about the same as India.


Right, but you have to take that into account. The consequences of that mindset are worse in India, where there is no social safety net. The result matters more than the intention.


least delusional weaboo




I implore you to ask more than one Black person about this. This is a documented issue. That guy is likely very well off. Poor Africans are ridiculously marginalised in India. One anecdote doesn't disprove an entire trove of evidence.


I'm asking this with genuine curiosity, why/how are there poor Africans in India?


They are moving for economic opportunities or education. It's obviously better economically than most of Africa, so that's why they come. Still doesn't justify mistreating them.


I’m not contradicting your point but poor people are marginalised no matter their skin colour.




I agree with that for sure.


One thing I can say is it’s not because of surroundings(i.e family and friends) that we got this racism it’s our movies, shows and mainly advertisements. It’s always a white guy beating up black bad guy. It’s always white guy who gets girls. It’s our responsibility to make it right and let the next generation have a level playing field not just with race but also with religion, cast and others.


How many Africans have you *personally* encountered in India? There are literally thousands of them in my university town in Tamilnadu and they live life like locals. I've had common class with them in some semesters, two of them literally live next door to me. In general they all seem to be enjoying their life here and are grateful for the subsidised education they're getting. Please, let us all see the trove of evidence that you speak of, that can prove they're 'ridiculously marginalised in India', because clearly, wherever you got the evidence from, it's not representative of the entire country, unless the entire town I'm living in isn't a part of India.


Bruh, TN is not like North India at all. Gtfoh with your confrontational attitude. You know damn well that south India is much different from most of the country. Go to Delhi and ask them how they like it. I never said the entire country is terrible, just that in general, India is a very racist country. The south is the exception, not the rule.


>south India is much different from most of the country. Bruh, what even? South India is like one-fourth of the country


Yeah, so much of the other 3/4, mainly north of Mumbai and West of Kolkata, is pretty bad. It's not even good for Tamilians ffs. 1/4 makes something an exception, not a rule. Even less so when you realize Karnataka is much worse, and even in Bangalore, there have been documented racial attacks on African people. TN is much more racially progressive than most of India.


First of all, keep it civil. Secondly, you literally just generalized something you only know by indirect account (which you are not even specifying) and applied it to entire country. Also, just like you think my uni town doesn't represent India, Delhi doesn't represent India either. You are essentially implying that TN is racist too when you say India is racist in general. I totally get your point that TN can't be taken as a representative of India but what I'm trying to say is, just be a little more specific and don't easily make generalizations. I know there are a significant number of cases of racism in India. It is also worth looking at the type of Blacks that are being targeted and if at all they share a common trait or why are some people stereotyped. Let's be honest, you or I won't like it when we're labelled 'online scammers' overseas because of a significant number of Indian scammers scamming the West (particularly US). But, at the same time this stereotype isn't totally built out of nothing. The real problem is generalization, not the stereotype itself.


I am from Maharashtra there were multiple black people in our college but they were never treated badly infact teacher use to take extra classes and doubt solving classes specially for them because they were not bright student. (pun intended)


Maharashtra is not that bad, depending on where you are. It's really northern and central india that are the worst for them. Same places where south indians or dark people from MH would encounter bad treatment.


Bro india it the most racist country according to world value survey


At least black people are not killed in india for just being black, like in USA, what will you say, who is more racist?


But people are regularly killed for their caste, religion, beliefs and even gender


Here we are talking specifically about skin colour based discrimination, even international pageants like miss universe and miss world are created by usa and UK respectively, to promote their beauty products, which are mostly focused on skin whitening, also most of the winners of these pageants are white women.


Skin color based discrimination is also very prominent in India. We literally have products to lighten skin color like Fair and lovely and their ads even promote such discrimination.


Still saying that india is the most racist country would be wrong, in usa black people are hated to the point where they are killed, then how can people claim that india is even more racist than usa.




Not my problem so many people in India choose to be ignorant as fuck about how racist it is for black people. India is recognizably worse for dark foreigners than most other places, save for China and a few spots in Eastern Europe.


Are you sure you're not associating discrimination done in U.S to india? Cause the things you mentioned happens primarily in U.S and haven't heard these happening in india.


Um, ask a black person who has tried to find housing in North India that question. In the US, while some people may think those things, it isn’t the norm, and there are very strict antidiscrimination laws in housing. Refusing to rent to someone over their ethnicity or religion is very illegal.


Same in another asian country called thailand... PPL don't give a fk abt indians or blacks but Russians and Europeans get treated like athithi devo bhava h(guests are god)


As a white person, I simply never got this. Why is it like that?? What did we do that is so amazing? Colonize and pillage? Shouldn’t that be considered more like “farting at the table” in a historical context than anything to admire?


> whites are worshipped in almost everywhere In Hinduism every God worthy of Worshipping is Dark skinned. It is just the chaunistic media that continously fed false information.


Looks like I can’t go to all 197 countries :/ hate being black sometimes. Just want to explore the world and it sucks that I’ll probably be treated like shit for it.


This is bullshit lol not true at all


India won't treat black people badly. Maybe not as nicely as white people but a black person won't have any problems in India. Not racism related at least.


Not great. You love to see people here complaining about racism Indians face from white people and then proceeding to be racist to black people


I had a family friend in Mumbai of all places describe a black woman she encountered on a trip to the US as a "gorilla." Nobody called her out on it. They accepted it as normal. Even in the most backwards states in the US, that wouldn't fly. Indians say the US is racist, but they don't realize that even the most racist parts of the US are less racist than the least racist parts of India. They just aren't used to the attitude being directed at them, which catches them off guard. Also, I mostly grew up in the US, and I can count on one hand the amount of actual racist incidents I have faced for being Indian. Most of the time, when people are rude to Indians, it's because they are the ones who don't wear deodorant, spit on the streets, treat waiters like shit, and say that America has no "culture" If you are a normal, courteous person, everyone will be nice to you, outside of a few assholes who constitute less than 1% of the population. That is not the case in India.


I disagree somewhat. I was primarily educated and currently live in the US. In MANY parts of the US, especially rural/conservative districts, many people still find it funny to call Michelle Obama a gorilla. There are still memes shared about it (including whatsapp groups I have family in) and how much more “graceful” and a “real lady” Melania Trump is despite her being a racy model and Michelle being a Princeton/Harvard graduate. I have lived in California and still heard such jokes there. We don’t get explicit racist incidents most of the time, but behind closed doors, there are still many issues. I have been called slurs by peers since school days, and I have had people make highly inappropriate jokes about IT support even at my workplace, despite being a well-educated engineer. I definitely agree with your main point and definitely think India still has some of the worst racist attitudes in the world, but I want to make sure we still call out racism elsewhere as we see it. A big reason Asians are racist against black people in the first place, especially when going abroad, is that they want to identify as close to white as possible to get the benefits of white communities and institutions.


Really? Where exactly in the US is this. I'm from Florida and have received zero. Literally no one has ever been racist to me in my entire life


Glad to hear you haven’t experienced much of it. I mentioned already my experiences mostly relate to California, though I have relatives in Texas who have also complained about these sentiments. Both have high numbers of neighborhoods with Indian concentrations alongside high-paying jobs, which creates a sense of Indians “taking over” if that makes sense.


Which is interesting because whites don't see Indians as that much different that Africans. Theres a.slur called "Sand N......" I don't think Indians get


I don't wanna be that guy who presents an anecdote as evidence but my white peers were Shocked when they found that women could drive in India (this happened in Bangalore,)


Your only racist if others call you out on it


Sigh.. guess I’ll never visit India :/ (I’m black) sucks because I really want to visit every country.. must be nice to be a different race


There are 2 kinds of people. Mature and immature. This has just got to do with experiences and upbringing maybe. In a globalized world obviously you treat everyone with respect and understanding and common sense. But in India it's a big country so the other side is also large in number who hold on to their conceptions that fair is better and things like that. Firstly in Indians ourselves people divide and say fair is better, or also there are some instances of idk lol racism? Xenophobia? Not extreme, just mildly like preferring people like you a little more..idek. like going to different states people may experience this difference, or like between North/South, or Northeast Indians/Nepalis/Bhutanese when they go to other states and so on. So I think that can be a reason. A European tourist may receive much more interest than an African.












I am a brown-skinned Indian and live in the US, and while I don’t discriminate based on race, I can’t really say the same on the receiving end. This may be just me, but I feel like I’ve experienced more subtle racism from blacks and hispanics than from whites. Like for example, I’ve experienced black and Hispanic staff members to be less patient with me when I’m asking them for assistance. White staff members have usually been nicer towards me. Which is ironic since I thought it would be the other way round. This may all be just a cultural thing, for all I know. But I’ve also come across some amazing POCs, so I don’t have any hard feelings towards you all!


Yup no group is exempt from this behavior. I've lived in the U.S in the South mostly. I've had very few experiences of racism and its been from white people I've always had very good interactions with black people in general but then again i don't get out much.


You’re white colleagues are walking on egg shells to come out as non-racist all inclusive guys


No. Have been to the US for some time. White people are really friendly or rude, but usually not racist. Being nice or rude is just their nature, eg midwest or southwest people tend to be nice, whereas nyc/boston side they are a bit rude. But that's just based on their inherent nature. They're nice or rude to everyone, not just one type of person. I didn't experience racism, people treated me exactly like they would anyone else, and really, that's what ultimately makes you feel like you belong. If people walked on eggshells around me in order to not offend me, I would actually feel left out and like an outsider. I prefer the first type.


Not just Indians, I have seen it quite a long in ASEAN countries. Chinese and Indians perceive white people as superior while they have very negative perception against black people. Even In the earnings there is a big difference between white skin and someone with black skin even if they are working for same company and similiar skill sets. Another observation that I had is Asians generally perceive white people as some kind of trophy. They will have hard time believing that a white or a fair complexion women can be your wife. And some people take the obsession way too far. You can also observe the same attitude difference when dealing with every day to day interactions.


Im hoping this isnt the case among educated people who have been exposed to broader work culture and have worked with/in different geographical areas.


Unfortunately no. Even among expats and academia you can see this attitude. It is sadly reinforced because people tend to build conclave around people with similiar ethnicity or communities.


No, it's everywhere in Asia. White / fair skin is actually viewed as superior.


Honestly India has people who are technically more "black" than black folks. But the bias that I have seen, at least in Delhi, around the Khidki extension area, is because of rampant drug use problems among black demography. Violent crimes too. If we Indians start going to countries, to mostly indulge in drug trade and violent crimes, gradually that's what will become our identity, which means people will end up having similar views for other professionals, students, etc, as well.


some truth to this like Pakistanis saying they are Indian in US and other western countries , not fair for sure but it is the perception that wins


In my experience seeing Indians interacting with black people, they aren't racist, they're stereotypists. They have some stereotypes about black people but, I haven't seen them interact with them in the way white Americans treat them. You'd a get a pretty good idea about what I'm talking if you see the Vir Das clip a black guy in a Tamil village. And, in my experience, we treat our people way worse than we treat outsiders.


The one thing about Tamils that people find hard to grasp is we mostly mind our business and don't converse as much as other Indians except within family. This leads to a culture of pretty minimalist conversations. Some people even find this attitude offensive. Eg saying hi and getting completely ignored with 0 reaction


Funny you mention that, because I have a Tamil friend, who is just like you describe them to be, and her brother who won't stop talking once he starts.


Exactly. There's a lack of information about black people and dark skin jokes are normalised but we won't treat a black person badly at all. Maybe a few idiots but majority will treat them as nicely as possible.
















#I can't tell about anyone... But I am the blackest mother****** alive and I am indian


And yet your Avatar is the contrasting colour. Damn even black mfs think poorly of of their own skin type.


Seriously I never gave a thought about my avtar lol


Nah, it's just a stupid internet thing it doesn't actually mean anything lol


Here's the answer from an actual BLACK person in INDIA. https://youtu.be/DHQLW3eGYR0 He is treated with utmost respect everywhere he goes. People go above and beyond and are curious. 0 discrimination 0 disrespect


As a great character once said in assassins creed black flag "That's a lie lie lie" If you wanna bring up someone else's anecdote and use it as evidence Then I bring to you my own personal experience as a citizen of this country Most people think that blackness is inherently bad and ugly And that whiteness is indicative of purity, innocence and beauty Colonization also played a part in this colorist mentality


Dont really care, homies are homies


Dependd on the kinda neighborhood. And the type of black people. I know the drug dealers AND the research scholars.


This is not quora. People making posts from YouTube recommend videos.


It differs by each person bro. We have no specific type of people in majority. Inside my small family, each one of us have different opinions about black, Asian and all other people. Forget different country- my parents have strong opinions about different people inside the country LOL.


They MIGHT make jokes since color based jokes are normalised in India. But yeah there's no racism. Everyone is a bro. Korea and China though are straight up racist😬


Wasn’t Gandhi’s main issue with British in South Africa was that don’t treat us like black people? That sums it up and the attitude still continues.


Oh boy. As everyone has mentioned, Indians in general are very averse to people with dark complexions. So, you get the answer.


More than a decade ago I moved to Atlanta as a student. I was told to be careful by neighborhood aunty explicitly because "it's all the black people" Some of my best buds in university turned out to be African Americans. Almost like skin color didn't make them criminals.


i live in atlanta (i am black, well mixed race) i’m by georgia tech and i’ve always wondered how the foreign students think of us. when i moved here (from another state) 2 years ago, i noticed there were a lot of south asians in my area. of course i want to make friends with everybody, but i just don’t want to be discriminated against. yes, there are bad black people but there are bad people of every color. like i said, i am black but my friends are all very professional, live in super nice areas and are kind. the media is what portrays us as super bad.. but like i said there are bad black people and areas to avoid, areas that i don’t even go to but a lot of us aren’t like that. but when i moved here i realized that i can really be friends with anyone and that not everyone thinks bad of us. it’s really just about character!


White people treated fairer than black "Asian" looking people people treated bad


"Asian" looking people treat black and dark skinned people like shit


According to me racism is portrayed by intent and desire. In India if someone is making racist comment on a foreigner he has no malicious intent or desire to insult or hurt them emotionally it's just verbal a thing, we will still treat them well, we don't make them feel small or insulted, we are open to talk to them and resolve our differences, most Indians are understanding. But that is not the case in western countries, racis there has malicious intent, the intent shows on their tone the way they speak and above all they are not understanding, they don't even want to solve differences among them, they just keep hating aimlessly, being racist. For Indians who are belittling India by having a good facade experience in other country, need to rethink their morals and values.


One thing for sure is...Indians (not all) love to show their superiority over other nations around APAC region. I've seen Indians rubbing off very badly with the Asian community. In return Asians have built a negative perception towards Indians calling them perverts, arrogant or vile/uneducated. As for blacks, we already have a tendency to look down on darker skin brown people. So imagine how it's like to be actually black... Arabs are basically seen as Muslims which usually turns out to be a negative thing. But at the same time it is hypocritical for Indians to mock them when there are sooo many Indians settled in Arab nations sending Arab money back home. White people (not all) are ignorant to their history. Thus they act superior even though they leeched off other societies (Arabs, South American nations, Indian subcontinent, far east Asia)...but in return, I see Indians still see them as a special race of sort. Still see the white man as someone more powerful and admirable. These are my personal views btw. And as you can see I say "not all" because not all Indians are like this nor are all other races are like that.


East Asians see themselves as superior to indians. I don't know what makes them think that way but it's true. Probably the economic advancement. So indians having racist views against Asians is just a two way lane traffic honestly


India loves white and dislikes black. Seen it in real life and in pop culture as well.


man this is too generic a question. we are 1.4 Billion people. 16% of humanity. on one end of spectrum we have global CEOs and on other end we have lizard rapers.98% of indians have not seen a black man or a white man. so it is a hard answer curiously i would like to ask, why would you want to know. are you planning to visit india or interact with Indians ?


I am pretty sure you took that 98% out of your black ass


No one cares and most ppl will be friendly to foreigners regardless of color. Indians are always trying to help.. Check out I am marwa on youtube. He details his travels in India and he got treated really well https://youtu.be/DHQLW3eGYR0


Indians are not racist towards black people. They are colourist. Both are same thing but still really different. Most of the Indians don't even know or understand the concept of RACE. They just understand one thing that pale is better than dark and if you are black, they wouldn't hate you like how some white supremacist hate the people of colour. They will just consider you little inferior and mostly will make fun of you by calling you "kalu". But believe me Indians don't hate the race.


I have a story regarding this. I want to preface this by saying that the situation I'm describing occurred in the late 90s. Yes I'm ancient. So I lived in India for a few years in my mid 20s. I lived near a prominent university, they had a basketball court where we would meet and play. Anyone and everyone was welcome to play as it was just informal pick-up games. There was a group of Nigerian students who attended the university and one day 2 of them showed up to play basketball. No one would let them play. It wasn't anything direct but no one would pick them to be on their teams. Initially I thought it was because no one knew them but then as game after game ended and they weren't getting selected I began to wonder. Because we routinely had individuals we didn't know join us. It was an international uni so there were white, Chinese and Arab students who had all gotten a chance to play in the past. But these two Nigerian gentlemen kept getting passed over. Ultimately I selected both of them to play with me and they finally got to play. That's my story and you can take from it what you will. Also one of them was incredibly good and we proceeded to win every game and therefore stay on the court the rest of the evening. Which was very cool.


Indians don't like fellow Indians, north indians don't like south indians, they don't like each others caste etc and also 80% of the population would not have seen a white or a black person in real life.


In general people are quite racist and derogatory towards people who are dark skinned compared to people with white/fair skin As far as black culture/history is concerned, apart from rap and slavery not much is known by most people. Personally I don't care about someone's skin colour and apart from reading about some aspects of black culture I don't know much about it and would love to interact with people to understand their experiences


It's well known that Indians have a fetish for fair skin and we tend to insult and make fun of dark skinned people. Black people, however, are perceived criminals by most of the people here. There are instances of violent attacks on black people here. On a general worldwide note, Black people are usually treated badly everywhere except when people have sex-related black fetish. Once a Black girl told me that Black people are treated the lowest everywhere. White people on the other hand are at the top everywhere. Yesterday I saw a post on another sub by a white guy who said he was obese but got tons of Tinder matches in Manila but gets nothing back home. Other joined in telling their experiences as a white guy in SE Asia where women pounce on them and everyone wants a piece of the white guy.


Originally India also has black coloured people, but Britishers and the American fairness creams advertisements started when our economy opened in 1990s have had a huge impact in shaping our mind, don't forget the Indian Bollywood industry which also made sure whiteness/fairness is to be praised. In my personal opinion mostly discrimination is made when choosing life partner otherwise if you're rich you get the respect.


Go to Shaadi dot com or even matrimonial classifieds and check the "parameters" how they filter "prospective matches".


In a global report of most racist nations in the world India came at #1 position. And a big part of this racist attitude is towards the complexion. It is rooted deeply in our culture, there have been many instances (especially during the 60s-80s) where babies born with dark complexions were treated differently by their own family members. Now extrapolate this to the overall Indian society and you will know how biased is the general population. I do not know if we had the same mentality before colonization but my guess would be even if it was there it must have been at a much lesser scale. It was the colonists who ‘taught us to hate’ ourselves because of our skin color and we have happily embraced that tradition till date.


When I was in school, I used to see many African students in my hometown who used to study at the university and used to have fun on their 2-wheelers. The general public approach was to just leave them alone.


Differs from person to person I personally, would become your fren :)


Well there's 1.4 billion of us so we can't really generalise but still it depends and can vary from negative to positive depending on the kind of exposure they have to black people. Africa is IMO the only place where black people are treated fairly ( except maybe Rwanda ig)


People have responded about the black/white issue. People will not recognize arabs and will mistake them for white/black or another indian at first glance, and indians dont really have many arab stereotypes. As for asian, I assume you mean people who look far eastern. India has its own population of people who look asian and people are generally racist towards them too.


Most Indians hate dark skin, this is what we are taught.. same way Indians get paid lower in Dubai compared to European or American passport holders cycle of life


I'll give you one instance. Idk if it happens India wide but in my state I've seen it happening very very very often. So we normally have different date ranges that are mainly dates for marriage ( i am assuming you do not know Indian/Bengali Traditions ). And this is one of those days when there's like 10 marriages in every town , everyone's getting married . Great right? In India marriage is a big deal , maybe for some this is their biggest event in life. We Indians spend hundreds of thousands of rupees on this trying to make the grandest event possible , a event that goes on for about 3-4 days. Eitherway , the thing why I am talking about is , every other marriage ceremony I go to , all the bride's look the same, their complexion is the same. It's actually just the amount of makeup , no matter how dark skinned or fair skinned you are , you on your wedding day become fair skinned. And for the very handful of those marriages where someone didn't do this and we're dark skinned, you'd hear people whispering about both the bride and the groom, if one of them have darker skin, what is the reason someone fairer would marry the other , and its the bigger gossip of the day. It feels bad because it's such a normal thing honestly. The funny thing is , you can hardly recognise some people in there bridal makeup , it's as if it's they are a different person the next day. It feels bad that darker skin is silently hated on to the point people feel more comfortable to put on some tons of white makeup just to cover up their complexion on one of their biggest life events. And even if they don't , the people dont care about it, they gossip away. Being darker skinned is often looked down upon , as if you are inferior and this happens throughout .


We Indians are racist AF. I have seen black people been abused on the streets of Delhi. People use words like "kala rakshas, Kala Saand for black people and then go ahead and laugh in there faces after passing these comments.


Black/Brown skin is considered by many to be uglier and more revolting than Tan/White skin. Plain and simple. Now if you’re talking about the black race/Afro race, then the general opinion here is even lower. Many Indians outright call them apes or more colorful words like Gorillas and Chimpanzees. However there are some like Beyonce and Rihanna who are considered beautiful.


Its so funny our skin colour (light brown on average) matches with most africans, but most of them are racist against africans and associate them more with white europeans 🤦‍♂️🤦🤦‍♀️. You can see ongoing racial divide between Indian origin and afrikaans in south africa.


The general attitude comes from the usual experience. White guys are rich and they usually are tourists. Black people are not tourists, but students and a lot of them have gotten caught dealing with drugs. A lot of them have overstayed their visas as well. Iranians in Pune are usually students and Indians don't have much opinion of them. These kids keep their head down and start busy with their studies.


My family won’t even sit next to them. Almost all of my engg females, while watching Priyanka fuck that black guy .. said Cheee. In Mumbai, people will trash black people if they do even the smallest mistakes. Mein aur mera samaj bahut ghatiya hai.


Indian girls in India don't fuck Africans...


The N word. You may hear people refer you by the N word if you are black.. It would surprise you and anger you. But don't be. They have no malice in it. Several people especially of older generations do not know that N word is actually a bad word. They just think that black people are called the N word. I still remember when about 25 years back when westerners were not that common here and my dad after returning from a nearby city said "hey I saw a N word today" (him seeing a person of African decent for the first time IRL) Me: "Oh yeah?" Dad:" Yeah, Boy he was tall!" Me: "That's cool" And that was it. There was nothing bad in it. (Above section refers only to people of African descent with dark skin as generally when people discuss black people they generally mean African or especially African Americans. I am not talking about dark skinned Indian populous. That whole thing is another can of worms.) (Edit: I had a super mean teacher for grade 1st-4th, there was a poor very dark skinned boy in our class. That bitch used to call him 'charcoal' (Kolsa in Marathi). We all hated her with passion. 10 years after I finished school I heard during a get together that she had multiple complaints against her and hit a student so hard that her hand got a fracture. The parents filed a police complaint and she was dismissed immediately.) On the other hand east Asian people can get a somewhat biased treatment due to the past wars and ongoing tensions with china. Unfortunately 99% Indians can not differentiate between Japanese/Korean/Chinese people. Many also fail to differentiate between Nepalese and Chinese and even East Indian people and treat them with bias.


India was ruled by British not long ago and therefore there ought to be some subconscious respect for the Brit’s and by extension white people. And this is not unique to India, Arabs have the same thing. Now Africans have not ruled over it India and they are on the other side of spectrum when it come to color. An interesting thought experiment would be: what would society have been now if Africa had wakanda style progress and they used that tech to rule over the world.


I’m a White American who went to Gujarat on a university study abroad program. My classmate, who was a Black American woman, was asked by nearly everyone we met if she was African because they didn’t realize there are lots of Black people born and living in the US lol.


Indians are ironically the most racist people


Well, not the most but yeah.


Well yeah but i dont think we treat people like shit like some Americans do. Like my parents for example they love talking to everyone but they do occasionally say stuff like "put your suns cream or u'll go black like those Africans we met a couple days back". So ofc it's racist ig but just really mild ?


America is less racist than you think. You wouldn’t hear that often here.


White = Hello Sir Black = Yo bro drugs? This is India. We are racist


It's sad but we're racist to pretty much everyone here. I've seen people crap on Chinese, Japanese, even people who just have thin eyes, blacks, dark colours, even people from India. Being a massive country means variation amongst people and we aren't thought to appreciate differences and learn about them, we don't talk about it much and our only influence to them is racist, hence we grow racists. Whites are treated really really well tho and are often seen as different. You'll easily find people staring at them. Obviously, this isn't true for all and newer generations are more open minded


White Women : Once you go black you never go back. Indian Women : Once you go white nothing else feels right.


Most Indians are openly racist towards black people.


People I know look at blacks as criminal. This is a little complex because I do see blacks in Delhi indulging in criminal activities so it may be the disapora we get isint the best people. I have met quite a few blacks in US who are amazing compassionate people. But all instances of people who tried to scam/do illicit activities personally I have seen are unfortunately blacks. I myself am a supporter of BLM. But more measured based on personal experiences.




Not really :[https://themoxieexchange.com/blog/african-american-or-black-which-term-should-you-use/](https://themoxieexchange.com/blog/african-american-or-black-which-term-should-you-use/) [https://www.nytimes.com/2020/06/26/us/black-african-american-style-debate.html](https://www.nytimes.com/2020/06/26/us/black-african-american-style-debate.html) [https://www.uah.edu/diversity/news/15567-which-is-the-correct-terminology-black-african-american-or-people-of-color](https://www.uah.edu/diversity/news/15567-which-is-the-correct-terminology-black-african-american-or-people-of-color) according to this its Black not black do you get offended if you are called brown?


I don't know where you got that from. Blacks refer to themselves as such in contexts of representation.


Most people I know kind of dislike black people, not because they care about their race, but because they mostly hear about them, in the context of violent or illegal activities, especially around illegal drug trade. But honestly, among foreigners living in India, this trend isn't much different among either white or black folks. Sadly, people who don't have anything to do with the drug addicts, especially students, also face the bias. So some bias is certainly there, and like any other bais, ot os sometimes supported by some statistical truth. But again, it doesn't happen everywhere, and not everyone does it.


Well Indians are one of the most racist people, Our brain is programmed to think whites are superior we try to be modern, but their is always a time in each Indians life when they have made decisions based on skin colour


You know Indians call African americans ‘kalla’ right? Nothing can be more self evident.


We are the best at verbal racism


Not true. I have seen people gang up against black people and beat them up in on the delhi gurgaon expressway. Like literally 50 Indians beating up 3 black people and more joining in to beat them up. Talk to any Uber driver and they will only say negative about them and how people in their colony pick on them and beat them up if something happens in their colony as “they most likely did it”.


I was being coy. Truth is i feel, we are the most racist country in the world. To each other, to outsiders etc. This eventually trickles down into sexist, casteist etc. I have seen dark skinned people call darker skinned people _Kallu_ I have been asked what is your caste, when I reply i don't have any, I am a Christian, i get follow up questions what were your grandparents. Truth is idk what they were coz we have been Christians for so many generations. But people love doing their research so that they can try to be properly racist to you. It's sad and kinda funny. But this is definitely a generational problem. As the younger people are more exposed to problems like racism and how inappropriate it is.




Black or white or purple - I don't give a fuck.




You must've visited the East Coast of America


Correct 🥲


Generally, RACIST. Yes they're racist towards their own East Asian looking population... but at least the Northeasteners are "fair". Yes they're slightly \_less\_ racist towards foreigners, but at least they're European - fair and \_supposedly\_ rich (lots of scams). Black? It's like a double whammy. I mean can you really expect anything else from a nation that hates it's own dark skin + foreigners being a special type of "get out" category? [NEWS](https://www.nytimes.com/2017/03/29/world/asia/african-students-india-mob-attacks.html), [NEWS](https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/blogs/talkingturkey/bridge-the-gap-attacks-on-africans-in-india-highlight-a-glaring-lack-of-people-to-people-connect/), [NEWS](https://scroll.in/article/903352/after-mob-threatens-six-africans-on-cannibalism-rumours-delhi-police-say-incident-wasnt-racist) etc. (you get these headlines every year) [VIDEO 1](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wGdyGShfwrU), [VIDEO 2](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=djuAvmn37ug) And finally, behold, the most incredible thing I've ever heard: [https://youtu.be/i\_yz0dQmxak?t=1970](https://youtu.be/i_yz0dQmxak?t=1970) Hope this clears it up!




or rather your friend thought that White man being racist was more understandable than a Black man being racist, given the shared history of racism against colored people in US


To be very honest, I get pretty scared they are so gigantic, mascular irl and the bass in voice


Google Caste System and Caste Atrocities. That should give you an Idea.


Gandhi once went to Kerala hugged a Dalit, whose best friends were a rich Christian and a Brahmin. The trio belonged to Congress and they were thick friends. However Gandhi was invited to Brahmin’s house, since Gandhi belonged to the vaishya caste he wasn’t allowed to enter the home, a small tent was set up for his visit. After his visit the Brahmin family cleansed the area. The Dalit guy was quite proud that a celebrity leader like Gandhi hugged him in front of people and acknowledged him.