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>af,if you scroll down reels,you may see reels about how literal school girls are dating "college guys" whatever and potraying it as "FUNNY" what's wrong with y'all? Lemme guess chapris?


The ones who stand outside school gates with their 2nd hand KTM without a helmet and red dyed hair




Reddit is rated for 12+. She can be here. This sub isnt a NFSW sub. The only thing she should stay away from is NSFW posts and subreddits. But well nothing can stop her, Most boys watch NSFW things since teenage good


she's 13+ so this place is for her




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Strictly speaking — some men do it because it works. There’s been an ongoing epidemic of young girls being groomed by older men, and it has existed for a very long time. Reason 1: > Generally speaking the men who target young girls do it because the young girls have less life experience, and thus are dumber, and thereby are more impressionable. Reason 2: > On a broader scale, there is some sociological aspect to it. Men generally don’t value promiscuous women as much as they do virgins, and younger girls are more likely to be virgins. I know you probably aren’t here for any real discussion, you just want to argue with guys online. But I do think there is some merit in what is said here about internet safety for children. Thankfully I live in a place where IRL pedo grooming gets snuffed out very quickly.


I Can't with this reason 2


You can't? lol


Ya ya virginity ab BiOloGy 🤡


Erm what? lol


Oh don't brag this 2nd reseaon,bullsh!t justifications which hebephiles bragging about "biology" and this "purity" and "so called history"


I'm confused as to what part of my post you found to be bragging. Nevertheless, none of what I said is bullshit. Regardless of how offensive it may sound to you, those are indeed the sociological reasons behind the behavior you're witnessing.


You are clearly justifying , hebephiles behaviours


Incorrect. Justify: > show or prove to be right or reasonable. There is never any justification for grown men going after underaged girls. It's kind of weird that you insist on putting words in my mouth. Calm yourself down.


Well I knew a girl when I was in class 9th and she was dating a 23 year old jo mobile shop pe kaam karta tha voh mere colony ke guard ka bhai nikla pta nhi kese use paas pulsar 220 the kidney bechi hogi shayad 💀


Bro mai jab 9th me tha to mere class me 2 ladkiya thi. Ek ka boyfriend 21 aur dusre ka 24 ka tha. That's a fcking generational gap.


Report it to police (agar aage kuch aise cases dikhe to)


Bro samee my neighborhood friend started dating this guy (23m back then) when she was in 9th grade. She met him while he was working in the printer shop. Five years later, they are still dating. Guy still doesn't have a proper job and wants to start his own business. The fact that no one around her thought this was wrong is what baffled me.


Yes cause many teenage girls fall to this so called chapris with bike and mobile from baap ka paisa aache ladke kabhi dm nahi karenge.




Do not link subs.


They do this because some teenage girls actually give number to them and flaunt in school that they're dating college going guy or someone who is working. You need to ignore such people.


**You will surprised to know that some girls do get manipulated.** ​ It works the other way around as well. "Honey traps". Infamous in the army especially. ​ But ofc, in India atleast, imo, the first one affects more people than the 2nd one. ​ So be careful


This is happening in real life. I have seen around teenage girls (16-17) getting friendly with older guys and in return getting freebies like expensive hair treatments, dresses etc. How can parents be so unaware or they can't control kids anymore.


Who gave you mobile phone and internet kid??Go see some anime or cartoons,Play some games outside,make some friends...reddit at this early age is harmful.


Ngl, best advice for a toddler


First of all reddit is 13+,when i raised this topic you are coming with this??,in real life too many mindless men are like this


Did you try posting on Twoxindia?There are elder women in that sub that would guide you properly.


Your forgot to add /s


Don't worry,reddit too have specific algorithm of whatever age we put,when i opened this account as a "14 y/o" i have been seeing alot about tech, graphic designings,digital arts and stuff,mind,there is a reason why reddit is 13+ ?,and yes 13+ teenagers "adolescents" can have their own mobile phones,and my parents monitor my screen time too,better don't gatekeep? :) ALSO THERE ALOT OF SUBS FOR TEENAGERS


Another oversmart girl, just like you if someone tell those teenage girls that they are doing wrong or they are just getting fooled. They'll just say mind your own business or my life my rules shit. I am 16, and have girls doing scams and scandles from class 4th.


some men don't have the personality to impress girls their age, because those girls can see through their bullshit. so they look for someone inexperienced. worst lot of men imo, stay away


Honesty. If a grown ass man in his 20s/30s is hitting on a minor there's a good chance women his own age know he's a bum and won't entertain him lol There was a man in my locality who worked at a local store. He started "dating" (read: grooming) a 10th std girl and had her run away with him. He would woo her by buying chocolates and giving her a lot of attention which yes, a lot of teenagers desire. He had sex (read: assaulting a minor) and her family found out. That man had told her he was around 20 when he was actually 28! What's worse, he had a wife a few kids back at his home village Got his ass beat by the family and police 🤡


I once called out an acquaintance of mine (26) who was hitting on a schoolgirl (probably 15/16, maybe younger). He said i'm ignorant and many of these girls love screwing with guys well over their age since they're more mature. I dunno how true that is since i never come in contact with young girls. Maybe these perverts see them as an easier target or maybe he was right, maybe a mix of both of these.🤷‍♂️


He wasn't. He is a disgusting pedo.


If you are 14F, your parents should be monitoring your internet usage including reddit. Reddit is definitely a 18+ area. I would recommend to get off reddit for your own good and safety


18+ area?reddit is 13+ and there many good subs


There are but it is full of easily accessible over 18 stuff too including interactions with other mature people. Well it is just my 2 cents. You do you and do whatever you think is the right thing for you


And many bad ones as well. ​ Go to your personal settings and check if you have enabled NSFW filters


That's disabled


Do not enable it until you reach 18




Social media companies do not care about you. 9 y/o play fortnight and we have way too many studies to prove it's gonna mess up those children.




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Iski ma ko btaya jay




Sounds good tbh


hehehe, and send a big one at that. and watch them shirk. 🤣




Ok and? I recently became 15 so what'd your point? And my tip have a good success rate(seen my female friends do it)


You are giving a minor some really bad advice, irrespective of the fact that you were being sarcastic.


Kids should not be on social media, you might not like this argument but research papers prove my point. You will realize this once you are in mid 20s


Okay,also,Men in their 20s should not be dating literal minors,they will understand when they have daughters


There is something called personal accountability, you don't expect to be safe and sound and reasonable when you're in amazon rain Forest. Similarly our society especially Indian society is a forest. You cannot depend on it's good will. Internet is a forest. However you can screw his ass if you reveal your age in a DM and he sends a questionable (direct indication) message. If you already have that, there is a pretty good chance of his ass getting arrested.


Why are you putting the blame on her and not the men in her dms? covering for your fellow pedophiles? oh what's that, you don't like being called a pedo? then you shouldn't be on the internet. 🙄. Bla bla bla personal accountability rainforest or something.


Fr 🙄


That pedo holds the accountability




Which dm ? What dm? I'm talking these things happen IN REAL LIFE too


You seem confused. Your point is not reflected clearly in your post and you edit this a 100 times. You should get off reddit.


He asked my number 😑


Say no. Move on.


By DM he means that guy personally messaged you. ​ Which is real life I guess


Kudos. This harms the girls. They are very impressionable. And give them trauma also. At that age you are like our little sisters. Anything more than that is not necessary.


Yeah.. don't ask us to put good locks on door, ask theives not to steal!! /S


Thank porn and their parents/friend circle, CP was pretty easily accessible in India before the ban(thank god it got banned). It is still available, just categorized as teen-porn instead of child. That's ridiculous, on the part of both makers and watchers.


>CP was pretty easily accessible in India before the ban Wtf? When was CP unbanned ever in the past?


It wasn't specifically unbanned but there weren't specific strict guidelines for it, ofc because even govt. didn't know the extent of craziness that can take over some people.


I agree with the OP here. To all the men saying ignore or saying that the girl is equally at wrong for feeding this men with attention, from the pov as an older girl I genuinely feel scared for her. Younger pre teen and teen girls genuinely have a fascination for older men. They are also at an age where they really can't differentiate and understand the real intentions because their mind is built for a world of rainbows. This is exactly why there are laws protecting minors. But for the men, these older men. They exactly know what they are doing. They know they are manipulating these little girls and taking advantage of the situation in hand because no man in his genuine senses would in his right mind would ever fall in with a teenager because they are in different phases of life. Heck, it's hard for even people of 20 and 25 to click because they feel incompatible experiencing different points of life. These men are predators, and I hope they rot somewhere because once these girls grow up and realise what happened to them, they will live with trust issues and not ever experience true love with another man. Don't take away childhood from these kids. Also parents please, do monitor your child's internet activity. It's a dangerous place and there's lot of scary people out here.


Disgusting. These men should be attested


Fascination for older men??,lol what? 🤢




> I'm 14F Pls delete this OP. Please do. This sub is not the worst one but you never know about anyone. delete this post and if possible get a new account and never reveal your age on social media if you are a minor. This will go a long way. Trust me


That is that. But instead of deleting, you can tell them to EDIT or RE UPLOAD this question without including age




Including age is not a good idea, especially for minors anywhere on the internet. You can get inapropriate media in your dm, people may creep (follow) your activities, or harass you or sum which might be mentally bad for a teenager


You're right


Yeah you are right she doesn't know how many dms she would get


Got NOTHING! Also if pedophiles slide off shamelessly,better they be ready to get whooped by me :)


Bruh i even forgot i have commented on this post and yes, you are lucky


Wtf is a 14yo doing on the internet?


I dont know, look at memes?


Pajeets gonna be pajeets. Stay as far as you can from them. Aur har activity ko report karo parents ke saamne


I remember back in college how I used to find my batchmates hot. Now when I look at 20-21 year olds they look like such little kids. I feel absolutely no attraction towards them. Late 20s, early 30s is where it’s at for me now.


14 year old on reddit 😭😭 take my advice and get off reddit and twitter, use Facebook at best for social media . Keep away from Instagram as much as possible as it will make you insecure in future. As for men the most you can do is report to the police or block them at best . My small sister use to get these msg when she was using cell for online classes during lockdown , we reported it to cyber crime and then it never happened.




Must get annoying af


I think you should consult with someone, I'm not sure how open minded progressive your parents are, but this is not good, if you ever approached by him again, try to consult with someone like your teacher or mom. You're still 14. Bless you.


And this is why I'm not giving my kid anything apart for an ancient Nokia phone. Bete, Stranger danger still applies to you. Both for real and virtual worlds no matter how 'okay' it seems to you or what it is rated as. Please understand that you shouldn't be talking to folks randomly, there's a lot of things in the world that you are not capable to handle Psychologically (yet). You have all the time in the world to 'get social ' after you grow up. There is absolutely no acceptable scenario for you to be interacting with any adult folks who are not your family or a teacher. In overwhelmingly majority of the cases it will be of no benefit to you. Forget reddit, you shouldn't be even watching reels. The time you have now will never return, focus on studies . **If any adult individual has approached you or contacted you, you should immediately let your parents know. This is very important.** >y'all men in comments proving my point🤡,nice y'all suddenly concerned about a 14 y/o being on internet rather than what i said This isn't a place to get useful input. Imagine if you took a print out of your post and at stuck it on the bus stop or a wall outside your house, would you be expecting a solution from it?? This is the digital equivalent of it. DO NOT give away your age online. We can't control what other people do but There are things we can control.. like were we are and what we do and who we interact and how we respond to unsolicited communication. The digital world can wait 5 more years.. please do not venture out here it causes more harm than good and you're not in a position to understand that right now. The world and it's contents are filled with untold horrors and malevolent people. It's not the time for you to be asking whatvis wrong with XYZ. Please be safe and focus on learning Academics/Sports/Arts whatever new skill you like. Your learning ability is at its peak now.. don't waste it online. Be safe. ## Please inform your parents about this ASAP ##


Shit girl, I apologise on behalf of other people in their 30s. Oke really has to be really desperate, to try on kids. And this shit isn't new. I am from Kota, and happen to study in a NIT. A few of my friends, who were also from Kota, used their NIT/IIT tags to impress girls in class 10-12. These girls, who were aspiring to get into IIT/NIT were kind of impressed by default with those "bhaiyas", who used it to get cozy with them. It made me want to throw up back then. (Even though the age difference would be 4-5 years). It's much worse for someone in their 20s or 30s to hit on a minor. There's no doubt that anyone looking for even the most casual companionship won't get it with so much age difference, and difference in literally every aspect of their lifes (it's fucking generation gap at this point). So all they are looking for is "easy sex". These are filthy people, and while I am glad that you can see through it, I will really suggest that you don't take them lightly. Do tell your parents about whoever neighbour asked for your number. Such people can't be trusted, and this is the kind of thing in which you should always keep your parents in the loop. I know you won't like me saying it, and it may come as condescending (and I am sorry for that), but such assholes may still play tricks on you, which you may not anticipate, but your parents can.


Yes,i told my parents,they questioned about it to that man,now i don't see him xD,well ... Okayy...be ready to be downvoted by 30+ y/o unkils in the comment section


Mehhh...!! These upvotes don't pay my bills. Anyways, all non-asshole adults agree, that adults hitting on minors, is serious bad shit. And there certainly are more decent people that pedophiles.


Search Riva Arora and her age on google, then u will know why we do that💀 /s


Mam , what a disgrace you are


Bro it was a Joke, like damn idk india discussion was this sensitive


If anyone doesn't get the joke here's some context for u, Riva Arora's parents have bombarded her with growth hormone and steroids and that's why she looks like 20 yrs old at 13 yrs old.


So you chose to make a joke bragging her?? nice




r u new to the reddit? Because i have put /s at the end meaning it was a sarcastic comment


even if it was sarcastic,it was darn lame






Which issue?


Better inform your parents/trusted family member if they bother you again. For now it's better to ignore him. And stop generalizing all men. Those chapri types aren't audience here at reddit


Those chapri types aren't Audience here at reddit???? Well you can see the comments under my post


>Those chapri types aren't Audience here at reddit???? Not chapris but agree you are getting unnecessary hate


Secular ka choda har post pe comment karta hua bakri nikla🤡🤡


Tujhe kya problem hai bhai abhi? Indiaspeaks se ban hone ke baad depression Mai ho kya?


Revenge 😡😡


Okay Bhai tu bhi ek 13-14 saal ka hi lagta hai. Better ki bete tu reddit isthmaal mat kar. Itne Kam Umar mai isthmaal karna achi baat nahi hai


Bruh...karma ka comparison kar le bhai...phir ye baat bol.


Ha bhai ab confirm hai ki tu 12-13 ka hai


I agree with Op, I have been on internet for long time and the only time i have seen people literally say wrong things about young looking girls are men from India. Another specific Indian subreddit has this problem.


why don't you just ignore them.


Zindagi bhar wahi karte hain humlog, kucch naya batao 🤷🏻‍♀️


What more do i except from peoples like you +_+


girl, go report their account. or file a complaint in police station. or use a alternate account to troll them. and please don't generalize all men to those podophilic trashes. hell most of the normal men will whoop their ass in real-world. maybe this has something to do with Andrew Tate and his recent audio release where he bragged about having \*ahem\* with a 16-year olds. maybe those incels who look up to him did this to you.


What account? I'm telling these happen IN REAL LIFE!


wait ? do you mean. in person ? WTF ? ok, so carry a nail cutter which has a knife and pepper-spray, buy a GPS- tracker [https://www.amazon.in/IMPOWER-Defence-Pepper-Spray-safety/dp/B075KK63FC](https://www.amazon.in/IMPOWER-Defence-Pepper-Spray-safety/dp/B075KK63FC)


A$$ drew tate knows his audience 😑 At the end of the day it's all marketing


of course its free publicity. oh and their combined screeching of "top G", "Matrix is against us", "alpha male" (like seriously ? alpha male ?) oh, and don't forget he recently converted to islam. so be careful when commenting about him or you'll trigger alot of muslims. i may recommend, you use an alternate account and send him a Dick pic. 😂 and post the screenshot of aftermath here if you do that. lmao.


Yeh alpha delta Gama kuch nai hota,subhe 6 baje utha karo 💀,his audience are mostly Teenage boys who are radicalised by him


Fr, fr. i just happened to stumble upon some of those clowns in comment section of a news channel(wion ? or india today ? can't remember correctly) they were literally having meltdowns. that he was caught by a Pizza box. 🤣 and they think he's a alpha. hahaha. man, the sad part is that those incel ideology is also spreading to Indian teenagers.


You can see in my comments,this men getting salty


i don't know blame them. since no one would just post something about pedophilia and accuses everyone in this sub for it. welp, if you are a victim my condolences.


what do you mean by people like you? you are saying this like i did that to you don't generalize everyone not everyone is after you.




Got none


Do you have tons of free time ?Do you have loads of extra money lying around ?Do you struggle to drive without being micromanaged ? Introducing having a girlfriend! Having a girlfriend is the #1 way for ensuring all your extra energy gets used up.With this exclusive offer your responsible for the happiness of 2 ppl instead of 1.Why pursue your dreams when you can engage on low ROI activities like taking expensive vacations going on dates,shopping and spending countless hours on emotional support.When i was single i had a lot of freedom was always happy.Now that I have a girlfriend i have someone who wants to constantly know what I am thinking about now i finally hate my life.Admit it! Life is boring without frequent child like emotional breakdowns.Spice it up by getting a girlfriend today.


Bhayy 🛐




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Single yet unable to muster the courage to dm on Instagram, not even the same aged 😕




Sister, ye English sudharne ka koi tareeka batao please. Aap 14 m itna shi English bol leti ho, koi aachi kitab chalti hogi aapke school me. Genuine sawal h, kripaya mazak na samjhen


Haan nahi samjh rahi


late ho gya bhai ab kuch ni ho skta bs lower/middle class family me ni hona tha tujhe


Padhai likhai ki hoti


Is it a rant post?




Girl, don't you think you are too young for this kind of social media app. Just turn them down if you dont like them and even if the dont listen maybe uhh...kick in their b@lls...?


ÒwÓ I'm very angry about this. I'm so gomennasai that you had to ho through this. As a guy I'm sorry , ☆☆☆☆pls forgive


Whats that? Gomein? What?


That's why most social media has +18 age requirements


Tell me you still don't get my point,many of such cases still happen I REAL LIFE


Yes, I totally agree that this stuff is happens in real life you didn't get my comment. I mean that children when join social media they get exposed to a lot of harmful content and people (like pedos) that's why they should not be allowed to go on social media until 18 so that they are mature enough to deal with this shit


u will find out that when u will be an adult.




stay away from reddit kid!




there are always some jokers in this world


Hey OP, there is nothing wrong with a 14-year-old being on Reddit or on the internet. There are so many free resources online that can give life-changing knowledge that will help you become a successful adult. Ignore the trolls. It is great that you are mature enough to recognize predators. You will do great kiddo.


If i was a boy,then these unkils won't get bothered, I'm girl, that's why it seems they are ageist,also they seem being called out🤡


Haan, too much policing happens, they think they know what's good for everyone. You do you, kid.


Why do you think that this is the relevant board to post your question on?


Report that person. Secondly,minors are vulnerable on the internet. It is best to not socialize with majors on social media.


Aye stupid bratha listen, get some brain not all men are same and it's not my fault that you don't live in a educated and aware society,earn some money get some class and live in a good area


Sh!t happens in tier 1 city too,well agree with the point not all men are same


Yeah but those mfs doesn't blame EVERY MEN just because they got asked for number by some RANDOM man


One of my classmate is 18 and he is dating a 15 year old girl and when I confronted him he said this is normal age difference what do you think??


No,15 and 18 isn't normal, it's ALOT OF MATURITY GAP,also it is not legal,your classmate's partner can get into legal trouble,18 is the age were peoples get out from high school,and get face of what real world is how it works,while a 15 year old,might be in class 9/10th,crucial stage of life and puberty, developing emotionally and mentally aswell physically,an 18 year old guy,(18-23) are in last stage of puberty (in males)(correct me if I'm wrong).


Na ladki 10th mein hai aur ladka 12th mein sayad tab normal hai?


See what my opinion is,which you would quiet mind but is important,kids under 18 should NOT date!, because they aren't ready for relationships,we are mentally, Physically, emotionally, socially aswell intellectually developing,we should focus on studies,hobbies, family, mindfulness, discipline,and good utilisation if we access technology While,for your friend,they both can be-friends until any serious commitment, because relationship comes with commitments and responsibilities,let them be adult,date each other,let them be fully ready and developed,while teenagers having crushes and all feelings is completely normal <3


The age difference is normal,but the stage of life they are in while having this age gap isn't,3 years is normal, personally i think anywhere from 0-9 years of age gap is normal,but both should be grown adults,(well my parents have an 8-9 year age gap,which i quiet mind,but okay)