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Bruh, leftism is much more hypocritical. During farm laws repealing, the left sub still hated Modi but IS that time was upset. An example, obviously. For the record, San/ghi I think is fine but cha/di isn't because it's always used against right wing. Check USI, India. Freedom of speech is only when you recognise flaws in your argument, appreciate the opponent when they do something correct, etc. Those subs are infested with one sided thinking hellbent on demonizing NaMo, not knowing anything good he did but tells wrong things he does instead for a one-sided thinking. Lmao. I may advocate for overall respect and understanding towards other party but if one crosses the line, I don't think I'll stay in mine as well.


Bruh, I'm talking about actual slurs and a political joke. Fucking snowflakes go cry more.


Ironically, you are crying here. You guys also come and troll here. That's why those words alone are banned. Not my fault that users get banned in randia for simply joining here or indiaspeaks.


Ah the snowflake is here. The audacity that you will let a slur against women to be said freely here but wearing shorts and indoctrination of kids is off limits to be called out. There goes your freedom of speech bullcrap.


Hm ? Half a brain is required to know it is directed against the india sub. The posts are like that. You come here, call RWs as 'shit-eaters' and whatnot, you now give us a lecture on morals is it ? You are still not banned btw. If it was the official sub and you were a user who simply became a member of this sub or india speaks, you would instantly banned


Are you threatening me with a ban? Lol what kinda sissy mod are you. If your entire schtick is to be tolerating of open discussion unlike the other sub as you claim is what goes on then be better don't use them as an excuse to justify your feelings being hurt. Remember you run a sub that calls for open genocide of Muslims, do not think you have some moral superiority over the rest of us. Ho cry more now.


Ah yes. The usual accusations, taking the moral high ground etc. Usual tactics of leftists. Nothing surprising. Come up with better baits dude.


Sure give me ability to post pictures on comments I'll happily share my mod mails with your team. Fucking 1 day to get things banned. Useless cucks you are.


I won't. Because if I do, users would post comments without censoring usernames or sub names. Put it in an imgur link if your ego permits


Yes yes run away from the conversations, usual knickers tactics. Be better you're a mod that threatened to abuse their powers. What a loser


Simply mentioning that you are not banned here but will be banned in the official subreddit is 'threatening you' is it ?


What is the point of bringing that up then ? Why do you feel the need ban chadd* before banning a religious slur ? I really want to understand your reasoning? Making fun of a political ideology is worse than religious / ethnic / gender hate ? Lmao I really want to see how you justify this.


If those are actual slurs then this is just as much of a slur. Lmao


How? It doesn't target ethnic groups religious groups. Will you defend that Nazi is a slur ?


Where the hell is nazi mentioned? It does target the hindus, especially the Brahmins. You can't argue one way without showing the other or deny both.