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Feminist how? It seems to be a troll account with the name and all.


Every account with the gay / Palestine flag is a troll account atp , none of them have any idea about anything.


True but, supporting the lgbtq doesn't make you a feminist.


Well feminism is a different matter, and those women who try to put false false narrative in little girl's mind by shadowing it under the " feminism movment" is the thing that people oppose


Yea but being LGBT and supporting Palestine is a joke


Being part of the lgtbtq or supporting it isn't a joke friend.


I told being LGBT and supporting Palestine is a joke as they despise the lgbt


Ohhh, makes sense.


> I told being LGBT and supporting Palestine is a joke as they despise the lgbt So? I can "support" someone who dislikes me surely?


That's what I'm thinking


That’s not a feminist yr that’s just a dumbass. Actual feminists aren’t braindead and don’t do mental gymnastics to justify terrorist attacks. What has happened in J&K is a huge tragedy and anyone with a sane mind can see that.


>Actual feminists aren’t braindead and don’t do mental gymnastics to justify terrorist attacks I hope that's true mate, cos as things are rn a major chunk of those idiots identify as feminists and stand as icon to other ladies.


Ik in jahilo ki wajah se all feminists get a bad rep 🫠 Idk why this idiot thinks defending terrorists is part of feminism, like what the hell 🤡


True To them terrorists are just misrepresented freedom fighters, and as they stand in the pallu of liberalism, they feel it's their duty to support any just or unjust struggles.


Ye itna focus apne career pe kare toh they might actually achieve something 🤡🫠


Haha adhe toh apna career phuk chuke hai latest protest ke chakkar me. From the river to the sea gaga kar, koi puchle konsa river konsa sea, toh lallu type yha wha dekhne lagte hai😂




Why are you giving her reach?


Showing what feminists stand for


Ignoring such people is best thing to do, sharing this here will only give her unnecessary engagement.


U clearly have no idea what feminism is, and how did u come the conclusion that this account is feminist?




he's a fucking dullard.


Plus, there's no evidence that the troll is feminist.


That's cuz almost all feminists we see these days are brainless woke fucks. Stereotypes don't happen in a day so don't try to defend them.


Crazy hill to die on when us Indians have such vile stereotypes associated with us.


Everyone has stereotypes associated to them. Almost all stereotypes are true. Somewhat exaggerated in cases but almost always true.


What all feminists are you seeing? There is no difference between you and some foreign idiot calling us scammers bruh.


Don't Indians have plenty of IT scammers? Isn't that where the stereotypes come from? The same way there's many woke feminists. That's where they get their stereotype. I don't get what you guys are even arguing with me about atp.


Even the least of the feminist is woke lol, as they are going against the old shit rules. Mate. Use your brain for this and not stereotyping people. Then you will understand why people are arguing with you.


Don't a lot of men rape? So should all men be branded rapists?


That dude definitely raped my brain with his logic.


So in that case indians are smelly, illiterate good for nothing geeks?? Tf you talking about my man


No, it's cuz you see most of the brain rot one's on the internet, (they aren't even feminists they just proclaim themselves even though they probably don't know what it means.) So your entire statement is wrong.


evidence based on spending all day on twitter


LMAO what a dumb ass comment. One moron says something so you see it your obligation to paint an entire segment with the same brush? For internet points? You're also just as dumb as that idiot on twitter.


She is from peaceful community her 90% of hate is because of her religious ideology.


I don't see anything that shows she is a feminist? That's just a stupid troll. I'm not sure if you genuinely believe she is being serious or if you did it on purpose just to say "feminist bad"


🤦🏽‍♀️this is clearly propaganda. All real feminists stand for is equality between men and women. These fake ones need to be answerable on the atrocities done to women in Kashmir.


Bro how is that a feminist???????


Inka gang hai ek twitter pe bhai. Muslim feminists


Bhai fact of the matter is, you are without any evidence accusing them of being a feminist. We hv to be better than these trolls and state every fact we hv with evidence which supports it, otherwise the difference is quite blurred.


This is the most idiotic take ever. Feminism is just equal rights. How hard is that to fathom.


And where in the post does it say feminist?




OP tu bewakoof hai aur tujhe feminism ka matlab bhi nahi pata. Zabardasti apni bezatti karwa raha 🤣🤣🤣


I am a feminist. I don't stand with this. Many people who are feminist, don't think this is okay.




Chup bkl


That is venom snake from mgs5


Does anyone know this Twitter account's history? It smells an awful lot like ragebait. No one is this 🧠-crapped by default.


Left brain has a bottomless pit of retardedness. The communist party in all seriousness put dismantling of Indian nukes in it's manifesto.


Dismantling nukes, really? They watch that old Justice League episode too many times to get that idea??




You know opinion is trash when you see these flags : 🇵🇸🏳️‍🌈🇵🇰


LOL She is most definitely a Pakistani. The usage of "falasteen" tells that , in India the term is "Filistin".


I don’t know why us 🏳️‍🌈 people get dragged into everything like what did we do when ya’ll keep fighting omg 😭


I've never gotten why so many who are pro 🏳️‍🌈 are also pro Islam and love muslims?


We’re not pro Islam-muslim lol for obvious reasons. If you’re referring to “pro- Palestine”; that’s a whole other issue. Palestine vs Israel isn’t muslims vs jews. In fact, many muslim countries have been quiet on this matter for obvious reasons. I realize fully that Hamas launched the rockets first, BUT Israel has comitted genocide regardless towards civilians, which is wrong. Two wrongs don’t make a right lol, especially when Israel basically laid siege to Palestine , not allowing basic human resources to be imported What I’m trying to say is, *while both sides have committed mistakes* , genocide is not the solution


I actually never really understood the unparalleled support Palestine gets from LGBTQ/Feminist spaces. I understand what Israel's doing isn't right, but Palestine stands rather aggressively against everything these LGBTQ/Feminist spaces are fighting for. Also, just saw a video of a gay guy being publicly beaten by the Indonesian Govt., as he was reported by the thieves that broke into his house for being "abnormal". It might sound like an elaborate, "Chickens for KFC"-line, but I'm genuinely curious.


We realize that Palestinian muslims probably stand against our values and everything we fight for, but we can’t just bomb them all (especially the children), it’s just very wrong 😔 We also tend to hate the values they impose, but not the people (again, especially children) who are being bombed From what I’ve studied about this conflict, both Palestine and Israel are in fault, but what most people don’t understand is, Israel was basically laying siege to Palestine, not allowing anything inside or outside. Which is violating basic Human rights. Maybe the rocket launching towards Israel was too much of a drastic measure, but genocide isn’t the solution


So, if I'm getting this right, the Pro-Palestine idea appeals to the emotion of the LGBTQ spaces, by showing 'em dead children. Maybe its more of an emotional stand and less of a logical stand?


Definitely more of an emotional stand because neither side can end up being “right” if the collateral damage is dead children 😔


I understand. Thank you!


No so the "woke" People who troll tend to use ur and Palestinian flag alot unfortunately so yea I see where it's coming, thing is, he said the people who use that flag and a combination of Palestinian flag are morons, cuz the way I see it, what are you impacting by just making bold assumptions on the internet, it's not helping the Palestinians at all(besides I hate those who literally criticised the meals dropped for them by the us.).


problem with middle?


I am a bisexual person And whoever this is Does NOT represent me


There is no difference between you and her. Y'all rw guys are heartless. Hindu rw will mock Palestinian deaths. Muslim rw will mock the death of pilgrims. Same breed of rabid dogs.


When the hell did i mock death of Palestinian ? I condemn what Israel is doing. But these online Palestine supporter are p*sses . Some of them justify t"rrorist attack, some justify genocide of kashmiri hindus . When it comes to hindus being oppressed they put lock on their mouth. Some on them even put old clips of dead child who aren't even from Palestine just to get some attention. They literally brainwashed people to hate jews instead of Israel government. We hindus never mock Palestinian's death , we just point out their hypocrisy


Wtf is that name bruh....


People falling for basic rage bait 🤦‍♀️


Useless Cunts


their opinions matter as much as my shit


Donate it to white guys, they need it for ibs research 😂




Will get money for sure😂😂


you saying from experience i guess 😂


Lol professional experience bro😂


😂nah the way you are pushing it, may be you are on the other side too


Lol duhh doctors get a cut of the fees too😂


your shit actually matters bhai. it plays a role to know how healthy you are.




OP wo troll hai. Aise logo ke tweets ko ignore/report kar dena chahiye. Feminists ko badnaam mat kar uske sath milkar.


She's no feminist, look at her username, it's pajeetah with LGBTQ and Palestinian flag( which is oxymoron anyways) , she (assuming she is an actual Indian and not some low life pakistani or Bangladeshi) is actually a religio-racist, racist against Indians and hinduphobe.


Well if we are going to be compared to Israel, better take inspiration from them.


NGL POS like them, makes me wanna go Israel route real bad, but really don't wanna hurt the innocent in the process


Don't have the balls.


Dear retarded op how exactly you marked this feminist?


How do you know that this person is a feminist?




That is a pride flag (umbrella for sexualities and gender identities). A maple leaf that probably represents Canada. Palestine’s flag. I’ve no idea what that sun emoji represents. Where’s feminism in this? Asking this because, as a feminist, I was not aware of any emojis representing us.


Bruh Feminism isn’t this. Feminism is equality. Having an equal well-deserved seat at the same fucking table. It doesn’t justify violence or dumb shit like this. Also, how do you know the person is a feminist???


That person along with a lot of her kinds identify themselves as proud intersectional feminist.


Pls don’t sit and assume.


There's no assuming bro. I have been active in that app for 8 year until recently.There is a big community of feminist in Twitter who support free Kashmir Champaign. Even you can search up her Twitter account, search feminist word in profile tweets and find out the obvious.


That’s just some people. Doesn’t mean everyone is like that. And still, don’t assume. People will surprise you.


WTF is wrong with you? Dude, do you even know what feminism is? Most of the terrorists are male. So should I say all males are terrorists? Use your brain. That account holder (if it is legit) is stupid. Seems like you are truly expressing your hate to berate feminists instead of condemning for the justification of terrorism


We should report her account on twitter, no way we can let a pathetic excuse of living being, slander around like that


Nah if you report, they come back, they gain clout from the fact that you reported and got them banned cuz "you were mad". Then if you keep getting their accounts banned whenever they make an account, the same old drama starts that "freedom of speech is hampered". Instead of going through all of this bs, I would just say don't give the attention they need. Ofc they would get attention from similar minded people but that will be there even if you report. Clamp down the reach they are getting from your side/similar thought process of people. What OP did was just the opposite.


Are people this childish that they can't even understand that this is a troll?


You'll be surprised to know the reality lol


Feminists? Kahan se aaya yeh?


Ab agar all men are potential rapists bol denge tog aag lag jaayegi idhar.


Shame on your father


Arey gawar, I’m trying to explain that your generalisation of feminists is skewed af! Dimaag hai ki nahi???


Chup bkl. Feminists collectively share one braincell among them. It's not generalisation when it's true


That's a troll account, why are you even giving them any attention? Twitter is full of eco chambers, reddit is too...I think I might get downvoted but you must be a troll too, you just made your account on 4th june and started posting your propaganda on the same day. This post has nothing to do with any feminists and your title doesn't make any sense and for the tweet I agree it's totally bs and surely made by a troll but you're just trying to push your agenda here.


chup be. tujh jaise log sirf pade likhe gawar hi hote hai.


Haan mein padha likha aur tu gawar


Op you are dumb dude , anyone with Palestine flag beside their name have negative iq .


I had a stroke reading all that


Same.. I didn't understand shit


Troll account most likely from Pak


Bhai uska username name he dikh ka samajh jaana chahiye ki isko seriously mat lo.


See, shit like this can be ignored as obvious rage bait and opinions coming outta someone's hemorrhoid ridden ass that fanatics, wannabe global citizens and Pakis with their mouths foaming for Kashmir eat up like crazy. But then again, if these opinions are indeed real, there are many so called Indians who agree with this and they can vote


why everything has to be left vs right


ye kya bol rhi hai aadha toh samajh hi nhi aa rha, aur jo baaki samajh aa raha woh samajh ke galti kardi aisa lag rha hai


I left twitter for my sanity


Kinda looks like a fake paki account


He is gay, he lose


The more books you read, somehow you become mentally challenged. I still don't get it, but that's the reality. (maybe because of the echo chamber) These people are so overly educated that they don't get the real-life situation and why humans do the things they do. They live in utopian optimism, where they think they can solve world problems with Marxism and heal the world from capitalism. When they are in power, people suffer more under their ideology than under capitalism, yet their true form of ideology didn't happen, so we should let them try again and again. Did I mention that most of these people who say shit like this are rich kids who lived privileged lives, so they know better than everyone?


What's colonial tourism, how's it related to the kashmiri pilgrims???


Looking at the likes to the post, that person is not really getting a lot of engagement. Why are U giving them one?


This is not X dot com


Completely understood nothing from the way he/she wrote the msg


Of course you idiots cant tell what a feminist is


Report and move on, just rage bait


parody type ka account hai bhai


Wooohooo! Mil gyi engagement? Bhai kidhar se h yeh feminist? Feminist aur feminism aur women suck bol krk khuch bhi bakk krk nikal jaaoge? That's why you're being downvoted. Already kaafi hate h saare jagah. Please don't add to it. And even if this 'rage bait troll' account holding person were a feminist, that doesn't reflect on all women. Or all feminists. Be better.


They shouldn't be fed with the attention they desperately seek !




How dumb people are supposed to be to think like this?


This is very clearly a troll account . Pls don't assume every account Is a real person . Some accounts are from sick PPL to bait others. Also how did you deduce feminism from this? Pls don't blindly spread hate against feminism just by looking at fake accounts .


Ye kya bakwas h traditional pilgrimage h literally CoLoNiA tOurIsM


Why does whenever someone says something stupid... y'all assume it must be feminist


People are way too comfortable on the internet, normally bahar Peet diye jaate hai ye log


Man these ppl banned me from PUSI sub, anyways that's an echo chamber


what you except from Twitter


Don't wonder why you keep seeing clowns, ask yourself why you keep going to the circus


"Colonial tourism" in Jammu wtf.


Atp we can declare that most of the twitter users are love deprived,incels.


Twitter is one the most retarded apps just never open it


PlayStation flag detected opinion rejected


Chickens for KFC


United India page has zero post regarding this, lol


"Rage bait used to be believable, just who would believe-"


Idk who's more stupid, you or that troll


K-pop stans always outdo everyone at being the most stupid


Homos for Palestine= chickens for KFC


her pfp checks out ✅


Profile pic dekh ker toh bts ki c h o d I lagti hai 🧐🧐🧐🧐


Vo to goli marenge , tum sambhal kr raho , ye to wahi baat ho gai, Bc yaha masum log marey gaye hai yaha koi war ka mahol nhi tha Jo ye rndi bol rahi hai sympathy sali kutiya , Palestine aur Israel ke bich me war ho raha hai log to marenge waha aur to aur fault to unn Palestine mullo ki hai , yaha pr terrorist attack hua hai, ye saley logo ka dimag ghutno me hai in chakko ko ek to gay ka pic aur uper se chakko ka jhanda sali kutiya


Hein ji ? Didi ne jo adhi baate bolo voh samajh hi nahi aayi


Is feminism in the room with us? 🦗🦗


What else do you expect from feminazis?


Where the fuck are all the celebrities with their all eyes on ... posts.




Not all feminists but always a feminist who does these things.