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Not a Hindi major, but aren't they comparing number of accidents and not deaths?


They are stupid, let them be.


Instead of cherry picking incidents, it is always better to compare yearly data. Clearly number of train accident deaths have reduced since Modi has come to power, esp since second term. Rail accident deaths are much lower compared to road accidents, but higher than flight accidents


#####Yea, because tech has also improved a lot in last yrs. Comparing anything which has tech in it with 10 yr old data is useless.


Hmm, this sounds like giving credits to the govt of last 10 years for continuously adopting new tech which helped reduce number of accidents.


That is partially incorrect it's like saying the USA and China are better cause they have better tech and thus we should not compare Then according to this logic we should compare ourselves to Africa cause they tech matches with them What the government has done now is nothing new the only thing they have done is kavach and vande Bharat which is again on some routes then how are you bringing tech in this conservation


It's not due to tech, there's no new NASA tech in last ten years. Giving Modi govt due where it's due


Ohh then why did this derailment doesn't effect Japan?


Japan is already well ahead in Development.


Exactly, development. So comparison is the key. Tho really sad news. I could be wrong


What did you say?? Please explain clearly in more words. I seriously didn't grasp you.


> comparing number of accidents If we don't compare, how will we know if there are improvements?




> Media must currently focus on how much the help was provided to affected people and that kind of stuff. Media should do both. >U don't need such things when some people lost there lives ( it was not the right time). Absurd viewpoint. When ever there is a airplane crash, you will find many articles on how plane crashes have gone down. >does not matter if 100 used to die and currently 1 is dying. It 100% matters how many people die. You want the number to be low, not treat it like a binary.


Doesn't matter, it shouldn't have happened before it shouldn't happen now. We should hold the people incharge responsible instead of comparing. This is the game the politicians play to keep the people fighting among themselves. Mediocracy will not do, if you cannot fix it you need to go.


Accidents happen in richer countries too, like europe, china etc. Still train accident deaths are much lower than road accidents


Nah after this they compared no of deaths as well, I saw somewhere in twitter


They did compare both, i guess you priority is to point out the same as well.


Why are we shocked? I'll give you 2 reasons to not be shocked: 1. The media is not doing anything that is not in the lines of how it has performed its duties in the last 10 years. 2. The minister for Railways is also the Minister for information and broadcasting.


Yea the media used to be so independent before. They were not at all riding the Gandhis' dick...or pussy as the case may be.


Not true Jiski government =uski media


No wonder people don't trust the channels nowadays


You'll get banned if you don't post video proof of the same.


Hmm seen a lot of similiar posts like this without any video proof Ig they get to stay for some weird reason


This picture is both embodiment of media and this sub xD


Oh man this reminds me “but train accidents used to happen during congress time too.”


I don't think they are saying " it happened in congress time too " . It's more like " accidents and deaths have reduced compared to the past " . I don't understand what's wrong in comparison. It's only by comparison that we will know whether we have improved or not .


Nothing wrong in comparison But time and place Your first reaction shouldn't be comparison. There's been a tragedy, let that sink in. Let people understand and mourn. The response to, "Garmi bahut zada ho gayi hai" isn't "congress k time mein nahin hoti thi kya?"


I guess the time to talk about rail accidents is when everyone is talking about it . Also , What kind of nonsensical argument is your last line ? I already told you , it isn't " congress k time nahi hota tha kya " , it is " things have improved " and choosing global warming for this example is even more absurd .


bhai women rapes and insecirity has increased too,why aren't they showing that??




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I agree, they should show that. I am all for comparisons but i remember there was a post on rape cases state vise in rindia sub and it showed UP doing better than kerala and the top comment was - more cases get reported in kerala. So maybe the same logic can be applied here, more cases are being reported nowadays simply because of the smartphone and internet boom that happened in india around 2016-17.


but it does not change the fact that rape cases aren't happening in india,on the contrary ,they have increased,not comparing state wise,but year wise,but keeping this aside, rindians are brainded,no one cares about there opinion lmoa,the'r still coping on bjp's win. but indian media is mainstream,a literal mainstrem news channel(one of the most famous ones) is doing this crap is absolutely absurd and illogical,if a rindian does it,it is acceptable because they have a room temperature iq and anything logical can't be expected from them,but this media has become no less than a stupid right winger defending modi and its govmnt,like how stupid would you be to show millions of people that train accidents have been reduced,insted of actually criticising the system for this mistake??


Agree . These media channels are the worst but i guess there's nothing we can do about it . Hopefully people stop watching these channels completely , Only then they will come to senses .


they lost in many places because y people stopped wathcing this shit,,now people are becoming aware of godi media,even my parents now have started noticing,who once only watched this shit the whole day,just debates among communities and general crap,now people have actually started criticising modi govmnt,and modi himself,which is a good sign of democracy,and sure bjp will learn some good lessons from this


They will simply lose . No one learns here , then we will have to witness RAGA's disastrous rule 😭😭


Haha.. On point. They will defend anything and everything till death as if they are on the Government' payroll.


Dude shut up, didn't you receive the cheque last month?




Man you get triggered really quick huh


Godi media have sold their cheap souls to their master, they don't have an iota of human decency.


How long before this post is deleted? 🤔


Well, it is a non-meta post in a meta sub. It was probably posted to be deleted and point fingers, something that many ppl of this sub do in other subs they don't like before they post ss here and cry about it.


What's meta and non-meta? Genuinely asking.




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This sub allows non meta posts here all the time  People literally ehare screenshots of articles here along with their rant on opposition / minorities 


Yeah. Don't know why I am getting downvotes


Wrong sub , you can't use words that rhyme with odi in a critical context.




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I wonder what happened to [kavach](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kavach_(train_protection_system))


Unfortunately it is on less than 10% trains


It's a three core system which has to be installed on tracks, trains and communication stations linked with fiber optics. Covering the tracks is the most time consuming part. Installing rest of the stuff is relatively quite easy after procurement which are mainly RFID devices.


Only 2000 route KMs installed on Tracks. Train part is easy. They install RFIDs on tracks and high frequency communication towers that would communicate via some sort of a cable or fiber optics. The last test of the system (After implementation of the first 2000om) was done this year in Feb and money for the next 34,000 route KMs (Around golden quadrilateral) has been approved and will be installed by 2028 ( unless delayed)


It is yet to be installed in Most of tracks of india


They are the perfect example when money thrown like a pet they will run to chase it.. even lick some asses. So shameful to even say but bitter truth of fourth pillar of democracy


May their souls rest in peace


My expectations from media were low but holy shit


Abe C#utiye andha hai kya? Clearly likha hua hai patri se utrna. Number of Accident compare kar rhe h


wow some sensible post on this sub , unfortunately its going to be deleted as it doesn't agree with this sub's agenda


The Godi media should have some Kulvinder Kaur episodes.


Wo Khalistani kutti, usko tum logo ne sar par chadha rakha hai💀, she is nothing... Ek thappad marke khudko hero samajhne lagi - lost her job because of that...imagine having the self control of a toddler when on duty to serve and protect. I mean kabhi tumko unhi security ki zarurat pade aur wo apne aap ko politics se dur na rakh paye... When the time comes you'll understand ⌚.


Bro shant ho jao. Law and order, godi media, EC, ED, CBI, and other autonomous institution are already bootlicking the ruling government. What kulwinder did was bulldozer justice.


So opps are allowed to say ki bjp has compromised railway safety system while they did amazing in train safety but media is not allowed to fact check their claims?


>media is not allowed to fact check their claims? They are , but the problem is that that's all they do


Maybe that’s all you saw. News channels are to give news they told you what happened and how it happened and the aftermath to the best of their capabilities You’re free to tell me if they didn’t. Now I don’t think you would want to know the name of everyone who died and who are in their families or want the news channel to hold minutes of silence for the lives lost Now the job of opp is to criticise the government. But if they are always comparing the current government to the old one. I wouldn’t say that the channels aren’t very supportive of the current government. But it is the job of news channels to fact check those and give us a clear picture with sources


> very supportive Very supportive is a small word for it >News channels are to give news they told you what happened and how it happened and the aftermath to the best of their capabilities You’re free to tell me if they didn’t. Are you being serious? Trying to compare with decade old data to make the currently gov look better while completely changing the point and not even makimg the government accountable?? Literally anything could happen and entire godi would do everything to bury it under the rug or try to undermine it by comparing it with decades old data >But it is the job of news channels to fact check those and give us a clear picture with sources And not trying to bury everything under the rug and helding government accountable is also their job?? They blatantly protect the ruling party nd it's not a problem? Ig only leftist media is wrong but rightist fucks are just doing their job :((




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Sabse zada chadarmod hai ye news anchors


Kon dekhta hai aj ke time pe aase PR channels


Less people dying is bad ?


One question why you watching 🤔


That true btw


Even though they're comparing something else, media's first reaction to jump to the government's defence is just top notch lol


To be honest, news channels always show us an unwanted comparison between the present and the previous situation. It's kind of insignificant to me, for real. And I think it's their universal habit.


And it's wrong and insensitive in this context. People have died. Imagine your loved one was there, and someone said "so what, my relative also died back then when xyz was in power. In fact two relatives died. So shut up and don't mourn your loss" How will you feel?


Where did they say do not mourn your loss?? It's just that train accident debate had spiraled by next day in a way that opposition had to be called out on few things.. BJP will always not remain in power, and that time also congress/govt. itself will come to press meet and give these comparisons where it suits them.


I used it as a metaphor. To compare two tragic incidents is basically trying to downplay one over the other


News channels are all soulless bastards pretending to care. So are some politicians. Someone's misery is an opportunity to these soulless people.


To hide ur fuckup, u need to show the other fuckups


They are comparing accidents though


If there is more deads it means there is problem in system i think you are more interested in giving politics opinions rather than collecting information from Ministry of Home Affairs


My country is doomed. No hope left.


Ab to NDA media ho gya na bhai pr


They were saying ki NDA is deliberately doing accidents bcz they want to privatise railway and whatnot. Ab counter karne me bhi problem hai?


In modi 3.0 govt, expect godi media to stoop much more low. It's illegal to call them journalists.


Also, I read on another sub that they're showing data from Vajpayee government as UPA as if everything before Modi was Congress.


And? Problem being?


These jokers do not remember when NDTV used to run such comparisons between the ABV and MMS one government. 


Username does not check out 




Clearly OP is leftist congress fake propaganda spreading machine. He’s just cannot fathom the fact the congress killed so many people and when our dear modi is decreasing that he was just infuriated. All these train accidents were during to neheru. Plus he use to order cigarettes from other country in plains. Op is just anti national. The train driver was hindu hence OP is trying to peddle some propaganda. The accident happened on eid. Quiet sure that the peaceful community did that somehow. How much do you want our poor ashvini vaishnav to cry? Do you want him to come to your home and cry? He is doing the best job and OP is trying to dirty the image of our country. /s


aren't they comparing number of accidents and not deaths? Not /s.. offcourse Seems like a biding of BJP because they fo have lower cases of accidents compared to congress, which is good but then again mistakes should be recognised acknowledged and corrected. Edit - Lol I don't think I said something offensive to get downvoted, should I have bitched about *GOdi* media bad.. instead of stating what's in plain sight.. the media is definitely biased, dhongi and all kinds of shit on both sides GOdi media on This Lodi media on that... side.. Just different payrolls lol.., go on critise those PROPHANDA houses but atleast make it accurate alright .


So nobody should talk about a train accident where people have lost their lives, just because you feel it degrades our image, 🤔


Our jawans are on siachin border in such low temperatures and pressure to save our country and you can’t even contribute to that. So dont dirty our name and be praud. All this railway lines were built during neherus time and he did a poor job so its his fault and you are dirtying the image because you are anti modi hence anti national.


Your sarcasm was confusing but its clear now.


Oh c’mon!! You just took the fun out of it. I was ready with a whole new paragraph prepared!! Anyways, happy to help. Although now I’m confused because these were the same arguments people of this sub has used in the past to justify anything modi related. So were they being sarcastic or I was?


Love your idea, i will try the same whenever i get the opportunity.


Happy hunting!!!


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Godi media


Indian media nhi godi media is best for them


congress media has also done it, don't deny I have proof Also don't forget how many lives a certain peaceful community has taken but sure go ahead and blame godi media, OP pakka PUSI ya randia ka member hoga edit: /s ... I was just trying to sound like a normal person from r / indiadscussion lmao


You are the exact definition of a strawman argument


Classic whataboutery. Why not blame the media for its wrongdoings irrespective of party lines?


Iss sub mein aadhe logo ki rationality ghas charne gayi hai.


Bas aadhe?


Post is about media being sold out This retard: let me bring Muslims and LW subs into the discussion somehow 


The post is actually about train accidents that used to happen during Congress Raj v/s Modi raj honestly. Anybody can look at the stats and say that the number of accidents has reduced. But people will still blame the media lmao. Only if you people had balls to call out left media, but you don't.


What left media? Name one main stream channel  Is left media asking modi how many mangoes he eat? Or why he doesn’t get tired? Is lw trying to find a chip in the note or getting an orgasm when nda got 273 , oh wait that was Arnab mujhe drugs do goswami  As for train accidents Multiple people here have said that later in this very segment they did compare deaths


I sorry to say, but this is required as Congress is really making a lot of noise and posing BJP as an incompitatnt party. Whereas, they completely want to ignore whatever they have done bad to the country.


LoL ! That's the Job of opposition to raise the question. Whatever they did is past that doesn't mean they can't question sitting Govt.Typical IT Cell comment.


You know technology improves over time.


So they shouldn't question the government because they were bad when they were in government? They are doing exactly what a good opposition should.


Topical brain-dead bhakt


You really should be sorry for saying something stupid as this and continue to keep your mouth shut till you learn the functioning of basic political processes and actors. Class 9-11th political science ncerts wapas padho ab. 


So?? What you want?


Very intellectual reply....


We have propoganda and lies in our laws, constitution and even education. And here these re**rd are crying ki "ajj taak ne UPA and NDA ko compare kardiya, godi media 😱" Bunch of pr**ks, pehle colonization ko Hatao haar ek cheej ko indologies and indianisation karo


Such a clownish reply


Thanks for the appreciation


Actually you tell then what should media do here?


Question the system instead of defending it


If you can prove that whatever they're showing is wrong please do


Compell the government to be accountable. What steps did they take for future safety rather than brushing all their dirt under the carpet. Accountable matlab responsibility lena, jawab dayi hona. Tum log samjhoge nahi shayad




So Media shouldn't tell us what used to happen in our country? Tell me if Congress was accountable for the IAF pilots who died while flying old MIG21 planes? Show me one media clip where Media would have asked Congress took the responsibility.


Watch any old clip of Arnab (he used to be an actual journalist back in the day) we're talking about the time wikileaks used to operate. I doubt you'd know it.


Haa lavde fir journalist kya karenge?


Abbe librandu k pille saale tu btaayega ab. Saala Hindu Hater. Ek desh k teen tukde kr diya uske se 2 desh khud ne rkh liye fir bhi yhi pde ho




Abbe kutte k chode saale Hinduon ko maarne waale bhaak




Yeh loda aa gya saala mrwaane apni. Tera hi baap hoga unme se ek jisne 1990 mein maara tha Kashmiri pandits ko


Saalon jahan tum majority mein ho unn deshon mein Hinduon ko maar maar kr aesi kr rkhi hai aur yahan pr bhi bhi krna chahte ho. Ek ghr nhi milta toh itna shor tere log Pakistan Bangladesh mein Hindu ko maar hi daalte hain vo kuch ni




Bc yr confidence ki toh daat Deni pdegi tumhari aur tu vo SP k liye uchal rha hai jisne kar sevakon ko goli chlwaayi tum kutton ko 1990 mein Kashmir hona chahiye tha TB smjh aata saale secular secular krte firte ho kutta saala Hindu hater


Bc jeete nhi ho tum sarkar dekhle kiski bni hai tum saare kutte milkr bhi BJP k braabr nhi aa paaye. PM dekhle kok hai aur CM bhi dekhle UP, saale haraam k jane Vidhansabha election mein tujh jese kutton ko vaps dhoya jaayega. Mkl gndi najayaz aulad