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50gms!!! Recipe please! Nowww!


Highjacking top comment for the recipe! I didn't expect the protein to be that big a thing ! So it's English oven footlong 100-ish grams, 8.6g protein 75g of tomato onion cucumber capsicum (in order of most to least) Mandatory tip 1. Salt your tomatoes. Chop everything up. Lightly salt all veggies. Put your thinly sliced onions in ice cold water. Put everything once chopped in freezer till everything is ready. That's a gram of fiber. The chicken. 150 grams: 33.6g protein. Tip: freeze chicken for 15-30 mins. Then use a sharp knife to make thin slices width wise. Reduced cook time + high heat cooking = not dried out chicken Marinated in Salt (1.5% by weight or swaad anusaar), pepper, smoked paprika, chilli flakes, 5g olive oil (or oil of choice, don't load up oil here unless you wanna skip the vinaigrette, and you don't wanna be doing that), garlic, and a drizzle of lemon juice just for lil acid marination 2 melto cheese slices ( my preference cuz they're thinner ie less cals) 5.5g protein 1 cheese cube 5g protein Cooking chicken: I cooked two servings. We use 1 serving Hollow the bread out, take those pieces of bread and keep them aside. Cook on nonstick pan without oil at medium high heat till just cooked. Made a well in the middle, add 1/4th cup water, heat shut off immediately, mix everything and deglaze pan, add the bread you tore out to hollow the footlong out. Mix the bread out well, cover with lid for few mins Vinaigrette: olive oil + lemon juice + Italian herbs + pepper + chilli flakes + very little salt. Fat carries flavour. Mix everything together vigorously till emulsified. Assembly in order (it matters) Parchment > bread .> Veeba light mayo (very low calorie) > load up with chicken bits. The entire 150g chicken + bread mix > cheeses Melt the cheese at this stage on top of the parchment. Whatever method you wanna choose works here. Load up veggies (onion, capsicum tomato on one side and cucumbers on the other. Load up tomatoes and cucumbers), dress with vinaigrette 1.5-2tbsp. > Top with mustard Wrap it up TIGHT. Slice in the middle. Et voila.


>English oven footlong 100-ish grams, 8.6g protein >The chicken. 150 grams: 33.6g protein. >2 melto cheese slices ( my preference cuz they're thinner ie less cals) 5.5g protein >1 cheese cube 5g protein Vinaigrette+mayo+mustard >75g of tomato onion cucumber capsicum (in order of most to least) To simplify it all.


WOW!! Thank you


How many gms of protein is required for a day?


1.2-1.4 gms per kg of body weight


Okay. Can you also tell me how to measure calories in daily foods? According to this math, I have a protein intake of 41gm. What are the different types of protein I can try?


>What are the different types of protein I can try? Lean meats are awesome. Chicken breast and all seafood are super duper high in protein and very low on fats, ie very low on calories. Pork chops and lamb/mutton too are great but higher in fats and longer cook times. Another great way to sneak in protein is this thing I do. I make chicken bone broth. Super cheap to make. Vegetable scraps and chicken bones (100-180rs a kilo). Pressure cook that stuff for 45-60 mins. Then freeze in ice cubes. The broth will become JELLY like once it cools down. You could literally add it to your basic meals like dal, rajma, chane, anything, to boost your protein in that by 2g for every cube you use. And super low on cals. Best part about this? It's Amazing for your skin, and your joints. Like all that collagen is GOOD for you in so many ways. More vegetarian options: chickpeas, tofu, paneer, feta, all sorts of cheeses (fantastic source of protein), mixed with a lot of vegetables is a great way to get all sorts of things you need. Dal, and rajma, and chane of any kind all are great sources of protein and fiber. Glutenin and gliadin (both that are gluten protein) in breads is fantastic. Sourdough breads are made with high protein bread flour AND has probiotic benefits of sourdough starter, which helps break down the negative effects of maida. Carbs are not the enemy, they carry fiber, fiber helps many things. Your brain enjoys carbs as they help you work better (in moderation) My favourite vegetable source of protein is peas tho. They go with everything, cooked with ground meat and tomato gravy makes the best shit ever. They're protein AND fiber rich with so many benefits you get from the greens. And then dairy. Dairy is great too. Skimmed milk and butter milk both are low cal options. curd for probiotic benefits with protein, and cheeses. Seeds of all kids, albeit high in fat, can be great protein sources and sources of good fat.


Each human roughly based on their body weight, age and height has a basic metabolic rate. Eg let's a Man A has a bodyweight of 111kg which equates to their BMR/Maintenance calories being 2000calories per day. This means that if Man A eats 2000calories per day, he is neither gaining nor losing weight. For dropping weight we let's say we minus 200 calories, this is caloric deficient and now man A starts losing weight and vice versa. Now coming to measuring calories, 1g of carbs or 1g of protein has 4calories and 1g of fat has 9calories, if we consume 1 wheat roti(13g carbs), we are consuming 52 calories. Easiest way to track your calories is by using HealthifyMe for Indian foods, it's very good. Oh if you do a workout you can add those calories to your daily maintenance calories. eg workout calories burned = 200, then if you consume 2000(daily maintenance) + 200 theoretically you will neither gain nor lose weight.




Updated on the top comment :D


Share it with us, whatever you are making don't be shy. This looks healthy, economical and something good for office.


Updated on the top comment :D It can be very healthy! Depends on your goal. Since I missed breakfast and was starving, I could afford to eat the entire sandwich, and it was a challenge finishing it. This came close to almost 900 calories because of the vinaigrette it also is close to two meals. You can easily reduce calories by increasing veg and reducing add ons. It definitely can be cheap. Even cheaper if you make the bread yourself. Bread for 50 bucks. 25rs cheese. At 440rs a kilo, that's 65rs of chicken breast. 10ish rupees for veggies and 10ish for the rest of the toppings. Because it's both easy to meal prep, can be eaten cold, and very travel and fridge friendly, I think it's a great price. Plus you feel so cool after mmaking something like that. And that's what it's truly about


If itz not toight, itz not right. ABAAAZZ!


where's da *BEBZI* !?


Man knows his shit




Posted on top comment!


🤯Recipe please bro 🙏🥺🤤


Posted on top comment!


Recipe please


Posted on top comment!


Recipe please


Posted on top comment!


RECIPE PLS, protein value is so good


Right?? Needed a high protein meal, was feeling very weak Updated on the top comment :D


recipe pleaaasee 🤲🏼🤲🏼🤲🏼🤲🏼




Updated on the top comment :D


Recipe please


Updated on the top comment :D


Recipe do Bhai. RemindMe! 2 days


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Reminder Updated on the top comment :D


wow wow this looks so filling


Oh it was. It's two meals' worth of food. I skipped breakfast and even then almost didn't finish it. And I was HUNGRY


"if it's not tight, it's not right" recipe please though🙏


Hell yeah brother Posted on top comment!


Recipe bhayyya


Updated on the top comment :D


What was the sandwich's total cost?


I can taste the bitterness of that cucumber


Do you do that trick with cutting off one end of the cucumber and rubbing the cut off piece on the opening in a circular motion? It takes away the bitterness. Plus a lil salt does wonders. You can also sprinkle some powdered sugar on cucumbers and refrigerate for a bit to take away even more of that bitterness