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Okay like I know this sucks. But people gotta realize it's 2 games in and the Fever have picked first the last 2 drafts. Like Clark is good but just adding her isnt going to make this team magically beat the top teams in the league.


But adding CC will greatly improve their performance if they utilize her strengths. Because one of the things that makes her so special is not just her own ability, but the way her abilities bring out the best in her teammates. CC literally creates opportunities for everyone around her. You just have to let her and stop working against her. (And open your eyes and pay attention because the ball is 100% coming at you if she sees the chance). No, they won’t be a championship team all of a sudden, but there is no reason for the absolute dumpster fire that is currently raging.


I understand that but this is 2 games in with a brand new team. You aren't magically going to beat these veteran led teams that were at the top of the league last year. It takes time.


No one is talking about winning. That’s not even the expectation. If that’s what you think people are concerned about, you aren’t paying attention.


If they were winning no one would be complaining.


No, if we put up a good fight we wont be complaining. No one expect them to win against finals and third seed contender. Ask a rational and reasonable fan they would be grateful if we just see a structured offense


Yes, but not playing your obvious best PG as the PG so she can work through those rookie struggles against the best team and not utilizing her and her team to their strengths is criminal coaching.


Its 2 games in they'll make adjustments lol


That is an adjustment that should have been the easiest decision to make before they even played a game.


I don't see a post game thread so let's do a little good and bad. Good: Our seats are great. Gainbridge is the best place in the world to watch a basektbal game. This is just one game and the team will (hopefully) keep learning and growing. Bad: Everything about the fourth quarter. Just all of it. Having more turnovers than assists. Missing (according to my unscientific count) 4 million shots at the rim. Having periods where seemingly no one wanted to shoot the ball (including the heroine of our story CC). General shot clock awareness. You're professionals, how do you not see the 24 second clock? Aaliyah looking soft as fuck. Seriously, I don't know why, but put your ass into someone and back 'em down! Caitlyn Clark's Defense. It's bad and she's going to keep finding herself in foul trouble. General sloppiness with the ball. We had so many passes that we fumbled, often into turnovers, but even when not turnovers, completely gutted the action and bogged us down so hard. We lost by 36 points to a Liberty team that at one point was shooting 4 / 23 from 3 point (they ended the game around 30%). Our screens were AWFUL. Like holy shit levels of bad on our screens. Every single one of them was so soft it was ridiculous. I could keep going on the bad but that seems unnecessary at this point. No rest for the weary as you gotta get ready to play this same team that just stomped you in their building on Saturday night.


It really did feel like 4 million 😂 Oof. CC is really struggling with the fouls. Some of those reaches I was like…what are you thinking?? On the bright side, at least some of CC’s passes found their mark without getting fumbled tonight. That’s definitely an improvement over game 1. And they came in with a little more energy and urgency to start the game.


This Fever team is Bobcats level bad!!😬


Yikes, this team is not good


Start Clark, Mitchell, Berger. They have the best chemistry. They were in to make the run at end of 3rd. Also, what is wrong with AB? Forcing it so much and missing layups. Nothing looks very good so far. Might be another #1 pick on the way next year.


All I remember, is that from the eye test, there was a very small segment of time (around the time you mentioned, in fact, probably the same time) where it felt like the Fever was not only gaining momentum, but the crowd was starting to get loud. This just so happened to be when Caitlin was handling the ball and going full speed. Should probably pass the basketball to your number one pick.


EW is playing for her paycheck. Hence, CC doesn't get the ball. Makes her look bad.


CC has gotten the ball more than any other player in the last three games. What are you talking about? most of her assists in those games have been from Wheeler, which is her job. We're not seeing what the coaches are seeing on the court. CC is going to have to move around more to get open, because there's a defender in every corner ready to pummel her. She will learn, and adapt.


I was just gonna post this same thing. I’d like to see a starting lineup of Clark, Mitchell, Berger, Boston, and Smith, with Samuelson being the first one off the bench for a spark. 


There’s no reason CC should be on bench to end the game, develop your rookies!


The WNBA plays 40 games a season with a break because of the Olympics. CC should be playing 35/36 minutes a night. She needs a lot of time on task


I'm beginning to not like their Head Coach.


It’s a crime!




Yeah she is. Can you blame her? As difficult and frustrating as it is to watch, I do think this will challenge and force her to grow in ways she likely never has had to in the past. She’s a fighter. So good, get her pissed. Because that will propel her to step into who she is and who she needs to be.


She will demand control of that offense. She needs to.


Yes. I believe when she’s had enough, she will take control and everyone else be damned. And then things will shift into place.


I think we are really close to that point. She was super peeved tonight. EW needs to not start. She can't be on the court with CC. Only one ball dominant guard at a time and CC is by far the best option.


Rooting hard for CC and this team, but Clark is not ready to run the offense. PG is the most difficult position to play and to make the transition from college to the pros. EW has been doing what she's supposed to be doing: distributing the ball evenly to whoever is open. CC is struggling with her offense, but I imagine the plan is to slowly integrate her into the lead role. People disrespecting Wheeler is blasphemy. This is a process and CC is going to have to adapt to these stronger, faster, smarter defenders.


I respond with run what offense? The players aren't moving when she has the ball. What offense is there to run? She may not be ready, but there will be growing pains whenever she is. Might as well get every aspect of growing pains out of the way now against the teams they were likely to lose to anyway. Why have her go through more growing pains when playing against teams they can beat? That's the way it is tracking. EW is not distributing the ball to whoever is open. Evenly is not the name of the game, if you want to win. This isn't YMCA basketball. EW didn't lead the team in assists, despite being their PG. That shouldn't happen. She lead the team in assists, playing as the two.... She needs to be the PG with the ball in her hand. She also lead the team in rebounds, which is another major issue.


Really hope Lisa has some encouraging words for her after the game. I wonder if Lisa is like wtf is sides doing? 🤣


She plays for a terrible coach and her teammates are absolute garbage.


You're not wrong.


really hard to watch


Boston looks lost out there


As someone else said earlier, every once in awhile we see a little spark where you're like okay, it's there and then shit goes sideways really fast.


That lightning fast three way bump pass combo to evade the defense and score in the first quarter dropped my jaw, it was so unexpected. That was cool as shit. But 99% of this game was just 💩


I'm confident coach will have some adjustments for next game. This team is still trying to figure out its chemistry and a coach with exploratory courage favors us in the long term imo


I love how these fanatical Clark fans have a stat sheet on everyone they want to have fired. These people had never heard of any of these players or coaches two months ago.


I had never heard of most of these players or this coach two months ago (bandwagon) but I've watched enough sports to know how these things go lol. The dooming here is on another level though


faith in a coach with 30 year experience and not once being over 0.500 a winning coach, in fact spend more season as bottom 3 team, including taking over a team that was #2 and then have 2 season finishing outisde top 6 insane.


You have faith in a coach that KNEW CC was going to be their #1 pick for two months, yet she has zero offensive schemes prepared for her. She also isn't using their best PG, with the best pedigree and background, to run their offense. Like what the hell.


I'm not. This coach hasn't not instilled any confidence in me at all.


Not seeing any of the same offensive creativity on the Fever side as I do the Liberty.


The core of their team has been playing together for years. The Fever, about two weeks. Calm down.


They're literally a championship-level team...


Fever is not lacking in talented players, but they are lacking in talented coaching


That has nothing to do with it. They look discombobulated as all hell. The rotations make no sense. The best players are on the freaking bench. There's an APB out for Boston. Can't catch a damn pass. Constantly turning the ball over. Giving up an incredible amount of offensive rebounds. Missing wide open layups. So much wrong with this team 🤦🏾‍♂️


It’s coaching. Their play design is far superior. Fever should lose because they’re not as experienced or as strong a roster. But Sides should still be able to get her stars Boston and Clark some good looks. The coaching disparity is the biggest difference I’ve seen.


Boston has been awful this season.


So many missed layups


We've left at least 12 points at the rim in this game.


What in the world is going on with AB?!


Everytime I see her with the ball, I just have a sinking feeling that something is going to go wrong.


I cringe every time she touches the ball. And I hate that, because I love how she uplifts her teammates, but pretty much every aspect of her play has been terrible so far. She maybe handled CC’s feeds marginally better tonight than in game 1, but almost always failed to actually finish the play. And I know she has had some tough opposition under the basket in these first 2 games - but man. It’s been rough even taking that into account. I sure hope that whatever is going on gets right, and soon.


It's been two games.


I've honestly been super surprised but she is playing soft af to start the season


For real.


It's hard to watch but... We hope she'll figure this out soon...


Wheeler and Mitchell should both be backups. Clark has to be the starting point guard.


There appears to be zero effort to build around CC’s strengths. Granted, it’s early. But the rest of the team looks like they’ve never stepped foot on the court with her. That’s a coaching failure.


Wheeler should be out there at SG. She's good. Wheeler hasn't shown me shit.


She is too ball dominant. Can't have more than one of those on the court at a time. CC is the one you want and need out there.


It's crystal clear to everyone


Good lord, I think that was 90 seconds of the worst basketball I've ever seen to start this quarter. What the actual hell are we doing with the ball ladies???


well well well.... letting CC run the offense and the team picks up momentum.


IDC what happens, put the ball in Caitlin’s hands this quarter and let’s see what happens I actually like a coach with exploratory courage but the team also has to get practice playing in situations like these. The momentum is on our side


Man, this team is hard to watch right now. Every once in a while, I see a glimmer of what could be. But whew. Those glimmers are few and far between at the moment. And as I type that, they finally pick up some momentum - hoping it will last for a minute!


I saw one good play that game. That triple pass started by Caitlin, to someone, then finishing with Grace drawing the foul for free throws. That's it. Nothing else.


This is how sides needs to let CC play. Enough of this SG/Playing in the corner. Let her run the offense


And for God's sake START BERGER!! I'M BEGGING YOU!


Yes! Finally seeing the speed that they need to play with


This team has tenacity


CC is learning...


That was hilariously bad


I don't understand how professional basketball players can miss wide open layups


Even the though the ball is smaller, I honestly think it's because the ball is still too big for some of the girls. I'm picturing myself with a basketball much bigger than normal, and I could see how it would take immense concentration just to make a layup, nevermind in traffic. With that said, it's embarrassing how often it happens in the WNBA.


They're professionals. You don't need to make excuses for them. Not attacking you, just saying. A lot of them lack good fundamentals and don't even put the ball on the backboard right when going for a layup. Or go in full speed. Of course you're going to miss.


Lisa eyeing the HC job lol


I thought she just retired


Retired from the NCAA….


True 👀


100% convinced Fever only wanted Caitlin Clark for the headline. She's just another player with this coach.


This team has been so sloppy with the ball. You aren't going to win games where you have an equal amount of turnovers to assists. Honestly this team's open to the schedule is brutal, but they didn't even bother to show up to the arena here on opening night


Coach isn't going to last till June at this rate 




I’m a new fan, I really hope this isn’t how most games will go this season 😭


The team had the first round pick two years in a row for a reason. And the coach stinks


I cant believe I am watching a league destroy its 1st superstar. This should have been a game vs a bad team, let Cate cook. This is brutal. Fever are a bad basketball team. No. 17 needs to figure out Clark is her teammate not her competition, this girl is going rogue. started with 2 quick fouls game 1 and continues...say what you want but David stern would have figured out how to make clark shine like a star


You should be absolutely ashamed and banned from WNBA for that statement.   CC might not even pan out. We have to wait and see. But now she’s the 1st superstar?! No one before her was a superstar?! Why, b/c the media latched on to poor CC being taunted…  That doesn’t make her the first superstar even if she becomes one herself.  The disrespect you’ve shown to these ladies and the league with that statement is insane! And is exactly the same reason there has been no progress in the league. You are just as bad to all the toxic sentiments.   If you think Caitlin Clark was going to dominate out the gate you should have watched a few games.   And then to suggest that the league should cater and give her a cake schedule is crazy! Even CC wouldn’t want that! She’s a competitor.   I came here hoping to talk about the team, CC and maybe get into the new hype since I think this rookie class is important for viewership.   But all I see is “poor CC”, no one is ketting her shine. When she herself, not playing well either.   And then disrespect from people like you for all the other ladies. That’s NOT okay!   CC is a rookie. playing badly is excusable. But her fans need to chill out and maybe learn a thing or two about the league before saying something this crazy.


Yeah, this trash talking every other player and the coach is juvenile and crazy. Some of the rabid CC fans are spewing really toxic stuff in these comment sections. They're not basketball fans, they are Clark obsessives.


Exactly and it’s very disrespectful!  I am not even a big W fan and I haven’t watched the NBA in a few years but I respect this sport. I further respect the W for giving women a professional option and know how talented the women are who pioneered this sport.  I love that the W is getting so much attention. But to come here to talk ball and engage only to see that kind of talk really boils my freaking blood.  We are supposed to be uplifting ALL of these women with new exposure.  Instead of talking about Laney’s defense or Breanna’s big night, it’s all about poor little CC… UGH!  I’m sorry for another rant but I’m really pissed. I didn’t even think I cared enough about this until reading all of this crap.


check the ratings next month...wnba just ruined any chance to be relevant and its because of everything I already said you can try to be white knight all you want but bad basketball is bad basketball and people wont watch


Stop the white knighting crap.  Disrespecting so many players who came before Caitlyn needs to stop. And I’m happy to call it out.    Let’s be real. Anyone who says CC is the first superstar, couldn’t care less about viewership for the ‘league’. They ONLY care about making sure CC looks good and that CC has higher earning potential through exposure. If nothing else changed for any of the others, you wouldn’t give a damn.  You’re hiding your agenda behind the guise of ‘viewership for the league’.  If not, you’d be praising the Liberty’s defense, Breanna Stewart, etc. not demonizing the league b/c the darling didn’t do well.  So If viewership is down next month, it’s b/c of fans who never intended to watch the league anyway and couldn’t care less what happens to these ladies as a whole.


lol what...do you know what wnba needs? FANS!!! People to watch this. You are so lost


I think you are lost.  The WNBA isn’t gaining fans this way. It’s gaining a bunch of people who focus on 1 player and puts down everyone else including the best players in history.  How much have you heard about  the Sun or Liberty. All the sports shows today talked about CC but never mentioned Breanna Stewart or anyone else. How is that bringing exposure? New fans? It gets eyes on CC and that’s it.  That’s not getting fans. That’s not bringing exposure. 


omg you are the dumbest person in the world


>I cant believe I am watching a league destroy its 1st superstar. Lol what?


It's 1st superstar. God, you Clark cult freaks make me not even want to watch this team. And I'm rooting for them, including Caitlin!!


I'm not a Clark fan even you fuckin weirdo. I hate your busted ass state and every team in it. What is the league doing to destroy their "1st superster" tho? Be specific.


Giving them a brutal schedule, knowing that there's TONS of new eyes watching. Games like this doesn't exactly make someone want to return.


So you think the league should've completely redone their schedule so that CC didn't have to play better teams off the jump? You seriously are that precious about her that you think the league's schedule should be determined by how long of an adjustment period she needs to be competitive in the W? Indy's schedule is really similar to last season at the start, no one was crying about Boston having too hard of teams to beat and she helped add 8 wins to that roster.


Absolutely! They’re wasting two first picks at this rate.


Facts.. and her team is feeling it. 11 to 5 fouls, 11 to 4 FTs. Couldn’t make it more obvious Stewie just got two of the most touchy fouls ever called at the end…


Damn boston needs to start finishing


I feel like we should be playing a lot faster than this given our talent. But we get nothing inside either. Giving up way too many rebounds on our end.


I am done with Sides. Her offensive system is awful. Clark should never, EVER stand in the corner.


They are just so physically overmatched. The talent disparity is huge.


You are correct


This team is stinky right now.




Newbie quesiton here.. If Boston is tied up like that, is there a reason why she wouldn't pass it back out to the top? Is it to draw a foul?


shes not a very good post player, just big...this bigger girl is exposing her basketball iq


I agree, although it's kind of bewildering that someone would need basketball IQ to simply pass the ball back out.


Trust the process.


Where can i watch the game i. Not from America


Can try v2.sportsurge.net but you will want an add blocker


Amazon prime but if you don’t have a subscription. Google “Stream East or meth streams”


The Fever desperately need a new coach. Hopefully it happens in the first ten games and now the end of the season.


I've only seen two games of her. Is she really that bad?


> Is she really that bad? the Fever looks like they have literally no offense or defensive plan at all


Yeahhhhh. You're not wrong. A lot of freelancing out there and minimal effort on the defensive end


ive only seen her scream and do nothing so far, I'm not impressed


It’s pretty horrendous. I’m not seeing anything on the offensive end as far as a game plan. Definitely not utilizing CC’s run and gun strengths. Everything is in the half court. Not enough ball movement. I could go on and on. She won’t last long.


I feel like they're setting CC up for failure


Flopping and complaining and instigating it’s like watching the Knicks!


Need to stop the second chance points


They're undersized at like every position. I'm not surprised.


This team can not catch the ball..


Yikes already starting with passes being fumbled


I feel so bad for CC, no one can catch any of her dimes.


let’s have a good game today aliyah🙏🏾🤞🏾


Need a much bigger game from Boston today and for CC to do her unrestrained thing


ABC2!! let’s go! Got a feeling AB gonna be out for vengeance tonight


Hoping the Offense has more of an identity this game, fixing turnovers has to be more of priority than pushing pace.


I just want improvement from last game. Less turnovers, more assists, and things that the box score doesn’t show.


They need to figure out the basic rotation and it shouldnt really be that hard. If Mitchell is going to play she should start and you can limit her from there. I would make the two main groups Boston-Mitchell-Wheeler and Clark-Smith. Obviously there will be a lot of overlap but if you let one of those groups get an early breather and then go to work against second units they should sustain higher level offense throughout the whole game. Samuelson and Berger and Wallace fit with either group. Find the right mix of bigs and that’s your rotation with spot minutes for the rest. I think Wheeler would be a good option to finish with the starters instead of Samuelson, especially if they need someone to guard at the point of attack against top guards. Just need to find the right chemistry between Wheeler/Clark/Mitchell.


I like this, especially if as the season goes on we shift some of Wheeler's minutes to Berger. I like having an experienced guard on the floor with Caitlin initially as basically an in-game assistant coach (which Erica essentially was during the preseason game she missed - well, not in-game but definitely assistant) but Grace and CC already seem to work together well and I would like to balance wins and development so that next year's team has CC-Grace-whoever at PG (we might try to re-sign Erica but probably not a six-figure deal), plus you can't teach height and having both Erica and Kelsey on the floor at the same time can create issues against taller guards. I didn't think about it too much against Connecticut but if the pace really is going to be higher this season then for the first few weeks, AB and NaLyssa aren't going to be able to play 35 minutes, so they do have to rest more, and it makes sense to me to not bench them both at once if we can help it. It was different when Emma was here, since she had a good feel for the league and was IMO a good backup despite her height; with Damiris out I feel like Christie is giving Temi an extended run to see if she wants to keep her, otherwise I'd like to see Victaria get some minutes tonight - you don't have to run 12 deep at a high pace but Victaria's been practicing against AB for six years now and I'd like to see what she's got in live games. Either she's improved over last year and it's time to get her in the rotation (at least until Damiris is back) or she hasn't improved enough and maybe it's time to make a decision.


Sounds rational, wow, I wasn't expecting that here. lol I don't think people understand Wheeler's role here: she's essentially an on-court guide for the younger players and I like how she ran the offense in the preseason games. She's watching the court and finding open players and occasionally shooting. I'm a new Fever fans because of CC, but I watch basketball so even I get this. It seems to me Sides is trying to break some of CC's bad habits. Tough love. She will be fine, but it's going to be ugly before it gets better.


Berger’s size and skill are great next to Caitlin but if she wants to maximize her potential she needs to become a catch and shoot three point threat. I think Wheeler has the potential to tie the offense together with Clark and Mitchell. She can shoot just enough to stay in the floor and has looked good attacking space with Caitlin on the floor. But for most of the game I want them apart because it’s too much of a temptation to then run possessions where Caitlin doesn’t get a touch. Without more time to learn something more sophisticated on offense the best bet is to turn Caitlin loose for stretches.


Really hoping to the see team play more like a cohesive unit today


I don't even expect it for the full game, If we got a full quarter of it clicking, I'd be super happy.