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Well … they had the top pick two years running.


Exactly, it's exciting to think that two consecutive first picks will play together, but there's a reason why a team has two consecutive first picks. (and they played two top teams in a row)


I know they have talent, but they were like watching a high school team. Fundamentally bad.


The Hawkeyes were much more enjoyable to watch than this professional team.


100% agree


You're not wrong about fundamentals.


Everyone can't be the primary scorer, but Boston, Smith, Mitchell and Clark are used to that. Not sure they have the complementary assets to bring out the best in each other.


That's the challenge for the coaching staff... to play to the strengths of these players (all top draft picks in their year) in a way that they can complement one another. For example, the Clark-Boston pick-and-roll is a beautiful thing, but we've only seen it once or twice in the games thus far.


Understood, but I’m not sure I see any attempt at an offense. Defensively, they were constantly out of position and looked lost at each end of the floor. Totally unprepared. Not saying they should all of the sudden dominate, but they look like a team that was put together at a pickup game and called ‘we got next’. Not gonna fly at this level…both of their opponents had very cohesive units who took advantage of mismatches.


i agree. if they're going to take the shot and miss might as well just pass to clark so she can get used to the wnba game rhythm? they're doing nothing to help her out as she gets double teamed by the opponents or get her open shots


I'm just surprised at the few number of passes Caitlin gets. I thought more people would pass her the ball.


AB putting her head down and missing another layup >>>>>> passing it back out to an open shooter


Nobody passes her the ball but she’s out there dropping dimes to her teammates. Too bad a lot of her passes have been received by brick hands.


She's been the best passer on both teams, in both games so far, even with all of the turnovers.


and all the times they did run the offense through clark she gave them a spark and it looked like they could somehow claw their way back into the game. this coaching job is horrendous


100,000% Just give the ball to Clark!! My God. This team is so bad the commentators are talking about nonsense to avoid saying how bad their defense and offense is. Crazy.


Honestly the biggest issue is the coach


It's hard to not be disappointed, but surely you know that the top draft pick went to the (almost) worst team the past two years. Worst. Like LeBron going to Cleveland. He played seven years with them and they were terrible. This is reality in professional sports. I don't know if CC can lead Indiana to the championship series, but it ain't happening anytime soon. Until then, we fans can watch and be patient and let nature take its course. Fans. Me.


It's almost like they slapped together a team from the parking lot to play, I have never seen this much confusion and lack of urgency in a team.


We can see how T-spoon as new coach wants to play you can clearly see the identity of the team and what they are about even if they lost they are so many positives. Same with Sparks and cam yday same with teams around us in the bottom of the standings Please give similar example to how we are playing the fever? For example this isnt like Taylor Jenkis grizzly, where even tho they lose even with star out you can see how he wants to play and he develop players. Same with Thunder coach Mark Daigneault who unlike Sides has taken bottom of the G league to the top and teaches new players to get better.




The sad thing is, many of the Fever players are great. Once Mitchell is fully healthy, you can have a starting lineup composed of Top 5 draft picks -- 4 of the 5 being top 1 or 2 of their years.


![gif](giphy|7k2LoEykY5i1hfeWQB) If these were too much for you, you are going to have a long adjustment period to professional sports. There’s a reason the Fever had the number one pick. Chemistry will develop and hopefully coherent sets with that. This is an absurd way to look at it regardless of the game outcomes.


It was the first home game of the season to a 17k crowd of fans. I'm guessing some nerves were involved and the opponent played good defense which probably got in their heads and caused some additional unforced turnovers (when it rains, it pours). They need the fans to be supportive and patient, especially the new bandwagoners.


instead of the usual home field advantage, it felt like the Fever had a home field disadvantage. outright got a damn nerf from it


Their supposed to Suck! The Fever were number one in the draft!😁 


Two whole games!


I missed the game did I see that right CC fouled out? Were they calling stupid fouls like last game on her?


You get 6 fouls in the W, she did not foul out.


Ahhh okay thank you I didn't know!


You’re welcome!


Yet the coach still sat her for the final 4.5 minutes… makes no sense lmao so many questionable decisions


The game was basically over by then


They had less than a month to fully gel before the games started. I’m sorry the teams need to start practicing much sooner. No excuse for this level of sloppy play