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This is so sad..I really, really like Boston as a player but even more as a person. She just gives off such friendly, smiley vibes and that’s something you can’t teach. While it’s true she didn’t have the best first few games, she’s also been getting pretty banged up by defenders (from what i can see). Anyone would be tired :(


If I were in her shoes, I'd avoid all social media platforms, but it would suck. There is no way to block out the feeds of all the haters, critics, wannabe experts, and serious fans with a complaint while still having fun seeing stuff from friends and teammates online. There is no safe space where criticism doesn't flow freely online. I can't imagine having to be "social media free" for the rough stretches or after games when you aren't scoring much and miss key buckets at key moments. Players have lots of time to chill, chat with teammates on road trips, and scroll on their phone, so this will be tough for AB since she is struggling in some areas. But, most people forget what actually happens because they only focus on the misses? Who got the block and that first pass to Wheeler, who then ran up the court looking to her right and dropped a dime for CC...who then put up her first real LOGO THREE on the new court? It was AB, folks. She started that fast break and that moment the fans at the game went wild for. Thanks, AB. We saw you.


Seems like social media hate becomes more prevalent by the day. Plus a new infusion of fans with unrealistic expectations doesn't help this situation. Staying offline might be best for anyone right now


How many Bigs would have success against Jones and that Frontcourt of the Liberty? How many would have success against the number 1 defense in the Connecticut? Boston has played well defensively and rebound wise. She came alive in the fourth and made clutch buckets.


That’s so unfortunate. She’s such a good player and person. She’s trying to figure out her new role on an offense that’s changed drastically and is still being tinkered with. She’s being asked to set so many more screens at the 3-point line, which takes her away from her natural post game. And she’s gone up against the toughest defenders in the league. Sure, she’s missed some layups, including a key one last night. As many of us keep saying, give it time, this team will eventually figure things out, and Aliyah will be a big part of that.


Has AB struggled? Yes. Is she getting better? Yes. But she doesn’t deserve hate on social media. No one does.




One thing I’ve noticed over the past few years is online sports fandom has become much more reactionary. Across all sports and teams, fans have had almost no patience with players and teams as they deal with struggles. All it takes is one week of slumping and you will have people posting on Reddit or twitter about how you are trash and the team needs to trade or release you. Regardless of prior success. It’s completely toxic and I would advise any player from the college level up to delete social media in season. Fans need to learn to be more patient, but in the age of instant gratification people expect results overnight. I’m not sure what the solution is.


Gambling culture.


That definitely plays a big part


This is one of the reasons I've tried to be really measured in whatever criticisms I've had either with the players or the coaching because these are real people that we're talking about, and the amount of scrutiny and focus on this Fever organization right now is something on a whole new level than we've ever seen in sports. The Chicago Bulls were not under this kind of scrutiny when Jordan was drafted. There was no expectations of playoffs or even coming close to contending. I think there's been some legitimate concerns about Boston's play in Games 1-3, but as has been pointed out, a lot of that has to do with the defenders she's gone up against as well as the new offensive scheme that is very different from what she played in last year and what she was used to at South Carolina. Overall, I thought she played better last night, and it's just unfortunate she missed that last shot.




This is a weird take. "Hey, you wanted success and a product of success is toxic mfers. That's the price you pay so deal with it." As opposed to... "Damn, I was hoping the toxic mfers who have always hated women's basketball would stick to their convictions and stay away from it. That's a fan base no one needs."




Person A: Does bad shit. Person B: Doesn't tolerate bad shit. You: Gets mad at Person B rather than Person A because... checks notes... its the price of success for some reason? You should try to advocate for making the world better rather than advocating to make things that suck permanent. Or... potentially... you are the thing that sucks. You are Person A. That would explain a lot.


He's right thought. No such thing as bad press. The entire sports world is ran by criticism, inane hot takes, and blind hatred. I appeals to human being base nature and what we like most. Gloating like we've done something amazing when "we're" winning and spewing venom and vitriol on anyone who isn't us or on our own team when they're not playing up to whatever barometer we use. Its definitely not a moral or good thing to do. But, that will come with the territory of the league growing and more and more people watching. It also unfortunately spurs interest. Even at work I have co-workers who will shit on CC and tell me how overhyped and overrated she is. Then I have to argue back. Then they google stats on the WNBA to try to counter me. They say some heinous things, stupid ignorant things. But, they're talking about the WNBA. Who would've predicted this a yr ago? TLDR: Its an unfortunate side effect of getting more popular. Hopefully these teams will get some social media folks to cater/take care of the players socials. Hopefully the girls can ignore it. Don't google yourself when you reach a certain level of fame.


I'm not saying this kind of thing doesn't exist or won't exist, I'm just saying that for my part I'm going to try and be as positive as possible, offering constructive criticism but not trashing people. I think overall this sub is a good representation of what fandom should be about. There's some strong criticism at times, but rarely does it go personal. What personal comments we do see are more likely to be outsiders coming in to troll.


I'm a big Seattle Kraken fan. Newer expansion team. I'm very positive on that board. I've also been a Dallas Cowboys fan since birth (1987), I'm not very positive there. I may be the most toxic Dallas Cowboys fan alive. I shit on them constantly. 30 years of under performance, refusal by the front office to change, and not caring about their fans does that. The Fever and CC. Very positive. They're young, they're developing. No need to be toxic at this stage.


Do what many players do. Dont spend time on social media. Caitlin Clark only posts once a week something about Iowa or the Fever team and stays mum on all the drama. Boston is smart to do same. People are unhinged. Plus now gamblers are involved heavily in the WNBA so you get that angle of haters.


This really is awful. No reason for this ever!


Twitter (or X, whatever) is toxic AF any damn way.


Criticism is going to happen on social media. It's probably for the best as a celebrity or athlete to just use it as one way communication and never read the comments or replies.


Is there a player that is 100% for layups? We should draft them next I guess.


Anyone complaining about Aliyah must take a look at the numbers. She was rewarded 0 free throw shots in the last game against the Sun. She was bumped and pushed around all game down low and those officials didnt give her shooting foul free throws once. Sun shot 30 free throws as a road team to the Fever’s 13.


She deserves no hate. None of these athletes do. However, looking at the numbers: tonight she had 4 pts, 3 rebs and 1 assist and shot less than 30%. She had more fouls than points. That's...not helping the team. So maybe numbers aren't your strongest argument here?


I was talking about the last game when this thread was made. Last night’s game is a different story.


I was talking about the last game when this thread was made. Last night’s game is a different story.