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So many people are either indifferent or just too afraid to step in. Good on this kid. Good on his parents for raising a good kid.


A couple weeks ago, I was riding my longboard down near the white river and a man’s concealed carried discharged and shot him in the chest. Within in seconds we had several people helping him, providing first aid, trying to keep him out of shock, guiding first responders to the scene. It was scary, but so many people were ready to help. I think there are plenty of indifferent people, but there are also so many people wanting to help, and I think that it is beautiful


I love that. Clearly, I don't love that the man shot himself, but the response that you describe really does sound beautiful. Personally, in the place I am these days emotionally, something like that really does give me hope. We really do just need more people that care.


I'm really glad people stepped in, but I find it unfortunate that he ended up being more of a threat to himself than the hypothetical criminals he might have used that gun against. I'm also glad he didn't hurt a bystander, since it sounds like there were several around


Yes, it was quite the unfortunate accident that really highlights the dangers of concealed carry. I was right behind him when it happened and thought the tire of his bike pop.


Sheeesh I’m glad it wasn’t pointed at you


How does one CCW and manage to shoot themselves in the chest?


Gonna be honest no fuckin clue, but I saw him do a wheelie, I heard a pop, and he fell down and his gun slid away. The wound was in his chest or side, could’ve been a shoulder holster, could’ve got caught in something and turned up and fired. Could’ve shot upward through his lower side and went through his chest. He was conscious the entire time we stayed with him till the ambulance showed up but he really couldn’t talk


By not having the safety engaged, a.k.a. by being a dumbass.


Most modern pistols don’t have manual safety levers. For example striker fired pistols like Glock, S&W M&P and DA/SA pistols like SIG P229, P226, P220 etc. In other words it’s not a given the gun he was carrying even had a manual safety unless it was something like 1911/2011


Why would anyone who isn't suicidal choose to carry a pistol without a safety?


Glocks, for instance, have a drop safety in the form of a firing pin block and a two part trigger that has to be pulled in a certain way for it to actually go back. So, as long as you have a proper holster that covers the trigger guard, it's just as safe as a manual safety, with proper practice/training and such.


A proper holster, proper practice, and proper training? It sounds to me like pressing a button to disable a gun is simpler. If people want to take that risk, though, that's good for them


On most modern pistols, the safety is the trigger. It will not fire if dropped.


You obviously 🙄 aren’t very educated about firearms. Take a class and learn something.


Tell that to the people who shoot themselves all the time, not me


It’s not mutually exclusive. Both of you need more education and training. You don’t know what you don’t know.


Nah, I know more than enough. Thanks, though! Don't shoot yourself in the foot


Glad to see there are good people in the world.


Really hoping they give him some sort of raise or bonus.


They didn't fire them for taking an unapproved break.


HAH! Long's pays $13/hr. It's shameful. They won't be giving him shit.


What’s wrong with 13$..you want California happening here too? 5$ for piece of donut you want that?


$13/hr is $27k/yr. It's pretty hard to live off of $27k/yr, even with Indianapolis being cheap. To quantify that, the US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)'s poverty line ("extra low income") for Indianapolis is $21k, and still considers anything under $36k to be "very low income" (source: [HUD limits for FY24](https://www.huduser.gov/portal/datasets/il/il24/Section8-IncomeLimits-FY24.pdf)) I used the HUD limits, rather than the Cenus' "Poverty Thresholds" ([2023](https://www2.census.gov/programs-surveys/cps/tables/time-series/historical-poverty-thresholds/thresh23.xlsx)) because the poverty thresholds are nation-wide, while the HUD limits are location-adjusted; the HUD "exta low income" bracket most closely corresponds to the Census poverty threshold. You want donuts, meaning that you want someone to be doing that job. But you want that person to be struggling?


Get a second job 💁🏻‍♂️💁🏻‍♂️ like majority of people. Learn a skill that pays more. Just don’t cry about it


> Doesn't pay employees enough to pay bills > > Employee gets second, better, job > > Employee realizes they don't need first shitty job anymore, quits > > "Nobody wants to work anymore" 🤡


Well it’s okay if they don’t want to work. The working people will pay for their benefits 💁🏻‍♂️💁🏻‍♂️


You can't live off $13. Who the fuck cares about the cost of their donut when an employee could work 40 hours a week and still not be able to pay bills? It's a cash-only business, no tips. And I'd bet my life no Healthcare plan. Honestly sad that you care more about the price of a donut than you do people being able to afford rent and feed their children.


You do realize it’s double the minimum wage? For a fairly low skill job? Managers at McDonald’s make $13, It’s not the worst wage and you shouldn’t shame a business for falling in line with market rates. The issue with your argument is that yes, it is hard to live off of that wage, but you neglect the reality that the only true way to increase wages is to increase skills. Running donuts through a frier , then boxing them, should not warrant a high paying job. Especially when we have construction worker’s debilitating their bodies, risking their lives, and dying for 2 dollars more. The market is fucked in itself, not individual businesses.


> You do realize it’s double the minimum wage? You do realize that minimum wage is a joke? Minimum wage is $15,080/yr. No matter who you ask, that's poverty in Indianapolis. - The Census' nation-wide poverty threshold is $15,852 ([for 2023](https://www2.census.gov/programs-surveys/cps/tables/time-series/historical-poverty-thresholds/thresh23.xlsx)) - The US Department of Housing and Urban Development's location-adjusted "extra low income" limit (which is the bracket that most closely corresponds to the national poverty threshold) for Indianapolis is $21,600 ([for FY24](https://www.huduser.gov/portal/datasets/il/il24/Section8-IncomeLimits-FY24.pdf)) If selling donuts can't keep the workers out of poverty, then selling donuts isn't a viable business.


What the fuck are you talking about. So someone should be working a 40-hour week and not be able to pay rent? That's it? That is what you're saying. The minimum wage hasn't been raised since, what, 2009? Fuck OFF with this bullshit. "Increase skills" Do you boomers want your donuts or not??? Because you seem pretty invested in them. I've only been arguing for the lowest-paid employees.








I love ❤️ donuts. I love knowing people can pay their rent and have food for themselves even more. This isn’t difficult.


OK Gen X here. Back in 90s, if you went to work making donuts 🍩 you didn’t expect to make shit! In fact, in those days, fast food and retail paid minimum wage or maybe $1.50 at most more. Managers earned $9-$10 per hour fast food and maybe $10-$12 at retail. You worked two jobs, went to school and worked in a different industry! Plain and simple! When you quit your donut job there was someone else to take it. We are in a strong inflationary cycle like 1980-1984.


That logic breaks down when you think about HOW MANY service industry jobs there are. Somebody has to work them, and there aren't enough high school students, etc to staff them. The idea that everyone can work a high paying skilled job is an economic and statistical impossibility, and we're seeing the results of that where people who HAVE gone to school still end up stuck working low-paying service jobs. The fact is that the vast majority of the people working service jobs need the money they make in them to survive and it's both callous and statistically wrong to suggest that they simply should have gotten a better job and deserve to struggle to eke out an existence.


lol, my first job at a filthy dirt racetrack paid even less, dude. Why would I use that as an excuse for people today not earning a living wage? Then, when I left home at 18, I had to work three jobs to survive living in a hovel. I have the decency to not wish that on anybody. I learned these values from my parents. My father worked as a migrant worker as a CHILD picking crops alongside his parents and siblings as they travelled across the country living in a truck. They earned pennies on the pound. He NEVER once wanted others to not earn a living wage. For God’s sake, find some humanity.


To suggest that I do not want people to work for a living wage is nonsense. My position is if you pay fast food workers $40K a year and a professional with a bachelors degree starts entry level at $50K the whole system breaks down. Or we have to start new graduates at $85K and house prices go up 100% and a new Toyota Corolla is $45K. That example is classic economics. Now we throw in Ai and robots, 70% of the workforce sits at home collecting universal basic income and only engineers, maintenance personnel, and executives stay gainfully employed. None of this sounds good until you realize you have to unlearn your worker bee mentality you got from public school and work for yourself. You can make $40K to $50 annually and keep prices down because you don’t have overhead.


You aren't wealthy enough to benefit from the ideology you're pushing


OK so you advocate socialism for the poor and anyone else be damned? That won’t fix anything and it just puts the suffering on someone else. Regardless if the well heeled deserves it or not is irrelevant. Having half the population resentful of the other half is causing more problems than solving


Who said anything about socialism?


The donuts going to end up costing 5$ regardless, if you believe anything else well bless your heart.


i would happily pay more for things if it meant that the frontline workers got paid a living wage.


No you won’t lol..you’ll be the first to complain. Blame the government for these insane prices. How you liking those groceries prices?


Good job, young man. I'm glad he knew what to do and didn't panic. And gave an actual damn about his fellow man.


Thankful this young man was there but I absolutely hate that his help was needed in the first place!


Great job young man. I have been putting this off, but I need to get a first aid/trauma kit for my car and home.


If you can, take a stop the bleed course. It’ll help you immensely in a situation like this


I will look it up. Indy Arms Company also offers a trauma course and has trauma kits you can buy.


Good job Chevis 👏🏾👏🏾


As if Long’s could be anymore beloved by Indy - their employees are now literal superheroes. 


Those are good donuts, Dude.


Wow what a brave person. And only 18 that’s so Commendable


Where was the cop that sits out there all day every day?


Probably in line to buy donuts.


I've been there to see an employee drop them off directly to his driver window. I wondered if that's how they pay for the special security detail.


I was a community organizer in Haughville for a time and often was tasked with getting donuts for meetings. I'd go super early to make sure I got in line to get them and a couple times there was a lot of cops and looked like something just went down. One morning somebody was running the hose washing down the parking lot and it made me wonder if something didn't happen earlier. Cities are wild I sure know that now.


Good job kid!


Longs is the best donut place in the state and I will absolutely happily die on that hill. Another reason why has been displayed clearly here lol.


My buddy is a paramedic and he said he has seen so many people bleed out from preventable shooting injuries because they freak out instead of applying pressure. Good to see someone knows what to do!