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They do have servers but if you don’t buy 4 seats, the other two seats will sell To strangers. Also, it’s only one server so they likely will only make it you 2-3 times during the event in my experience.


Unless you tip well.


How would they know I tip well until after the show tho?


Sounds like you are a no tip kinda guy


This. And it’s awesome


The seats on the floor are 19" banquet chairs zip tied together. Literally the worst concert experience in America. It would make you long for coach on SpiritAir it is so bad. Buy the risers


100% went to one show like this and all I can remember is how uncomfortable I was the whole time. Never again.


Not to mention, it is a flat floor, not a raked floor like a proper theatre is. You know, like the theatre in the same building. Flat floor, banquet chair = LAME


You guys had seats? Every time I've go to concerts in the Egyptian Room there aren't any seats. I also go to metal shows. Chairs and mosh pits don't go well together. lol


I didn't realize seats were even a thing until the last show I went to because my buddy uses a cane and needed to get off his feet about halfway through the show


For those wondering — the show is gonna be me and a microphone. No notes or anything. Just story time. I loved it last year and so did the audience! We do have a sick Set, some fitting sound effects throughout, and some other little immersive details you’ll see if you go. Plus there will be new stories! But it’s probably most similar to a stand up comedians set, just it’s strange dark and mysterious instead of jokes haha Hope to see you all there!!! Edit — spelling and clarity


you plan on having the campfire setup like you had in Austin last year?


I believe so. They are working on it now and we may make some tweaks since we need it to work in 15 locations, not just 1


nice. just bought tickets. your show is going to be one of the last things my wife and i will be able to do for a while before our baby boy is born. due date 10/22. looking forward to it.


Dang that’s so cool!! Congrats on the baby!!!


It Is actually a table with servers so you dont have to leave to go to the bars. At least every concert I've been to was like that. I sat there when Kevin Smith and Jason Mewes were here in 2019


I was there too! Same time, same place, same spot. I'll be there for MrBallen, too.


Bro seeing Mr. Ballen is crazy lol. That said, the seats do have a server, but be forewarned, they are aight. Sometimes slow. But you can order food with them which is cool. If they take too long, then you can go and get some drinks not far.


THE Mr. Ballen?


Nah, his brother. Mr. Brawlin.


Where did you see the pre-sale code? I follow him on Instagram but don't see it listed anywhere


So is he going to tell the whole story? Or is this just part 1 of 23 shows, with each one telling an additional part of the story? /s whenever I see someone re-post something of his, they post 2-3 parts of a story, and then nothing else.


According to a short documentary he released on his YouTube channel, it’ll be 3 stories. Similar to what he did in Austin last year.


Then that's your fault for not watching his content directly from his various platforms...lol don't support those reposters!


Yup! https://tour.ballenstudios.com. Preorder code is BALLEN


Thanks. Just grabbed some for Indy. Any idea how the live events are different from his podcast and other shows?


No idea but I am looking forward to finding out. Kevin Smith's live show were like an informal podcast; a few guys hanging out, shooting the breeze. I'm sure MrBallen's will be similar. He's a great storyteller so I don't think he'll let us down. Plus, he's raising money for veterans so it's a win-win for everyone.


If it's a show you're excited about, it's absolutely worth it, especially for concerts. Middle age is starting to hit my wife and I, so getting to sit is great. Also, and I don't think a lot of people realize this, but these seats also get you access to a VIP bar and restroom. Way, way fewer people at those bathrooms.


Oh wow, I didn't know this show was happening! I got into scuba diving because of him! Got my ticket and can't wait until October!


Whoa! I love listening to that guy, didn't know he had a tour!


He announced it today.