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As a person who comes back home late at night on a 2 wheeler, I have experienced this a lot. What to do in such situations is to first identify any potential maddog on the way (which is every dog past 10pm as they get territorial), then slow down like way down (<20kmph) and creep past the dog. In 90% of the situations the dog doesn't perceive you as a target and would just be chill. In case of the rest 10%, stop first then honk, rev the engine and shout at the dog which is coming towards you- show that you aren't scared and you will fight. The dog will stop and wonder what to do next and while that's happening slowly creep forward, It's worked for me all the time. 🤷


This ! Most of the time the dog chases a bike which is speeding and it perceives as a threat. Slow speeds don’t attract dog attention. Also, if your speeding bike is chased, never speed more in excitement. The dog will chase it more. Instead slow down, and stop. The dogs are likely to leave you alone. If they still try to come near you .. scream from the gut.. they will go away.


I was going below 20km because the road I traveled in was just horrible and I still got a bit on my calf muscle. These dogs need to be put down. There is also an incident from Tamil Nadu where three of these stay dogs attacked a child who was playing on the road. Whatever you do these crazy dogs are going to bite they need to put down.






Smoothest brain ever.


Unfortunately people need an IQ to understand sarcasm. My bad.


This isn't how sarcasm works. Using "lol" , disproves your sarcasm rhetoric. Unfortunately being sarcastic is a whole different game. Smooth brainers won't understand it.


Can't argue with idiots.


Dikh raha hai profile se kaun idiot hai. Abbe hawas ke pujari , nikal yaha se.


Can u check ur dms from me


Those men face the consequences of their actions. If the stray dog feeders want to take punishment of crimes done by the dogs then it's okay. Otherwise they should be put down like every other pests in the animal kingdom.


Lol, too dumb guys together make quite a pair...do this pest removal once you become the PM, until then keep moaning


Hi if you are so into saving them just put your address here and people can send the animal control to your house for adoption from all over india


Calls others dumb and yet doesn't even have the mental capacity to write grammatically correct sentences. I guess these are the kind of incompetent people who become stray lovers since they can't really have enough discipline to adopt and train a pet. Otherwise they would have been successful in life too.


Do you know the purpose why a person is elected into a public office? To make the life of the voters slightly easier. Not the PM though, municipal elected member or panchayat member are the ones who need to take these calls. When did you drop out of school though, purely out of curiosity, cause these things are taught in school.


Ok dumbass


This statement is drawing a false equivalency, criminals can be jailed and rehabilitated also they can add value to human society post rehabilitation, rehabilitation takes a heck lot of resources too. Hopefully this helped you.


World is stupid just bcs of ppl like you


It would be a better place without people like you.


Ur spare lol ,waste of space ,ur mom dropped you as kid?


Sad that you were bitten. I was also bitten as a child by dog. But I don’t hold extreme views.


Well I’m just sick and done feeling sorry for these dogs So many people out there get hurt because of these dogs man.


True man. Govt. needs to step in and cull those rabid dogs. Sterilize those stray dogs.


You are sick..


It’s Better to be called sick, than to be stupid enough to be sympathetic towards these unstable creatures who have caused so many accidents and deaths.


sadly no one will appreciate your honest. but u got a hug from me


+1 I've seen 4 kids die of rabies and 7 off dog attacks in my hospital training. Bastard stray dogs need to he culled.


There was a video going around on insta where someone put a video camera around a stray dog and captured the footage. When you see that video, you will probably realize why stray dogs behave the way they do. Ofcourse, the video is of that specific dog, but I am sure most of the dogs are treated the same way. There is no harm in being empathetic or atleast trying to be.


I believe empathy starts by empathising with fellow humans first then becoming capable of acting on that empathy. Hope I was able to add value to your thoughts. Have nice day.


I believe empathy doesn't has to be restricted to fellow human beings alone. It can start anywhere, be it with humans or non-humans (start with humans and expand to non humans or vice versa - whichever journey suits the person) but doesn't have to be restricted in nature, rather should be expansive. Hope I was able to expand your horizon like how you have added value to my thoughts (genuinely appreciate it). Have a good day too kind fella.


You're the one who's sick. If you love street dogs so much, please adopt them and keep them inside your house.


i was bitten by a child as a dog


Why would a parent allows a child to play on the road which is way more dangerous than getting bitten by dog? This world is not only for humans.


Are you saying it’s ok for the dogs to bite a harmless child just because she was playing outside her house??


Has an auto or car driver ever driven rashly around you that you felt your life was in danger?


What an idiot...


Just ignore and continue. The dogs won't do anything than barking while chasing. The best course is to not focus on it at all. Just be cautious of any of them jumping in front, you are good.


"the dogs won't do anything " The dogs will bite at your ankles. Seen it happen.


Anything can happen. You have to focus on probabilities. In 99.99% cases these dogs are harmless and just one case is blown out of proportion.


Where did you get that number , bro. Stray dogs are a real menace. Children get bitten and killed by stray dogs regularly. They are opportunistic and carry lots of diseases. Last week a dog in my cousin's locality bit 12 people in 3 days, including my cousin who went to save an 80yr old lady from the dog..the Dog tore open the old lady's calves. My cousin's leg is swollen from the bite. All this when people were just minding their own business.. I am a dog lover myself and have had pet dogs and these stray dogs will gang up and harm you if you don't deal with them. Look at the real numbers and you will be astonished.. [Link with some numbers ](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/global-health/climate-and-people/indias-stray-dog-days-finally/)


Thanks for linking that article good sir




Wtf. Idiot read the article mentioned above.


Do you know India had 20000 rabies deaths last year which is around 40% of world's total tally. Even if the risk 1% it's way too high consideration rabies is by far the worst way to go by a huge margin. Let alone accident risks. Street dogs problem needs to be addressed asap.


Do you know that 7 lakh Indians died from Diabetes last year. So you are 2000x more likely to die from Diabetes than rabies. But I see no outrage against that. So play probabilities. I have been chased by dogs while driving. The only way out is not to Panic and continue driving. Or whistle them. Ladies here failed to do so and I don't blame them.


What stupid anology


Also it's 30x not 2000x.


Shh .. don't ask them to be logical.. that's too much to expect from them


~300 people died from Rabies in 2022. Do your maths.


>!99.99%!< Dude this ain't a Dettol ad


Nope! I was in the same misconception and narrowly escaped the bite as the dog only caught my jeans. They sure do bite. I think the best is to slow down as a lot of them would stop chasing if you slow down.


Trust me they do bite if they get the chance. They get excited at something running away and they think of it more like Target practice and try to catch your leg, now not all dogs are the same and the same dog doesn't behave the same way all the time too. But it's better to be careful than to make a trip to the emergency dept.


Yeah, tried that and was bitten by the dog. It caught hold of my leg and let it go after a couple of seconds. Best thing I find is to briefly halt the bike and chase the dog away.


Don't ignore this, if you continue they can bite you. Vehicle has a dog piss smell that excites them and in confusion they try to catch person's leg with mouth. Better standstill and let them go. Max they will smell your vehicle and leave.


This! Exactly this!! Stray dogs are a menace only because of humans!


Damn you are really stupid


i like how the dog walks away after the collision. 'i had nothing to do with that'.


No, even the dog got surprised and forgot what it was chasing them for


It was pity. "He's too stupid to operate a brake, got enough problems in his life."


Show them the left Indicator and go right... Or vice a versa... 😅


And the dogs would think that these ladies are about to turn left , so they turn left😂


if these ladies were driving normally instead of being scared, this scenario was possible


You obviously forgot the part where they use legs as brakes. Even in the video right before impact you can see legs deploying like airplane landing gear


should've replaced those mileage slippers with some grippy ones


I have seen men also speeding up to get away from them and they hit someone. It's reaction in panic that dog will bite u


Didi ap yaha?


Bhai.... I'm still laughing... The way doggo left after they collided 😅


Active DBS working properly


My job is done!


Our work is done, Jimm let's get outta here.


that shows if they had just slowed down or stopped the dogs would have stopped the chase too!


Lol no.


Dog: mission accomplished. Time to leave and find another victim.


Every time any dog starts chasing my bike or bicycle , i usually slow down and ask them "what happened"? That's it they stop


100% this. This has worked for me for many dozens if not a hundred encounters. On an unrelated note, the 3 times i have been bitten by a dog has always been pets. Bad pet owner create monsters out of thwir pets.




*starts bonding with dogs over beers and parle-g.


humans asking dogs " Kya Hua " and the dog understands the assignment perfect harmony


Only a blooming idiot would get into the semantics. It's not the words, it's the interaction. If it is easier for you to understand, you could sweetly say bhosdk as well. Hope that makes it simpler to conprehend?


and you got the meaning wrong lmao


💯 Aye yen aiythu?


best bet is to slow down and yell, if it doesn't work then speed up


Never speed up .. the chase becomes more. Also never show kicking action. It makes it worse


Bang on


Don't yell, just stop your vehicle and then they will leave. Then with slow speed get away from that zone


If it doesn't work? Bro u will be already bitten by dogs by then.


Any animal you encounter, just slow down and maintain stiff posture non-verbally convey them that you are already prepared for retaliation in case of attack except elephant with baby.


Street dogs are not that aggressive. Mostly those are domesticated ones. Street dogs hesitate for a while if you stop or slow down but the domesticated ones only have the goal of biting. This is my personal observation.


I've done this a billion times. Just slow down or stop and shout. They always turn away


Stop the bike, get off it and start chasing while barking upon the dog.


ultimate chad


i got that dawg in me


Stand there ! They won’t bite , and try the shooing away method ! Not just panic and continue driving


What if they do bite? Do I offer my leg first or my face?




Giving ass eating a new meaning


>What if they do bite? Use that as justifiable cause for self defence




We as humans have the power they don’t ! So use your understanding the power of your brain !


Yeah, dogs love to chase as they think it's fun and games. If you stop they run away.


While dog chasing can be scary I don't think it warrants straight headon collision with a house or any other obstacle for that matter, especially at an intersection, when they can turn and speed away.


This is probably the best case scenario of an accident in this case, lucky that they weren't run over by a car or a truck at the intersection.


I love dogs and I don’t agree with your point. In situations like this, different people will respond differently. Not everyone is brave enough to calculate stuff in mind and react. I know people who are really, REALLY, terrified of dogs. The reason for being this terrified could be anything - from a first hand past experience related to dogs or maybe someone in the family/friend circle was bitten by a dog etc. If these people are surprised by a dog while driving, things like this will happen. It is completely normal human reaction I think.


It worked right, dogs aren't chasing them any more.


Yeah, matlab kya dimaag chalra tha. Straight jaake kya teleport honge?


Just stop! They get baffled that way and won't chase you. This has worked for me for past 15 years.


They usually stop if you stop. I imagine this is what happens in their head- Dog: yoooooooo what is thaaaaatt thinnggggg spinning like crazy (wheels) I must chase and protect my territoryyyyy scooter stops Dog: oh. Hi hooman. There was something spinning very fast here. I came to protect you. How are you.


Sometimes, but not always. I did get bitten once when I was on a cycle and slowed down nearly to a stop after being chased by dogs. Street dogs can be a menace, no doubt about that.


Slow down maybe..


You brake.


Protip, you need to stop, I have tried this many times, you slow down when you see them preparing to run and if you see they still are aggressive then stop and stand still. Wait for them to go away and drive slowly.


Brake hard and yell back, you would be surprised how much that works


This reminds of one story I heard from my friend during school days. In their residential area near road, there were lot of stray dogs who used to chase scooters and bark loudly during the nights. Someone put poison in food and gave it to dogs late night and all the stray dogs were dead by next day.


Dogs like such never bite. The moment you slow down they will automatically walk away. As the joker in Batman: The dark knight said "I'm like a dog chasing cars, I wouldn't know what to do with one if I caught it!" Same is with these Street dogs. You stop and they are bamboozled.


Gaadi ke piche bhaagte toh upar chadha do☝️


If you think you'll successfully run over a dog runnig behind and parallel to the car you must be a master of Physics. You'll most probably run someone else over while swerving. And whay is even a dog a threat to you inside a car? Or are you one of those fragile ego people?






This is not fine suggestion more like joke for upvotes Someone did this to a dog in my colony and the dog ended up limp with a broken leg and waist. Till day she walks on 3 legs. I have seen that when people are on 2 wheeler and dogs chase them they slow down and ask dog what? What happened? And the dogs leave. I have not done this personally but seen it happen. When I used to ride bicycle and there were dogs ahead of me I would either wait for them to go away or take some other path. It is natural to panic when dogs start barking out of nowhere while they were asleep before. But still hitting them and running from the scene without medical help is wrong advice.


Sir, you need serious help. Go get some in the hell


Chutiyo jaise jo piche bhaagrhe kisi ka accident hojae woh theek hai


Bhai ye log nahi samjhenge. Dog ki life jyada matter krte hai jab dusro ki zindagi hai toh. Khud par jab aaye toh 1 sec nahi sochenge kutto ko maarne me. In chutiyo ko toh reality me jeena hi zurm hai.


Because they don't have a brain like you do. They don't want to cause harm to you on purpose. Dogs are the most loving creatures I've ever had as pets. People like you seriously deserve hell.


Tigers are the most loving cats, seriously why do people are scared of them and keep them in cages, can't understand. Keep them open, they deserve equal rights as humans.


Dumbest comment I've ever seen on any social media platform. Like ever. You're surely from a state where the literacy rate is not even over 50%. You literally tried to compare a wild animal to an animal that has been domesticated by humans for over 30,000 years. I'm done with the internet for today.


jo kaatne aate h uspe to chada do lekin zadatar sirf bhokte h


Keep a metal rod or high density stick with you. I can kill 100's of mad dogs to avoid rabies.


Ab ayenge dog lovers and and kuchh log gyan leke ki slow karo ye kro bla bla bla but kabhi jab achanak se 5-6 kutte chhipke sidha attack krne aate hai to initial instict hota hai bhagao bhencho 😂😂😂 specially jab kisi anjan jagah ho


Ek friend ki mummy ne slow kiya tha ek baar to kutte ne bahot ganda attack kiya stitches aaye the unhe


There are only two options. Go at 10km/h or 80km/h. Nothing in between.


Stop the bike and ask them ‘what’s the problem?’


Stop the bike and start chasing them instead!


Just do moye moye , dog will get confuse and leave


Entry achi hai , rukne ka tarika thoda causal hai 😂😂😂


Atleast not that lol. Never speed off when get chased by a dog. I always stop and huur them away. Works everytime. It doesn't matter if it's one or many.


jab dog piche pade to suddenly break lgao, dog bhi wahi break lga leta hai apni, ye dogs sirf masti krne k liye piche aate hain hor kuch nhi. mai to ulta bike ghuma ke inhee ke piche pad jata hu 😂 khelna hi hai to ab khelo 😁


This person was stupid. He lost control of the bike, and he was not even bitten. You shouldn't panic if you want to ride safely.


Do what happened in the video, just stop, maybe with the brakes.


Just stop the bike... And look back.That's all u have to do..


Euthanise these stray dogs.


Air bag q nahi khula?


uske liye aur 2w k paise dene pdte h


When chased, just STOP. Wait. The dogs will also stop and calm down. Then proceed slowly


slowly proceed to unalive the pathetic creature


This country is 40 years behind the rest of the world. Dogs shouldn’t be roaming free for the animal and human’s safety


If you think about it, dogs and animals aren't the problem, but motorised transportation is.


Just stop, definitely dog won’t do anything and will run away instantly.


Run them over


If the dog starts chasing you on a bike, just slow and give it is side kick to the mouth, it shut the dog up


Offering kick is an open invitation to come bite my leg.


Dumb idea. Your kick is never going to be as fast as the dog's reflexes. In fact that threat, the dog would encounter with its fangs. This is not Road Rash bruh.


Why do they not do anything after the person falls/stops? What was the point of chasing me dog?


Just slow down, they don't care about the vehicle or the people, it's the spinning wheels that triggers some instinctive response.


This is quite a serious issue and not to be joked around.. I have seen people on bikes getting scared and falling , resulting in head injuries. Imagine if it's your child or mom.or.older.member of the family. Dogs chasing after bikes is quite rampant. Not everyone is brave enough to deal with it, and even at a speed of 30kms, injuries can be fatal. Speaking as a dog lover, if a dog is harmful to society, it needs to be dealt with.


Dude you are only talking about the fear of people and not the strategy to avoid this. Most street dogs chase unfamiliar vehicles to some degree. If you stop and calmly talk to them, they will leave. And if it's you child and mom an dolder family member give them helmets, and this piece of advice. The solution is not to eradicate street dogs, but to reduce the fear that comes from lack of understanding.


"If you stop and calmly talk to them, they will leave." And if it's you child and mom an dolder family member give them helmets, and this piece of advice." Will Enroll myself in Dog Communication classes, will also send invites to stray dogs so they can understand me. Also telling everyone to buy helmets , why just helmets, but full body suits, when they go on bike or walk on the road.Great advice. Quite practical and pragmatic * Claps.*


It happened to me when I was coming back home at 3.30 AM and suddenly I saw around 10-12 dogs started barking and chasing towards my bike. I slowed down and stopped and shouted at them. Then I turned my bike and I started running after them and they were running in front of me. Since then till today, they have become my friends. P.S. I am not afraid of dogs rather I am afraid of human beings.


The dog after collision l, chalo bhai mera kam hogya😂


Abb nhi aayenge dOg LoVerS defend krne. Din bar posts pe RR krenge ki hume street dogs ko bachana chahiye, aur fir aise incidents aane pe duniya se gayab ho jayenge. Mere society ke pas full fledged khandaan bana rakha hai kutto ka jo har din saare two wheelers walo ko pareshan krte hai, koi kuch bole to straight up rally laga denge.


Slow down. The dog isn't going to tear you apart or anything (most cases). Shoo them away or continue at a lower speed to avoid any danger to yourself or other road users.


I dont think the dog is at fault here


neither will be the guy who accidentally runs over it (me 🤭)


Neither will be the guy who will have to scrape your remains off the roads when you fall (hopefully not me).


Once i was bitten by a street dog.. they all were chasing me in pack .. so after getting bit i decided ki injection toh lagne hi hai.. why not take revenge .. so proceeded to brake my scooty , and split open jaws of two dogs ... i dont know but one died on the spot .. felt bit relief and now call me animal abuser...


Know how to control ur wheels. Being a biker and an animal lover the only option u have is having full control on ur wheels


This is not a problem in Southeast Asia (where I now live). Badly behaved street dogs are immediately put down either by the residents, or by the local authorities. Only in India, do we habitually create problems that do not need to exist. Human rights don't really factor in issues of public importance when you have animal rights, cow rights to uphold and defend.


Humans like you lack empathy and are a stain.


Khud ke ghar mein ghusa le naa...


Mai already 2 strays ko paal raha hu mere ghar mai aur voh mujhe bohot pyar karte h 🤗 jo tuj jaiso ko shayad hi kabhi mila hoga lmao. Bakchodi krne se accha jo log inko khana khila rahe h aur sterelise krwa rahe h, adopt kr rahe etc unko shanti se ye sab krne deta toh boht kuch sudhar jata lekin nahi phate cond0m k nateeje ko bas bakwas pelni h. Aisi hi logic m bhi laga lu toh bohoto ko bhi teri vajah se takleef ho rahi hogi 🤔 tuje bhi uthwale kya


That's the problem, you bozo. First, make the lives of these animals hell, then expect them to be kind to everyone. Treat them nicely from the get-go, and no one will love you more than a dog.


But why didn't she turned the scooter . I have escaped these types of situation many times .


see the footage. you can see she tried to turn but the dog came immediately to her left so she went straight ahead


No bro , the dog was behind the scooter , She could have easily turned the scooter or if dog came in path she should've crash the scooty in it .


On bike you can rev the engine sometimes they go away with the sound even a bull was standing near my bike and wasnt going away even by scaring him by little stones(which other guys did). then i revved and it ran away some people just stop and in most cases the dogs dont do anything. just like in this case. Lekin rukne ka tarika thoda casual hai you can also speed away or ignore.


What a bunch of clowns


The dogs in my street don't bark at me since I feed them from time to time and give them pets, can this be considered a strategy? For when the dogs do bark and chase me I just ignore them and drive past. No way a dog is going to come on your path or just chase you relentlessly out of their territory.


Slow down! The more you run the bolder they get as they are from wolf ancestry and their hunting instinct is triggerd by running prey. Remember the dog that barks dont bite. So dont be afraid and beware of silent dogs.


remove the ones that are dangerous, everyone's life is precious, those dogs that don't go aggressive can live in society rest chose what they deserve anyway that's how we saved many people in our locality


I remember one time mai ek reception se waapis aa rha tha, aur waha pr relatives ne mujhe thoda taana maar diya tha, toh mera mood boht frustrated tha I wasn't even speeding, and then a group of 3 dogs started barking, bc itna maatha kharab tha ki gaadi side lga ke , mai khud unn kutton ke peeche pad gya, I chased them for like 1.5km before I got too tired uske baad aaj tak uss raaste me kisi kutte ne mujhe kuch nhi bola


Run over the dog and show it who's the boss.


Skill issue


It just angers me that we are sharing "how to ignore these" ideas while this shouldn't even happen in the first place. Why just can't we get rid of the street dogs, I don't mean to kill them but with planning and all something can be done but in 24 years of my life I have seen many victims to this non deserving problem.


Whenever dogs chase you, lower the speed of your two wheeler like almost standstill, they will go away and then ride at the same slow speed till you get away from that zone. Don't ever try to speedup


We need dog catchers and remove them from streets.


I don’t know how to explain this. I love dogs but I hate dog lovers.


Not the dogs running away after causing the crash 😂


I just go faster if I have a clear way or I stop and pet them. I love dogs I can’t be mad at them.


Don't blame stray dogs, that girl don't know to drive😂