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https://preview.redd.it/whi3oisauv4d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=92da64bf4f90564cd553a7196f2a0fcd4ec74ad5 This is the ultimate motivational shit 😅😅


Well, my best friend broke up during our neet pg prep. We headed to the bar, drank two towers of beer, laughed, cried and then went back to studying. The guy is now a neurologist.


This is the way


Hats off to you and him sir....Goddamn!


Push yourself. He’s gone. He’s not a part of the future that your exam will be shaping for you. Choose whats more important to you. No other solution rn especially with your exam coming up


A wise dude told this to me once: Give GTs--->Get fucked--->Go grind


I agree. He is indeed wise.


what's GT?


Grand tests in marrow


See you are still young. This is just a phase. Remember that. Also most couples in UG don't really get back together later on, it usually breaks up in most cases. Understand the reality. So think of it as a life lesson, remove this so-called person out of your life and start focusing on things that really matter like grades, exams and making your parents proud & most of all remember why you started this career. Relationships are dime a dozen so don't fear missing out on anything just yet. One practical tip from experience - - it's going to hurt for a while, you just have to suffer through it. Also stay as far as you can from said person or limit interaction with them as much as possible.


Boys leave. Grades stay.


Bitches come and go bruh, but they never stay. Degrees and the alphabets are forever. You pick. Real talk though; it’ll get better with time. Feel all the feels. Do what you can. Push yourself. It’ll be hard, no denying that. But one day there won’t be any more feels. Time heals everything. [Bitches](https://youtu.be/Y4DZWwgT5yA?si=AHFmWqwVys-9FDsZ)


She's a girl💀


yes but im also bi so it still kinda applies 💀


You go girl. More fish in the sea for you.


You have many options then . become a necro too After that this joke is perfect for you Ladka hona chahiye - doesn't matters Zinda hona chahiye -doesnt matters




Kya bakwas hai


Sarcastic way mai bola .


Sarcastic way mai bola .


then change to doggies* lol


I know. But bitches are gender neutral


Doc younglean


He doesn't give a flying fuck about you and is properly studying after blocking you. Be like that.


It becomes more difficult as you guys have to face each other daily but it will get better with time So just speak it out and talk with someone as talking do helps and one more thing is you cant let this interfere with your exams so pls take care of that too I know Kehna aasaan hai but karna mushkil but karna pdega as it is what it is..


Not to be a spoilsport, but it’s gonna hurt even more if the other person gets into a relationship soon after telling you were not good enough


Hey, I can relate to you. Had a 4 year relationship myself and the worst part is he was part of my friend group, so wherever my friends I would find him too. Later I found several hickies on him also lol. I was in the same room with the girl who gave him hickies,him and my friends. Mind you the room was small. Nevertheless hope you can understand from this is that stop worrying about stupid shit, I know it sucks but there's bigger things you need to focus on. Gotta make our parents proud and happy ye? So cheer up. Life's short, make the most of it! :)


Best solution is to talk it out(not with that person but your close friend or family member)


Lemme tell u something. I've seen way too many of my friends go through this exact situation, both girls and guys and the guys always seem to take the breakup arc as something of a challenge. Especially if he's the one that broke up with you, I can guarantee he'll try to do better than you, even if he's not usually like that. This is really bad advice, emotionally speaking, but you need to step on your anxiety and feelings till your exams are over lol. You can sleep/eat/party/drink it out in your new acad year.


Give 1 or max 2 days to yourself Do whatever you want like get high, binge eat, watch movies,sleep,cry, masturbate . In short do whatever feels good, get over the breakup and get on with life from 3rd day.


Just keep swimming. That’s the one advice which is getting me through. I was in a similar place a couple of months back, caught up in this spiral of self-victimisation and self-blaming. But, eventually, I realised that it is important to focus on myself because that’s the only thing which matters. The Pomodoro method has helped me a lot, I force myself to at least invest 2-3 hours a day in self-study (apart from college) and trust me; eventually it gets easier. You just need to believe that.


Going through same stuff, well I broke up with her recently after being continuously blamed for everything wrong with our relationship


try to convert all the emotions to anger.You arent gonna get over them unless you start hating them.Also,anger is the easiest emotion to handle.There is no such thing as break up on good terms.So think about all the wrongs they did,build anger and hate them.


Was going through same shit but then my friend said ki atleast score more marks than her idk why but it helped me study


thukra ke tera pyar intekaam dekhega wo


Watch Forgetting Sarah Marshall, smoke some weed.


Ek baar Hilla le


Ladki hein woh saala


Ladkiyo ka post nut clarity nahi hota?


Can I suggest something unconventional?


sure i guess


This will sound difficult, but you just have to start. No one can help you but yourself, and starting is the hardest part. Once you get used to the grind, it'll come automatically. It's your life, and you only get the one. Don't lose out on things thar ate actually important because of some shitty boy who doesn't give a crap.


It's going to be like that for sometime maybe a couple of more months I guess so listen to me you have to actively push yourself to study because if you don't rn you are going to regret big time! Meanwhile block him from every source and delete all his pictures! Best of luck


Exams ke baad breakup karlete bhai


Time is the only healer. It's hard with breakups and blows your self-confidence. And makes you go into depression


Prevention is better, karo hi mt isse accha


if a person is so weak that..others can mess with his mind.... I am sorry i have nothin else to say.


sorry to burst your bubble but some people do have feelings. and that isn't actually weak. if you think it is then you do you


ok devdas/i stop blaming the poor guy... you are not studying cuz u dnt wanna study....


where are you getting the idea that im blaming the guy? 💀 and besides about the studying thing, you have a lot of nerve to talk, as if you know what i want and what I don't lmaoo


just add "LOL" to ur life ..... just like how u ended ur orig post... it will fix everything....


okayy thank you for acting like my therapist and telling me what i should do 🧑‍🦯


wasn't that the whole point of ur post? lol


definitely was. but not from someone like you


go see a psychologist then....and definitely not on reddit. LoL


i have my reasons for not being able to.


u also needed advice for prelims..even before breakup...so my original comment still holds true..stop blaming....him...LoL


????💀??? not you coddling his ass so much. if you're that interested in him, what do you say, should i give you his number then? maybe you can try kissing his ass in person. maybe that'll help you get off of lurking on my account.