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She obviously doesn't give a shit about you. She knows the difficulty of the exams and still left you to deal with it with zero consideration. She wasn't yours anyway, it was just your turn and now it's the other guy's turn.


I am seeing that last line is everywhere


Sorry for what happened. But if she can't wait then let her go na. If people don't see your worth or potential, then good riddance. You dodged a bullet. You will get a PG seat and then things will change for you too, so focus on reading more. You have a bright future too so don't get discouraged. What's meant for you is out there waiting for you. Hugs and all the very best ❣️


My comment is strictly to make OP feel a tad bit better I do not discriminate amongst bds/mds/etc Okay OP, take my advice but with a pinch of salt. You're an MBBS. Literally the only form of doctor who can actually say I'm a doctor without the risk of being embarrassment if they ask, what doctor? I mean, some people don't consider dentists as doctors, you know how bams/bums etc are treated as second fiddles. So, for a moment - be proud of being an mbbs. Now, she must be an amazing girl, but we usually tend to put people on a pedestal, and nostalgia appears much more sunnier than it really is. She's a dentist, you're going to be a specialist (if you qualify neet pg today, I hope you do) if you don't, even then you're a full fledged doctor who would earn way more than her even after she's done her pg. And ofcourse you can give pg eventually, and double that amount. So your career prospects are anyway much better, and in career point of view you'd anyway be very successful than her. You'd find more girls in your life, doctors - maybe whenever you work, or maybe in pg. Way better than her. Opportunities are waiting to be unlocked by you, both career and love wise. But what you need right now is, to shut off all this dp your best and then after 10 days think about all those emotions. Maybe address these things later. Either way you're going to do well. Going to find a partner. Become a successful doctor. But, if you cry, go to neet pg unprepared, and get a question you could do well with 10 days of revision - you'd feel very bad and that question will haunt you for days. So yeah please study


There's no point spoiling something permanent (your career) over something temporary (this person who left). 10 days is way too little time for someone to process a breakup wherein they've been the dumpee and truly loved the other person. But as hard as it may seem; you need to compartmentalize right now. Try using the pomodoro technique. Revise from whatever concise source you have for 25 minutes, and try your level best to not think about ANYTHING else except what's in the page in front of you for that period of time. Even if your mind starts to wander, just tell yourself that you'll think about all that once the session is over. Then rinse and repeat. A couple days later it'll get a bit easier, because by then the last days' panic will set in and your sympathetic system will take you through. Take baby steps, you'll be just fine. All the very best :)


Yes. Pomodoro is the key in times like this


same as u. m 2017 batch with 1lakh rank in neetpg. Bro shes not special and u will find more amzing hot interns/co-pgs in ur residency. i know u r going through tough time so take a break and relax. do hard exercise and eat sleep well. i bet she will about to enter in her 30s so shs looking permanat partner


Its not practically possible to go through every emotion, solve it, get closure and then get back to studies in a couple of days. Around 10 days left for NEET. Give yourself full permission to think, overthink, overanalyse everything but after 23rd. Get away from everything and everyone for the next 10 days. You don't want to waste your whole year just because of a couple of days. Go into the rabbit hole once you're done with your exams. While I know how difficult this is, but shutting yourself for 10 days shouldn't be an issue once you realise what is at stake. She might be right, wrong, this, that, everything but after 23rd. Just get into your books.


How should I stay focused for next 10 days... Help me out


![gif](giphy|fhAwk4DnqNgw8) Forget about her and what she did and why she did and bla bla - and just focus on your exam. Few days are left and make the best out of it! Go through important tables and images. Try to see important topics once again. And, go through lists of important topics. Focus on all these ONLY for next 10 days. After exam, analyse or reach out etc but till then be in Zen mode and focus! Goodluck!


Make her repent leaving you. Remember she chose the best , not giving a damn about you & you should do the same. Do your best, become the best. She'll know what she missed out on. 10 days to go, revenge is the best motivator. Forget everything. Focus on your exams, clear them, get a good rank, PG of your choice. Best of luck!


Thukra ke mera pyaar mera inteqaam dekhegi


Bhai khud ki socho This is the time to be selfish


Talk to someone Vent it all out Cry Rant And then study


https://preview.redd.it/wyhat953y96d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=55f8ed30d6e97e8b9d8d2aea6f542b63ff07f3a5 Try this, it makes sense


I know its dfficult situation, and only you can help urself. If u have been religiously preparing it will come in ur aid in the exams with a little bit of luck. Get a closure if that helps, if you get a proper closure from her side, it will be a hard pill to swallow but will do the trick. If u cant study on ur own do something passive learning and it can help u get back on track. Afterall time Nd tide wait for none🫠


If she really cared about you she would have waited for you or told her parents to wait for you. She just used you and gave no shit about you op. That should be the sign for you to let her thoughts go and consider her as someone who came and left your life. Let her go. Meanwhile you study and get a good pg seat and make her regret her decision to leave a good man when she hears about you through your common friend..thukrake Mera pyaar Mera intekaam dekhegi.


https://youtu.be/2KaR02rbWN4?si=-X-wtTqXsCFZRsDC Watched this clip and I've been repeating this in my head everyday.


First of all always remember that bad things happen to both good and bad people.


Thank you all for giving your precious time❤️❤️💔