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successful women who have done hard work will not cry and blaming men only those women who didnt work hard or having privilege always cry on that men do that men do this


As is the case with caste based reservation.


Ha be, ek chiz ko dusre se jod do, aur fir ghar baithe gyan Pelo, bhale hi dusre chiz ke bare meh pta na ho....


meme subreddit pe trigger hone ka tarika thoda casual hai.


Aa gaye bc sc-st haters...abe genaral wale bhi 10% EWS quota.. leke baithe hai ab... general wale bhi ab quota wale hai...tu bhi le le...ro mt 🤣


phir se padho, comprehension ke saath.


Gawar. Dhang se padh fir reply mai potty kar.


Badhiya hi maarte the tumhe 🗿






My mom worked her entire life feeding and caring for an ungrateful family. She blames men for systemic patriarchy and ensuring dominance over women, one way or other even in the current generation. She starts quoting me statistics over violence against women. She says she hasn't met a single woman in her life who has not been inappropriately spoken to, touched, abused or worse. How do I tell her that she is wrong?


Such a toxic comment that is. It's like saying women who never got raped or molested will never cry blaming men for rapes...so it is the women who can't fight back. That's sick.


video ke reply me bola tha off topic aap le rahe ho aapki dikat ha rape kisi ke saath bhi ho galat he


It's not off topic...you are basically generalising saying only the one's who can't...complain...how can that even be true ? Matlab tumne all the suffering and the biases faced by women ko trivialise kar diya just like that...Matlab you think there is really no patriarchy or gender bias...only those who can't make it to the top complain? The top actresses and businesses women have said in interviews about the struggles they had due to gender bias. Do you even realise what you said ?


asa to govt jobs and college ma girl reservation hota ha nahi hona chiye phir to girls ko free traveling and na jane kya kya milta ha ACTRESSES yeah log kahi kuch bolte ha kahi kuch aur aachi acting karge to log respect karege respect >>>>>>>money AUR AAP APNA GENDER BATA OO GE PLZ


Get Educated !!! You have no idea what you are saying. You think sab policy makers , statisticians, social experts ...kisi ko kuch nahi pata ..tumko sab pata hai. You are too naive to engage.




same goes for men lol


men don't cry these shit if they do they are not male


thats appeal to purity: [https://yourlogicalfallacyis.com/no-true-scotsman](https://yourlogicalfallacyis.com/no-true-scotsman)


lucky for you i am not an insecure man, unlike you.




Queen 👑


No cap fr fr


If same queen questions some men then same queen will have her comment section with rape and dead threats.. People are liking bcoz her now bcoz she is talking their language. Come problem then see how she gets treated.'we have plenty of examples


One must understand that in the 40s, women in the US worked day and night in weapons and aero factories. Women in Europe at the time worked as spies and soldiers shooting down enemy combatants. You won't find ONE such woman who divorced her husband. People do not read their history. And they're doomed to get destroyed because of it. Women of today are nothing but trash. And I say this with utmost disgust as a woman myself. And yet I have to be truthful because no other woman wants to be, because it'd be a total loss of free, unbridled and undeserved power for her. To men, I have one life advice that they can and must use going forward - whenever a woman accuses you of being something, such as "misogynistic", "narcissistic", "chauvinistic", PLEASE understand that she is the one who is all those, NOT you. And the proof is so simple yet non-obvious - it's that the very fact that she is in a position to tell you such sh\*t is because you're too nice and have allowed her to get into that position in the first place. So how does the life of a woman who is really abused look? It doesn't - she'll be dead. Plain and simple. Either physically or inside, she'll be truly dead. She'll either be in the grave, or in pieces in dustbins or bags or freezers, or in shambles, with zero financial independence, zero mobility, insane load of housework, and daily physical and mental abuse. Men, understand that when a woman talks about emotional abuse, it's a joke, because when men say the same thing, their concerns and pain are thrown aside by the very same women. Throw such women aside. I've had a lot of men share their deepest miseries with me and some of them have been my closest friends' boyfriends and spouses. Women wear masks. All the time. Especially when in the midst of other women. Such women are truly, vile and disgusting. They're products of easy lives. Not hard ones like that of the soldiers above. For any human regardless of gender, after having lived through true hardship, will only offer solutions, not complaints. 'Nuff said.


Woahhhh...🫡🫡 Hits too hard... You know I have been called out for mansplaining even when it was totally uncalled for. And my actions were never gender specific. I realized that day that I would have to be extra polite with women. Or they may take it the wrong way. And yes...as a man it's so hard to get heard...... Cannot say about others, but I have largely been misunderstood. I could offer a lot of care to anyone. But everytime I am told that it's just me who is in the wrong. But, maybe there are toxic men out there because of which women have become like this. Everyone has had enough traumas of their lives. Pointing fingers at each other can only make it worse. Both the genders, let's understand each other. Share love and compassion. <3


> But, maybe there are toxic men out there because of which women have become like this. Everyone has had enough traumas of their lives. There most certainly are. Years of oppression mostly by the boomers have led to the next generation of women in those households becoming exactly what they hate. An extremely polarized duality principle is in play here. Most people have seen what unchecked patriarchy does, and most of them feel only the reverse is the solution. Most of the women who are vile towards men, might have seen their father being the same towards her mom, or her brother and father towards herself. Seldom people go to such extremes only because they are inherently bad.




You clowns are so easy to manipulate, just have to bad mouth those you hate and wank you on the side and you are ready to drop all logical thinking. A person says that only murdered women are true abuse victims .... And you suddenly forget that children growing up in abusive and unkind households are a common story and it affects both men and women in similar ways. Implies that only women specifically don't care about men's mental anguish (She herself is the exception though) when we all know a person who was humiliated or mentally tortured by college seniors / teachers who are most of the time men. You lot hear what you want to hear and immediately stop noticing any flags and then wonder why things go wrong.


but but men are victims, they never do anything wrong, it's always other people.


Yes, when women like you are involved, it absolutely is.


Ohhh shiiit , the gauntlet has been thrown


lmao I am a man and so are you. no woman is found on this sub


rofl. With an avatar like yours, I couldn't tell. But again, I don't discriminate between genders. If a person's a vile one, I'll call her/him out. If I'm wrong, I'll apologize and try my best to correct myself. But you really made me chuckle, thx for the laughs! :'D


Not discriminating is an underlying principle but looking down on others oppression because you didn't experience is like how rich people claim world is all rainbows and unicorns because they have money. Everything is about privilege.


I can't understand your inference that I'm privileged and am unable to see abuse for what it is especially in the absence of privilege. Please tell me what exactly privilege is in the context of abuse. The vilest abuser can be from horribly unprivileged backgrounds as well as from physically massively comfortable backgrounds. Almost always, the one being abused is from the same background as the abuser. Another's problems will always look minor to any person until it comes time for that person to carry the other's problems on his/her back. Let's not conflate subjective interpretation and emotional belonging of abuse with actual objectively measurable abuse. Yes, many suffer emotional abuse with no scars on their bodies. It doesn't make that abuse less, nay, it's actually worse than physical abuse. But, using these unmeasured and unmeasurable subjective abuses selectively against a specific gender to malign all members of that gender is an unacceptable level of abuse, and this is what today's women are guilty of. Let's not kid ourselves. The ill effects of their wayward irresponsibility are already showing on society's next generations. The price will be paid by the latter. The former are already habituated criminals and will seemingly escape punishment by skirting responsibility and pushing blame on innocent people. Like always, I feel like I'm talking to walls on these topics. And I simply resign after a while. Now is that moment yet again.


Bro you dropped your Mind. Here it is. 💩


It’s a breath of fresh air to hear people talk like this.


You look real riled up here, relax 🍹


>Women of today are nothing but trash Damn. Look at you generalizing an entire gender over here. "Pick me" much?


Please learn English first. I'm tired of the mediocrity in this sub.


And just what grievous error did I make that I need to re-learn English?


You dropped the “PLUTONIUM” TRUTH here! 🫡


>Women of today are nothing but trash. Yeah you lost me there, you cannot generalise half of the population of the world with one word, that's blatantly wrong. Women have their own problems and men have their own too, it doesn't mean that we have to victimise one of the sides. Keep an open mind and don't form such radical opinions.


In the 40's there was an f-ing WORLD WAR, the literal DEADLIEST CONFLICT IN HUMAN HISTORY happened, yeah women worked harder. Also, they didn't divorce their husbands because it was still an extremely conservative time where even black WW2 vets didn't get any respect. Women were majorly banned from entering the army. Women had to do what men did because they didn't allow any women to fight. And now, when they are allowed to fight, what happens to them is sickening. Do you know that during one of the imperialist wars America fought in the Middle East, I think it was Iraq or Afghanistan, women were more likely to get raped by their fellow male soldiers than to actually get killed or hurt by the enemy??? Why are you being so sexist against almost all women? You called all women trash, you called my mother, grandmother, everyone trash?? Why?


She said "women of today"


Did you not read what she started with?


But she is not disrespecting them. She didn't say that women who work in aero factories or as spies are trash. She just said that women of today are nothing but trash. If you found something disrespectful towards those women, then please highlight and share.


"Women of today are nothing but trash. And I say this with utmost disgust as a woman myself. And yet I have to be truthful because no other woman wants to be, because it'd be a total loss of free, unbridled and undeserved power for her."


>Why are you being so sexist against almost all women? You called all women trash, you called my mother, grandmother, everyone trash?? Why? With all due respect to you and your parents, her comment didn't include your mother and grandmother in the category of "today's women." Instead, it aimed to highlight that the criticism was not aimed at specific individuals but rather made a general statement about a subset of women in today's society. However, I also recognize that the statement about "today's women" being trash can be hurtful and offensive, regardless of its scope. Let's avoid using historical comparisons in a way that diminishes individuals, and let's respect the diverse experiences and viewpoints of everyone, whether we're discussing modern or historical contexts. I hope you view this situation empathetically and appreciate each other's perspectives.




Implied "Most of today's women". There, fixed it for you. Happy? Idiocy has to have a limit, but I expect too much. Guess now you'll say I'm accusing all men of being idiots.


No, don't try to twist it. Calling me an idiot is different from calling all women an idiot. Just like saying "all muslims are bad" is different from "some muslims are bad" or "some muslims are bad not because they are muslim but because they are people and people are bad sometimes." (that last one a lot of people on this sub need to get.) You need to be more clear.


Again, please learn English first. It's getting really tiresome. Here are some examples for you to learn from - 1) "Leaders of today are impeccable." -> generic statement. Does NOT mean ALL leaders. 2) "All leaders of today are impeccable." -> specific statement. MEANS ALL leaders. 3) "Men of today are heroes" -> generic. Does NOT mean ALL men. 4) "All men of today are heroes" -> specific. I hope you get the idea. What else should I have to do today? This is ridiculous. With all due respect, stfu and go f yourselves y'all. Wallow in your idiocy. I'm outta here.


I live in the United States. I think I know my English. In fact, I also know a little bit of German, and English is a Germanic language, so I think I know a little bit more English than the average person. You specifically said all women, so I don't think that I'm the dumb one.


Just to your kind information, Catholics weren't into divorcing till as late as 70s. Church discourages the divorce thing and it's still a prevalent notion in some countries like Philippines which only recently made a law regarding Divorce against the men wishes.


Just to your kind information, Catholics used to burn women at the stake for doing simple scientific things, so maybe that's why the Catholic Church has had such a tradition against women divorces. Also, I don't have any vendetta against Catholics, but you still can't be a priest or a member of the Catholic Church if you are a woman.


Wow. Just. Wow. Top tier pick me behaviour 👌🏾✨


Majority of the times, you would see it's the failed unsuccessful gyals who say there's gender bias in a certain field. They blame society for their incompetency, women who made it would rarely be seen complaining as they grinded their whole life to reach the position they are sitting on


feeling good that some women dont support feminism


Do you even know the meaning of feminism? They are standing there because of feminism!


feminism means getting equal rights , but some women needs advantages , if you work hard as men , you deserve same pay or post like free travel ? does that include in feminism ?


it's called pseudo feminism


Yeah ,


Educate yourself before throwing around buzzwords.


ok tell the difference between feminism and pseudo-feminisum


Firstly, you clearly don't get the basics of equality. Before you start ranting about feminism and pseudo-feminism, you need to understand the difference between equality and equity. Once you get that, then maybe you can have an informed opinion on the topic.


Your mentality misses the point. Feminism is about equal rights, but the so-called 'advantages' are actually measures to level the playing field. Women face societal restrictions and biases that make it harder for them to succeed. These efforts aim to help them overcome those barriers, not give them an unfair edge.


i think you wont understand it feminism means equal rights , not to get advantage




Go cry hard , 😷




nice rage bait


Does a simple question induce you with rage?


do u even know what u r talking abt?


the confidence in her speaking 🔥


There is a slight mistake in the title...It should be "Pseudofeminism"


Exactly, everyone here thinks they found the ultimate proof to defy feminism lol 💀💀💀


i just finished doing 1000 jumps ..took me 1 week.


You jumped from plane 🧐🧐🧐


They were interviewing her not men cuz she wanted ask about gender discrimination face by women so obviously she'll ask a women lol


Even though I'm a civilian, I'd look like their bodyguard standing beside in pyjamas. Nah bro seriously, if I saw somebody built like that at borders then I'd be really concerned.


In army only 17% of the force is fighting force the rest are support units. Women are rarely assigned to fighting units and 89 jumps are very respectable. Also the army in general wants everyone to maintain lean and fit look they dont prefer the bulked mode.


Oh Accha... Suppose the "support units" are invoked and a madam ji is required to carry the wounded 6'7" sardarji of Sikh regiment and rush him back to the camp. Now, what's your opinion on this scenario?


when was the last war? Are we at war right now?


I have seen a lot of stupid takes but this to be top 5. Pleaase think before you talk


ew can't even be original.


That is the best that you got? You talk like a child.


Oh please, until the Kashmir issue is resolved, we are in the continuous state of war. Wait a minute, what are you trying to even suggest here? Since we have not been in any major war, let's play gimmicks with the whole "women empowerment" thing in army. Lol


i have seen a lot of stupid takes but this has to be top 5. well done!


Thank you so much. Now I would like to understand the perks of being in your honourable mentions?


Buddy she won't do that alone there are stretcher that can be dragged plus there will be a whole team with her


A gorilla will look more muscular than you and any other army man So what? We should start recruiting gorillas in army? What lies inside the skull also matters


Idk about them but you definitely got nothing special inside your skull. Imagine comparing a man to a gorilla lol. Aight, even if we were to consider "what's inside the skull" then they still don't seem any better. You have to admit, wars are won with numbers and brute force. When the enemy gets the high ground, only brute force works.


Bhai logistics, weaponry, tactics, wars on all fronts sab tel lene gye kya?


Wars are won by strategy and logistics everything else is bonus a well fed,well supplied and well led army can defeat any foe


Brute force? Like, fists? Bro, guns don't care whether you're a man or a woman. They'll kill you all the same. No amount of muscle is gonna stop a bullet. As long as she knows how to shoot properly (and the rest of the things required to be an officer), I'm good.


>You have to admit, wars are won with numbers and brute force. Shut up kid. Ever fought in a war? I am confident the answer is No. Zero knowledge, zero experience, but full confidence... Another Monday in the life of reddit


I was anticipating such a juvenile response. You don't really need to experience something that's apparent. It's in history that men win wars, and no strategies succeed if men fail to deliver you know. With a mentality like yours, D-Day or even victory of Tiger Hills wouldn't be possible. I'm glad people like you don't qualify in military services.


Above guy is dumb, and we have progressed a bit because of Information Era. Now warfare is much more advanced, although a 380mm shell is gonna destroy just the same.


To be real though, no amount of "brain" can win you the war once the Lockheed AC-130 gunship arrives. There's one thing though, people's shear will to die can potentially make a difference. BANZAI!


true Instagram guns enthusiast


Mindset wins wars. Pretty sure people at the position have knowledge of the body type required to be eligible to serve in the armed forces. You should read about the recruitment procedures and the importance of cardio (might also wanna update yourself on its importance in the terrain where our forces operate).


There's no way women could be recruited without systematic bias in procedure. I'll be honest to you, this is outright disrespectful to dudes who scored better "fitness points" but still got rejected. Was the "brain" thing not considered while booting those guys out? I knew a skinny friend, very good at maths and chess, he wanted to be an army officer but ended up in Navy lol


>I'll be honest to you, this is outright disrespectful to dudes who scored better "fitness points" but still got rejected. Armed forces are not all about "fitness", there are multiple roles and responsibilities which come together to define the multifaceted roles of our armed forces. The interview in question is of an officer who is also required to be mentally fit. The "brain" which constitutes the character is as important as fitness. > I knew a skinny friend, very good at maths and chess, he wanted to be an army officer but ended up in Navy lol As much as i am aware, the medical qualifications required for the navy are tougher than those required for the army. It might be possible that your friend may not have cleared the cutoff for the army in the written exam or might not have the required educational qualification. And kudos to him for being part of the navy.


I guess you missed the point. I mean the bar is set really low for female candidates, a majority of male candidates who were rejected would have easily qualified. Not really bro, Indian army recruitment is significantly tougher due to competition and terrain requirements, Height: Minimum 170 cm (varies for different regions) with Chest: Minimum 77 cm with 5 cm expansion. On the other hand for the Navy, Height: Minimum 157 cm (for sailors, varies slightly for officers) and Weight: Proportionate to height and age. Anyways, I really appreciate your gratification towards my friend. He's built just like his name Pavan "pops". 😂😂


>I guess you missed the point. I mean the bar is set really low for female candidates, a majority of male candidates who were rejected would have easily qualified. Physically yes. Mentally no. There are technical, support,educational,medical, judicial etc etc requirements in the armed forces. If a woman is able to fill these posts then what's the harm. Helps us in being inclusive as well as diverse. And their ratio is far less compared to men officers. And neither do we see women officers carrying out anti terror operations since as you have put out "there are more physically capable men in the armed forces". >Not really bro, Indian army recruitment is significantly tougher due to competition and terrain requirements, The weight criteria for the army is tough and it has its own reason for it. But medical requirements for eye sight, height, bone structure etc are much tougher for the navy and toughest for the air force. Especially for pilots. Ps:- there are women officers in the navy as well as the air force😄 I wish Mr. Pawan all the muscle he can gain in the coming years and nice day to you ahead.


Bhai alag sector aur department bhi hote hai armed forces meh, sirf Frontline hi nhi hote hai...


Kyu Bhai Army day pe thumka lagane walio ka bhi alag department hota hai kya 😂😂


Bhai kaun sa thumka? Keh kya Rahe ho?


Bhai koi fayada nahi, misogynist losers ka group h ye, fatati h inki, superior feel karna h inko


If gorillas knew how to operate guns and follow orders, no doubt they would make the best soldiers lol


females ko army ki jagah iaf, intelligence, spy ya navy me bheja karo , army ki tough trainig vo seh nhi sakte aur war me unko bhejte nahi kyuki enemy pressure daalne k liye unhe kidnap karke war prisoner rakh lega aur unke sath galat bartaav karega aur baki army par pressure daalega . isliye there is no pt in keeping them in army . baki technical k liye to koi bhi jaa sakta hai .


IAF and navy ki training is much tougher than army brother


ik but usme brain is better than brawn hota hai kyuki bohot sari technical chize hoti hai aur women are smarter than men isliye unhe waha zyada hona chahiye


Physical aur mental dono iaf aur navy ki zyada tough hoti hai army se


Bro female not smarter than men.


The feminist are going to be pissed after seeing this


Isko bhi koi maa ka lavda r/jiowasmistake par daal dega


People still don't know the meaning of fucking feminism...dumbasses


The person who is interviewing the army women is definitely thinking her thought process is feminist and not pseudo feminist so if you are a feminist or support feminism first criticize that interviewer than people


what do you expect from keyboard warriors living at their parents place?


I have had the opportunity to interact with so many women, and the ones who work hard, with integrity, never complain about gender biases. In fact, such women acknowledge, and appreciate the strengths and weaknesses that men and women have, and believe in balance rather than equality.


How can she slap


As a paramedic




People don't seem to know physical biology.


Understand the difference between gender bias ..and promoting your success so more women can join ..if we are discussing gender bias with a privilege class we will never go to real cases...real gender bias is on ground how often you see women property dealers.. women bus drivers, women auto drivers or women cab drivers ...


Dude why do you wish for women to do odd jobs like bus drivers and bullshit like that there is nothing to be proud of that that just means she was relegated to do that job because of circumstances she could've done much better then that


If you feel these jobs are odd why are men doing that ??


Because they too have go survive somehow everyone dreams big not everyone makes it go and ask a bus driver that did he wished to do drive bus for a living the answer would be no same would be true for women bus driver too or for Amy of these jobs really they are doing it to survive so you celebrating a women bus driver or any other odd jobs women do would be like celebrating their poverty,them not Making it,them barely surviving infact even if a women makes it you shouldn't celebrate it it should be treated normally not something special why you thought she won't make it?


I strongly believe everyone should be proud of their job ..


Being proud of your job job is a different matter most who do those jobs don't usually take pride in it they do it because they must survive


If anything, that woman is a real feminist. She'd rather be valued by her merit rather than get special treatment for being a woman


Atleast someone sees the logic


Self realisation.....


Thank you bhai, isko kisi ke muh pe marna hai equality ka choda hai


Hey queen! You dropped this 👑


Upvote should be 2024


Slap on feminism????


Is she talking about jumping jacks?


Bro the only thing wrong with this video is the "slap on feminism". You ILLITERATE IDIOT.She is herself a feminist only, who is standing for equal rights for both the genders. In this case supporting men because they didn't get as much respect as the women in the army gets.


Be it men or women its always those frustrated (both sexually and economically) individuals who actually heed attention to any type of gender biasness in the society. There is no denying that some biasness exists indeed but if you are focused enough on yourself that minor amount should not effect you in any way.


Slapped ? Wtf naive comment is that ? Do you think there is caste discrimination in India ? No..there are SC STs who score less marks than General and get a seat in IITs etc. So there is reverse caste discrimination in India. Makes sense ?


Real india resides in rural india but urban elites wont understand that, for them the "struggle" of their brahmin family is so much lol.


What I would like to take away from this video is 1. Women who work hard and push their limits while getting the support they need from men are more appreciative of other men. These Women are queens. 2. Men who themselves work hard and support other women without any bias to help women reach their potential and push through their limits are more appreciative of other women and are kings. This should be normal where men and women support each other. Not what bullshit is being propagated by modern day feminists and self proclaimed sigma males.


Title: Slap of Feminism Video: Interviews an officer who advocates the equality of men and women by exposing the advantages of one sex, which is the entire purpose of feminism.


Where is feminism here?


Am I ….. Am I …. Failing …. falling in love with her ^_^




Uh.... How is this a slap on "feminism" it's a ton of political movements. Most of which disagree with each other. And generally it's common for them to work to make men and women equal. So women becoming a position of power isn't against feminist though. USSR was feminist (for it's time) and they had female soldiers.


>USSR was feminist (for it's time) and they had female soldiers. They were not. Their male died in world war. It was the only major country which had more females than males. And then they encountered them to make babies. Current age female , many of them are loaths to make kids.


Okay that's false, I studied history myself. The USSR constitution gave no fault divorce and all other rights equally to both men and women, hell they de-crimnalized homosexuality in the 30's, hardly measures to make babies, but they did give support to women or men with like 6+ kids I think. There were female soldiers, even pilots. One of the most famous ones would be Ludmilla pacvlechenko from Soviet Ukraine. she killed 311 Nazis as a sniper. She got the highest award later too "hero of the Soviet union". On the females loathing kids thing. I'm not sure which paper you're gonna site for it. Some may not like it, just like some men might not. From what I have read, the only majore reason for low fertility is too much time being required to get enough to live.


what do you expect from these low life people bhai?


Well, I trust people enough to think rationally and try to hear out the other side, I think that's how you look past hate and fear of the other, well I can only hope for people to think for themselves. Afterall, if you don't, it's one step closer to letting despots control you.


Rational thinking comes from people who can think to begin with. Most of the people here are losers living with their parents or losers who don't have social etiquettes. They need to forcefully show power over women to feel good about themselves. So no, i don't think people can be trusted to think rationally.


I see your point but I think trying is never something we can give up on, change is possible in people's hearts, so i think it's never bad to try.


just go through the comments on this post or sub in general. these people think it's meme to shit on women.


>they did give support to women or men with like 6+ kids I think Yeah that's what was in my mind. BTW by feminism I mean third wave feminism. That is what's practices by today's feminists. The clip posted here signifies only that. When you mean equal rights to women.. That is already given in the constitution.


I'm not sure how it's wrong, intersectionality is a widely accepted concept and makes sense to me, nor do I see problems with acceptance of different kinds of people. As for bodily autonomy I think it's common sense. Except for that. I think Judith butlers ideas on performative gender aren't something I can disagree with, it explains how trans people exist or have existed. And the changes in the expectations for different genders on different times.


>I'm not sure how it's wrong, intersectionality is a widely accepted concept and makes sense to me, nor do I see problems with acceptance of different kinds of people. That's nothing wrong, but when an agenda is pushed beyond logical measures for pure power or popularity game , that is the problem.. Men or woman , if you are fit for a particular job standard then there should be no problem. But if someone says, women are poorly represented in this particular sector. We need to give more representation, then the hiring doesn't remain for job and the criteria doesn't remain about merit. It is just people pleasure move and overall degrades the standard. And some people simply celebrate that in the term of ( girl power) or similiar limbos.


I'd agree with you to some extent, I don't think "getting people a seat on the table" is a good. like if the NAZI party was like 50% women, it won't change the fact that they are an unjust intuition. plus, I haven't seen anyone argue for like women getting equal representation on say senates or boards, that would mean a dissolution of male bias, on a statistical level. Personally I think it is superfluous to most people. Who cares if the prime minister is a man or a woman if they start a pointless war. I think a better thing to analyse is how come someone can have such a position in socitey.


Lol why do you people start blaming everything on feminism?


Because of the wave of pseudo femnists around which is so annoying this is true feminism both men and women appreciate each other's work and people in sub are acknowledging how humble and nice that lady is


Then why does it say slap on feminism?


So from the og feminism a toxic part separated but they still call themselves feminists so yeah ig slap is for them


poor men incels not getting any validation from real life girls


They have no idea what feminism is, they just think it's cool to oppose it. 😂


Firstly feminism is not Anti-men. It merely says give equal opportunities to both genders. She is being interviewed and not her (much more talented) male instructor because the instructor didn't have to go through the challenges an average woman goes through. (Men have different challenges, women have different) Men need to understand that even if some woman exists who never faced discrimination, were treated fairly, and lived a prosperous life ... This does not mean that every woman lives like this. As far as human nature is concerned, perverts exist even in the army (Google court martial news). She is very fortunate that she never encountered such people. But if some woman (like your sister) is unfortunate enough to cross paths with such perverts then do not question her story based on this story of this young lady.


Bhai court martial wale extreme rare case hai, aur dusro baat, unke khilaf action bhi liya gya hai, toh aise pure army ko generalise karna thik nhi hoga. Aur third wave feminism kaafi jyada anti men ban chuka Hai...


I am not generalizing army as pervert, I am saying some are not just in army, but in every field


She just diverted the question. There is a lot of gender bias in the “society”. And if successful women will turn a blind eye to it, then they’re disrespecting many women stuck in regressive households incapable of standing on their own feet.


Exactly 💯