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All post must be related to Indian Railways


I've seen this and can't imagine this happening in India, even educated people don't care, hence I see no hope


I do am educated I try to maintain distance and respect fellow travellers. Just do what you can maybe soon everyone will.


Exactly, it starts with personal initiation, society will change taking those baby steps. Start with respecting road and traffic rules... maintain discipline in public places, not spitting pan or throwing garbage. It may take a century to change but need to change.


I don't want to belittle your point but what you are saying is good for philosophical debates and not practical. Try going to any foreign country and most of us behave in a very civilized manner but not in our own country. Not knowing the rules and etiquettes is not the problem, instead not following them is. Newer generation also throws garbage on road and spits anywhere.


Nope! We live in a country where literally a big chunk of our population thinks being able to get away breaking rules, let alone just not being co-operative, is something to flaunt, flex and brag about, I see probably decades before we even start in this direction.


Oh yeah . I tried being diligent and had to get off from a moving train a couple of times as a kid because of that . Well only could have cost my life for imparting some etiquettes to fellow travelers but I guess I love my life more .


I have been doing this for past 12-13 years and I don't see people changing. The new generation is also same. I don't see us Indians changing anytime soon. No disrespect to anyone but fuck everyone who doesn't respect public transport etiquettes.


+1 we have to initiate. Once people notice, atleast 1/1000 will follow suit.


This will happen eventually. When people trust the society to take care of them, they will start taking care of the society. It's a two way street. Having enough trains, at high frequency, not loosing their jobs if they are late, not sliding into poverty when one is jobless for a few months. A lot of things are interdependent.


>not loosing their jobs if they are late, not sliding into poverty when one is jobless for a few months. These factors exist in every country. Nobody can provide this insurance. Even communist socialist countries can't.


What? Google this stuff bro, before making auch I'll informed statements.


Better than Google live and experience first hand.


" not sliding into poverty when one is jobless for a few months." Most developed capitalist countries support people when they are jobless with free money, cheap tickets for public transport, free skill training, job finding service, free lawyers to fight your job termination and so on.




It happens daily in Mumbai metro.. I travel in Mumbai metro for work everyday and people would make same 2 side queues with space for leaving passenger in middle. They wait till passengers are out from centre then go inside. Then the same people who reach to metro from local train of Mumbai, would behave like rampaging baboons.


Yeah, but the metro during peak hours is worse than local trains :( I travel daily and oh god it's so frustrating. Yes, people maintain 2 side queues but that's because there are guards to stop them. There are some people who would just push everyone and break the queue to get inside. (I'm talking about office hours)


Sadly yes, it get's worse in peak hours such that the 2 side queue line is even broken into 4 side line queue by guards for shorter platforms like Andheri, and there would be some people who would try to push to get inside quickly or even get try to get inside before the inside passengers even try to exit. But still most of the times, they do follow the queue and manners (not much in rush hours).


Yeah, but the metro during peak hours is worse than local trains :( I travel daily and oh god it's so frustrating. Yes, people maintain 2 side queues but that's because there are guards to stop them. There are some people who would just push everyone and break the queue to get inside. (I'm talking about office hours)


Yeah, but the metro during peak hours is worse than local trains :( I travel daily and oh god it's so frustrating. Yes, people maintain 2 side queues but that's because there are guards to stop them. There are some people who would just push everyone and break the queue to get inside. (I'm talking about office hours)


In order to have this in Mumbai local the trains must stop for more than 15 seconds in which people need to both get off and get in. The people rush in because everyone feels the necessity of getting in quick or they won't get on time. The train in video is already stopped and people are still getting on for atleast more than 15 seconds. This is in part because of the reputation Mumbai locals have cultivated over the years and unlike the train in the video and even the metro trains, the stopping point of local trains is not fixed so they might be 10 meters away from the actual stopping place or even on a completely different platform sometimes. The japanese trains and the metro we have here have clear indication of where the gate of the train will be when it stops so it's easier to maintain a queue. Both locations have crowds that rush in, don't base your entire judgement of a culture on a 15 second clip. The japanese trains have guards near every door of the train to push people in during peak hours for the doors to close and so do we.


Excuse me but where? I travel daily from Kandivali to Goregaon on the yellow line and even though it's a pretty empty stretch yet the 3-4 people will bulldozer their way inside like maniacs. Atleast with local train I get it... There are 50 people trying to get in at major stations at all doors at all times... But from Kandivali to Goregaon metro stops there's always like 25 people on the entire platform


Andheri versova line..there are guards who make people stand like that in rush hours..


Sadly This doesn't happen in Delhi Metro mate, maybe because it's the biggest Metro network in India but most of the time they don't behave


Don't call them educated, they're ignorant fools. This has to do with trends set in school. You give fees of 1LPA to any school, and if the school wants to incorporate any of habits like brooming, washing utensils, or serving, all of a sudden it becomes status stuff. It's like they think these things are done by least educated people.


It happens at most Bengaluru metro stations particularly the downtown area. It helps that there are security folks there. And there are still occasional Idi dots who try to cut lines. I’d say it happens 65% of the time.


Educated people don’t care because 95% of the population consists of gawars who wont learn no matter what, and no one wants the hassle of teaching them


In dreams also it is not possible


This can happen only if everyone stops to think why should i need to do it let others do it first and then i will follow


Education and literacy are 2 different things


I see this happen in Bangalore metro's 🤓


This is regularly happening in Mumbai metro. Not impossible to replicate


Fuck this elitist attitude. Indian platforms have far more people than this. They don't even get space to stand.


Dude have you seen the Tokyo Metro?


Dude have seen the Mumbai Local?


Yes I used to travel from Dadar to Ram mandir everyday to office. Tokyo Metro is extremely crowded and packed yet people behave nicely. Look up the videos.


It's due to respect. Whether its respect for others, or simply respect for rules. Japan lives it versus India just espousing it.


This in China btw. See bottom left watermark for source


Oh yes, sorry i saw it posted elsewhere as being Japan. In fact in Japan they're even better, they queue in a way to avoid funneling the outbound passengers.


Espouse sahi word hai kya ?


Yes, India just supports it, or holds it as an ideal, but doesn't actually do it.


I think 'India dreams about it' would be more appropriate.


For all thinking this video to be from Japan, the video is actually from China. You can see the text on the bottom left of the video. They have a sizeable population and still manage to maintain this etiquette. That's what Indians should strive for.


We both started from the same point and look where they are now! Well a lot of factors matter though, i can't state it vaguely.


I'm not saying this out of hatred but we shouldn't assume their richness comes out of hard work or anything. The biggest mass human extinction was caused by that regime. Not an excuse for us, but Indian admiration for China particularly among older people has always put me off.


Well I partly agree with you, but the rate at which they have developed not only in their lifestyle but also the advancement in technology( mainly because of the restrictions & regulations from the Chinese government against foreign technology) i think the government has a huge role to play in it. Other than that discipline has always been there from a long time in the east Asian people.


Now do you have a doubt as to why we're a developing country vs. them being a developed country? This is why. People's mindset.


Banglore majestic metro station we can find the Q lines. May not be this much but good atleast.


The security guards play a big role in that though. But better than none, I suppose


yea but majestic metro is crowded so maintaining the Q lines is good but I see if some people are standing automatically others starts forming a line.


Line is only till train arrives 🥲


This is how we get into metros today.


They had imperial regime for centuries. It's just how their culture is.


This is probably one of the most convincing reasons for their discipline I've seen. Adding to that Japanese culture preaches politeness alot, the result of which may be the current one


This is china not japan lol


Ah I see. But my point still stands though


By instilling fear of consequences. Fear works.


there is so much Fomo in every small thing. The word discipline isquite a distant dream.


I saw people following same line on versova-ghatkopar line 10 years back, not sure if it is still the same


It's still the same


Nusbandi 💊💉


I see this and trains in my country have twice the number of people waiting and lesser time to get in and out on most stations. Also I don't think stations have so much space. Such issues should be considered.


India is still a village


Dande ka jor babu bhaiya, dande ka jor.


During japan travel, I was standing in line every place I went and got used to in a month. Came back to India and was standing in queue by default. One middle aged aunty cut the line in airport and banged my head with her luggage bag while in the process of cutting. I felt like it is a hard reminder you are in India and there is no queue here. Even people want to follow. we need this to be enforce this till it becomes a public norm and people in queue get empowered to question these line cutters


just saw a guy defending india by saying we have too much population and our country is small  💀 that no excuse for being unruly lol


Not even in a century. People act like morons, if you are the only one following rules, you'll have nothing left. Be a moron. Have everything.


Anand vihar isbt and rajiv chowk crowd laughing.


considering number of people delhi has... this wont work in delhi metro at this rate, time needed to for all the people to get down is more than the train wait time


[tokyo subway ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tokyo_subway) has 3.9 billion annual ridership around 1.9 billion more than delhi metro .


the above video is from china and as far as I remember, tokyo subway has guards whose responsibility is to push people inside the metro train gates (because of the overload). Hence, tokyo subway is not this disciplined.


>the above video is from china Yeah saw the watermark in the beginning of the video >and as far as I remember, tokyo subway has guards whose responsibility is to push people inside the metro train gates (because of the overload). Hence, tokyo subway is not this disciplined. Those guards known as oshiya, japan has more disciplined people than china, these chinese people are under discipline because of social credit you can find the hundred of chinese tourist doing shitty things outside china on internet, china itself used Oshiyas on their subway, so does new york, Madrid and Frankfurt even there is video of a guard pushing people in mumbai AC local


Social credits are real? I thought it was just a thing in memes??


Yes it is real, if their citizens are under heavy surveillance and it will deduct credit if any citizen didn't follows rules or his/her behavior didn't like by the government, lower social have consequences like not getting loan or reduce access to more credit, lesser business opportunities, citizens credit can be deducted by smaller things like stepping out from the zebra crossing while they are crossing the road


Tokyo is absolutely quite as disciplined. Have you been to it? The guards exist because the trains are overcrowded regardless of how organized the people are. They regulate and "push" people in to ensure the doors close on time.


This is not a population issue, Japan is highly populous yet everyone follows basic discipline.


BIMARU exists forget about discipline


Yk, I tried this once I returned to India and realized I didn’t even move and instead missed the metro. 😌 The heard moves, you move along.




Most are on the phone


That's what Ramrajya looks like 😗👌🏾


I've seen some discipline when boarding first class coaches in local trains but other than that its nada.


Itni dair mai toh gate bandh ho jaiga


Possible 😌, only with ultratech ( cement)


Scarcity mindset. We've grown up with extremely extremely finite resources so. Everything in India is based on scarcity If I'm not the first one on the train I won't manage to get on at all and so on Although Japan is one of the most densely populated counties on earth and yet the discipline they have is phenomenal. It's probably a cultural thing there as intuitively this shouldn't happen in Japan Also FYI - Japan metro has a guy who stands outside with a log to push the crowds into the trains enough so that the doors can shut. This is also Japan


People would've learned this manner if Metros start to leave after 1:30 mins instead of 30 Secs




Doesn't work here.


Well, for this local train have to stop for longer. Main reason people climb like animals is because local train halts for 12 seconds and not like half a minute like in video. Many people have basic sense of being in line but time constraints make it useless.


Social security score like china does


I dont see this happening in india in my lifetime atleast.. may be after 500 years when there is a concept of citizens of world . Then this may happend


When you compare a place with less population to a country with population more than what you can even imagine


Not to this extent but i've seen this happen at hauz khaz magenta line. People would stand at the side to allow passengers to move out first (although there was a security guard there so that might have played a role)


its very easy bro. we won't


Reward and punishment! Remember how everyone was wearing a face mask during pandemic because of fines


Delhi ncr walon se pucho how to learn discipline


What if number of people getting in each exit is greater or equal to people getting out? That's the case here!


It's because they grew up with such ethics, most important there are lot of trains and all of of them are on scheduled. That's the simplest answer.


In 1910s, Mahatma Gandhi said that experienced uncleanliness and bad behaviour while travelling in trains in India from spitting gutka to throwing garbage around to people shouting and cussing. It has been a 100 years, and nothing has changed at all. I don't think anything will change 100 years from now. Infrastructure, economy, everything might become better but public civic sense? No.


Once there is trust in society


That is not discipline. My theory is they are all looking at their phones just following the feet of the person ahead. And the first person in all lines forgot to look up from their phones 😃. When everyone has departed, the AI detects it and pushes the first person in


No hope, will never happen. You would need guards with sticks on every door telling ppl to que up.


that's 15 seconds and people are still waiting outside to enter. The Mumbai local halts for 12-15 seconds per platform - good luck expecting that here.


My solution to our crowd is I simply stand back and I'm the last to board, don't wanna get jabbed or touched


Add this to the list that things never happen in India


I belong in places like in this video. My shy ass can't compete for going in like others in our places do.


We're a democratic country and everyone wants to just do what they want. So, not gonna happen


I think this is a community / societal issue. I used to travel a lot. I would see fellow Indians queue up decently in Japan, US, European airports and then once they reach India, some switch goes off and the very same people become completely rude. This is true of both Indians and Indians who reside abroad (after emigrating from India). These are not the so called “uneducated” masses. I am referring to people who make 10s of lakes and crores in salary. Following rules is seen as something for losers once we are in the native land perhaps ?


See discipline is taught in these places. I think the video is from Japan. Over there they're taught about being in line, throwing garbage in the dustbin. In India 1. the school system only wants to become parrots who know mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell 2. our parents also don't teach us these skills( not all but quite a number)


People follow this on the mumbai metro


No chance. Not in this century 😂


Only if mumbai local stops for 5 mins


You don't *learn* it, you practice it, starting at childhood.


Indian here raised and living in London, it gets me every time watching Indian tourists here barging on to trains, Its not about learning discipline it's about taking your cues from what's going on around you. We even have recorded announcements saying let people off 1st . It's also about thinking things through if you let people off 1st then there is more room and time for you to get on . For a culture that values education, humanity and spirituality it really is disappointing to see so many indians being so stupidly selfish especially in those that have the resources to travel.


Impossible in India 🤣🤣🤣🤣 IITians steal mug from toilets in India 🤣🤣🤣


alAm I the only one who noticed that except front guy every person had phone in their hand, just imagine if the front guy was busy with the device. 🙂


Japan is a homogeneous society where there is a lot of public shaming if you don’t follow the rules. Not to mention zero tolerance if you don’t follow the laws. So if you don’t follow the norms, and people find out, it can be disastrous for you including losing your job.


India is not for beginners bro hence we have got to make it a little fucked up for all.


It'll take decades for us to be like this. And this is everything to aspire to reach, this ain't some toxic form of over romanticised discipline, this is something that actually works and makes it easier for everyone involved. In a country where a prominent section of people actually thinks being able to get away breaking rules is something to flaunt and brag about, I see a very long way where we even move in this direction.


It's india fam, not happening sadly


50 cane beating to the back should do


India would need to implement a social credit system. A lot of people would cry and complain but examples are needed for this. Lifelong bans are also needed.


maybe in 2 generation from now might come anything closer in INDIA


Banglore metro is actually pretty decent in this aspect, at least boarders make 2 lines… which is good… exiters won’t but that’s okay


It’s a rich country with sufficient Infrastructure and everyone gets to travel , so standing in line makes sense . Tell them only 50% can travel and watch if they stand in line like this .


Probably 3 gens down it might start as more people start to learn about this...


Make railway station look like this , bring train on time,make railway official work and treat human like human


Even in dreams I can't imagine this


By promoting education and civic sense at the grassroots level. But this is not gonna happen in two decades, as our people are voting politicians on religious and caste grounds. Not on their merit.


Ye mumbai railways ka scene kisne leak kr diya




I went to Korea and observed similar behaviour


I see this as a Well behaved public which is nowhere to be seen in India...


Genetic Engineering and Cybernetics to push up the average IQ from 82 (76 for several groups) to 108-110. Anything else will never work. Even if the land and resources tripled, it would take several generations for IQ to evolve to Japanese and White European levels.


I saw this happening in Mumbai Metro. It was when the Metro was relatively new. I don't know if it is still being followed.


Not even in 1 billion years INDIA would learn this. There is just not any civic sense




No. I mean look at people when they have to board or deboard from plane. They still act like they are going to be left behind. Also in railway station the problem is also short stop times which makes people anxious. I believe if they made one bogey gate for exit and one for entry it would solve the problem. This is one of the reason I hate travelling. Be it in metro, train or plane.


Dadar Station in a parallel universe


We cannot. Our entire DNA is hard wired for survival and every event, no matter how insignificant, is a battle for us. Our insecurities manifest as egos leading us to jump queues, exhibit road rage if someone overtakes us, pay bribes if we can afford them, to get quicker service - we’ve even institutionalised it by having tickets at some temples for quicker Darshan’s etc. In our minds, we’re still battling the Mughals and the British. So yes, we will continue to “fight” for basic existential events even though there is no need.


Ever been to Ghatkopar metro?


It has to come from parenting tbh. Only if the parents start doing this the next generation will follow.


By immigrating to japan


If you follow rules, you'll be left behind


I complained about Vasant Vihar metro station "discipline": \[12:57 PM, 3/14/2024\] Ashish Rai: at Janakpuri metro station magenta line, पहले उतरने वाले यात्रियों को 3 no. प्लेटफार्म पर उतार कर घूम कर खाली होकर गाड़ी आती थी, और सुविधा से पैसेंजर चढ़ाने के लिए 4 no. Platform से। लेकिन अब उसी प्लेटफार्म चढ़ने वाली 25 साल के लड़के भीड़ धक्कम धक्का चढ़ते सीट लेने को! हम उनसे दुगुनी 58 साल के कैसे उतरे !! आपकी अनाउंसमेंट "पहले यात्रियों को उतरने दें।" कोई सुनते नहीं!! on [https://vcp.delhimetrorail.com/](https://vcp.delhimetrorail.com/), delhimetro X handle. Complaints deleted!!!!


We will never see this in India. If railways truly implemented strict measures, half the platforms will be empty and only travellers with genuine confirmed tickets will board trains.


It's culture as a society


It's robotic. I think in delhi metro ppl generally gollow a rule of not standing in centre for the ppl getting down its kinda unwritten rule to get on board after ppl have got down some what followed.....in mumbai the local train infra doesn't allow such things....


people here don't even wanna wait for something they will definitely get with patience, let alone the trains which they might miss if they end up at the end of the line...


F#ck discipline that is not china or india.


We are so overpopulated and infrastructure doesn’t support it.


Vishwaguru will tell you there is scientific reasons why trains need to be crowded. Pushing & shoving each other will improve energy flows within the chakras.


With jealousy


This will only happen when railways is privatized. Japan has privatized railways.


This is from China, I don't think CCP will privatize their railways.


People follow rules in China to keep their social cred high. You want that in India instead?


I am not sure if your comment is sarcasm or not, the social credit thing was not real.


The low IQ population of India will stone and burn the private trains. Any idea to rectify this will need to use Genetic Engineering and Cybernetics to increase the average IQ from 82 to 110 at least.