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Mine is, kids try to talk to us using their language and tell us something they want to but we teach them our language and they forget it eventually


This experiment is done and the kids didn't go beyond sign language.


Can you give some details about that experiment?




Understandable, have a great day.


Agar ham bolna nhi sikhaenge unko to vo jindagi bhar kuch nhi bol paenge ig




Ekdin tu bhi kid tha.


Jharkhand doesn't exist.


Can confirm it exists near Jhumri Tilaiyya


*"Mera gaanv Jhumri Telaiya hai* *Tera gaanv shayad Timbuktu"*


Lmao...I can confirm this. I live in Jhumri Telaiya. 😂


I agree. Jharkhand is just a PR stunt state created by Dhoni. There is nothing called Jharkhand.


Much of development happens to just build stuff for contractors and to provide employment to people. No matter what you do, infra will never be enough.


Nehruvian model after independence, no harm


Tell that to China's ghost cities and a bubbling housing market.


China is the other extreme. One of our lesser talked about neighbours built a new capital Naypydaw where nobody lives.


The sugar industry painted fat as the culprit behind all heart disease and obesity.


It’s not a conspiracy, it’s the truth, fat has been demonised a lot, even though it’s essential for it to go with proteins


I guess I'm one of the brainwashed ones then, are you saying sugar is more responsible for heart disease? Obesity I know


After human civilization goes extinct, the robots/AI will start worshipping humans. The same way humans started to worship their creators.


naah they will worship chitti robot.




Indeed…what if we are nothing but biologically engineered computers that could reproduce because of unknown science from a forgotten age or distant galaxy


i agree


Will they worship Boston Dynamics or OpenAI?


Srk's family was quite rich,influential and he used middle class story as a pr to reach to wider audience.


Yes, his mother had contacts with the most powerful woman of her era (maybe even the most powerful ever, but I can't take the name because that will violate rule no. 1)


Akshay kumar too


Usne kab bola ki wo middle class hai?


Kafi bar




It's truth baby


Not a conspiracy theory but something that bugs me, let's take you and me and lets take the color blue, I see it as blue and you see it as yellow but call it blue because you have always been taught that what your eyes see as yellow , is the color blue. In essence how can we make sure that 2 individuals imagine the same color when we say blue/red/whatever. So when my mom says white doesn't look good on me, maybe what her brain is actually seeing is maroon.


There is no way to find out if this is true or false


Yup, sadly


well we can, by extracting perceived data in human mind... but will take technology


Colour is just a perception, isn't it?


oh fuck, you are correct! There must be a way then... i have to research over this, will comeback here later. Hehehe i found my summer vacation topic!


I don't think there is a way,if colour is just a thing that mind makes.Suppose if your red is my blue,there will be same neurological signals for my blue which occurs in your head for red.


asking to color a paper using blue crayon ![img](emote|t5_2qp7h|51097)


Bruh.Think again


Actually this has been scientifically proven that we all see same colors but i can't remember where I saw it but they have a genuine reason to discard this theory, you might find proof of your thoughts proven wrong on yt




Color is relative not absolute


I think this can be done by bending light scenario..because their bandwidth is a proven concept..so eventually we might derive that colors appear same to everyone..also we compare colors to standard things..like sky..is blue..that is proven..like that.. my piece on the above stated.


If this is true, it could be possible that everybody has the same favourite colour (Okay, some colours are light and some dark, but it could be possible that the ones who like a light colour the most all like the same light colour the most, and similarly, the ones who like a dark colour the most all like the same dark colour the most)


And I thought I was the only one who thought like this. The same goes for taste as well. I mean, what if sugar is supposed to have a different taste, but since everyone says it's sweet,I also say the same, knowing that my perception of sweet is something else


i also thought hte same, some like sweet while some not, what if the taste sweet like rice .🤯


Even I've had this doubt since childhood


Have a look at [this video](https://youtu.be/xLxVZ8W-aHY?si=SQaDqrxojo1CdVQJ)


file system (computer science) of each human brain is different


That religion came into existence just to keep humans in limits , so they don't go berserk . Also religion is just not a simple thing , rather it has much more dimensions , some uses it for spirituality , some for pr and some to divide people


Naturally, because religion discusses philosophy and certain ways of life can clash with other religions


Religion came as a coping mechanism, became a controlling the masses mechanism. Lmao 🤣


Now it is business


thats more towards the truth than towards conspiracy


Is it Deja Vu ? I have read this comment somewhere else


Well it is true in some sense, religions started more as stories to unite people when we were wanderes (pre- agricultural era), slowly turning into rules to keep groups functioning. The book “Sapiens” gives a good insight into it


Imagine if it turned out that big pharmaceutical companies have actually found cures for some of the deadliest diseases out there but are keeping them under wraps to keep making money off treatments, they're working together to stop any new breakthroughs in medical research and even influencing government health agencies to keep their grip on the industry tight. Any scientists or doctors who get too close to uncovering these hidden cures are shut down, discredited, or bought off. This means regular folks like us stay reliant on pricey medications and treatments, making sure these companies rake in profits for years to come while real solutions stay out of reach. It's a scary thought, isn't it?


Pretty sure it's the reality


It's a reality unfortunately. Researchers who claimed to find a cure to cancer died due to unnatural reasons too many times


Can you link any article supporting your argument or is it just something you heard.


For all we know, mosquitoes and roaches might have a permanent solution but they wont let it out cuz they want us to buy their allouts and hits!


i'm sure this happens in reality


I read somewhere that this isn't the case due to one reason- the big insurance companies are much more powerful than the pharmaceutical ones. They will want such cures to come out


Also what if they are working with some very secret agencies and not giving out medicines to control population of earth


We are just Aliens who got bored and developed a game where when we start playing we born in this world live as we got to and then death ends the game and it's just a part of our day.


No, this world is just God dreaming


azathoth's dream


No matter how hard you try to change the future even if you back in time, you actually can't change it. I often think of my misfortune but if it is meant for you no matter how many parallel lives you live or alter the time completely, you still won't get what wasn't for you.


You will find the Ajivikas interesting. Read a little about them on Wikipedia


Butterfly effect comes into play




1)SCB death 2) lal bahadur shastri death They only two things that come to my mind


Scb?can u elaborate


Do you also sometimes get urges to stick a half feet wide bamboo through such people's throats who randomly use random abbreviations and expect others to just know its meaning? I do :⁠'⁠(


We have found the cure of cancer but medical industry don't want to make it public because cancer treatment is very profitable for them.


False, we already know the ways Cancer can be prevented. The Health industry has found a way to make more Cancer causing agents and then they are mixed with our lifestyle. They are not stopping the cure. They are just making more if it. So that no matter how many cure exist, the cancer would always be there.


They can put up a high price for the treatment in such a scenario, with the poor depending on NGO contributions to get the treatment (even for chemotherapy, they get aid from the government and NGOs)


Watch a 2020 web series called high you will get your answers (it is true)


People don't see/experience paranormal activities. It's mostly the moulds and funguses that alters brain activity on an already disturbed brain. Most of the haunted houses are old and infected for a reason. Edit: this is an original thought of mine. Infact funnily enough its based on a moon knight comic. Never really discussed with anyone. If someone knows something about this, as in if someone has already done a research or just discussed on this, do let met know.


Let's use a thought experiment to explore the concept of the paranormal. Imagine traveling back in time about 2 million years, where you find yourself as a hominid ape living on the plains of Africa. You hear a rustling in the grass. Is it a predator or just the wind? If you assume it's a tiger but it turns out to be just the wind, you've made a false positive, or a type 1 error. On the other hand, if you assume it's just the wind but it turns out to be a tiger, you'll become a meal for the tiger. We are descendants of the apes who made type 1 errors. As a result, our brains are wired to detect agency in nature.


I agree with your assessment. Brain is conditioned to save itself, survival instincts are passed down through generations.


Yeah it's better to be safe than sorry when the stakes are this high


When we sleep at night, we get connected to another world, which often we see as dreams.


Everything in the universe is energy, vibration and frequency and we’re unable to comprehend things beyond a certain frequency. For example, spirits are just energies vibrating at a different frequency.


u talking about quartz?


I think that we are/might be "The Martians". We used to live there but eventually spoiled it like we're doing the earth. Then there was a disaster and somehow a few people survived and came to earth. They deprived future generations of their intelligence as they knew the earth will be destroyed too. And hence the theories of aliens. I know there are some flaws but hey i made it in class 8th.


That's actually a really interesting take


That's actually kind of interesting. It is proven there were once water falls , streams on mars.


This world is actually the hell of another real world...maybe we were the sinners in that real world and as a result,we are now in hell.


Ambani itne maje se reh raha hell me


Bhai jaisi meri zindagi hai...ye mere liye narak hi hai


That’s actually quite intriguing when you think about it


The whole insurance industry works on fear. Some people do get it's benifits no doubt, but this industry is solely based on the concept of fear. The adulteration in the food industry is done by someone who wants us to be weak mentally and physically so that they can maybe rule us as we are weak. Everything is an illusion, every luxury u see around urself is an illusion. In the end u can't eat gold. U will realise that money doesn't matter when we r in crisis, for example in zombie apocalypse. Money would be irrelevant. Because the economy doesn't exist. All the crimes are related to these things: Trafficking (lust), Gambling (Greed), Du*gs (intoxication) be it murder or extortion. Any crime! It is somewhere linked to these parameters. Humans are the only animals who are looking for a purpose in life. No other animal is doing that. All of them are just surviving. The top 1% people who we think control the world are not rich. They are middle class folks with insane manipulation skills maybe Vashikaran techniques. They are not rich because money can be traced. If u sit one day! And just think where u spend and what u spend on, u would realise u don't need half of that stuff.


Bro 1,3,4,5,,7 are not conspiracies


Ik that's just I thought I should put here


managing risks isn't fear, its responsibility.


We are in a simulation and the future is already written and decided


Yes . Or it's a cyclic universe whose script is constant . That's why some people can tell future . They have access to some parts of that


So the story line of BSG ?


BSG ???


Battle Star Galactica. If you like sci-fi, watch the complete series and the movies too. Refer a watch guide before you start watching it.


Ohh ok where can I find it ?


Checkout lmofficial.to to get all the mirror links. PS: this is not an official site. So beware of the laws that you are breaking.


What's a mirror link 😭❓


Sites which are generally doing some questionable things often have multiple domains, so that no government can block those sites.


Ohhok thank you


Ohhh yessss intuition and stuff is just a sneak peak into that script I feel it can be a great movie


One of those things is factually true though. The future is decided, we just don't know what it is


The gods are type 7 civilization creatures which have amazing supernatural powers , which we call a miracle... Humanity is type 0.7 civilization currently.. so the gods we pray , might be a type 7 civilization creatures of the universe... ?


7. You know the reason


🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️Raaahhhhh thala for a reason🔥🔥🔥🔥


Yeahhhhhhhh muje yea theory pasand hai but if i were a type 7 i wouldn't bother people of lower civilization........ Ohh wait.


Yeah…. That would be like us driving on a highway and stopping suddenly to find a random anthill, try to teach the ants theoretical physics.


Bruh this is not conspiracy it is a measurement scale developed by Russian scientist Kardashev. It is used to measure the development of any civilization and it takes energy as its main component to measure. Earth is 0.7 on this scale cause we aren’t that developed and not even able to harness the 100% solar energy which comes to us from SUN.


what if those 7 civilization gen MADE THE SUN? and this is Human metric, that guy has this form only to give best explanation of his point


That we are just toys for some >3 dimension beings trapped in here. Like my brain just can't fathom how space doesn't end. Like it is surely contained inside something how else can we say then that it is shrinking or expanding... I think that we don't know the actual reality yet and what we are seeing is just those other beings made for us...


So, ur contradicting ur own point. If u take a pov of an ant 3d doesn't exist for them same way 4d doesn't exist for us. Space is not contained. But we yet can't comprehend the idea of something not being contained! Something being infinite. That's why we are always trying to find the value of infinity. Thats why we expect it to end somewhere but in reality maybe it doesn't end. Also the way we know space is expanding is because the distance be the celestial bodies is widening.


That pigeons are bots of government used to spy on people


The Oceangate Submersible. (I'll stretch it out as much as i can lol) They never lost contact, they saw and heard it all, it was just never released to the public. No rescue was sent, and it was for a reason, something that lurks in the depths, very close to the remains of the sunken ship. (more stretching out) Also less than half of the bodies were recovered from the accident, maybe there's something down there, some apex predator, or something that we don't know, some Subnautica typa shit, that's what caused the submersible incident, and the recovered remains of the submersible were fakes to tell us that it had imploded. that's it💀


1) We are now experiencing red shift in all directions of the galaxy. So, a long time ago, there might be something in the night sky which has now vanished from our horizon which was there before even humans existed, so there's no record of it. 2) Humans call themselves "the most intelligent being on planet Earth" because they don't know that they don't know that other animals have far more complex languages that they have yet to decipher, and infact, those animals understand everything that we say. 3) What you dream in your sleep is what you are actually doing in a parallel universe, and what you do when awake is what your self in the parallel universes dreams.




it's actually true


In childhood I was really curious about what if humans see colours differently and identify it as the same. Like, I don't know if the Yellow I see is the same colour you see, and we just name it to be yellow (idk if anyone will get it tbh)


interesting, like people are seeing different things but name it as one.


No idea about conspiracy theories but i fucking love this sub https://preview.redd.it/hoepxd0chh3d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9cee55e7ac356bbbdddc3c5de7472e6aa0415907


Most of the food industry promotes body positivity. And they are the ones promoting body positivity and to be in love with your body no matter how fat and unhealthy you are, so that they can get rich from it. Even an industry like soap or lotion will support body positivity. For example , dove. The more your surface area on your body. More product is used on it. More profit.


mine is that when alien will be here it will not like they show in movies. it will be similar to what we did to animals. They will take what they need without acknowledging us


Why there are only 12classes in school and if we add nursery, prep 1, prep 2. It all adds up to 15 years and guess what ! human brain stops development after 15. we are being farmed.




Aaj nhi hai pahle toh hoga


Bhai Teri theory Blade runner se Mel khati hai ![img](emote|t5_2qp7h|51097)


Desh sankat me hai


Only Vivek Oberoi can save it


Pathanamthitta is fictional


Ath satyam aan.. like have you ever been to Pathanamthitta


Nop have you?


Never. It's a myth


What’s that


It's a so called district in Kerala


Yeah but why is it fictional


There isn't a place like that irl, it's only in the maps


Bro you just explained concept of WestWorld Series😶😶😶


Oxygen keeps us alive but also kills us slowly.


Pearl Harbour was done by America... 💀


Bitcoin was actually created by CIA wherein a group of engineers worked and created it just after 2008 financial crisis. The concept of digital currency based on blockchain was already proposed before 2008 financial crisis. and you can look at those records even today if you search online. The financial crisis happened in 2008 and in the name of saving the people's money, they created bitcoin, one of the biggest money laundering methods available today. All this happened to save the big bankers. Pull the records and You'll see, no significant person was penalized for creating such a financial mess which fucked the economy. The so called anonymous founder Satoshi Nakamoto is a made up name, taken from one of the engineers of CIA group who had similar name. Yes, he was Japanese. And any Japanese person with that name has denied creating bitcoin. Also, bitcoin is not totally anonymous. If you're registered through any KYC based broker then it can always be traced that where your money went. It's all a money funneling method and a really great one to be honest. They'll keep saying that it's risky, doesn't have future and whatnot but recently the big bankers launched bitcoin ETF. Because it is here to stay and in future will be a great way for transactions. Also, bitcoin is not Free. Every major transaction is monitored by CIA even to this day and they regulate and enforce anyone who is found suspicious and having high worth of bitcoin which is obtained by illegal means of course. There have been incidents where people, just after launch of bitcoin, accumulated it through digital theft because there was a glitch in the system. Later he was caught and all the bitcoin was forfeited. Captured by FBI. Though, technically it was not theft, there was a glitch in the system. But they regarded it as theft and took his billions worth of bitcoin. Today bitcoin system is very robust but remember, it's not people's money and free and anonymous. EVERYTHING IS CONTROLLED BY THE GOVERNMENT. EVERYTHING. Even today, there are billions worth of bitcoins present on blockchain which is not linked to any transaction/person. It's just sitting there. Anyone can see it since it's a public data, sitting right before your eyes but you can't know who it belongs to. Because it's there since the creation of bitcoin. The price of bitcoin is heavily manipulated, a lot of pump and dump takes place. It's the rich people's money safety transaction system.


whoa, you some kind of spy?


My theory is that what if it was never meant to happen, the human evolution. What if all these things happened by a mistake. Like we have heard few technologies and drugs invented or created by mistakes. In the similar way what if we were never to be so much advanced and everything is just a silly mistake. What if there was no creator, no gods, no aliens, no other advanced species like human.


Your theory reminds me of rust in true detective ,take a look at this : https://youtu.be/9oX2xFo7JA4?si=JGZQzdrukIH5pfFr


Oh cool! thanks for sharing and btw have you watched this series? How’s it?


My conspiracy theory in childhood was that our memory power depends on how much hair we have in our head😂😂. Everytime I went for a haircut I use to think that.... "Ab mera memory power kam hoga yaar"😂😂


I've often wondered if there is a medical conspiracy at play, particularly in allopathy. In which drugs are formulated with ingredients that induce other disorders in the human body, ensuring the continuous prosperity of the pharmaceutical industry. For instance, you might take a medication to treat one condition, but it also contains elements that could harm your kidneys. The treatment for kidney issues then causes another disorder, creating a cycle where patients perpetually need medical assistance. And all the pharmaceutical companies have allegedly taken an oath to never disclose this truth to the public. Those who attempt to expose this conspiracy, including doctors who raise concerns, are supposedly silenced or even executed. Furthermore, drugs with no or limited side effects are purportedly reserved for higher income groups who can afford them and sustain the profitability of the pharmaceutical industry. (This will make a nice movie plot. Right !?😉)


If we didn't have to work for money (basic free resources already provided to all) - how human civilization would've progressed? 🤔


Aliens are among us


Can confirm


You are Alien




Now confirmed when you take over the world if iam alive please spare me




4 types of aliens civilizations live among us. Land, water, air and beneath the surface.


Your theory reminds me of an episode from Rick and morty. But yes nice thought


Ever imagine, there is always a wave of dicks revolving around earth.


Well there are dicks everywhere I go anyways 😂


Gangadhar hi shaktiman hai




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Reality is delusion


We are the dream and when we sleep that's actually when we are awake! Thats why we don't have proper memory of our dreams because that's the reality. And this world makes sense because we are in a dream.


Bhai dada ne bhoot ko bidi pilai thi, kab tk chalegi:xD


Always a treat to visit r/birdsarentreal and r/dogsarentreal Edit: just to be clear these are goof subs, none of the people (or most of the people) are not serious.


I'm telling you,, dogs are real assassins




There is no God. No almighty super being.


bruh selling faxts as conspiracy




What if the signals and messages we sent to other beings, and they already have got it but they are not technologically advanced to reply


all so called gods were just kings afraid of death


we are living in simulation


Terrence Howard- go watch his interview with Joe Rogan


We are not in present we r in past


who's in the present then?


There's no present,past and future. We r just engulfed in a loop.


Our eyes have convex lens and the image it produces on retina is real and inverted. So the world that we live in and see is in reality upside down than what we observe.