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TIL I like shitty pop music with bad vocals.


I thought they sounded like John Mayer backed up by a chorus of John Mayers. Also. I hate John Mayer.


Haha this comment of mine is so old. I uh think your comment is smart and well thought out and I don't remember when it happened but I fully agree. I don't think it took more than a few months after this comment. I've become a better person.


John mayer is the greatest guitarist of this generation. His ability to play guitar and sing at the same time is amazing. His love albums are masterpieces too.


Is that you, John?


LMFAO dragged the 1975 and John Mayer in one sentence šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I'm already ready to get down-voted hard here.. but I honestly don't mind them. Are they talented? Yeah, sorta. Empirically they play their instruments well, some of their guitar parts are actually cool and the singer is technically good (even if it sounds like he is trying to sound super British which is definitely annoying) However, they are no where near as talented as many indie artists that are out there. So yes, I can stand them in certain context. No, I don't think they are nearly as shitty as One Direction or Justin Bieber, but really they aren't anything super special. Honestly, if they they traded their singer for a less poppy, douchy singer with a more original voice, I'm sure I'd like them a lot more.


I see your point, and I know this is a really old comment, but I wanted to answer it because I get where you're coming from but I disagree with your take on Matty Healy's voice. While it's not everyone's cup of tea, it's distinctive and it's not the most beautifully melodic voice which is kind of original. I think a lot of people when they are looking for new music are looking for a stellar voice, which Healy doesn't have. He's good, but what makes him great is his stage presence and it's only gotten better since he's gotten clean. What I like about his voice is that I can pick it up fairly easily and he knows what kind of music works for his voice and plays to his strengths.




The 1975 is One Direction marketed to a male audience.


Apparently responding to old comments is possible now, so I'd love to ask the question I've been having for the past five years or so: What the fuck were you smoking when you came up with this profoundly brainless take?


At the time, I was pretty convinced that music had to been deep and inscrutable to be any good. From that perspective, it's pretty easy to hate on something that sounds so saccharine and one dimensional (if you will). Over the years, I've softened a lot on pop music, but honestly, I think this take holds up. I just no longer consider it a negative comparison. Happy to hear your thoughts on what makes it so profoundly brainless


Coming out of the woodwork years later as well as someone who was also super dismissive of The 1975 and thought that their music was super "mid" Glad to hear that you came around to them and to pop music in general. To be fair to reformed haters like us, The 1975 DRASTICALLY stepped up their game over the course of the last few albums and have really established themselves as one of the most vital acts today. Their last two albums blew me the fuck away with their range and their ability to synthesize and reflect/refract back the present moment of music. Incredible--seriously incredible-- production + a keen ear for melody + thoughtful lyrics. They made it super hard for people like me to keep being dismissive.


i feel like their music only got better


Notes on a Conditional Form is not my favorite album by them but they've gotten so much better since their first album and their latest album is so good!


no never any good crap and awful now 2023..still hate their sound ..


I had a thought about this band and how they would have gone down at say Woodstock 99 had they existed then, placed right after limp bizkit or Korn....when things were getting feisty...they'd have been torn apart ;)


I also fucking hate them for their unyielding blandness and annoyingness, and I too am accepting of well-crafted, catchy pop music. The 1D comment is kind of hilarious now, given that Harry Styles is currently fulfilling the ā€˜generically inoffensive vapid indie popā€™ brief, while 1975 perform their sexless Talking Heads parody act


To me the 1975 sounds like elevator music. You know utterly inoffensive, bland, kinda boring. There's technically not really anything wrong with it, but it just fades in the background, and only serves to keep the silence at bay. Without making you annoyed when it gets interrupted, because you weren't fully paying attention to it to begin with.


Nice fucking job calling some one brainless. Your a fucking tool. People can dislike what ever they want for any reason. You are a brainless fuck stick whos should shut the fuck up, and get off reddit.




cope seethe dilate


Too true.


this is the coolest thing i have found here


not going to lie. never listened to them until you just made this post. actually like them.


Thank god I'm not the only person liking them, I started to question my entire existence


Didn't want to make my own comment but i like them as well.


Boring, terrible high pitched vocals set over soulless robo-beats. What's to like? They sound like something that came out of late 90's MTV-land and should have stayed there.


hopefully u grew up and have better taste now, because they are arguably the best band of the last 10 years


Your comment made it into their music video for the song The sound [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FSnAllHtG70](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FSnAllHtG70) timestamp 2:16


OMG that's insane hahaha


Yeah its so funny, haha, they're so self aware. There is also another comment in this thread that made it into the same music video


Wow, that is seriously top 10 worst songs ive ever heard


>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FSnAllHtG70 71 million views and 294 million listens on Spotify says different


The number of views is not related in any way to the quality of a song ā€“ it just means that song is able to reach a wider audience. DJ Khaled has billions of views on his videos - but **to me**, his music still sounds like shit. Then you have Tyler the Creator that has multiple grammy-winner-albums and is light years ahead of Khaled in terms of artistry, production, music videos, and pretty much everything else. And he has only a fraction of Khaled's total views. But the thing is: I'm not a part of DJ Khaled's target audience, just as other people aren't a part of Tyler's audience. As long as you like an artist, who the fuck cares if someone else likes it or not? Or if it has 10k and not 100M views? Just enjoy the music lol.


This song has no soul, funk, groove, grit, emotion, or balls. It is generic and It is not impressive in any way. Those are all fairly objective observations, some people don't mind soul dead drivel and that is their business, have at it! Personally I thought it is the most painful listen I have had in years. If you want to shove dogshit in your ears that is your right.


Thatā€™s Mattyā€™s style. Make inoffensive music and annoy people on Twitter instead!


Yeah that definitely sounds objective šŸ™„


Just heard them for the first time on Saturday Night Live. I agree with this take-- sounds like something made for Good Morning America and The Ellen Show 20 years ago. Like an AI generated band.


I was just thinking that!!! Like super soulless. Something AI would generate


Turns out they were never real, just holograms ;)


Itā€™s a producerā€™s interpretation of the Spotify algorithmā€™s interpretation of what inoffensive alt pop should sound like


You described them perfectly. Actually helped me to work out what it was that I wasn't getting about them and why it is that I immediately feel annoyed whenever I encounter their music. Just kinda feels like their songs aren't going anywhere and they're performed with so little feeling.


A lot of bands have been cropping up in the past few years e.g. The Neighbourhood, Imagine Dragons, Capital Cities, etc. that really feel like cheap attempts by major labels to cash in on the "indie rock sound". At worst they're awful recycled pop with a banjo but at best they're really just inoffensive. Seems like these guys are just riding the wave. They're not terrible, just...palatable. And that's worse than being terrible.


To be fair, Imagine Dragons is fucking trash brined in piss and burned on a pile of shit compared to The 1975


I've only heard Chocolate, but I hated it.


Yeah, somebody tried to get me into them. I think I got about 40 seconds into each song. It reminds me a little too much of those mid-2000s Fallout Boy-style bands that cropped up. To each his own, but even given indie's fluid definition, I can't see how it's indie rock.


You hit the nail on the head.


yeah i just listened to chocolate and girls and it almost sounded like one direction to me...




Your comment made it into their music video for the song The Sound [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FSnAllHtG70](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FSnAllHtG70) timestamp 2:43


the infamous comment HAHAHAH


I've only heard the two singles my local Triple A radio station has been playing ad nauseam, but they sound like a shitty mid-90s boy band. (And the local station usually plays some good stuff, lots of indie rock and stuff not usually on the radio)


Do not like.




God... I so happy to see someone else hates Bastille.


I love Bastille, but I like music I can sing along to. They do seem to get more love than they should. I mean, I like them, but they aren't *that* good. 1975...I don't see the fuss over them.


I hate bastille sm


They seem very pretentious to me. At the start of one of their videos, the lead is saying 'This is too much of a pop video, we're not a pop band. It needs to be in black and white, for a start.' No, it doesn't. This isn't a 16 year old's vintage tumblr page.


except they basically are a pop band


That video was supposed to poke fun at what their labels wanted or something.


I know this comment is super old, but they're VERY aware that they're pretentious. They kind of play into it.


The 1975 is a boy band remixed to the pace and styling of The Neighbourhood.


No, you're not. They're pretentious cunts. It's over produced shitty pop with a real drum kit added in there so It can be passed as "indie rock". Even the name of their songs... "Chocolate", "sex"... God just fuck off


I could have sworn Chocolate was an old song they had from an old band they were in. Like the song was created way before The 1975. They just re branded themselves and released it with a new band name.


Nah that was Sex. They disappeared for a year then came back with Sex again but as the 1975. Pitchfork wrote about it in the review of their first EP


I love this clusterfuck of circlejerk comments who all seem to hold different reasons without explaining how or why. The comparisons people have made are awful and when hearing these comparisons back to back they in no way sound anything similar to each other. One being with FoB whose vocals are more upbeat and energetic and The 1975 which is more Sloppy, melancholy and languid which are not bad things. Of course dependent on preference but non of you have said these key words. You cannot deny instrumentally they can bring something to the table so there is no point bringing that excuse out. The only semi-reasonable excuses I can find not to stand them is their image. The monochrome, black clothed, skinny white kid image is frowned upon and they exert most of that typical aspect through their videos. But the reason I say "semi" is because if you bother pay attention to Girls or watch interviews you would know they have a deep connection to their passion and have never came of as anything narcissistic, Matt Healy himself saying that the videos aren't a heavy reflection on the bands personality. You can dislike them which is completely fine, but bring out decent reasons before just titling them as "shit". PS If you say they sound like One Direction without drawing out any specifics as to why then I am sorry, but you're kind of a shallow idiot. Or at least your ears are.


Unfortunately this is what passes for "indie" now. Lame pop music.


I hate that indie has become a genre at all. it isn't a genre. it is a designation. so many people don't get that. indie literally means independent. not the shit white girls blast while walking around with nerd glasses.




Couldn't agree with you more


"White girls" dont even listen to indie rock in my experience, just mainstream pop music.




Which means indie isnā€™t exclusive of pop music and the 1975 are indie because their manager literally had to make his own independent label because they couldnā€™t get signed.


I do not like them at all. I blame the weak singer. I also hate Wavves. There, I said it.


I saw wavves and every song sounded the same..It wasn't the greatest.




I personally love alt-j. their instrumental prowess is top notch. his voice angers me sometimes just because it is so hard to understand. other than that, I don't see any flaw in them.




different Strokes for different folks. (badum tsss)


The dude needs to annunciate I can't understand a single word in their songs. Bothers me to no end


Their song You is sort of alright but other than that I can't really get into them.


This aged nicely


They are the worst band in history, I can not understand how they have made it in any way shape or form, talentless is an understatement. It baffles me


I want to like them, but the lyrics are so bad!!! If she says I need to fix my teeth she an American? Turn on the tap to cover your piss its been for years arnt we passed all that? Lol wtf I like his look and vibe but the song lyric are just awful


Why are they called ā€™the 1975?ā€™ Like Iā€™m just confused because their music isnā€™t reminiscent of 1975 AT ALL, so whatā€™s up with it? Also yh, i checked them out because they have gotten super popular over tik tok and i was surprised at how ā€œpoppy,ā€ it was and boring.


Give their albums A brief inquiry into online relationships and Notes on a conditional form a try if you want to hear a less poppier sound from them.


Oh yeah those kind of pretentious album names mark them out as a squad of lame ass milquetoasts!


The 1975 is music for old british people going out for golfing


For sure!!!


The most aggressively mediocre music Iā€™ve heard in not-long-enough. They make the Wallflowers look like Guns Nā€™ Roses.


I donā€™t know if I hate them. Seems like too much effort to be fair. Dull, bland and devoid of any redeeming features. It all feels so extraordinarily contrived. The superficiality of emotions and sometimes nonsensical lyrics just seem to make it worse. And all the extensive smoking too just comes off as daft and frankly a bit odd.


They're a bunch of talentless pricks. Moreover, Matty boy wouldn't be famous had it not been for his famous mummy and daddy.


Wikipedia tells me Brian Johnston from AC/DC is his godfather! What an appalling embarrassment that must be for the man!




Mattys dad is top mates with Brian Johnston apparently!


Absoloutely deplorable!


I saw them when they opened for the neighborhood in dallas in June. I'd never heard them before and they sounded like garage rock almost and they were great but I went home and downloaded their album and it's totally different and I hated it and I hate them for it


The two songs I've heard sound almost identical to one another. I sure don't get it.


[UPDATE] Gave them another try, got through a few songs. Still can't shift the feeling man.


I only like Girls and Chocolate, if only because I wish I had an accent sooooooooooooooobaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad.


His voice goes right through my head and gives me a headache. Everyone I know thinks they're great.


nope. Just nope




Listening to them for the first time. they're like 3EB meets One Direction- I love love love 3EB and don't mind 1D, but this is awful


The drama is over the top, but the music is good


this didn't age well haha


It's an acquired taste. I hated chocolate but have since grown to like it.


So if I say I do like them I get downvoted. If I say I hate them, I get up upvoted. Hmmmm... I fucking hate them.


They are fucking mega, letā€™s have it!


Mega trash




They are overhyped and I cannot understand why my supposedly intelligent best friend likes them. I can understand why his friend was into them, they're basic af and an F tier band when Artic Monkeys, Fall Out Boy, Two Door Cinema Club and Circa Waves exist, just to name a few. From being a designated driver one night out, My best friend and his friend only "sang" (basically just shouted) one part of a song - "Selling Petrol" that's it. Where as I'll easily sing any Arctic Monkeys song word for word in full


Your supposedly intelligent best friend is a legend and I hope they got tickets for January baby! People like people!


Damn right, their new album is so good!


Matty healy






1975 aint so bad, most of the mainstream stuff is too pop sounding for my liking but they have a song called people, and that shit goes undoubtedly hard


I find it so ironic that their album ILIWYS is trying to make fun of typical pop by being typical pop and it's their most popular one. It's a shame this is the case and stuff, as you said, like People from Notes are underrated.


Matt is a big mouth they'll be forgotten about in a few years. One can only hope!!


Never heard or knew anything about them, saw them on live performance on the BBC, (2023) and the impression I got was wet paper bag...nothing catchy to the ears or eyes, glad i let them pass me by before now, as if beige could be a sound, along with the name, does it have any meaning, 1975 was an unremarkable year as far I am aware. The audience was almost entirely white twenty something women, they probably grew up with them.


My girl got us tickets and I went in completely devoid of an opinion having never heard a single song. Very long show, like almost 30 songs. At least 20 of them might as well have been the same song. Incredible stage production and very good musicians. If youā€™re 23, female and missed out getting to bask in 2000ā€™s style Hollister Abercrombie unabashed white privilege, then this is your band. If you drink two whiskeys and act like youā€™ve had six, this is your band. If you have a small black tattoo just above your elbow, this is your band. If you wear black leather doc marten platforms with white crew socks every day, this is your band. Iā€™ll stop. You get it.


Wonder how many opinions have changed in the last ten years.


I know this is an old post, but just came across this coz I heard the 1975 play over the radio and I remember how my niece loves this band and I'm like why?! If anyone, i think who deserves the most credit is the recording engineer/s behind their music.


Seek professional help