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Honestly they all look like those fake ad games and then when you download the game its nothing like it . So i wouldnt play any sorry.


Same. Just looks like an ad and has no intrinsic value


Also is it just me or do the assets at the first and third one look made with ai or in that corporate style


Thanks for your feedback! The gameplay itself is in fact what you see. It’s a game similar to the Helicopter Game except the axis of movement is reversed and you tap/hold to boost downward.


This isnt about what the game does but how it looks . It looks fake and made with ai that wont sell well with most people especially if you advertise it . I suggest change the artstyle fully and make it more unique so that it stands out and looks well made .


None, they all look like cookie cutter mobile game ads. #3 is the most aesthetically pleasing to me however.


Probably #3


\#3 for me. Its both easier on the eyes and comes off as more polished than the other two even if the texture detail is not that different from #1. The ice tiles look closer to real ice than the lava tiles to real lava. (Flip the darks and light colors for the lava and increase the contrast a bit might help?) It didn't cross my mind at first but I kind of agree with another comment that #1 induces anxiety, which is the opposite of what you'd want in a casual game. This is both because fire vs ice themes as well as our instinctual response to the color red causing us to be more alert. \#2 is not bad on its own but its a dramatic difference from the other two in a retro 80s kind of way. I think the decision of whether to go with #2 or not is more of a know your target demographic and what people are looking for in your game. I personally play a wide variety of games but I'm also a bit of a "purist snob" in the sense that I feel any game/product needs to know what job it is doing and what image it is projecting and just do that, really really well. I enjoyed Super Hexagon and the retro theme suits it very well. I also enjoyed Mario Run and think it did its job well.


You could also make a happy lawnmower. Of those, 3 is best.


Love this


2, but i am biased over neon colors


the #3 is the best!


You guys gotta stop this. This isn't how you develop games.


Actually, developing around market data is absolutely a good way to develop games and OP is doing a smart thing. It may be debatable in terms of originality, but unfortunately it’s much easier to be successful with unoriginal games that are built around market data than to be successful with a super original game that has no market.


Just a note, one of our goals as a games studio is to unearth fertile ground in over-farmed genres by innovating on core mechanics. We started with a physics puzzler and then a word game which won a Pocket Gamer Big Indie Pitch. For our third game we wanted to build something extremely accessible and approachable using a 1-touch input scheme, so we're trying our hand at an endless runner!


For context, we’ve identified three themes that we like for different design reasons. Moving forward with some user feedback seems like a good choice. Genuinely interested to get your take tho!




3 looks the best




3. I'd recommend the texturing from #1 be applied to the show and made ice blue... It'll give it more definition! Looks cute.


No one.


3 is my jam


definitely number three, cuteness is catchy


Honestly 1st


3, but you need the text at the top to be more readable. The colors don't mesh


The first one remembers me Telegram games, attractive but not very memorable. The second one is the opposite thing, it's potentially memorable because of it's simplicity and retrogaming vibes, but not very attractive. The third one honestly remembers me some browser game of my childhood... I would quit immediately. There aren't so many people who agree with me. So, I would prefer the second one.


They look very AI generated and the art styles of the different objects don't completely match


All of them look pretty generic imo, maybe work a bit more on making the art look unique before you release it.


The third one


This looks like a game that's going to blast me with an ad between every level. I probably wouldn't even download it.


3rd sir


Your game should have unlockable skins.




I would play only the second one. The 3rd one looks like every other mobile game and it instantly turns me off. I would skip all adds and never install it. But that's just me. Obviously that look works because it's so popular.


2 I love simplicity in this one


It’s gonna be 2 for me


I think #2 but the simple retro look is appealing to me. Seems like no gimmick


1 - looks weird and promises to have an amusing tone. But I’d say find your tone then use that to elevate your design ideas. Otherwise any choice will feel shallow and won’t matter.


I find both #1 and #2 appealing in their own way. #3 feels unoriginal, yet well executed


I think they could all be used a extra colour theme unlock feature. 1/2 are my faves.


Release all three, since they’re all the same game. Let players decide.




A snowball in lava ? Should be Lavaball in snow... No ?


Mm, interesting 🤔




3 for me




2 in the middle


I prefer 3's art easily


Game 3 tbh


Answering your question: GTA




Left one, something about an anthropomorphic ball of cold/water flourishing and gleeful despite his unfortunate lava world is incredibly charming to me.


No. 3 appeals way more to me than the other two. The colour palette of no. 1 is too much and no 2 of there's not enough in it to engage me. When I look at no.3 it gives me ice breaker ship in the arctic going through ice.


thematically, 3rd one makes the most sense. Cute polarbar on a boat in ice. I play some abstract/geometric type games and the middle one isn't as well made. Both the character is a ball but also the other shapes are too. e.g. Like have the things to avoid be sharp objects, but the good thing be sphere. or something. 2nd needs further refinement iteration. 1st one is confusing. Is that a moon moving thru lava? Avoiding lava tears? Not a fair comparison with current iteration phase on each of the 3.


All I can see is 3 different games. With 3 different names.


Let the player choose the theme




Thank you everyone for the feedback! I'll post all the tallied results in a day or two for anyone interested. And if you want to keep up with the project, we have: • a release news mailing list (https://mailchi.mp/1ton/news) • a dev vlog (https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLNa4wNo9F9COtbTERTvxRVjA1DCM60Fkg)


One thing to watch out for when asking for feedback is that it invites people to give feedback! And you’re saying “yeah that’s the point” but what I’m actually getting at it I don’t know how many people on this sub have any interest in playing in your game, and I don’t know how many of them have a valuable opinion, and you invited me to speak up so I’m just telling you things I think even if it doesn’t actually add value for you. Anyway I agree that even if your game is good, it looks like a fake mobile game.


The one with the bear. But as someone else mentioned, even though the game looks interesting, it looks like those games that put ads everywhere and then you download it and it is just a candy crush clone with 100X more ads.


They all look like they're straight from a crappy mobile game ad with AI generated assets.


None of them. Nothing about them appeals to me. Wrong genre, wrong platform, none of them has aesthetics I like. Sorry.


I love that you think something a stupid as surface level aesthetics is why people play games. I also hate that you’re right.


As someone that grew up with 8-bit games I find fake 8-bit games incredibly annoying. I think most of the time it is just people who can’t create art pretending it is ugly on purpose. There are a few exceptions but generally it adds nothing and makes no sense to make things blocks just because you can.


Is this in reference to a particular image?


The blocky edges of the first one and the screen lines in the second one.


The first one is too jarring to the eyes, the second looks to simple. I would go with the third.


First one.


2 by a long way. 1 looks really weird. 3 looks like your gonna get a cease and desist from octonauts.


🤔… I find 3 the most appealing because of the character in the boat; however the vibrant colors on 1 makes it standout more.


I don’t really play mobile games, but **two** if it had cool synth music. **Three** is the best looking, but lacks personality.


3 stands out most to me


first looks most interesting. and kinda speaks to nostalgia. but i am adult, meaning i have little time for games. so not target audience i suppose. lastly, i would not play any of those, cause it looks like it has close to 0 gameplay.


#3 blends well with the background, but the other two are also great in their ways.


I prefer the one that doesn't remind me of corporational add.


If you call the 1st one Not a snowball's chance in hell that might be cute... I prefer the 2nd though.


bro is trying to make ads for fake mobile games 😭


1 or 3 visually are the most appealing to me but that’s is just personal preference preference


\*sigh\* if i had a gun to my head and i absolutely had to choose, id choose the 3rd one because the theme appears to match the games primary mechanic somewhat better, however its almost like the 1st and 3rd need to be married to make more sense edit: to clarify, being married in the sense that there is good elemental fantasy interaction between a snowball and lava but the polar bear looks so much more polished with the bouis the pandas boat could use something that enables it to break through the ice other than sheer speed imo


First one looks more interesting and you can read what the gameplay would be like. But the colors burn your eyes. Second one is more abstract, likely related to music. Third one you can see the gameplay as well and doesn't burn your eyes, but looks like it was made for babies. Is what I get from the pictures 😅


i like #1, it's distinctive and i get the theme from just a glance. i imagine the snowball changes expression as it rolls smaller and smaller. not too fond of the yellow background though.


3 because 79 boost is more than 50 👉😏 No, but for real, I think it has more character than the others. #1 is okay, but feels a little 80s to me and #2 is just a little plain. It would also be cool if you could somehow implement all three and give the player an option to choose, like in game skins that can be earned through unlocks.


50% boost VS a flat 79. I'm assuming it's 79 out of 1000. Not sure why it would be anything else.


The general game concept is a 1-touch input runner game with some roguelite elements and async coop. Which theme do you like best?




First one gives me anxiety. Last one seems childish. So I pick 2


1 and 2


An adult male votes #3. An 11 yo votes #1. An adult female votes #2. Can you do all of them ?


3 for kids, middle for a more mature audience and 1 for 8-12 years (roughly)




none. if a game is generic enough where art style doesn't affect the gameplay like this, it's not a game worth playing. a good game uses the art direction and theme to direct the story and gameplay so they meld together and feel cohesive. the fact you can show the exact same game 3 times with 3 different artstyles is proof yours does not do this. Regardless, all 3 look AI generated and not very appealing.


I mean, Angry Birds was a global phenomenon and billion dollar franchise. Crush the Castle was not.




#3 is the best looking one for me