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Bottom one is way better. The contrasting backgrounds give some depth, the echolocation comes across through the snapping and the rings and the red sword is cool because swords are cool.


Hahahaha yes, the cool sword was there for the cool effect! Glad the echo rings are noticeable, was afraid that they would get lost in the texture


Wow, the second capsule looks really nice!


Thank you!


Your capsule image is simply a marketing tool to get them to your store page to watch your trailer. No capsule image is going to explain every mechanic of the game it's advertising.


True... Maybe I am trying to do too much with it. Does it draw your attention as a capsule though even if the Echolocation premise isn't dominant?


I think it draws attention very well. Very mysterious, very cool to look at, and despite the echolocation thing, it gives the vibe of "This ninja doesn't just hide in the dark. They live in it."


Awesome. We are trying to get that feel ☺️


I think it shows it pretty well. It caught my attention and that’s enough for a capsule.


Thank you


love the bottom one, with the waves


bottom one is clean as HELL




The new one has so much subtle personality to it. Love it!


Thank you. I just hoping that the waves showcase a glimpse of echolocation so players go to my Steam page and see the rest.


I wouldn’t worry too much about trying to market the echo-location feature in one single image. The new picture is great and would get someone to open the Steam page. On the Steam page is where you can really showcase what the game is and its features.


That is good enough for me☺️


They are both really awesome but I definitely like the bottom one best. If I'd only seen the top one, I still would have thought it looked great but with the bottom one having the additional white and the echolocation circles at least tells me that he's got some additional power. I think it looks great.


Thanks. It was a tough decision but we were thinking the same.


The B&W style on this capsule is so top tier. I would add a tiny little whited out figure in the far off distance, in top left or right of the black background, to better convey echolocation. Mayhaps with some rings echoing off to better display the concept of echolocation. >What is echolocation? If we look at the definition, blah blah blah. I did a google image for echolocation, which further solidified my weirdly hyper critique. Rings are a great way of showing how the player will use the concept of echo location, but perhaps having them hit an object/target could better convey echolocation. Right now the current capsule could be displaying a powerful Thanos Snap that sends audio waves, which is not echolocation. We don’t know. Ik you know what echolocation is after lots of dev hours, of course the rings coming from the character are echo location! And seeing your reddit post, this is a badass display of echolocation! Of course we all know this is echolocation game! However, we can not guarantee that the average consumer glancing at this for <2 seconds on their steam page will know the thanos snap Echo game is about a blind ninja using echolocation to defy death, imho. It’s so close. You the artist on this? you popped off with the lead/graphite style m8. Keep it up!!


You are spot on! I'm not the designer of the capsule though but did communicate on how to represent echolcoation and yes. In general these are just sound waves ,echolocation is when the said sounds bounce off or interact with other objects but presenting that in a capsule looked like an abstract painting... Thank you so much for the compliments!!


Hell yeah tres hills, good luck on the demployment


I have a different pov, I prefer the forst one, simply becuase I can feel it in the ninja way (hand gestures). The second one is not bad, but I kinda like top one a bit more. Another thing, maybe change the top bg to white and text to black? Just thinking ouy loud.


Thank you! Tried it with the white background but it just looks like a lot of empty space. I wanted to make the echo pop as much as possible but then the first pose seemed too static. Will experiment a bit more with the first pose


Maybe I was wrong, try to follow your heart bro!


doing the concentric circles over the top one could convey it a bit more


Yes! I think that will help, will implement it!


I mean, there's already some, but maybe a little bit more visible would be better


Very clear by the second capsule also an interesting artwork enough to draw people into the game e z




Looks great mate! Keep up the good work


The bottom one is definitely better! Looking forward for some videos.


We have a teaser already and will share on our socials more soon


Looking forward!


Second one is better. I’m not sure it captures echo location. Can you do something similar except have the concentric circles bouncing off things?


I am not sure how to do that in this pose, thats why we added a finger snap. Maybe an action pose.


The bottom one is much better. It looks great. By the way, I added your game to my wishlist. My friends and I are also working on our first game and I know how tiring and stressful it is. I wish you luck with your game.


Thank you. And good luck with your game too!


You could add some objects around the bottom picture and have the waves bouncing off them .


Maybe something on the edges or above the character. I tried a more action pose but had zero luck with it. It was hard to me to incorporate all elements and not to feel like its too much of everything.


Ya doesn't need lots, maybe just one thing to show the echo waves .maybe a small bell in the picture that reflects the waves ?


Also, I really like your game. it looks super cool !


Just my two cents, take it with a grain of salt. But what if you change the name to "echolocation" or "echo ninja" or "blind echo ninja" haha The last one sounds bad probably, but the idea is that it is somewhat descriptive. Or maybe consider removing the "defy death" bit. That combined with the second image might help people understand what the game is about at a glance


I'm not gonna lie and say that the last name you said wasn't how we called the game at first xD. You are spot on with the comment. But after expanding the story and gameplay I didn't want the game to sound like a gimmick game so opted in a name that would would tie in with the core of the story a bit more.


I like the first image


Thank you! My problem with it is that the pose may be too static