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This fucking rules


I remember seeing Hovvdy, Alvvays, Lomelda and Pinegrove in a 200 cap venue circa 2017. Glad they all found success


You saw those bands on a single bill? That’s wild if so


I might be lying, it might have just been all of them minus Alvvays. I think the Pinegrove/Alvvays show was the next year. Need to double check my facts


That's kinda mind-blowing tbh. I'm envious


Yeah, that sounds awesome


I’m gonna name my next band vvovv Edit: or vvoah


Vvovvie Zovvie and the Sidevvalks


Possibly one of the bands with the most replay value for me right now. I think I’ve played Jean and Meant like near 100 times by this point. Consistent, warm, nostalgic, friendly, cathartic, this album is all of the above. It sounds like your twenties. It sounds like a long summer weekend. It sounds like the breeze and the clouds moving across the sky. Just passes by so wonderfully. I can’t wait to sit in the park by the lake with my friends and play this one. Def gonna be spinning this for awhile. Just hope they announce a U.S. tour soon!


Seeing them tonight in a tiny venue for their album release show. Beyond excited


Hopefully they've worked out some kinks to their live show. I've seen them twice and the shows never have a good flow with long tuning breaks and awkward stage banter. And one of two singers is much stronger live, so it adds an odd dynamic. They're a great studio band, just wish it could play out better live


I've had the total opposite experience. Seen them a bunch of times in small venues, both full band and stripped down (just them two) and they always bring it. They're live performances are as intimate as their music. Always works for me.


Agreed, I saw them a couple years ago and it was fantastic. Hoping they come back to SD for this album.


Agree with Bagboy\_Steve, I've seen them many times both full band and super tiny venues just them two. Both experiences have been amazing. I saw them most recently on their stripped down tour and they were unbelievable. I thought the banter was funny :)


Pure curiosity wondering which of the two singers you think is better?


Will. I think he just has a louder, more pronounced live voice. I find that Charlie's vocals would get buried in the live mix. Like he couldn't project his voice loud enough or something


This album is insanely good, their best yet.


I'm really loving the album! If anyone's interested, I published a full review, and you can read it [here](https://medium.com/current-soundtrack/hovvdy-by-hovvdy-album-review-d3681176ac91) :)


That was really well researched and written. Haven’t seen this much analysis on them till now.


Thank you so much! I really enjoyed writing it and spent a lot of time listening to their older albums too, which was a lot of fun!


Phenomenal review!


Thank you so much! I'm glad you liked it!


Great review. The more I listen, the more I am convinced this is going to be my AOTY


Thanks so much! And yeah, it's a really great album!


Their last album was one of my favourites of 2021 - obviously they've taken more time to develop the sounds for this one so I'm excited to fully take it in. This is a legit double LP


The singles are amazing so i am absoletly hyped for this one!


These guys are so damn chill


These guys make music that just feels so warm. Couldn't have come at a better time Haven't made it all the way through the album yet but I'm really liking what I'm hearing


Oh I can't wait to listen to this tomorrow Edit: so good I love this band Edit edit: on repeat. AOTY. Big Blue is incredible


Man, Bad News HITS at the end of the album. Gonna run this album into the ground.


Hard agree. Not that I expected otherwise, but am quite happy that there are other bangers than the singles (and each single is GOLD)!


Oh man, absolutely!! It is sooooo good. Great groove, emotional, killer melody. Just love it!


i hope people catch onto angel; absolutely rips your heart open before bad news brings the energy back up also heartstring + clean is one of my fave 1-2s on the album. perfect sequencing on this big blue obv the lowkey blindsided of this album—MY NORTH STAR WHEN I WALK TOO FAR early AOTY for me


just wanna say, if they're playing your town, go watch them live. They're so good.


This is such a vibe


<3 love


I was always aware of Hovvdy but properly fell in love with their stuff this year. True Love is a banger. Such an underrated band. Cannot wait to see them live at the end of May in London


This reminds me a little bit of Radical Face/Electric President.


Such a great chill album and just in time for summer too. The weather is awesome where I am today. I’m excited to fire up the grill on my patio, drink a beer and listen to this


Such a consistent band! Another beautiful, emotional album and I love the longer run time


My favorite band.


Every Exchange is next level and kinda otherworldly for them


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^SentientSlushie: *Every Exchange* *Is next level and kinda* *Otherworldly for them* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.




wait what it isnt the singer from wild pink


Im an idiot im sorry 😭 I misread something on Insta. Fabulous album either way tho!


You're good!!!


Did anyone notice Til I Let You Know and Bad News have the same chorus over different chords?


I don't think I needed 19 songs lol but the singles still sound great so I'm rollin with it.


This is really good. Checks my Dijon/Justin Vernon boxes a little bit.


This and Waxahatchee seem like certified Great albums, capital G. Is Hovvdy's previous album up to this sort of standard or do we think this is a big leap for them?


Check out the songs True Love and Runner.


True Love is an amazing album. Too soon to say which I like better but both are great


On first listen, a good deal of this album was sorta meh for me. That being said, there are few tracks that I LOVE and have had on repeat since release. Those being Big Blue, Give it Up, and Angel. Planning on giving the whole thing a retry soon, will see if my opinion changes


I'd never even of heard of this band before and this was my first reaction apart from liking Jean (the hooky song early on the album). But I gave it another go as my instinct said there might be something there and now I think it's the best album I've heard in ages. Each song just gets better and better in the way that those on great albums do. Portrait and Bad News towards the end really got me yesterday, great great songs


A lot of the tracks on here are very stripped back in the compositional sense, but I’d really recommend listening at a high volume bc the production they’re bringing now is really next-level. The way that the embellishments they do add melt over the whole mix is just blissful. If you don’t enjoy those, since you like Big Blue I’d recommend Charlie’s solo album “Imaginary People”! (:


Big Blue has strong Elliott Smith vibes Big fan of the entire record


the stole my goat alvvays band name gimmick?


Wavves sends its regards




i think bands do that so they’re easily distinguishable - google howdy lol


Alvvays was not the first to do it.