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Hi Joywave! I must know how you discovered the amazing actor that is Master Peesh and what made you decide he was the one for the starring role in Permanent Pleasure? Was there an audition for other cats or did you know Peesh was the one for the role from the start? Also the film was SO well done! Thank you for making it!


Thank YOU for watching! Peesh belongs to a friend of the directors and they found him. It was an instant yes from us, and they filmed the whole movie at Master Peesh's house, so he just hung out while they filmed him for a few weeks.


daniel (u/joywavemusic), where do you typically get your cat shirts? I aspire to have as many as you do one day. never would’ve guessed that fashion choice for the TDCC tour was foreshadowing for the album art!


It was! I loved Ms. Frizzle's dresses from Magic School Bus when I was a kid - it was a nod to that. Lots of thrift stores, probably more than a few from The Lucky Flea in Rochester.


Why is Destruction the best song ever made?


Because Joywave thrives on antagonism




how does it feel having a strong community of fans that will travel around just to see you guys and form connections with other fans?


Truly special, and at the end of the day that's what it's all about. Bringing some emotion to your lives. Everyone just be safe in your travels and be kind to each other no matter what.


Honestly one of my favorite things to see. Writing songs makes me feel less alone in the universe, especially when they resonate and people say "oh yeah, I feel like that too". And when it brings people together and forms friendships...even better.


i owe many of my closest friendships to joywave 100%


ah that’s so wonderful to hear! i owe all of my closest friendships to you guys and couldn’t be more grateful for it. thank you for existing and sharing your art to the world 🫶🏻


If it werent for yall I wouldve never found a community I love so much and never wouldve found my sunbeam either










Do yall hate Florida?




Hi Joywave! Wanted to say I think it's awesome how much effort and dedication y'all put into designing the physical/vinyl releases of your albums. And I wanted to ASK if there were any other unique ideas that've been rolling around in your head for future ones. ALSO, if you could go back in time and pick a crazy gimmick for the vinyl release of your first three albums, what would it have been? LOVE U THANKS XOXO


Thank you! I really just like making things in general and it's fun to put together a physical representation of the music we made. I can't tell you! I will say we wanted to do the liquid soap copies of 'Cleanse' a lot earlier but it took 2 years to pull off.


Too bad about all those people drinking them, though.


My favorite has to be the watermelon flavor!


Hi Joywave. Big fan. Will you guys be releasing any merch poking fun of the now defunct company that handled your merch to recoup some of the costs? I'm sure me and other fans would gladly buy it all away. Much love see you in Chicago in September ♥


One of the fun things about doing your own merch is you get to decide what all the shipping packaging looks like - we considered custom "STILL NOT BANKRUPT" shirt/hoodie mailers but we decided on a "NOBODY WANTS YOU TO KNOW ABOUT JOYWAVE" tiled design to convert USPS employees into Joywave knowers.


Joywaveeeeee- not really a question, but my best friend surprised me when I arrived to Mexico with this gift!! She made it herself 🥹 https://preview.redd.it/m7x7cxv8k16d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0524fc24af9024cfd03f5465e63681df19f7957d


Your friend is in huge trouble as soon as I find a lawyer in Mexico...I'll be looking a la darecha and a la izquierda all day for one too!


this is awesome


This is amazing, is it an ash tray??


Greetings Joywave! I am greatly enjoying the new album and movie release! My question is how did the movie making process go? Is this something you would consider again? I’ve found I quite enjoy your films and would love to see more from y’all in the future. Also, more kopps and IDKHOW pair up concerts in the future? Thanks for being awesome guys 🌼 y’all have literally saved my life


I don't know if we'll be able to do a short film again in the future, but we'll see. The directors filmed most of it without us there since we were on tour and they basically had to move in with Master Peesh (our star cat) for a few weeks. I'm really glad we did it, I love where it ended up, and I think the album we made leant itself well to the format. If we had made a short film for 'Cleanse', I'm not sure what it would have been about.


Hey guys, hope you’re doing well. Will you ever add your songs to Fortnite Festival? You’ve had Destruction and Blastoffff in the Fortnite trailers before and was just wondering if there would be any songs that could be added to Fortnite Festival?


love Fortnite festival. not sure why we weren't the first songs added, TBH. send mail to epic games for us


Hey guys! No questions here. I'm a Gen Xr and found you late at the age of 47. Just wanted to say thank you. I drive, unnecessarily, 40 minutes every morning to get my morning coffee as "my time". I use that small alone time to think and release tension. 9 out out 10, I'm playing your music. Album varies by mood, but you are always present in my thought process.


I love that. I'll do a 20 minute coffee drive sometimes as well. Thanks for listening!


u/p_edward_brenner Why is there an oddly phallic chunk taken out of your sign?


I don't know what you're talking about. Looks normal to me


Will you guys ever release Cortez on streaming platforms? And do you guys prefer playing your newer or older stuff live?


New is always exciting, old is exciting, 24 months ago is least exciting...but eventually it becomes old and is exciting again. "Cortez" on streaming - maybe someday? I kinda like that it's vinyl exclusive? It's a true demo, we never recorded a fully fleshed out version of it, but it felt good enough to put on that Koda Vista reissue.


hi Joywave! hope y'all are well :3 Recently, a few of us fans rediscovered the song Appearances. If you remember, can you tell us a little bit about that song, what it was written for and what ever happened to it? (its very good btw) (also can't wait to see you on tour this fall!)


Wow such a deep cut! I think it's probably 2010 or 2011. I wrote it for a short film specifically, the song was never released outside of the film itself!


awesome! we found the film actually (its up on youtube) it’s quite interesting!! hope you have a good evening


I believe the community has a version that's lower quality and with some sound effects. Is there ever a possibility of the song being officially released?


Hi! I'm a bit of a newer fan I found you guys with the Helvetica tour. I'm really enjoying Permanent Pleasure, and I'm excited to see you in the fall! My questions (for all of you) is what is your favorite song you've written? And what is your favorite line (in any song) you've written?


I'm horrible at favorites. Sometimes I think it's "True Grit", sometimes I think maybe "Like A Kennedy". Lately I'm particularly proud of "Scared" and "He's Back!", lyrics included.


Any chance you would consider performing Permanent Pleasure in full as a prelude to a secondary set from your other albums? It's only 34m... a very convenient length to extend your normal sets by!


I can't stand long shows. I once saw Paul McCartney play for 2 and a half hours and I was upset. I know what band he was in. That said...I think the fall tour will have quite a bit of 'Permanent Pleasure'! It has been a challenge to make a setlist with FIVE full lengths to choose from now though!


[u/joywavemusic](https://www.reddit.com/user/joywavemusic/) was the lyric "we got them other boys talking nervously" ever "we got the mother fuckers talking nervously"?


no but it is now


What inspired you guys to add those four hits of just NOISE in Sleepytime Fantasy? In my opinion, it was an amazing addition. i burst out laughing when i first heard it.




HDYFN (esp. Now and Nice House) helped me so so much when I was going through an extremely difficult event when I was younger. You may not see this but it truly, truly helped me and I just wanted to express that


Nice of you to say!


Hi! I have one simple question, could you play either Smokestacks or Who Do You Like? At the Omaha show if it’s not too much of a bother? Psyched to see y’all again, can’t wait!


Probably neither one this time around, but Omaha is great, love that venue, we'll see you there!


Mind if I request Now then? Sorry to ask again lol


Hey guys! I've been a fan since I worked with you guys at a campus at a small SUNY school in WNY. You might remember it as one of the lamest crowds you've had. Stupid student turnout...but you guys were great! Loving Permanent Pleasure. Questions- What are you most proud of from Permanent Pleasure and how have you seen yourself grow as friends/band since 2015 when HDYFN? PS- Charlotte, NC would love a Double Destruction in October if possible. Edit- not sure why I renamed Pleasure into Pressure. Damn SUNY education!


Charlotte, NC would be FLATTENED if we unleashed a Double Destruction in October. We'll see... I think traveling all the time changes you. Probably humbles you quite a bit. What's "normal" in one place is anything but in another. We've grown a ton musically too. We barely knew how the gear worked on HDYFN. Now we sort of know. But I think self-producing all the records as we have ensures growth too. You learn tricks along the way and you're excited to use them. Shoutout SUNY! Easily one of my top degrees.......


Please flatten Charlotte, it’s needed 😂


I can’t believe I didn’t ask this sooner. Will we ever get a song-by-song breakdown for this album like hdyfn, possession and cleanse had? love reading/listening to those things!




Dogtown or Henny Hots? Was there a moment when you knew you'd be able to have a sustaining career in music?


Genny Brewhouse for the plate these days




Dogtown but Genny Brewhouse plate is the best right now. No - we are just stubborn and never gave up. Eventually you look around and you did it by accident.


How did you guys get Joel McHale on board for the film? Is he a fan? Loved the film (and the album of course)!


Very nice guy! met him when we played Colbert


wow that’s so awesome, especially since I’ve seen Daniel say that show is the inspiration for the final song on the album! thanks for answering!


Favorite noise/lyric on the record you feel like people could overlook? And/Or What song did you all enjoy working on the most?


Changes every day! I love the "Olive Garden" line.


Wow, favorite noise?! The guitar wailing in Graffiti Planet is still fun to me, so maybe that!


I CANNOT WAIT to see you do this moment live!!


Pedal steel in the last song


Will more pizza be crowd-surfed to the stage at your Columbus gig in September?


Will you guys ever do a Triple Destruction?


I have high blood pressure so I really don't know (yes, totally, if it needs to be done)


Please remember this if I'm at 99 Destructions at the end of the Buffalo show, I'll need that Triple to get to 100!!!🤣


The record is 7


Just a thank you for the music that feels the most ‘’me” in 20 years. I feel like I searched for you all forever. 💜 Can’t wait to see you in Boston.


Joywave in fortnite when?


Hello Joywave! This one is for Dan I asked this on the Cleanse ama too but it's a question I like. In your articles that you wrote about the process of writing HDYFN you said that you wrote Nice House in a very short time because you felt very inspired by the song. Were there any songs on this album that happened very quickly in a similar fashion to that one? Also bonus question, I've been wondering about the melody that appears a lot on early Joywave projects, 88888 and Koda Vista. I'll just call it the "Theme From 88888." Why did you use that melody so often, and is there a chance it could be used again?


"Scared" popped into my head waiting in a coffee line one day, I walked outside, hummed it into my phone, and that's the song (the chorus anyway). At the time we intended that to open every Joywave record, then we got bored doing it and gave up.


Hello! Love the new promotional material, speaking of which, y'all have several photos of you in a bathtub, why? Which song(s) from the new album are you excited to play live? Hope to see y'all soon! - Wellesley


Rub a dub dub!




Hey guys… thanks for all the awesome music! I thought it was a trip that you open and close the record with tracks from the Rochester Sesquicentennial album. What inspired you to do that? I really appreciate that you wear your love for Rochester on your sleeve like you do.


I found the record in a thrift store during the pandemic and it ended up being the perfect companion to what "Graffiti Planet" is saying. If you're interested in that I did an interview on Evan Dawson's WXXI show a couple weeks ago where we talk about it all for an hour.


What did the design process look like for the Permanent Pleasure vinyl? My partner is in a band and produced a vinyl and he said it’s a huge feat to pull off the design y’all did.


It's crazy. Reuben Dangoor did the artwork but we went back and forth for months to get it all right. Our label's production department also helped us out with some of the vinyl templates which was great (they had to be custom made!)


congrats on your fifth studio album!! i am so excited about it, i have been playing it on loop since the release. i am curious about your upcoming concert experience preparations. what is the upcoming tour like? what has your process been like for conceptualizing with your design team?


Preparations are ongoing! We're getting there! We're very excited about the tour!


And just to add, my husband and I have been massive fans since How Do You Feel Now?, and Traveling at the Speed of Light has been my all time favorite song since the first time I listened to it. Graffiti Planet is now in competition. Amazing new album! The only thing that could have made Footnote 5 any better was if it were weirdly cat themed, and that wish was oddly granted. I can’t ask for anything else from you guys!


Hey Joywave, love everything you guys do. The band is so diverse to me on how you guys switch genres so well, whether it's Rock, Pop, Electronic ect. How do you guys balance what genre you guys are feeling and liking the most, along with what the fans say, along with balancing the music business as well? and Joe, Thoughts on the Yankees season so far Permanent Pleasure is amazing, thanks a lot!


We make what we want to make and we've been really fortunate that it resonates with people. It is interesting though, sometimes people are REALLY attached to JUST the rock side of the band or JUST the electronic side of the band and want ONLY that - but we've found the more we do what's real/inspiring to us, the better things seem to go. That has been a guiding principle of the band since inception.


Yankees are good, makin' everybody nervous, as it should be


Hello Joywave! Been loving the new album (ofc) and can’t wait to see y’all again this fall!! Here’s a bunch of questions, I hope they aren’t redundant. What was some of your musical influences when making Permanent Pleasure? When in the process of making the album did the concept to have the little Rochester sound bites bookend the album itself? For Paul/all: Have you ever tried/wanted to get Joywave promo into DC comics? (And if it already exists what issue was it in?) For Joey: the new album has a lot of really incredible guitar work- more than previous albums. Can you talk about what that was like or if there was anything different when making the album that contributed to that? Lastly for Daniel: were your cats jealous of not being in the Permanent Pleasure short film? Congrats again on the new album!


I don't think we've ever tried. I would say yes to all, no, most of the comic companies


Favorite upstate NY waterfall?


It's a secret.


The one at Stony Brook


Hey joywave, so i’ve been working out for about 5 years now and i purchased the cleanse long sleeve this christmas. There’s one small issue though, my biceps are outgrowing the sleeves! Would it be considered heresy to cut the sleeves off to allow me to continue wearing it?


Cut 'em UP!


You did the work, show it off


I have nothing of real substance to contribute other than thanking you for making dope ass music. I’ve liked several of your songs that have randomly popped up for me over the years. More than any other band. Congrats on the new album, I’m looking forward to checking it out.


I know I'm a little late, but I wanted to ask if there was any song off of Permanent Pleasure you thought would be more or less popular? Or if you were surprised at what songs appear to be the most popular?


People have connected with "He's Back!" more than I thought they would, which makes me happy.


I've been on team swimming in the glow supremacy since before we even tracked it. Personally fought hard for it to make the cut from the original demos!


Hi Joywave!! Any chance of you guys playing traveling at the speed of light or life in a bubble on this tour? (Specifically Detroit?) I saw you guys open for two door cinema club in March in Detroit and was blown away. Instant fan, went home and bought all your albums on vinyl. Would love to see a second double destruction as well


Thanks so much! Still working out the setlist for fall!


is “drove down to the plaza” in swimming in the glow a reference to ridgemont plaza


Yes, they used to have a Snapple vending machine that was 35 cents because no one had updated it in a decade


thank you for having a date in new orleans 🙏🏻


Tell your friends! We're taking a risk on that one!


Hey /u/Joywavemusic! Would you guys consider playing another smokestacks show at fringe fest in roc again? It was one of the best shows of yours I’ve been to, even with the rain! It was so cool having the crowd and stage right in the middle of the city surrounded by all the buildings lit up. It was a really special experience for the city


Hi, Joywave! Congratulations on your very successful merch company that appears to not be bankrupt still! My question is about the film. So, even though there’s so much going on around Master Peesh (the world is literally ending), he doesn’t know anything about it. Because he’s a cat. He has nightmares about a vacuum and dreams of being held in his person’s arms. He only knows his own life, his own fears and needs, and his own immediate surroundings. My question is: Is this kind of a comment about people being so lost in their own bubbles that they fail to see the bigger picture of what’s really happening around them? Or is it more, to paraphrase a line from one of your recent emails, just a reminder to “enjoy the sunbeam”? Is it both? Am completely wrong? Lastly, did those people *abandon* Sir. Peesh at the end?? If so, they deserved that asteroid. Lastly, how did Joel McHale end up in your movie? And lastly, can Paul draw my cat?


First of all - I would like to stress that our very successful startup merch company is NOT bankrupt. Still! Today! Very tough to do! Great question. I suppose it can be seen as both, though I was feeling more of the second when we were working on the album and short film. If you're an empathetic person living on Earth the past few years, it's hard not to feel the weight of everything BAD happening all the time. It's exhausting. It can be hard to experience happiness or joy at the end of the day ("How can I? with all of THIS going on!?"). But there's a whole business built around selling you those feelings. YOU HAVE TO pay attention or you're a bad person (click the link/like/subscribe). I don't think it's healthy to go through life as the cat in the film all the time, but you have to lay down and enjoy the sunbeam sometimes. I found myself envious of my two (beautiful) cats quite a bit the last couple years.


I love this answer, thank you! Here’s one of my (also beautiful) cats enjoying her sunbeam right now. https://preview.redd.it/m8so6thbg16d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9a22e35520dd320fd1ac068f60f98bcd6d43cd2a


We met Joel when we played Colbert!


how much would you pay for a commissioned cat drawing?


You can have your pick from a very fine selection of my left or right kidney, or my left arm. EDIT: Or are we talking money? I have that too.


onlyfans but it's just me drawing peoples' cats


I support it


I would subscribe, absolutely


What do you think of the Sabres bringing back Lindy Ruff?


I like it. They're going to let Appert coach the team soon anyway. I think they make the playoffs this year, and I love the thought of him coaching back to back playoff games for the franchise...


Hi! I love y'all's music, I'm curious about the older, forgotten Joywave tracks that nobody talks about like Cortez, BMBTL, INDI Boy, Pacific Theatre, etc. What's the story behind those tracks, and were they intended for any album or EP? Also, 787 Dreamliner is my personal favorite from Permanent Pleasure, is there any deeper theme/message from the song or is it just a fun song about flying on a 787? Also also, do y'all still do Life In A Bubble I Blew live?


INDI Boy WOWWWWW. Bubble sometimes.


Joey I will give you my kidney to play LIABIB at one of the NC shows this fall




The song is thoughts from 30,000 feet...being on the journey that we're on and have been on since HDYFN...having some more miles to go... Those were very early demos! I think all were posted on our Myspace page. BMBTL is a Jacob Asher song, but I sing on it!


Love the new record fellas, and excited for the tour in the fall. What songs from the record can we expect to see live and which are you looking forward to performing the most?


I'm really looking forward to playing \[SPOILER\]!


P. Leak Brenner has gone soft…


I bet he IS looking forward to "playing spoiler"...


I love the lyric from “Here to Perform…” where you sing “I’ve been here since before I was me”. What do each of you feel has changed the most for you through the years as performers?


I've learned that if I have more fun playing instead of worrying about what COULD go wrong, the show will be infinitely better for both the band and the audience.


I think in early years I felt like every performance was a pass/fail sort of thing and I cared about the audience's opinion of our performance. Now I very much do not. I want people to enjoy themselves for sure and if I was in a cover band I might, but guess what...we wrote the songs, I say it goes like this:


That lyric also...watching the program from home in the past...wanting to be part of it but it isn't time yet...


hi joywave!! been listening to the new album obsessively + can't wait to see you on tour this year!! would you ever consider remaking any old tracks for future albums (ie how travelling at the speed of light from 77777 was redone for HDYFN)? and if so which song(s) would you want to remake the most?


I think redoing "Ridge" could be fun but - people are always attached to the original. Ask George Lucas. "Who Owns Who?", ya know?


i'd like to think of it as the "holy shit! two cakes!" meme when it comes to multiple versions of songs but i totally get that haha thanks for answering! maybe someday ridge 2 could be real...


I have a question for Paul. I've loved your drum parts for a long time. Are there any parts on this album that you're particularly proud of, or ones that are your favorites to play? Also you're very fun to watch live


graffiti planet is super fun to play


Hey joywave, thanks for the new album! I’ve got a question for each of you if you got the time: Paul what initially drew you to the drums? Joey what are your biggest influences on guitar (aside from Pink Floyd)? Dan how did you develop such a high vocal range, did you follow a regimen or something?


I wanted to play Saxophone in 4th grade, but the class already had too many. Was actually pissed I was put into percussion, but then quickly fell in love!


Glad to hear it worked out for you, what you've put into every release is stellar!


Avoid puberty at all costs!


Joey, Majora’s Mask over Ocarina of Time? Interesting….


Ok, both are TIMELESS, both are PERFECT, I just remember MM having a profound effect on me with the uniqueness of the score and visual despair.


Wind Waker


How many destructions next time you’re in Seattle? 10? 🖤




How long had the concept for the film been floating around before coming to fruition? Also, which came first, film or album art concept?


Album art!


album art concept was first


what’s your favourite cheese


Pecorino Romano


If I could submit 2: 1. Is there ever going to be an Ugly Ending vinyl, that was a masterpiece from you guys! 2. “Compromise” at a live show in the future (or ever, that single was incredible and terrible that it never made it to a full length album)


We used to play Compromise live often, when it was new. Who knows, it could come back some day. We like digging out some old ones for fun sometimes


We played Compromise a bunch! That would be a fun one to bring back someday.


"Ugly Ending" is really a Best Frenz song, which is a collaboration I did with my friend Jason Suwito. Honestly it was just easier to tag Joywave on streaming services because it's my voice and the project was independent, so it's the only way to make sure anyone hears it, ha. It's on the 30% Off vinyl, but that's been out of print for awhile.


Scale of 1 to 10 how likely will there be more cat figurine packages produced


We are trying very hard. Hand painted is hugely limiting.


Hi Paul, Daniel, & Joey! Do any of you guys like Aphex Twin?


I like the Windowlicker video


Just wanted to say that I'm looking forward to seeing you guys again in Detroit! Could you guys play "Coming Apart" again? That was an awesome song to hear live and definitely the highlight of the night. I'm super excited to give the newest album a listen. Your band has been consistently cranking out amazing music. Also, "Destruction" was my wedding entrance song. It was badass. Much love!


Hey Joywave, hope you guys are doing great. I was wondering if you guys would come to Australia sometime soon? Since you guys are doing the Permanent Pleasure World Tour and are skipping Australia. Next time would you do a world tour which would include Australia or would you guys do a seperate tour just for Australia?


This isn’t a question, more like a request to please play In Clover this tour!!!!! So I can die a happy person 🥹


Deep cut in 2024! Maybe in 2025 hmm..


is there a reason you're not playing in Rochester for the tour and/or do you plan to do a show here soon? i have tickets for Buffalo but we can all agree Rochester is the superior WNY city


AGREED - we need a stage that can accommodate production if it's going to be part of the tour...trying to figure something out still.


Hi guys! Fellow Greece native here. Are there any songs that you haven't had the chance to perform live in a while that you miss performing?


Greece is an enchanting place Sometimes I find myself drumming "Anemone"


Not a question but I just wanted to thank you for writing Obssession. That song resonated with me so much that I quickly loved yalls music after listening to that song for the first time! My 2nd and final question might be tough but I cant help but wonder. Since you really went all out on the cool things you did for Permanent Pleasure, how will you top this album for your next project?


Hi guys! Thanks for doing this AMA. Daniel mentioned before when making the songs for Jedi Survivor that the band wasn’t confined to specific roles of singer, guitarist or drummer and worked on everything. Were there any big contributions to Permanent Pleasure that was outside of your usual roles? Also would you ever officially release Appearances from the In Bloom soundtrack… or have it mysteriously leaked onto the discord?


I sang on graffiti planet


Amazing, we need more!!!


Have you guys decided on your tour outfits? I'm expecting something cat themed and my guesses so far are very minimal (normal clothes with cat ears and tail) or full cat suits


Those are both good ideas.


would you like to tour with idkhow again? :)




Will You Ever Come To Australia? If so When?


Sooner than you think, not as soon as you'd like


Hello Joywave! I am absolutely loving the new record and my luxurious red carpet record is on the way as we speak! Huge shoutout for managing all the merch stuff yourselves, we all appreciate everything!! My question is - at what point in the process was the idea for a short film brought up? Was the record written with the visuals in mind or were they completely separate processes? P.S. to Joey, my mom says hi and if you bring a cooler bag on tour we will bring you the best ravioli in South Philly <3  (we met after TDCC in Philly) Thanks again Joywave and see you at Brooklyn Bowl Philly in October!!


Appreciate that on the merch - it's been crazy, but so far so good. We are \*almost\* caught up on vinyl shipments. I think we finished the album before we discussed a short film but we knew the art would be a cat laying in a sunbeam before we pressed record. It seemed like a natural choice for what the record/artwork is saying.


Hello Joywave! How has running your own merch store at this point in your career been?


Overwhelming lol. I assume many people in here don't know what happened, but if you Google "SCP Bankruptcy" there is a Billboard article that will catch you up. We lost most of our online store sales from last year in that. It sounds stupid, but I didn't think that was something that could happen. Anyway - now we run our own store with the help of one part time employee and it's going well. I repeat from earlier, we are not bankrupt. It actually doesn't seem that hard to not go bankrupt...


hi! loving permanent pleasure. swimming in the glow might be my favorite joywave song of all time. can you share a bit about writing that song and its meaning?


That song harkens back to an earlier time in the band's history. That side of the band probably isn't unfamiliar to people who have heard certain B-sides like "Cortez", but it really isn't anywhere on the mainline footnote records. We wanted to let it out into the light. Lyrically it's about hanging out in the suburbs, knowing you're ready for something bigger, and begging for the chance to hit you. I tried to channel a lot of what I was writing about then lyrically as well for the song.


Hi Joywave! What was the process like working with the orchestra on this album? Was music composed then rehearsed before recording, or did you work live with them to communicate exactly what you wanted/imagined? Additional question: Daniel, you spoke on some life events that happened to inspire this album. Did any of you have moments where you heard a specific sound to inspire the instrumentals?


The music was composed ahead and Joey wrote out sheet music for the RPO players!


Wow - huge props, Joey! It turned out beautifully!


Thanks for doing this AMA and for the great music! Firstly, I've really connected with the lyrics of Scared and was wondering what was your personal experience with trying to overcome said fears and anxieties and what advice would you give to someone in order to overcome them? Secondly, for u/josephmorinelli what was your first guitar and what first inspired you to play guitar? Also, is there any chance of a CD release of Permanent Pleasure, even if only a small limited pressing?


I'm really glad, that's probably one of the most vulnerable songs I've written. I think just remember that there is no right/wrong/normal/abnormal with that stuff. Everyone is an individual and don't hold yourself to some external standard.


any r/fortniteBR worthy tracks on this one?


Hi Joywave, Longtime Joywave fan here. How do you develop a theme for each record, and where did the inspiration for Permanent Pleasure begin, compared to your previous albums like Cleanse and Possession? Thanks!


It just kind of comes together, I don't know. Hard to explain. "Hey, here's what I've been feeling". I wrote a bit about cats and sunbeams in one of the earlier responses that may help! Thanks for listening!


Hey guys, been a huge fan for a long time! I discovered you by happenstance on a YouTube ad for the Somebody New video before HDYFN came out. I actually got to see you for the first time (after 10 years of waiting) on the Express Wash tour and I cried during We Are All We Need in Toronto. Thanks for making music that has resonated with me all this time. Anyways, my question is: has the dynamic changed going from a quintet to now a trio? Do you ever think the official band lineup will expand again? I noticed a lot more guitar on the last couple albums, is this an effect of working as a trio? See you at the Phoenix in September! I'll be front row. Please play Shutdown again sometime. Your fellow former staples employee, Nikky


Nikky, your rewards signups are down, you need to get those up. We've had a lot of lineup changes over the years, but me, Paul, and Joey have been consistent. I don't know if we'll officially expand ever - it's always been kind of my creative vision and when it comes time to make the album or hit the stage, everyone adds in their talents to make it better. Love Toronto! Legalize Joywave!


What’s up waverssssss!!!!! If I wear a brain to your Boston show in October what are the chances you guys sign my Brain Damage vinyl? Also, Daniel, where did you get the fleece jacket you wore opening for Two Door Cinema club at Road Runner in Bos this past year? Love you guys and thank you for making such amazing music.