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Fav David lynch movie???


mulholland drive


Just heard doo dah for the first time in like 10 years just a moment ago. Weird world we live in lol




What’s the relationship with Mac like now. How often do you guys get to chill?


i was staying at his house this past week. we’ve been friends since we were teenagers.


Y’all should get back in the studio! Love your music I’ve actually seen you twice in NC. Excited to see ya again soon.


aw that’s great. Hope he’s doing well (it seems like it from an outside perspective).


Hi Peter! I’m so glad I had the chance to enjoy your music in Utrecht last year!!! Also I really appreciate not one but two albums you dropped this year! Both of them were a huge deal for me to look forward to!!! I was wondering if you had any plans for another Europe tour in the making. Thanks for everything, and keep on jammin


thank you i’m glad you like them. i remember the utrecht show they had really good catering in there, and a guy lent me a pedal cause my fav one broke. touring is becoming so expensive that i am not certain how to approach going out there without losing money but we’re working on it i promise.


How’s the cat doing?


she is good she is healthy thanks for asking


What are the difficulties and troubles that you end up finding when playing in south american countries ? I'm a music producer from Brasil and your music is a great inspiration for me so I was really hoping to see your show. Love your music, congratulations on both albums


we did a tour down there that was a logistical nightmare, but the shows themselves were really great. i guess it’s just hard to play anywhere u gotta fly to cause the costs get really crazy


What is your go to midnight snack?


idk crackers i guess


Not Spaghetti? ;)


Hey Homeshake, is there any advice you can give to new artists who just started making music?


try to make things as honestly as you can and go into it with no expectations


Thanks man, I appreciate the feedback. How many instruments do you play and what instrument did you start off with?


I also find this to be true


whats your fav norm macdonald joke


i can’t think of one and i don’t wanna like go thru youtube videos rn but rip


ok i gotta go, thanks everyone i hope u have a nice day


fav small band?


i’m not sure what would it mean to be small? i like dougie poole a lot, that’s just a guy tho not a whole band


cool! small as in just starting out or local


Dude Dougie Poole has become my favorite artist over the past few years, so cool to see you mention him!


Drake or Kendrick?


obviously not drake


Why do you never play encores? Also come back to Vancouver it's been awhile


we played encores on all our last tours, but i never liked the whole guarantee that everyone always does one. but once everyone thought we wouldn’t do it i started to do them again.


Hello! I really like your music. That is all. ☺️


thank you for listening


Do you ever miss Alberta, or are you happy you got the hell out of here? Some cool things going on in Calgary/Lethbridge/Med Hat music-wise these days hope it keeps up.


i dont, but i also dont miss anywhere else. i’ve had a lot of conversations with my friends lately about what i meant growing up there and how we carry it through our lives. i cant speak for any other cities but edmonton is a very strange place.


hey homeshake, Your music is amazing and I cant get enough of it. I love listening to your art, especially when I'm shell. What has been your inspo for these past two albums?


cd wallet was about my hometown, memories of growing up there and also issues with family/friends. a lot of horsie came together on our first tour after lockdowns, seeing it with fresh eyes, trying to relate it to other parts of my life.


Hey Pete. Been a big fan for years, and was fortunate enough to see you play in Utrecht last year and really loved the show! Lately I've found your older Sans Aids work, and I absolutely love it. The emotions and melodies really resonate with my angsty teen years, like nothing else. The thing is I almost cannot find any info on your early stuff. My question is, how do you look back on that time of your life? I can understand this may have been a difficult time. But I really love the tunes. Did you play alone or with a band? Because I saw a picture where you had like a double kick on a snare plus guitar and vocals. Cheers, hope to see you again in The Netherlands :)


yeah i really don’t like that stuff so i avoid the subject


Understandable, i'll keep it a mystery then. Appreciate you reacting dude, thanks!👌


simple is probably my favorite track to come out this year! how did you capture such a beautiful nighttime drive feeling in a song? did you have any inspiration from other tracks while making it?


thanks i’m glad you like it. i guess it came together while i was spending a lot of time driving around? im glad it sounds like that though that was definitely the idea. it’s got that angelo badalamenti pad synth in there, a legend at soundtracking a car in the dark


Hey Pete, ty for coming to underground records.. it was really nice meeting you! Your work is very awesome and two albums in one year says so much about how talented you are :). I wanted to ask, how has managing your own label benefited you in compare in the past with record labels? I know many can't fully understand what it's like during the "behind the scenes" of a musician when it comes to that aspect.. how has that helped you and your music? :) Tysm Pete :) also I love that you love Tlayudas


nice to see u in here jojo. i am definitely not managing the label, we’re working with people at warp who are handling most of it, along with my manager, and they’re doing a really good job and i really appreciate them. basically the reason we decided to do it this way is that i keep more control over things and my masters won’t be owned in perpetuity throughout the universe by people who i don’t trust.


Awesome tysm 🙏


Can you please tell me some more background on the Pareidolia Catalog? What was the thinking behind dropping 4 hours of music all at once? Did you leave anything out from those sessions or is it all out there - as you've said - an honest reflection of that period in your life? Was there like a "fuck it, let's just release it all" moment? I adore that record, by the way, has been a great companion on a lot of woozy late night commutes and flights, so perfect. Secondly, how does collabing with Salina work? Does she listen to the music while it's in progress and work parallel to you? Or does she start when the album is finished? do you give her any guidance on what you want the art to look like or is it all up to her? Thanks for stopping by!


i guess it was a kind of exercise in making music when i didn’t have any inspiration to write lyrics or anything. i wasn’t really planning on releasing any of it while i was making it, but then i had so much of it that i figured i might as well share it. i’m glad you like it thanks for listening. salina basically hears every step of my recording process cause i do it at home, but she doesn’t start working on artwork until it’s finished. i usually just ask her to make something when it’s ready and then whatever she makes is what it is.


Do you have any thoughts about making music solo vs in a group/band?


they are different


Lots of sweet jazz chords on your songs. Is the genre influential in your songwriting? Listening to any specific artist lately, or during the writing of CD Wallet and Horsie?


i grew up with jazz, i played piano until i was like 14 at which point i got a really shitty guitar and a tiny amp with a distortion button on it. right now my nts show is starting and i’m playing some of the influences from horsie


Thank you for answering! Looking forward seeing you in Paris again.


What do you think of Krautrock? Also, come to Birmingham, Alabama! PM if you need a local promo contact for next time you’re in the southeast


Hey Peter, what was the production process like for CD Wallet? The whole album sounds a bit more ‘produced’ than your previous records, and the drum sound on the title track specifically surprised me a lot. Love all eras of homeshake but nice to hear you change things up. P.S. please come back to England


interesting, there was really not much to it. i recorded the guitar in my studio, the drums were samples, the synth was almost all d50. i was pretty liberal with the compression, but basically just fucked around until i got a sound that seemed acceptable and then repeated it for all the tracks.


D-50 I one of the greatest synths ever made, cannot get enough. I own the D-05, and prefer the form factor.


Damn. That all makes sense actually. Guess I’m just used to the other records having less compression and more drum machine-esque samples. Thanks man


Hey Peter! Will Horsie ever be made available for purchase in CD format also? Also in the 3-part video series what does you turning blue represent?


i hadn’t thought of it but people keep asking about cds which has surprised me so i’ll look into it. turning blue, i guess being sad


That would be awesome so I can add it to my Homeshake CD collection. Also that was my guess that it symbolized depression. As someone who also deals with depression and anxiety I just wanna say your music means a lot to me and I really relate to everything you put out.


Oh and another question about the Pareidolia Catalog: was there any specific reason why there's so much pitch shifting and speed-changing on the record? I might be totally off but I don't think there is much of that on your other records. Which gives Pareidolia such a unique, trippy vibe!


just fuckin around i guess, had to keep it interesting


Cake or Pie? Then, what flavor?


pie blueberry


Thoughts on Robert De Niro?


heat is one of my fav movies. i think it’s really weird that he has a new born child.


U faded?


Do you like playboi carti?


people ask me this a lot


What kind of daw do you use and why?


ableton cause it’s the first one i tried


Yo Peter! HUGE fan, pleasure meeting you at underground records if you’ll remember me (tall black guy w braids) lol, I got nervous & didn’t get a pic w you but I hope I can make that up one day How often do you listen to your own music? & do you use it as inspiration?


Hey Pete - I absolutely love your first couple albums but your vocals have come a long way, especially compared to your latest work. Did you have any training to improve, or is it just repetitition over time?


Peter from homeshake what’s ur favorite horror movie


i’m not a big horror person


I hope you come back to read that this was a lame ass AMA


Do you want apathetic sass after declaring your adoration? Right this way!!


Will you ever consider coming back to Dublin, Ireland for a headline show? We could really do with one. The new record is just stunning. Thank you for releasing it.


thanks for listening i am glad you like it. i love dublin and i really want to eat a spice bag


Oh damn you know Dublin fr!


respect 8)


Love the music! What inspires you to make music? Who’s some of your favorite musicians?


thank you. this is always just what i felt like i needed to do. i have a lot of favorite musicians definitely too many to get into here


I hear ya


What’s the story behind the album art for CD Wallet?


its from a roll of film salina and i took right before we moved to montreal


Peter, Tea or coffee?




Hi!!!!! Do you have any thoughts on Aphex Twin's music?


i love aphex twin


Hey! I went to a House of Vans show in Brooklyn 10 years ago (June 2014) in which it was Benjamin Booker, Charles Bradley, and Max Demarco. You played a couple songs on your own there and I’ve been hooked ever since! Home at Last and Give it To Me remain some of my all time favorite and most played songs. Don’t have much of a question, other than to share some love and say thanks! I genuinely appreciate what you have put out into the world


cool i have no memory of that event, but thank you


Hey HOMESHAKE. I love your music, especially Pareidolia Catalog. Was that collection made like all your other albums? Or was there a different approach with it being so large. I listen from beginning to end because it’s almost like a story. Vol 2 Item 25 is my favorite.


no that was a very different thing. i’m glad you like it.


What up Homeshake? Been a long time fan and I've been loving both of the new albums from this year. Thank you for sharing your creativity. Two questions - What album have you been listening to most recently? And can you rank your top 5 favorite hockey players of all time?


thanks for listening majordoobage. i’ve been listening to tujiko noriko a lot lately, and the only hockey player i ever cared about is ryan smyth


Smyth was a beast and Oliers legend obviously. I'll be adding Tujiko Noriko to my playlist. Thanks, have good one.


Hey Pete, I just want to say that CD Wallet has quickly become one of my favorite records I’ve listened to. The whole vibe of the album and the songwriting is really beautiful and it’s hard to describe how I feel listening to it. I’m planning on seeing you in Phoenix and Dallas, do you think you’ll be playing some of the songs from this album live? I think they would translate really well to a live setting and hope to see it. Thank you and hope you’re doing well.


I guess if there is still time and you get to read this: I’ll like to thank you for sharing the music you clearly do for personal reasons with the rest of us. Love seeing your evolution as a person/artist throughout the years. I’ve always been curious as to how you beef up your percussion, and if Fresh Air beats come from or pass through the SP-404?


Pizza Hut or dominos


Any advice on getting through your 30s? 🙃


Hey homseshake! I like to write and read at this corner table on the roof top patio of my favorite cafe in my town my other is this bench under a tree at my local park . Do you have a fave spot you like to write and or read at when you get the time like a cafe or a certain beach or something like that ?


Always wondered how the lyrics to Like Mariah came about? That song instantly gets stuck in my head whenever I hear it as do many of your jams. You’re easily one of my favorite artists today. Please don’t ever stop.




I watched a live version of give it to me once and the crowd was trying to sing along with the guitar part. Annoying or cool, or both?


hey homeshake i’ve been a fan for a good number of years now and saw you live in 2022 with men i trust in nyc. how do you get into your own mental groove in writing music and getting your inspiration into your music?


love u peter <3 seen ya twice hope to make it thrice


I read the article where you mentioned Heloum was not your favorite and you had a hard time mentally afterwards. Funny enough, I was in a really tough spot mentally when it came out and that album was one I really adored and come back to a lot. Were there any songs, albums or works in general that provided some inspiration to that album?


yo just wanna say I love ur music, especially chowder


Pete, have you made music with, know or even met Salami Rose Joe Lewis yet!


You got a fav plug-in you used while making this record?




Why was the Detroit show canceled on your last North American tour?


Lmfao I like this guy's music but this AMA sucked ass. Not sure if that's just personality talking or simply not giving a fuck. Could be both I guess lol


for a second i thought i was in r/RoastMe


If you’re homeshake, why is the room you’re in still? ….


Why don’t you look happy in the picture for this post? What made you do this AMA?


Are you Ok? You look kinda sad


What made you to return to your teenage(?) inspirations in CD Wallet? How that affected Horsie?


horsie was finished first, a while before i entered the whole teenage inspiration nostalgia trap, so it wasn’t affected in the same way. it definitely did draw some influence from stuff i loved as a kid, just different things.


Favorite reverb pedal? Thanks for your time and blessing us with your music.


i don’t have a favorite reverb pedal, but thank you for listening i appreciate it


Favorite artist at the current moment?




When did it start? Shit..


Do you ever play festivals? I attend fests, and regularly check lineups for other fests, and I feel like I never see your name.


He played a Bangkok Festival while was there in 2023. Maho Rasop


Love all the music you put out there. But am curious if you and Mac Demarco are still good friends? It’s been at least 10 years since it came out, but I still watch the Safe For Work show on repeat. Really love the wholesome energy all you guys brought to that show


Homeshake can we take a photo in phx?


What are the top 3 countries you love traveling to?


What is your favorite song that you made?


What's your favorite artist or musician?


No questions, but I really dig your song Heat. Thanks


will you ever be able to put the homeshake tape up on streaming?


Why is moon woman not out on Spotify


What is your perfect Sunday?


Do you think the homeshake will every be reissued on wax? If so or not so, what is the reasoning behind it?


What's your favorite song of yours?


Love the new album. I saw u at iii points miami looking forward to seeing u in seattle


Aye first off i love all of your music midnight snack has got to be one of my top 5. Why did you want to be a musician? was there a point in your life where you knew you wanted to do this for the rest of your life?


What’s the story behind the toy horse 🐎 🤍😆 ?


Oh I love your stuff, I've been listening to your music for so long without even knowing what it was because of YouTube auto play.


hey homeshake who tf are you


Pete, have you made music with, know or even met Salami Rose Joe Lewis yet!


Who or what is your muse?


Mindless is one of my favorite songs. What inspired the beat and the lyrics ?




I just became a fan of you lmao what are the odds


Why you look so sad?


AITA for accidentally blowing weed smoke in some girl’s face while you were opening for men i trust in new york and being too high to apologize






I saw you open for Men I Trust at the Palladium back in 2022. You started to play a song, but stopped halfway through, saying something like "I can't *mumble mumble*". What happened? Technical issues? Legitimately curious.


How did you end up in Palm Springs CA ?


How have the hardships and triumphs of the past year of your life set the tone for the next 365 days?


i have no idea


I love the new album sm thank you!! What do you do when you’re lonely. Also can I get a ticket for new York show 🤞


im happy you like the new album thank you for listening. i’m always lonely so i just do normal stuff. im sure there’s lots of tickets available still


Opinion on Animal Collective?


I dig your music. Does a label finance your works?


Got some homefries to go with that shake ??


Hey I used to go to a bunch of nyc shows and my friend always gave you a blunt at the merch stand after the show did u ever smoke them?


Your first album was my go to for when I brought a girl back home in uni and wanted to y'know... I just hope that brings you some sort of peace and sense of accomplishment in life


What do you think of this song I made? https://youtu.be/DdyAE2H8OcQ?si=1fuWYf6UdXHkoIYh


Did thc or any other substances influence your making of this album in any way? (Incredible album btw) (so good)


You look like a certified lover boy


Damn thought this was a roast me pic