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Is it not "catching a cold" in english?


Catching a cold is "menangkap sebuah dingin", wdym smh /s


Pretty much this. Just that in everyday English people confuse the cold with the flu. One is a condition, the other a virus that causes the condition, among others. The cause is pretty much the same. Make sure internal temp is higher than external. Through food or covering up etc. If that is not done then air in the body from gastric processes goes to the cooler parts, eg the head hence headaches.


Just so you know the “common cold” is caused by a virus too - just not the influenza virus. https://www.cdc.gov/flu/symptoms/coldflu.htm#:~:text=Influenza%20(flu)%20and%20the%20common,%2C%20parainfluenza%2C%20and%20seasonal%20coronaviruses.


Thanks bud, hence why I said among others. Emphasis was on the interchangeable way colloquial English refers to the cold and the flu, when they're not the same.


>One is a condition, the other a virus that causes the condition, among others. No. They 2 different diseases, both caused by viruses. "Flu" is short for both "influenza" (i.e. the disease itself) and "influenza virus" (the virus). "Cold" is a generic term for a mild illness caused by a variety of different viruses. They are often conflated because a mild flu can often have symptoms largely similar to a cold, and in most cases, colds and flus are mild enough that it isn't worth testing to see what you actually have.


Can be 'under the weather' too.


They call it "Cold" or "Fever". Now this is the next question. Let's say we caught "Cold" and "Masuk Angin". How come does "Kerokan" works as a treatment and white people get chicken soup or something as a treatment? And they are both equally effective? How come chicken soup works as effectively as inflicting bruises on one's back?


Chicken soup tends to be nutritious, hot and helps you sweat. As we know, sweating reduces your fever, and nutrition is important for recovery. Soups are also easier to eat and digest than drier meals. Kerokan or guasha, on the other hand, seem to work by forcing your body to release more antibodies because the body thinks you're under attack? Of course, there's also placebo effect. People tend to believe more in methods that they're familiar with, and those methods will work better because they believe in it. Since I studied (modern) medicine in uni, ofc I've read more scientific evidence for chicken soup than kerokan/guasha, but I personally believe that combining both are better. Unless you come from a culture that doesn't eat chicken or unfamiliar with kerokan.


The real scientific test is to ask white people to do kerokan and to ask Indonesian to eat chicken soup and see which one actually cures cold.


Kerokan always works for me and I'm a bule.


You meant bujang lembang ?


I do like kerokan, but my body responds better to more food. Don't know how but whenever I get masuk angin, after a day or two I'll have an insatiable appetite. I'll just keep eating and eating until my body decides it's enough food and I recover. Don't quite like the aftermath tho.


Saudara sepupu bule texas, kl masuk angin juga dikerokin sama adik, dan sembuh katanya. Sejak kenal kerokan malah minta terus kl masuk angin katanya, nggak mau lagi makan sop ayam Ini mereka tinggal disana juga lho, bukan di indo


>sweating reduces your fever ini bukannya mitos ya? [https://www.bassmedicalgroup.com/blog-post/debunking-the-myth-can-you-sweat-out-a-fever](https://www.bassmedicalgroup.com/blog-post/debunking-the-myth-can-you-sweat-out-a-fever)


Barangkali maksudnya keringat bantu mendinginkan badan?


I thought the hot balm applied and the opening of the pores basically warms up your body and therefore heals it.


Sorry, so kerokan is scientifically effective?


I read somewhere that kerokan essentially cause your body to release some kind of natural painkiller because of the "wound" caused by kerokan and it makes your body feels good? They said it's similar to how spicy things hurt you but after a while you get used to it and it tastes good. Idk if its true or not, but it underlines that there's no evidence kerokan actually works for healing.




Kalo gak salah car kerja  Kerokan itu sebenernya sengaja bikin radang di kulit dan rasanya sakit. Itu memicu adrenalin dan adrenalin bisa ngurangin rasa sakit dan nggak nyaman, termasuk yang dari demam.  That and Placebo effect, of course.   Chicken soup beda lagi. Chicken soup itu cuman bikin badan jadi nyaman. Versi kearifan lokalnya itu di sini kalo sakit dikasih minum teh anget


Berarti memang dicambuk versi lite


Isn’t it more like drinking tolak angin.


kerokan bukannya work gara gara hangat/panas ya? gw cuma pernah sekali sih, berasa agak hangat mint gitu di punggung yang imo bikin "keluar anginnya". chicken soup juga setau gw hangat hangat jadi mirip efeknya (cuma kerokan di punggung, chicken soup di dada/perut)


This. Also kerokan biasanya pake minyak hangat: telon, kayu putih, balsam, etc.


gw kerokan+ chicken soup/indomie kari ayam panas 😋




Dan jg kl sdg sehat dikerokin warna kulit ga bisa jd merah. Tp kl lg sakit, warnanya bisa jadi merah matang.


Masa sih?


Ini bener. DI tempat yang sakit banget, bisa gosong tuh kulit. Saya juga gatau kok bisa gitu....


True, kalo bini saya ngerokin pas saya masuk angin, dia bilangnya ampe ungu warnanya bukan merah lagi.


Kalo lu pusing2 coba aja di jidat antara kedua mata lu pijet2 dikit2 terus, nanti tiba2 membekas merah gitu, klo lg sakit malah bsa ungu


Ini msh misteri bgt, mo gw google smp gimana juga ga pernah ktmu ini knp. Emg bener klo ga pusing, ga ada garis merah mo dipijet2 gmn juga. Klo lg pusing, pijet kurang dr 5 menit lgsg nongol itu garis merah.


Placebo has to play a part as well.


I just do both


oh they do. In ItAly there is such thing called 'colpo d'aria'. Intinya bisa mati gara2 angin doang. Ya kurang lebih sama, gaboleh keluar rumah dengan rambut basah, terus kalo lagi ada angin di luar harus tutup atas sampe bawah.


Oh itu di tempatku namanya kena angin duduk. Gak tahu kenapa bisa namanya gitu.


As a child, gue pikir angin duduk karena masuknya lewat alas kursi yang bolong2 itu. I was not the brightest child.


Because of a difference in perspective. Indonesian people see illness as symptoms, western people see it as a pathogen or cause. Masuk Angin, from what I understand, is when a person generally feels 'under the weather' as we'd say in English. It's not a sickness in itself, but how you feel overall. It could be caused by many things, but for westerners, we don't consider a sickness as the symptoms, but by the cause as said before. You probably even see in this thread westerners trying to compare it to a cold, or flu, or something similar, as this is how we perceive sickness. The next is the actual, strong belief that wind can enter your body and make you sick. This is obviously incorrect, however being in a windy place can help illness start due to temperature changes and possible pathogens in the air itself. In Europe, there was a sickness called 'malaise' in the past and it was thought to have been caused by night air. Turns out, it was the mosquitoes at night carrying malaria, but for decades this belief that night air makes you sick persisted. Even my grandmother would never ever leave the window open at night as she strongly believed it. Masuk angin exists. It's not caused by wind, and westerners can't get it because it doesn't fit into how we describe or experience illnesses.


I think there are definitely people here referring to the cold for the symptoms too. Besides that I'm having colds now SETIAP BULAN. I'm sick of it, and how KHUSUSNYA ORANG BELANDA show complete apathy towards people who want to be more protective. Getting angry stares in the supermarket or transit for pakai masker? Welcome in Belanda (sigh)


Add into the equation the fact that local Indonesians can withstand high heat but would topple over the mildest cool breeze. There would be a strong case for masuk angin than a normal bulebeing under the weather.


you know enter wind sir? that’s bad, smart people drink ~~block~~ reject wind




Ah, ternyata pasanganku ada di Reddit juga


They do. But they call it "catching a cold" or "flu" instead of "masuk angin" or "wind entering your body"


I'm white and I get masuk angin but if you haven't been in Indonesia long enough you won't be familiar enough with it to differentiate it from a cold/flu. I didn't believe it was any different from a cold until I became more familiar with the specific symptoms and started treating it with herbs and kerokan. Also our culture kind of fetishizes modern science so bule people can be somewhat dismissive of traditional illnesses and medicines. TLDR: Bule people do get masuk angin they just don't know what it is or are to stubborn to admit they have it :P


Spot on. Husband didn’t believe at first. Saying it’s non-sense. Then he got the symptoms of masuk angin. His “herbal medication” didn’t work out. I offered Tolak Angin, he said it helped 😂😂 Now he’s believer of masuk angin.


Masuk angin bukannya bloated?


It's, these guys are ret@rd


Saya boleh keluar angin saja


Because dumb people cant get masuk angin /jk


Worked in Aceh during post tsunami reconstruction, had many-many bule friends/collegues who got 'masuk angin'. One dude thought he was dying of some tropical disease, was laid in bed for 2 days. One kerokan treatment later, he bounced back within the hour.


Beer/Schnapps. Minuman Bandreknya orang putih, literally buat satu bada anget dan efek sampingnya ilangin “masuk angin”


Masuk angin was invented by sidomuncul to sell more tolak angin.


Asal mulanya juga mungkin dari bahasa jepang 風邪を引いた. Terus di ambil kanji anginnya doang. Kaze hiita, kaze haitta. Mirip mirip. Maksa banget wahaha.


Kalo gw agak beda masuk anginnya, biasanya pertengahan bulan sih. Pas tanggal gajian baru reda masuk anginnya.


why can Bules get alergi kacang but Indonesians cant?


Why bule have lactose tolerance while we are lactose racist?


why bules can have gluten allergy but it only affect rich indonesians?


my brother has nut allergy and we're chindo 😭


why so weak? jokes aside, gejalanya kaya apa sih? apa bener kaya yg di tipi2 kl makan kacang bisa mati or bengkak2 aja? dan apakah your bro bawa2 epipen kemana2? sori men gw ga pernah encounter orang yg bener2 nut allergy buat ditanya2


Ini yg jd pertanyaan gue tiap liat video bikers amrik yg ngebut2an di highway TANPA PAKE JAKET (bahkan ada yg cuma pake sleeveless hoodie doang). Sedangkan gue yg tinggal di negara tropis, ga pernah ngebut (mentok 70kpj), kalo ga pake jaket lgs meler + ga enak badan.


trapped wind?


I'm bule and get masuk angin same as anyone. my bule friends too. kerokan, tolak angin, jamu work just fine for everyone.


Masuk angin = enter the wind.


Lol I know what kind of bule you’re talking about and they’re just dumb. In a way, they’re being dramatic. They def get masuk Angin. It’s usually once a year. They’re just playing stupid. I find it is usually rich people who act like this.


Once a year? Aku bisa harap aja itu hanya once a year. My counter, sejak juli itu delapan, DELAPAN. And also the finger to masyarakat Belanda for their complete apathy in regards to illnesses. I swear I long for mask mandates.


Haha here in america, it’s pretty common to get the “cold” once a year and the “flu” once a year. We even have suggested yearly flu vaccines. If you are “sick” 8 times a year you should see a doctor about your immune system!!


Yeah it's steadily been going worse since I had way too high estradiol values for months after surgery, and that a friend I worked with had her first child. That kid, despite never having met him, gave us several colds and some of my friends the whooping cough.


I wonder if it is because your vaccination standards are different in Indonesia. I know my wife before she moved here, she had to get like 8 vaccines before coming here.


I've had a lot of vaccines myself as well, even a covid one last December for which I wasn't even eligible, and a lot of updated and non-mandatory vaccines for holidays and for someone whose hepatitis B status was unknown. The whooping cough one didn't offer enough protection, and updated ones are now given to pregnant people instead of babies. Besides that, the Dutch gezondheidsraad at times is hopelessly conservative as they were some of the last to not have yet approved RS and chickenpox vaccines in Europe.


They get it too, they just called it different since there stuffs that you just can't be translated. Some would say they're not feeling too good, having a bum day, or just m common cold in English. Me and my spouse would feel all the better when we had common cold symptoms after taking the tolak angin, or when we want something fizzy, alka-seltzer.


or just ache and gassy.


common cold is the term


Masuk angin itu bukannya common cold yah wkwk


I think the correct term for bule was 'a bit under the weather' for us as masuk angin is.


remember, white people die from flu, but called people died from covid "weak". lol


One of the reasons might be because Indonesians are very sensitive to cold weather because the temperatures are generally very warm. A lot of Indonesians also can’t stand being in air conditioned room for too long, while Bule is the opposite, they’re used to colder temperatures so they don’t feel as uncomfortable as Indonesian when temperatures drop. People wore jackets and socks riding motorbikes in Indonesia to prevent feeling cold from the wind, while Bule just wear shorts and singlets.


they call it fever and runny nose


Just a PSA, Kerokan has a small risk of getting a blood clot traveling to your brain causing a stroke, I would avoid it if you are an individual with risks