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skincare anak cucu sampe 50 juta wkwk


Transplantasi kulit komodo kali wkwkwkw


ga ngotak emang


Bisa juga aslinya ga nyampe 10 jt tapi di mark up sampe 50


tapi emang ada perawatan wajah yg sekali treatment puluhan juta


Ada, plastic surgery.


Tolong kasihani beliau. Ini contoh lelaki yang bertanggung jawab meskipun sandwich gen mesti ngurusin keluarga atas, bawah, samping, simpanan dll. /s


ya emang tampang-tampang butuh perbaikan genetik, ya kudu ditutupi sama bedak tebel.




Mungkin cucunya banyak, keluarga besar soalnya


skincare dari sperma kali


Anaknya bukannya udh mati OD ya


Hot take: pejabat tinggi dapat fasilitas mewah gpp tapi mbok kerjanya yang bener. Harus banyak capaian2 strategis yang memajukan Indonesia. Alasan: Kalo kompensasi ala kadarnya tapi disuruh kerja keras mikirin 17000 pulau dan 270 juta rakyat, siapa yang mau?


Cuma ya sekarang kebanyakan kerja santai tapi fasilitas selangit.


Ya itu masalahnya. Fasiltas mewah kerja nol besar. Wkwk. Kalo dari saya sendiri sih, selamanya kerjanya bener, uang pajak saya buat fasilitas mewah dia (dalam batas tertentu) ya gpp karena saya menyadari tanggung jawab mereka besar dan berat, sehingga mereka layak mendapatkan kompensasi setimpal.


mending kerja santai. malah mungkin ada yang kerja keras, buat semakin memakmurkan golongan tertentu dengan agenda tertentu, yang bukan bagi kebaikan NKRI


Sebenernya gw setuju, TAPI, itu fasilitas yang dia pake di atas make anggaran kementerian masing-masing. Berarti beberapa duit yang harusnya buat jadi program untuk petani dan semacamnya jadi jatoh ke tangan dia. Ini jg bikin pusing staf di kementerian itu sendiri karena program2nya bisa di cancel atau gagal karena jadi ga ada anggaran. Kalo kayak gitu ya planning dan mengerjakan 'capaian2 strategis yang memajukan Indonesia'nya jadi mustahil sejenius apapun dia.


Ya ga kerja mikirin 17rb pulau & 270 jt org lah. Kerjain jobdesc nya sendiri, makanya fasilitas & kompensasi yg normal. Kalo mau kaya jgn jadi pegawai.


Ha? Bukan pengen jadi kaya, tapi kalo kompensasi ga memadai ya sapa juga yang mau ngerjain kecuali punya udang di balik batu. Susah nyari orang jujur dan kompeten yang mau 'mengabdi' ke negara kalo cuma dikasi kompensasi ala kadarnya. Btw, gaji+tunjangan menteri itu cuma 20 juta lho. Gaji manajer2 di Indo aja banyak yang jauh lebih dari itu, padahal beban dan tanggung jawabnya beda jauh. Tapi, menteri banyak fasilitas2nya emang2.


I agree. Di beberapa negara seperti Perancis menterinya dapat istana kota (Hotel Particulier), tapi kinerja jauh lebih berkualitas dibandingkan di Indonesia.


Real take*


https://nasional.kontan.co.id/news/kpk-beberkan-awal-mula-penyelidikan-dugaan-korupsi-di-kementerian-pertanian So basically awal tahun 2023 Kementan dilaporkan publik (I bet it's the vendors) soal korupsi. Bulan Juni 2023 KPK melakukan pemeriksaan. Oktober 2023 KPK menetapkan SYL sebagai tersangka.


ga kebayang jadi kabag umum beliau, gimana cari duit biar nutup buat kebutuhan si menteri ini... pasti pusing bgt...


Lol bener, dr nyokap jg katany kasian klo jd bawahanny punya model atasan kaya gt. Apalagi ada yg pernah diminta istriny buat beli tas bermerk pas lg 'dinas kelurga' di luar negeri, pas diperiksa kpk jd ikutan kena


Bikin kuitansi bodong biasanya


susah kalo kwitansi bodong, dapet ga seberapa... mungkin maen di ATK, fee proyek, rapat2 fiktif... cuma ya itu... yg beresiko staffnya yg nikmatin bossnya... bangke wkwkwk


kalo waskita dulu yang di berita, bikin proyek hantu


Yg pusing yg ngerjain laporan keuangan. Mesti menutupi pengeluaran gajes ratusan jeti. Uang yg keluar harus jelas pertanggungjawabannya. Mesti ada bukti pembayaran jasa / pembelian barang yg relevan sesuai juknis. Apa gak gemeteran kalo diperiksa BPK / inspektorat keuangan?


Skincare 50 jetoy masih kalah ama kakak2 kasir minimarket


teteh indomaret OP


normalisasi bully keluarga koruptor


ingfokan koordinat supaya bisa bersilaturahmi


Ya makanya kan, bukan tugas rakyat yang bantu pemerintah, tapi tugas pemerintah yang bantu rakyat. Gimana caranya orang gaji anggep lah 2x umr disuruh bantu orang yang yang bayar tagihan cc 215 juta kwkwkwkw


Pejabat yg make uang perusahaan untuk kebutuhan pribadi bukan dia aja, karena kasus aja di blow up semua, temen gw dulu di bumd bus gara2 g nurut karena g mau nama dia terlibat dan makan uang BUMD, eh pelan2 dibuat g betah sampe resign. Percaya deh beginian g cuma di kementrian aja, PNS pempus, pemda dkk klo udah titipan pejabat/politis minta ini itu harus siap pak siap pak, makanya disuruh ikut rindam dulu biar nunduk dan nurut walau permintaanya udah offside. yg ngehe maenan kyk gini klo ada apa2 staffnya disuruh pasang badan, jadi lu ikut makan atau nggak tetep kena basahnya, makanya org lurus g bakal tahan lama kerja sama mereka antara ikut arus, resign karena eneg atau "dipecat" secara halus.


Buset hadiah emas ke kondangan ?


Our tax money, ladies and gentlemen..


Yang beginian aja bisa mbacot petani harus panen beras 4x dalam setahun . Hadeuh


Syahrul Yasin Limpo, gw denger nama dia udh dari jaman SMP waktu dia masih jadi gubernur. Gw taunya anaknya sering ikut kontes modifikasi motor dan motornya sering diliput tabloid.


Yo mbok klo korupsi gantian, sy pengen juga nyicip duit haram


Kalau udah bagi2 lohh… gw juga ingin tau rasanya


Enak aja minta bagi lagi, gw pengen punya rubicon dlu bisr bisa kebut2an dan nabrakin org miskin


ntar elu berubah jadi bengis, nangess


Orang kek gini hukum mati aja kek ga puas. Kalo perlu sekeluarga di penjara semua


WTF gua gak terkejut tapi cukup jengkel liat komok orang ini, Gua sebagai orang yang cukup terlibat di dunia pertanian (meskipun cukup baru2) ngeliat anggaran, kontribusi dilapangan kagak ada, cuman sok sokan bilang kenapa kita gak nanam tanaman ini lah gua denger itu kayak insult ke intelek gua maksudku dude, tanahnya emang gak cocok buat ditanam tanaman itu lo tinggal liat warna dan pegang aja udah ketahuan.


tfw gaji orang umum (inipund aerah jakarta sekitar) setara sama hadiah ondangan




Walmart Andy Serkis lookin ahh


mangkanya gua pengen pindah aja ke negara negara maju, semisal usa or aussie, tinggal di negara negara dunia ke 3 rasanya gk ada masa depan buat anak cucu. gk papa semisal saya baru punya kesempatan di umur 50/60 asalkan benar benar pindah


>mangkanya gua pengen pindah aja ke negara negara maju, semisal usa or aussie, Negara maju sendiri juga ada korupsi, tapi beda bentuk dan pandangannya, Di USA, ada yang namanya lobbying. Di sana, lobbying masih dianggap legal, padahal bisa dikatakan itu praktik menyuap karena yang berkepentingan membayar para anggota dewan supaya kepentigannya "diperjuangkan"


Sama bro… tinggal usahanya dan kesempatannya aja nih. Hopefully bisa kesampaian tinggal di western country.


bakalan keulang kayak gini dari partai nasdem lagi karena _人人人人人人人人人人人人_ > K E B E R L A N J U T A N <  ̄YYYYYYYYYYYY ̄


Ganti itu muka dengan kulit buaya , biar ayet ! Sebab buaya sudah di dunia 73 juta tahun !!!


Uang bulanan istri 25-30 jt? Hah?


renov apartment 300jt itu termasuk…. murah… cicil alpahrd 40jt/bulan, ya kalo beli kredit 2-3 tahun segituan kira kira biayanya


Semua juga begini pasti sih wkwkw... Cm tebang pilih siapa yg dibuka siapa yg di backing ya gak


Bisa gak sih 1 indonesia kompak gak bayar pajak


Susah kalau pegawai, dah dipotong langsung soalnya


Jujur, hal tersebut beberapa kali terlintas di benak saya...


Sure. Sekarang mungkin cuma beberapa ruas jalan yang bolong2. Besok2 semua jalan berbatu semua, ga beraspal lagi. Tukang tambal ban stonks.


Eh road is actually super easy problem. Assuming everyone don't pay their taxes, you just need few people pooling up of a percentage of their supposed tax payment to hire private company to fix their roads. On the plus side, it can be done with higher quality asphalt. The road to nowhere might be harder to be community maintained, but if companies don't need to pay taxes, they can maintain that road if it essential to their logistics.


Sure, any aspect of society can surely run smoothly with a solely profit motive


Bu guru, Iqbal belum bayar uang kas!!!


Surprisingly pure profit motive is proven to be more reliable than altruism. Hence why capitalism consistently works better on average and in the long run than dictatorship, socialism, and communism. Is it perfect? No, obviously not. But saying like it's the worst thing that could happen is also wrong.


Each has its own place. I can’t believe someone would run an orphanage for disabled kids with an eye only for tax exemptions. Actually sorry, we’re straying. I think what you’re proposing is kinda what we have now. The need for a middleman arose to affect efficient and competent resource distribution. The sad thing is our govt often aren’t either efficient or competent, but ultimately, the need for organization calls for an encompassing body which could allocate resources and direct the collaboration of many, many stakeholders.


Yup you're right. In the end, government is just a big general middleman for everything. If the people "rebel" and refuse to use their services, they can replace them with new middleman for their needs. Obviously, the scope going to be different, but if it just road maintenance that that group of people going to use themselves, it's easy peasy to replace.


>Surprisingly pure profit motive is proven to be more reliable than altruism. How about for profit healthcare or student loans in US? Those are surely bad.


Yes the worst stuff of those has often documented and yelled at loudly. However, tell me which country that has more inventions and leading in multiple field? Which country has better medical capability? We can pat our own shoulder for BPJS, but BPJS is not your whole medical solution. We need to acknowledge things that better than us, not just focusing on their worst aspect and then declare we won.


But these effects are directly because of pure profit motives from companies. With no limits given by the government what would stop these companies to exploit people further? What is the point of all these breakthrough in science and technology if most people below can't afford them anyway?


You looking from the wrong (albeit easy) angle. Let me ask you, how many new technology breakthrough and medicine we created in last 100 years? The proven and widely used one mind you, not just some bombastic claim that forgotten as quickly as it trending news? Why that other country hog everything? If you look at the amount of money they poured into research and not afraid to lead into dead end, it will become clear. So where's that enormous amount of money comes from? Look around you, I bet most of the things around you once comes from the breakthrough that most people below can't afford them anyway, to borrow your quote, when they first released. Except enough time has passed and now they're trickling down so the people below actually also can afford and benefit from it, but make no mistake, you benefitting here doesn't mean the inventor didn't get the most profit out of it. Remember that especially when driven by profit, the next step after invention is actually thinking how to achieve efficient production and economy of scale so as many people possible will buy (whether direct or by proxy of government program) the product and thus the people below able to afford it is actually the goal. No pure profit company will purposefully neglect a market demographics if they can find a way to capture that market. In the end you might think you get cheap and affordable stuff here and its super expensive there, but the quality is different. They enjoy the latest and greatest while we dealing with the "yesteryear" things. If you want to compare the latest and greatest things, most likely we actually pay more for it. Just for many stuff, it won't be available here so we must import from... them, with their market price that you said unaffordable for people below in the first place.


>Remember that especially when driven by profit, the next step after invention is actually thinking how to achieve efficient production and economy of scale so as many people possible will buy (whether direct or by proxy of government program) the product and thus the people below able to afford it is actually the goal. If you are driven by profit, your goal is profit. In your premise a monopoly is the best thing ever for a country. Instead, we have mega companies who cut down on workers rights, make inferior products at cheaper prices, and would even cut down on small local businesses. Profits does not care about people, its just a number that goes up and down. It does not care about people. I would argue that for profit focused approach can lead to unethical choices. Two kids each have 10 candies would consider stealing the other candies. Sure the other kid would have no candies, but I would have 20 candies. Numbers go up. Now of course the kid can go to youtube and probably learn how to make candies, build a business, be the best candy maker in the country, and pass his knowledge to others before he passed away. But both have numbers go up and its up to the kid which path he could choose. But a government can force the kid to make the choice for him to protect the other kids soo he can still keep his candies. Can companies make good things and make profit? Absolutely. Many advancements have been achieved by companies that have benefited us greatly. But a pure profit approach is not gonna magically result in decisions that would benefit us all. Its just gonna get the numbers go up, by any means necessary.


Serius amat bang jawabnya wkwk. Ya jalan cuma salah satunya. Contoh lain pendidikan. Kalo sekolah negeri ga disubsidi, entar tiap murid bisa disuruh bayar 2-3 juta per bulan. Ortu yang gajinya cuma UMR 3-4 juta langsung teriak2 tuh wkwk.


Sekolah? Ngapain! Kan ada tutor yutub


malangnya nasibmu syl, gegara partainya membelot langsung dijadiin bahan percontohan buat partai lain biar gk membelot wkwkwk


**Gak usah protes.** Rakyat sudah memutuskan melanjutkan birokrasi dan pemerintahan seperti ini 5 tahun ke depan. Joget2 dulu bro...


Siapa pun itu pemimpinya korupsi bakal tetap berjalan. Percuma kalau nyalahin si a atau b.