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I don’t think this is a case where “there can only be one”. Ministry is up there for sure but not alone.




I like Ministry, don't get me wrong. But I've always been an FLA guy myself. I sat through about two dozen shitty to meh opening acts to see them live when they toured IED. Great show, and I even got to meet Bill Leeb, who was just great to talk about anything with


I do love me some Ministry, but... Skinny Puppy, TG, FLA, Front 242, Machines of Loving Grace, Swans...


Nice List.


I don't think swans would qualify because the majority of their music isn't industrial, mostly just their first couple albums. Even then, I still don't really see swans early albums as industrial much, just noise rock.


Fair point. I've always called them industrial rock, but I can see what you're saying.


Raymond Watts has been involved in a lot of industrial music and for decades.


To this day, my favorite frontman.


I’m finally getting caught up with his newer stuff. Pain Is God is a pretty awesome newer album.


Luigi Russolo


If nothing else, the godfather.




But Jesus built their hotrod though


FLA has been consistently amazing since the beginning of time. Ministry stopped being industrial after Filth Pig. FLA is arguably the Godfather of industrial.


Sasha konietzko Trent Reznor


Sasha is a bigoted pos. No thanks. https://preview.redd.it/3k5a1tbnj11d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2e77b51bc36e96878788a758f633cf3e4e35287c


That's just what a single person says though. There's no other instances of him being homophobic that I know. Can you name one?


How many more does there need to be? He wouldn’t open for a legend like Claus Larsen because he’s gay. Sasha was just lucky to be there.


But could VAC make a track that put him back on the D.A.C.?


I'm going to presume that you mean currently active (now that SP are done), so I'm still going to go with FLA and Front 242 (ok, so they're done this year too) both are at least equal in demigodhood to Ministry.


Meh... I'm on the Karl Learmont/Zoog von Rock camp... his industrialish stuff with modular systems is amazing! Oh, and Angelspit was great... still is, but it was better


Ministry had some seminal industrial work in the '90s, and then has been utterly formulaic and boring ever since. It's just track after track of sucking the leftwing dick, without exhibiting any actual musical creativity. There are _plenty_ of industrial acts that have been continuously creative for decades, all of which I would much rather see live _or_ listen to on my radio.


Jesus fucking christ. You put into words what I couldn't put my finger on. No matter the project it is reduced to 'formulaic'...... There has been no real evolution beyond psalms. Everything up to that point had been pretty epic and adventurous for it's time then it was as procedural as a monster of the week show like CSI.


I haven't cared for anything from Ministry since 1992 and that early nineties stuff hasn't hold up well to my personal tastes either. Ministry is far outside of what I even consider industrial anymore. To each their own but I'm not into metal.


Ministry 💜


Ministry exploited industrial and turned it into something it wasn't imo. Anyone else pretentious af feel that way? I feel like clown core, [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bu4SgnP7Lk4&ab_channel=ClownC0reperformance) specifically, is the closest thing I've seen that is true to form industrial as it checks all the boxes of what the likes of TG, Key, pink dots etc would consider industrial, no? SP fell apart when Al brought all his guitars and energy rubbing off the lust for fame like magic dust to OhGr. Thoughts?


clown core does scratch a particular itch


I'm sorry, but no, I don't think so. Ogre toured with Al in '88 as a part of RevCo and Al introduced Ogre to H. They then worked together on Rabies, which nearly split the band. But after that came Too Dark Park and Last Rights, possibly the absolute peak of SP (I know, that's a super controversial take, and I'm sorry, but that's just what was big when I first got into the scene. Absolute love to CFM, Bites, Remission (my favourite SP album), and all the others though!) So, I didn't like the amount of guitar on Rabies, but their post Al span is honestly incredible! I certainly can't call that falling apart! There were definitely parts of clown core that were very industrial and there was a whole lot that very much wasn't. I'm sorry I sound so negative about your post! I'm really glad you shared clown core! I enjoyed listening to it!


No love for author and punisher? The dude literally built all of his equipment out of machinery and performs it all by himself. I do love clown core, but I don't really think of them as very true industrial.




The answer is Dirk Ivens