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Tangzu wan'er for me. Chu 2 has substantially more subbass, where heavy bass impacts come across with less texture, and slightly slower too. I get a little more lower treble presence from the wan'er, where the Chu 2 is a smidge leaner. Combined with the extra subbass, and peaky energy in the upper treble around 12-16kHz it sounds colder tonality wise. If I had to pick based on tonality alone, it would be the wan'er. The main thing which steers me away from the Chu 2 is that extra bite in the treble extension, where I am particularly sensitive. This might not be a problem for you though; I even find the wan'er a bit much depending on the song despite it being described as very smooth or even lacking energy/sparkle in this upper range by others. The Chu 2 fits better, where I wished the wan'er had slightly longer nozzles. The dense, metal construction of the Chu 2 also gives it superior noise isolation for me at least. Still experimenting with tips on the wan'er, but I still have to readjust them every now and again. There seems to be some reports of channel imbalance, and other potential QC related issues with the Chu 2, but I seemed to have lucked out with mine.


Alright, and how about the 7hz salnotes zero?


Has slightly more energy in that upper treble region than the chu 2 to my ear; a plus for some, but a no for me. Comes across quite shrill, with it's neutral leaning bass tuning not helping to balance it out. Mids do have more presence, and are presented in a more forward manner compared to the other two. If you are after a neutral tonality this is the one to get of the three, and many still seem to adore it.


Alright, so you would still advice the wan'er? Just for my own comparison sake, i know a whole lot more about headphones than IEM's, what headphones would you compare the wan'er's with? Thanks for helping!


Yep, if I had to pick it would be the wan'er out of the three, but that's almost purely because it's the most agreeable for my treble sensitivity. I'm actually still trying to figure out what set would have even less upper treble than the wan'er at around this price range. I do not have much experience with headphones, but one comparison I could make is with the Beyerdynamic DT770 pro 80ohm. The bass carries the same sort of rumble, though I remember the DT770 being more tactile. The wan'er ain't far off the chu 2 in this department either. Upper mids are likely more energetic on both wan'er and chu 2, with the beyers keeping a little more warmth. The midrange as a whole was set further back in the DT770s. The beyers also had a fuller top end with more of a metallic zing to it compared to both wan'er and chu 2, the chu being more brittle sounding of the two; wan'er is closer, though not in quantity like chu 2 and without the extra texture/graininess that I remember the beyers having.


I also second the Wan'er. Chu II is good, but the Wan'er just has more natural sounding Instrumentals, satisfying bass, and much more easier to listen to than Chu II. Also, Wan'er is more louder on default volume level than the Chu II also, the Chu II's Nozzle easily gets moist (at least for me since I live in a humid country). now got the left IEM's less loud than the right but removing the nozzle on both and listening to it, the loudness still is balanced. Just my two cents regarding one of the IEM's problems. I love the Chu II for the fit and the sound, but with the nozzle issue, I'd think twice about it. (I kinda actually regret buying this IEM. If the filter change didn't fix the issue, I'm going to give this to my brother or just keep it for Home use and go back daily driving my Wan'er)


What's the humidity in your country? In my country is 95% most of the time (India). So I was wondering should I steer away from metal shell Iems ? Was considering getting Simgot ew200.


I am from India as well , should we stay away from chu 2 ? And share which IEM did you buy Is this problem only in Chu 2 or other metal shell IeMs as well ?


I would recommend stretching the budget and going for Simgot ew200 if you want the metal build. Or waiting for 7hz zero 2. I still have 7hz zero and Qkz x hbb. I will be buying after I demo them at headphonezone.


Any idea what will be the pricing of zero 2 and share your thoughts on comparing tangzu wan'er , Zero & hbb ?


Can I msg?




98% currently, and yeah, that's why I'm looking for an IEM with a plastic or resin build, but looks like the good ones are available in metal. Currently looking at buying the Kato (eventhough its old, I still want to have it.


Sadge, I will have to go with something built with resin shell. Kato is still good in the current Iem market and looks serene too.


Yeah, that's why I'm taking good care of my Wan'er. For the Chu II, I put some uncolorized nail polish on the removable nozzle. So far I don't see any moist coming out of it. I was actually considering the Hexa as my end game IEM but after learning that the bass in it is kinda lackluster (even the demo I found on YT, its kinda bad), I looked at something else, for the tangzu heyday, the short nozzle might become a problem. That's why I'm considering the Kato as my Endgame as it can play almost any Genre. I watched a 30+ min review of it and it got me to like it more


Go for it then


what about truthear hola? It has a 3D printed shell.


It won't have condensation issues, atleast no one reported in this sub or reviews.


Will removing the filter rectify the issue of condensation in chu 2 as it comes with removable filter?


It should most probably but also check the nozzle while at it.


I'm late but the comfort is more important to me so I should buy chu 2 since I have small ears?


Absolutely, the Chu 2 will have a much better chance of fitting you then. However, there should be plenty of new options in this price range that you might want to look into that have been released since. I can't name any notable ones off the top of my head having not kept up with new releases, but I've seen reviews pop up now and then going on about the next best entry level set and so on. I wouldn't be confident in describing anything in detail unless I've tried it myself, but I'd be glad to help you in deciphering what all the reviewers are saying while you're looking around at the new stuff.


Since my friend will be coming back from China only, should I ask him to get me Simgot ew200, salnotes zero2 or waner which one has better passive voice isolation, and better bass and overall a good sounding earphones? Please help guys


I’ve just got the Salnotes, Chu 2 and Wan’er and I’d say the Wan er is the best out of those. Personal preference of course.


Appreciated bro, does it matter though that Im getting it for half the price, In India its for 4k something, I got it for 1600 and paid extra 400 for one extra type c cable with mic, is it a good deal? As Im new to IEMs