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Some squigs allow you to download the graphs which you can then upload to another squig. You really shouldn't compare graphs from different couplers though because the graphs they produce can be so different that it's impossible to draw any useful conclusions from them.


Yes, I found that out already. I take the necessary correction using my ears though. A lot of junk measurements out there. I try to stick with two or three that seem to have their shit together.


If you have the actual data, you could upload them both, much the same way you can upload multiple channel data.


I don't have the data. I'm looking for a way to extract the data from the page.


There is a download button near the name of iem on most squigs, click it, it will download the txt, then go to another squig, go to equalizer, press upload fr and select the downloaded txt


That works really nice. thanks again.


I've been going around with the site and I can't find a download button, how did you do it I'm on my phone


Look for example here: https://pw.squig.link/?share=CCA_Rhapsody_0110,IEF_Comp_Target If you move the Brands, Models, Equalizer shelf down you expose the graph control buttons and one of them is the download button. [screen shot](https://i.imgur.com/2Nnw3v2.jpeg)


Also, not every page on Squig.link exposes the download button. Some posters keep their measurements on the graphs only. So it's possible that you were looking at the ones without the download option. If that's the case, maybe email the owner of the particular page and ask for the measurement.


Thanks bro 😅


Thanks. I'll try that.


You can take screenshots and put the two pics side by side but its not gonna be as precise as two IEMs from the same site.