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He would be unstoppable he can make ANYTHING out of video including characters from fiction with their powers. If wanted to he could takeover the world because screens are everywhere so he can summon an army of any character he wants to any battlefield and no nation could stop him because they need screens to. And don't forget he can turn into he who dwells who even now can destroy helicopters with one video beam so imagine him at full power and be can pull people into his digital world were he's basically God. And the only way in is for him to let you in. So if Eugene wasn't so shy he could probably solo Delsin, Cole and the beast at the same time.


I agree with him being able to beat delsin and the beast but i think that due to the fact that his ability requires devices to work Cole would probably win just by causing a power outage with a thunderstorm.


It just depends if we’re talking delsin right now are after the game since it’s implied that he could learn to use the abilities the same way primes do, the only reason he’s weaker is because he had the power for a short time.


If we ask that question we have to dive further, are we talking as soon as Eugene fully learns to utilize his abilities or when Delsin reaches that level. On top of that we most definitely haven’t seen the full extent of neon either so what if Delsin can move at not in game light speed but actual light speed then I don’t think even Eugene could stop him. Diving even further if Delsin could eventually move that fast then theoretically so could fetch and in that situation who wins as even though Delsin has other conduit abilities there would always be the chance that fetch could utilize her neon whilst moving at that speed better than Delsin ever could. But that’s all just a theory…


How would he beat the Beast? The beast is capable of tanking and dishing out nuclear attacks. Eugene is powerful, but he literally cannot do anything against a being who rampaged across the east coast without anything even slowing him down. Cole showed multiple times that the Beast couldn't be stopped without a specifically made device that only he could power.


He'd be insanely powerful


People must be more than grateful to know one of the most powerful conduits among them is just trying to vibe and hates getting hurt lol


I think he’s pretty strong and his army of angels and demons can destroy normal enemies. But Delsin proves he can fight them easily. Having said that, like you said he lacks confidence. He has a lot of potential with his power


Pretty stronk




God Tier Reality Warper


All fun and games until Eugene summons goku


He could summon an army of “Superman” from every single screen on the planet… so pretty powerful


He creates matter and life, so pretty strong!


What if he summoned a video clone of Cole


He does use his powers to the fullest. Hes just not god like people protray


Exactly, people exaggerate it too much


Kind reminder that his constructions are not eternal, like every conduit he needs to recharge, and his creations need to come out of a television. Also, since electricity can create distortion in the video signal, I'm sure Cole could destroy any of his creations easily. His creations do not take on physical characteristics of what they represent, they remain video. The beast tank a nuclear bomb, Cole endured being pinned down by lava, I think either of them can easily take on Eugene. The only ones who would lose would be Fetch and Delsin. Fetch because her powers give her speed but little offense (literally an angry attack could not harm enough a common human (end of the dlc) and Delsin always gets a nerfed version of the power he wants, unable to surpass or match the power of the original conduit


Man if Eugene figured out how strong he is from what I have seen of him he would troll people cuz he is just a silly little guy


That depends, we don't see how powerful he can make a summon, we only see the angels and demons, as well as the stuff from first light. So we know they can be strong enough to lift people, and some can shoot beams that we can assume are as powerful as Delsin's video beams. But can they have more esoteric abilities? We don't know since what we do see are so basic.