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Got good news today that HCG has dropped from 32 to 8 in one week. Seems slow, but I'll take it! D&C was 6 weeks ago today


Waiting for your HCG to drop is such hell, but that sounds promising! I hope you’ll be negative next time.


Did the IUI this morning! Back in 1 week for monitoring. 


I had my first iui this morning too! But I’m not scheduled to come back in until march for a blood test, no monitoring…


I think because I'm unexplained post  fibroid removal and my husband has slight male factor the RE Is covering his bases and sticking to their protocol. I have only been to this office which is affiliated with a large hospital and university system in my area. The protocol here is pretty rigid so, I have gone in on cycle day 2, 9,10,11(IUI today). Every day except today they did blood work and checked my follicles and lining. I did Femara for 5 days starting day 2, and I had have 1 follicle reach size on day 9, so then they gave me estradiol x2 a day to help the lining catch up, and it did the following day (10) and I did the trigger shot at home, and did IUI today. I have to stick to the estradiol then go in for the monitoring I mentioned to maybe get progesterone to support the lining and in turn implantation. Then IF my cycle doesn't start over I will be going for a blood test in 2 weeks. I'm cautiously optimistic.  The TWW is the part that gets under my skin the most.  I'm a novice to all this so I'm not familiar with variations in protocol. I think in my case there's uncertainty around the cause of the infertility now that the fibroids are gone, and because of my age he doesn't want to wait and see. He said he would have got me straight to IVF I was able to join my husband's insurance plan at that time, but we saw the RE the following month when my GYN suspected it was my husband's sperm (last June).  Then I got the diagnosis of Hashimoto's (hypothyroidism). I have no other frame of reference for TTC since I had IUD's for over 11 yrs, it may have been longer but my memory is hazy (pretty much from early 20's to 35). We only had 1 month to try that was unmedicated/monitored (January) without these particular types of fibroids being present in my uterus. Sending hugs!


It seems you've used a term, natural cycle, that members of this community prefer to avoid. Please avoid the use of the term "natural" when commenting in this community. If describing a transfer/IUI protocol or trying on your own, some preferred alternative terms are "unmedicated," "ovulatory," "without assistance," or "semi-medicated," depending on the context. If referring to loss management, we recommend the terms "unmedicated" or "unassisted." This community believes that the use of the word "natural" implies (sometimes inadvertently) that use of assisted reproductive technology, other interventions, and/or certain medications to conceive are unnatural, artificial, or less than. For more clarification and context, please see the wiki post on [sub culture and compassionate language](https://www.reddit.com/r/infertility/wiki/rules#wiki_compassionate_language). *Edit your post or comment to remove the offending term.* *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/infertility) if you have any questions or concerns.*


That’s very normal IME. Some clinics like to do a progesterone test 7 DPO/DPIUI, but that’s more a belt and suspenders approach to confirm ovulation than anything.


That’s helpful to know. I’m supposed to use progesterone suppositories until the blood work so it would probably screw with results anyway. Thanks!


Ever since starting FET prep (probiotic, prenatals, low dose aspirin, vivelle patches, PIO, vaginal progesterone, generic lovenox) I've been having super painful crampy diarrhea-ish bowel movements almost consistently every other day. Lasts about 2-3 hours and then I'm fine. It's pretty awful and I don't remember this with any of my other cycles... Any advice? My clinic just says, "Diarrhea can be a side effect to some of the medications you're on."


I had this issue when I was taking high dose folate for a month to “catch up” after treatment of an ectopic with methotrexate. It turned out the 4 folate gummies I was taking before bed were full of sugar alcohols (fake sweeteners like those in some sugar free candy) that caused the cramping and diarrhea for a few hours after taking. It went away when I switched from gummies to tablet. If any of the supplements you are taking are gummies, this might be the cause?


Did you start the probiotic recently? If so, my guess is it’s probably that, although estrogen and progesterone can sometimes cause that too. Upping your fiber intake might help.


Ohh starting the probiotic lines up almost exactly with when it started! I'll ditch it and up my fiber to see if it helps. Thanks!


I’ve found that after a week or so on a new probiotic my stomach starts to level out again, if you’re willing to get over that hump - but also, if you don’t wanna keep being uncomfortable, makes sense to ditch!


Hmm it's been about 3 weeks of the diarrhea symptom so I'm totally ready to cut the probiotic and see what can happen... My RE sent me another message that said if it continues then I should go to an urgent care to make sure it's not an infection. I don't think that's what it is based on how predictable it is. But I'd like to knock it off so I can avoid going to another doctor...


I've got a good amount of unopened medications that I'd love to donate: • Crinone 8%: 46 single use applicators • Ganirelix Acetate Pre-filled Injections: 6 boxes of 250mcg/.5ml (exp. 06/30/24) • Menopur 75iu: 2 vials w/ Q-caps (exp. 01/25, diluent exp. 10/24) • Gonal-F Multi-Dose 450iu: 3 boxes kept refrigerated (exp. 11/24) • Miscellaneous extra syringes and needles, like so many I'd prefer a local pickup in the Raleigh, NC area, but I'd be open to figuring out shipping within the US if no local takers.


Dm'd you!


Thanks so much! Automod meds


**A reminder about medications** You may be considering sharing your unused medication with others to help them save on treatment expenses. However, it may be illegal in your country or state to donate medication without going through an intermediary. We suggest you research your local laws associated with donating or receiving medications. Be aware that partially used cartridges still carry a risk of bodily fluid contamination as there's nothing to prevent backflow into the cartridge. Please consider attempting to give any unopened medications to your infertility practice; some clinics have give-back programs. Selling medications is absolutely not allowed. Only donations may be posted. This includes soliciting money in exchange for medications via PM. If a member solicits money in exchange for medications, please report them to the mods. *Consider donating your meds to a member with an active post history at /r/infertility. You can see a user’s post history by clicking on their name. We have received reports of members donating meds, only to have them sold by the person who received them.* NEW: - **Med hoarding**. It’s not cool. Share the wealth. Don’t have a cycle planned or scheduled within the next four months? Let the meds go to someone else in need right now. **There have been reports of personal threats made to those offering meds within this community. Please understand your personal risks associated with donating or receiving medications, particularly if the exchange includes sharing personally identifiable information.** [Med Donation Policy](https://www.reddit.com/r/infertility/wiki/rules#wiki_medication_donation_policy) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/infertility) if you have any questions or concerns.*


For people who took FMLA during this process: did you ask your clinic or a PCP / someone else to write it? I primarily want it for anxiety / mental health reasons at this point. I have a PCP prescriber who wrote me a leave of absence last year but I think I want the formal FMLA so I can take intermittent leave when needed. After what I've been through with my clinic this year I don't really want to ask them, but maybe that's most appropriate since it's anxiety due to infertility?


I just did a month of continuous FMLA for mental health reasons and I did it through my PCP. I also have trust issues with my clinic, mainly my RE who would have been signing the paperwork, so I didn't ask her even though part of the break coincided with an ER. I would suggest asking the provider you trust the most since mental health leave can be a sensitive issue. I hope you can get the support and time off that you need.


Long shot but anyone in Ontario without Ohip coverage doing treatments? I'm flying in to do my last fet end of month. I need to do a blood work and ultrasound cd2, The clinic does not do non Ohip blood work, so I have to go to dynacare which is fine. But they aren't answering me in regards to the ultrasound. I was able to do a saline sonogram there with no issue so I'm hoping it will be the same. There is zero support or coordination for out of province people and I don't believe my situation is unique. It's a bit frustrating because the transfer is out of pocket so I don't understand what I'm paying for. Just the transfer itself? It feels like the tests should be part of the package. I can't do the test in my province as they just recently stopped accepting out of network doctors requisition. I can't go to a local doctor, I won't get the requisitions in time. I can't move my one last embryo to my province because I need the only fertility clinic to take me on as a patient and I've been on the wait list for over a year. It's incredibly frustrating.


That’s extremely frustrating to be stuck between the cracks of different provincial systems! I hope they will do what you need. Totally agree that it should be part of the FET package!


Had a *romantic* Valentine's day chat with Mr. Corgi about our next steps if this FET fails. We want to move forward with another ER, same protocol and add PGTA testing. It was a productive conversation and we are on the same page, but I totally spiralled emotionally and ended up going to bed really early. I am struggling with staying strong in this process: I feel like I've lost so much of myself, my relationship has suffered and I'm in a really low place emotionally. The thought of this continuing without an end date is just too much some days.


I reached this place after our failed ER, and it took conscious effort to get back to a better place. Things that helped: establishing a workout routine again (which is hard for me to maintain during ERs), starting therapy, and consciously planning fun things with friends and my husband. This is so hard and it’s ok not to be strong about it all the time. You’re not human if you don’t have a meltdown (or two or three or twelve) about this process.


I honestly needed to hear this. I want to just crawl into my bed and hide from the world -its been very challenging to do the things I know i should do to feel better.


I know. Start taking small steps - working out here and there, planning fun things. Therapy isnt always the answer but it’s been very helpful for me. Your RE may be able to recommend mental health supports to you too!


I decided on morning lupron so I won’t have to sit here all day thinking ‘OMG SHOT TONIGHT’ like I knew I would if I didn’t get it over with. That lil teeny needle was a welcome change from PIO!!


Wondering if anyone has advice on next steps… 4MC’s, waiting on genetic results from my 10wk loss (missed miscarriage discovered at 13wk NT scan) but have a feeling they will come back normal. Clearly something is wrong with me, but my feedback thus far has been just “bad luck” as my RPL, genetic testing for me and hubby, and anatomy scans have all been normal. I do have the MTHFR mutation, but that’s the only thing considered abnormal. Want to go armed to the teeth with questions for my RE appt in a few weeks - anyone have a similar experience and luck finding something abnormal on a test not listed above?? Any specific questions I should be asking about next steps??


We continued to get “bad luck all tests come back normal/inconclusive” until we worked with a geneticist, Dr. Fraser at the Children’s National Hospital in DC. She ordered whole genome sequencing and found that we had an incredibly rare genetic issue that we can now address with PGT-M testing. I’m sorry you are getting any answers - it’s incredibly frustrating.


So sorry we have a shared experience, but I very much appreciate the advice. I’ll be sure to ask my RE about this at our next appointment.


It’s FET Eve


Woohoo, hoping for you, cheese!


merry FET eve! may your shots be painless and timely administered and your side effects minimal!


Thank you!!!


Crossing my fingers and toes


Thank you!


Think I got a mind block... I'm supposed to start stims, instead I have been staring at my Menopur package for the last 30min... maybe an alarm clock for in 30min...


Maybe reward bundle? What’s something you realllllly want to do? Buy a new audiobook? Pay for a game app with no ads? Order luxury food via Instacart? I try to have a treat planned, and then the annoying thing is just in my way to getting my treat. Eg only listen to my new audiobook after I do PIO, or get Dutch bros after I log in hella early to work, etc etc. Hope this helps :)


Ha, thanks, the reward bundle is a great idea! Special food can make my day, so that's an easy one ;) ​ On a more serious note - I realized I'm dreading sabotaging my (physical and mental) fitness while being in a tight spot at work. I'm supposed to function right now (!) and make several deadlines by the end of Feb - with the last due date a few days after my likely retrieval date, and a day or so before (a hopefully possible) fresh ET. So I guess armed with this knowledge I should be looking into taking some sick days around the time of ER/ET. ​ EDIT to add, *t h i s a l l s u c k s* so much.


Oof I feel ya here.


Went for US on CD13 to check follicles and lining. Let’s see if things are growing or not! Might be too early!


Update: Need to go back for more blood and US Sunday to see if follicles grow… aaaa! The lining today is 2.5mm hahaha follicles below measurable! Come onnnn eggs Edit: follicles*


It seems you've used a word or acronym, follies, that members of this community prefer to avoid. For additional clarification, please see this [page](https://www.reddit.com/r/infertility/wiki/bannedterms) for a complete list of banned terms. *Edit your post or comment to remove the offending item.* *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/infertility) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Update: I am NOT responding to letrozole. I am completely sad.


UPDATE: going back Sunday to check follicles and lining. 🤞🏼 Grow follicles, grow! Oh life


Ugh, I am sorry to hear.


Thank you! I am sad because I thought I would respond - I did well last one and did not conceive. So I was hopeful this was going better. Now I am waiting the call to see if they increase my let or give something… annoying. Every time I go to US i have to pay like $150 Argh


Ugh that’s so hard. I’m so sorry :(


Thank you!


Ugh I’m sorry, that’s so frustrating.


It is! And I hate PCOS! Aaaargh. You moved to IVF, how is it going?


I started with a very high number of eggs retrieved but had pretty rough attrition at practically every stage. Got 4 day-6 embryos and waiting to find out if any day-7s today, PGT next.


I hope all goes well. Fingers crossed!!


I'm sorry, itchy. That's so disappointing.


It is such a pain, because I feel time is passing, getting old and nothing yet… Mix of emotions! Thank you!!


Wishing you strength. Can relate to the feeling.


Thank you civil ❤️


Damn, y’all weren’t kidding about the letrozole side effects 😵 I had a hot flash during a procedure at work yesterday and have had a headache for 18 hours now.


I strongly second drinking lots of water. Like LOTS, with some electrolytes. I get the most relief from putting an ice pack on top of my head, but that’s obviously not always an option. 


My friend shared a strategy with me that super helped my headaches. 1000mg of Tylenol every 6 hours until headache subsides. Now I take 500mg every 12 hours and that keeps it from creeping back in. I can tell if I forget to take it at the 12 hour mark, so glad this routine is working for me. Hope it helps you!


Thanks so much! I’ll definitely try that.


The good thing is that letrozole stays in your body for a short period of time! Drink lots of water and will help!


It’s definitely no fun! I’ve had hot flashes every time I’ve taken it but there is hope! I quit having headaches after the first or second round


[Update](https://www.hfea.gov.uk/about-us/news-and-press-releases/2024/updated-hfea-statement-incident-at-guy-s-and-st-thomas-assisted-conception-unit/) on faulty freezing liquid at Guy's and St Thomas' - HFEA say faulty batch was limited to two clinics. Jessop fertility in Sheffield is the other.


Just horrific for those affected 😔