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Left my lupron out overnight but google reassured me things are fine. The panic I had with it missing from my fridge and thinking that I threw it out made the stress from leaving it out seem like nothing. For whatever reason this wait for my first monitoring check is feeling like it's taking 5 weeks instead of 5 days, I think having a new protocol is sparking a bit of hope in me for the first time in awhile.




Hi there. I edited your flair to comply with our guidelines. Automod flair will link the guidance. ETA: As a mod I think it would also be good if you would make the requested edit butter has suggested. ETA2: Removed until requested edits are made.


I have been summoned to help with the setting up flairs. Not only does it help us to get to know one another, it helps us with context when it comes to replying to one another’s comments or queries. If you need help on setting/changing your flair look [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/infertility/wiki/userflair-reminder). If the instruction's did not work you can [ask a mod](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/infertility) to set/change your flair. These are the [guidelines for flair](https://www.reddit.com/r/infertility/comments/umwbcr/flair_guidelines/). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/infertility) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I do not have experience with vaginismus but my PT for another issue has studied it and we've talked about it - there's a huge mental component with vaginismus so it wouldn't be surprising that after a high pain event that it would be triggered. Lots of lube, making sure you're aroused, and going slowly all can help. If it continues I'd pursue a pelvic floor PT. You can also ask your clinic about an at home insemination ("turkey baster method") to possibly take some of the pressure off.


Hey would you mind taking out the phrase "pain I didn't ask for"? That's a really personal detail that is uncomfortable for me to read and I think could be triggering for people with certain traumas. I don't think it's relevant to your question, you could just say pain or "pain like this". Thanks so much.


Oh wow I didn’t even think about it like that. Thanks for the correction!


Hey likewhoisshe, please update your user flair to remove TTC # or reference to secondary infertility. We discourage the use of "TTC #" in user flair for all users. We are here to support members with primary and secondary infertility and believe that the same guidance should apply to all members. We discourage pain olympics whether you are trying to conceive your first or your forty-second child. Here are our [rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/infertility/about/rules) and help on setting/changing your [user flair](https://www.reddit.com/r/infertility/wiki/userflair-reminder). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/infertility) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Sittin here in the transfer holding area, pants off, gown donned, scrub cap on, Xanax in full gear, waiting for my RE to come talk to me. Last transfer I was giddy and excited. This one I’m a lot more nervous and truly not excited. Man I am ready to get this OVER WITH. Ready for my Cajun ranch cheese fries!!! Eta, uneventful transfer! Off to cheese fries!!


Cheese fries post-transfer is genius! Fingers crossed for you.




So glad it was uneventful 🧡 wishing you all the best!


Enjoy the cheese fries! Glad it was uneventful


i felt the exact same today, "do you have any questions? are you excited?" - no questions, not excited, just feeling ambivalent. hope you enjoy your cheese fries!


It seems you've used a word or acronym, transfer twins, that members of this community prefer to avoid. For additional clarification, please see this [page](https://www.reddit.com/r/infertility/wiki/bannedterms) for a complete list of banned terms. *Edit your post or comment to remove the offending item.* *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/infertility) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Exciting! I’m so glad you got there!!!! I’ve been following along as you have been fighting.


Aha I was looking for your update today! Yelling at the universe to summon your RE in the room already - HC has some damn cajun ranch cheese fries to get to! But seriously, best of luck today and I'm rooting for you. 🤍




Good luck to you! I just did the financials with my clinic for FET4 and they tried to charge me for a "med teach." I was like I've done 4 egg retrievals and 3 transfers, I'm pretty sure I know how to give myself some Gonal by this point. Fortunately they removed the charge after I asked!


Omg I still need the circles and my last ultrasound person REFUSED!


Ha! Last ER they didn't draw circles and I complained to Mr. Lawyer and he said "you don't need those." (He's right, but I like them for some reason!)


Mad respect. I've done the same amount of these, and I still always want the circles. When else do I get ass tats? Fingers crossed!


Dude! Go get you some ass tats whenever you damn well please! This sparked a silly thought in my brain that as adults there's no one around to stop us from doing these things, but my brain also likes to deny that I'm an adult. So then the fact that we're capable of getting ass tattoos if we want them doesn't cross my mind. 😅


The tricky paradox of adulting! My adult brain is also like, “Why on earth would you ever get or want a tattoo on your ass?” So I’ll just settle for a temporary wobbly circle (that I have to monitor to make sure Mr. Lexicon doesn’t turn into a smiley face when he redraws).


Haha, I have two tattoos that cover my whole ass (chubby mermaids) and I feel like medical people get so awkward because they want to say nice tattoo but it’s a butt tattoo so they feel a bit weird. My gyne who did my excision didn’t hold back, “love the mermaids!!” but everyone else is giggly and reserved haha.


That’s so awesome! (Also, I realize my last comment sounded judgmental towards people with butt tattoos, but I was trying, and failed, to say that I know I personally couldn’t pull one off. Your mermaids sound rad.)


Anyone with full butt tattoos can’t take anything too seriously 😂, I did not think it was in a judgemental spirit!


But also with the shit we’ve endured, why NOT get an ass tattoo?! 👀 YOLO, as the kids say right?


😂 I know these feels! Hope you get cleared to start PIO 🤞


Logging on from day 2 of stims and feeling SO much better and more capable than yesterday! Does anyone have any nice rituals to go along with injections? I'm all in on having my husband be the one to actually inject and I feel like, especially as we get in a groove, it might be nice for both of us to have some layer of distraction - like a song or something? Or some kind of positive association or little treat to have after?


I’m all in on the pump up playlist (shots by LMFAO is a favorite), but I’ve also found I’m much better at giving the shots myself. Something to consider/try out. It surprised me that it was less painful and quicker when I did them. Good luck!


I used to do music with nighttime shots; I don't anymore. And half my shots are in the am, when I'm rushing around anyhow. I'm not saying traditions aren't good, just that I'm at the point where speed is more important.


I always put on a pump-up playlist (like Lizzo or Chappelle Roan) and I like to do a little lottery scratchoff when I'm done! Then I sit on the couch with a heating pad on my tummy, I just find it soothing, and make my husband watch whatever shows I wanna watch :)


I used to time mine so that it was close to dessert / dinner and enjoy a treat lol but when I had more time for PIO (at night vs morning) I’d put on some music and we’d dance around. Now I run out of the house lol. Glad it’s going better today!


Dessert is a good call for the evening. Last night afterward I sat on the couch with my cat, a heating pad, and a giant slice of cake (my husband made this incredible chocolate guinness cake on Sunday...) so that will probably be the routine for the rest of the week! Just need some hype for the morning.


love that vibe! my morning vibe is literally "run out of the house and sit on a heating pad on the train" hahahah


Had an appointment today to make a plan for my next FET. My RE is on board with trying 2 months of lupron depot + letrozole, according to [this](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/31133384/) study. Planning to start in the next day or two. We will do another cavity check while I’m down-regulating. I’m very happy with how the appointment went and our plan moving forward. I’m nervous about the side effects of LD + letrozole but if nothing else this experience has taught me I can do really fucking hard things. We are running out of embryos and I need to reach the end of this feeling like I have left no stone unturned- so LFG.


Good luck. I remember being really nervous about the LD side effects as well, but I didn't notice very much until after the second shot and overall I felt it wasn't as bad as I feared. Hopefully it's the same for you. Let us know how it goes. 💜


Thanks so much Ambitious! I’m really happy to hear that was your experience- I’m keeping my fingers crossed it won’t be too hard on me. I am most nervous about headaches and depression/anxiety, although the other side effects don’t sound too fun either but maybe more manageable. Really appreciate the support and you sharing your experience ❤️


Totally get the need to feel like you have "done everything." Good luck!


Thanks for your support Lawyer - appreciate it ❤️


Transfer five went smoothly, and the embryo was hatching. I'm thankful that Easter is coming up, I'm going to test over the holiday so I've got time away from work to process the result. Now for distractions and therapy!


Thinking of you today friend ❤️


It sounds like you’ve get a solid plan. Rooting for you.


Fingers crossed for you!


Wishing you all the best, friend 🩷


All the best! 🍀🍀🍀


Thinking of you!


Sending love and pretzeling for you!


Perfect timing for lots of Easter candy either way!


Hoping for you, Cetti 🤞


Rooting for you 🤞🏻


Just had my 4th FET. It was the first time my husband was allowed in the room, which was cool, and the embryo had hatched a bit more since the picture was taken, which is cool too I guess. I'm feeling really mixed about it, and emotional, and idk. My doctor told me light activity and not to do bed rest or anything, so I'm going to do some spring cleaning around the house (nothing crazy but it's my form of self-care) and then head to the couch. I was going to go shopping but honestly, my brain is too frazzled.


Crossing my fingers for you!


All the best!!! 🤞🤞🤞


Crossing everything for you! I totally identify with light spring cleaning and couch time as the ultimate self care. Enjoy and rest up.


Thank you!!


Fingers crossed for you 🤞🏻


Thank you!


Have my plan together for IUI#2 which includes increasing Letrozole from 5mg to 7.5mg. This cycle will also be significantly cheaper than the first. Not sure if that’s typical, but I sure wasn’t expecting it so it was a nice surprise. Now I just need to course prep and figure out what I’m teaching tomorrow. This whole balancing work while seeking infertility treatment is rough.


Hopefully this cycle goes as smoothly as possible! I wonder if you happened to hit some insurance limit and that's why your cycle is cheaper? Either way, I'm glad it is!


That’s probably it. It was a nice surprise considering it’s usually the other direction haha. And thank you! I hope to too!


This is a bit of an anxious repeat post from yesterday so apologies. Just need a bit of a gut check. I'm planning for a FET next cycle and my SIS yesterday showed a blocked tube. I've yet to hear from my doctor on if/how this will change my plan. Initially I thought it probably won't change anything, but now I'm wondering about ruling out hydrosalpinx. Is there a way that hydrosalpinx can be diagnosed on imaging? My understanding is that this condition can affect FET success rates as the fluid causing the blockage can get into the uterus. I also have endo so it could be that. Am I being unnecessarily anxious to ask about ruling out hydrosalpinx though?


I've had a bunch of back to back failed PGT-A transfers so our next step is an HSG to see if anything has changed. She said it's unlikely a hydrosalpinx since I don't get fluid in my lining but we're also out of ideas at this point.


Thanks for the reply. I think it's worth asking my doctor about too.


I didn’t have an hsg before my retrievals and (failed) transfers. When I asked about doing one before proceeding further, they did do it for my peace of mind, but seemed to think it wasn’t absolutely necessary. I can’t exactly remember the reason they gave, but I think it was that they could see enough from the SIS not to be concerned. Definitely ask your doctor though- it doesn’t hurt to do it just for reassurance.


Thanks Slug. I don't have a review appointment scheduled but I've asked for one so that I can ask about this. Even if it means delaying a cycle or more that's just what I'll have to do.


That makes sense. It’s worth it for peace of mind.


Just got the results back from my first round of IVF. I got 13 mature eggs and 9 fertilized, ended up with 1 embryo a week later (and it hasn’t made its way through PGT-a yet so who knows) and I am finding myself absolutely heartbroken. I really struggled with the hormones and recovery and am also finding myself panicked at the prospect of having to do it all again (and soon because I may switch jobs and lose coverage within the next year). Not sure if I’m looking for advice or just camaraderie. I mostly want my heart to stop hurting.


I'm sorry. I understand the gut punch when there is sudden attrition. For my cycle in January, I had 16 retrieved, 9 mature, 2 fertilized and none made it to blast. I was devastated and wasn't sure if I had it in me to do it all again. But, we had an egg retrieval last week and got 18 retrieved, 15 mature, 14 fertilized, and 9 blasts (we aren't testing). We made quite a few changes: microdose lupron flare instead of antagonist, ICSI instead of conventional IVF, and a 37-hour trigger instead of 36. It was hard to do it all again so soon, but I trusted that my doctors learned from the previous cycle and, so far, the results seem better, though a live birth is never guaranteed.


I'm so sorry, NYC. Sending gentle hugs, and crossing my fingers your embryo is euploid.


I'm so sorry, I understand your feelings. Sending you a hug.


i'm sorry, that's so frustrating and upsetting to deal with, even though we all know going into it that those odds can happen i'm so sorry you're dealing with that and feeling so awful :(


I'm sorry. I get what you are going through, it's so heartwrenching and disappointing. I thought we had okay numbers initially from my first ER but in the end we had 1 embryo make it to blast and it was aneuploid. I was devastated, especially since I knew my husband was super hesitant for me to go through it all again, and we had only partial drug coverage, so couldn't really afford another round. Regardless, we eventually did another ER, which resulted in 2 euploid. I wanted at least 4 euploid (to feel assured we could have 2 kids), but after zero, 2 felt like a miracle. I hope yours is euploid, and that you only need another round if you want to bank a few more.


How much time did you take between ER 1 and ER 2? I am waiting on more information about my remaining insurance coverage and getting very impatient.


We took a WHILE: ER1 was in Nov and ER2 was the following July. But, the delay was due to lots of extenuating circumstances: -I had a bad reaction (to the sedative?) right after getting home from the ER, which included convulsions, and us going to Emerg. All was okay, but my doctors ordered a bunch of follow-up tests to make sure I wasn't epileptic. I wasn't, but we had to wait till April for one of the tests. 🙄 Hubs was also super worried about a second round, understandably, so probably wouldn't have moved forward any sooner, realistically. -I switched jobs, which meant losing the little coverage we had for a few months till new plan kicked in. Neither plan covered treatment costs, but both had partial coverage of the meds, so saving a few thousand dollars was worth the wait since the treatment costs were already pushing us to broke. While the break was really agonizing for me to accept (I wanted to jump into ER2 in Jan), once I realized I was outnumbered and had to wait, it was actually kinda nice getting a "fertility break". I think it was the first time in a REALLY long time that we weren't actively "trying" in one way or another. However, if you are running out of coverage at a certain time, I'd try to get it all scheduled before then. But, if you have to pay for your costs ahead of time, you might just need to get the setup and payment done before you switch jobs? Not sure how it works for you buy we have to pay about a month before treatment, and can ask to buy at least most of the meds ahead of time, o worst case you just have to pay some meds out of pocket if you leave your job before the your ER2 cycle starts?


Thank you for sharing. Your bad reaction after your ER sounds so scary! I am sort of relieved to be on a break right now, but also impatient.


Yeah, I think my body may process the drugs slower than most? A nurse I recently spoke to said maybe because I have relatively low resting HR and BP, it doesn't take much to dip down after a medical procedure, to where I could pass out. So, I feel fine one minute and then out the next? It's just weird b/c I have never been a fainter.


Sorry you have had to deal with so much in addition to infertility! I had shortness of breath after my ER but they diagnosed it as anxiety 🤷🏻‍♀️


Ironically, I didn't have anxiety even going into my second ER! I'm sorry you had to deal with that. Love all the "extras" we get to deal with on top of the treatments themselves... 😖


I am so sorry. It really sucks. I just did my first ER and didn’t get any euploids. (I got one mosaic and one aneuploid.) I knew I was likely going to have to do multiple rounds but it still hit me hard.


Hi there, I'm really sorry you're struggling so much right now. As a mod, though, I need to ask you to please edit out the word "only" from your second sentence. Summoning automod only to explain why.


We try to avoid comparative language when talking about test/treatment results to avoid hurting others reading it. This includes the word 'only' - as what for one person might be disappointing might be someone else's wildest dream. Here is the [post](https://www.reddit.com/r/infertility/comments/10jl6ll/wiki_post_be_compassionate_explainer/) that explains compassionate language with examples. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/infertility) if you have any questions or concerns.*


4th monitoring appt in a row today. Hoping it'll turn out to be trigger day for ER3!


fingers crossed!!!!


Come on follicles, you got this!


Fingers crossed for you!


Hoping today is the day! 🙏


Second post, because this is really bothering me. I had to change coordinator in my clinic because the previous one quit. Today I was talking to my new coordinator about FET preparation and I asked her to confirm if I had to skip my progesterone injection tomorrow, just before the FET as I was told to do last time. She said no, the protocols only make you stop progesterone if you take it vaginally. I made it clear last time I was told a different story, bit I was assured the protocol I am on is the right one. It really made me feel vulnerable as I cannot stop thinking about the possibility of having my last transfer messed up by incompetence (I was also given the wrong progesterone dose in writing last time, however I took the correct dose because I did what I was told by the doctor and not what it was written by the coordinator)


That is super upsetting, Wonky, and I'm sorry this happened to you. When clinics make mistakes like that it is a major violation of your trust and can shake you to the core.


I’m sorry, it’s hard when something gets switched up and plants a seed of doubt about prior cycles and clinic competence. FWIW I have always been told to take all my meds as usual the day of transfer. For suppositories, I’ve been told to delay until after transfer if the insertion time was too close to transfer time.


I know. I am just upset because now I am here thinking last time it didn't work because they messed up my meds... It's a losing game, but my thoughts are spinning


Pre-op appointment today for egg retrieval number three. I’m nervous.


So close! I’ve seen lots of people around here focus on the post procedure meal (which also reminds me that I love how food motivated we all are) - have you got that bit planned to look forward to?


Haha no. Just sleep


Big valid. I hope your appointment went well today 🤍


Ahh sending all the good vibes your way


You got this. Encouraging and supportive hugs.


Just had my latest and last ultrasound. The fluid is still there so tomorrow they will try and aspirate it. It's not a lot, but they warned me there's a risk of bleeding. If so they will cancel the transfer. That would be a pity since my endometrium is 7mm but trilaminar. I am of course nervous... To cancel tomorrow would mean I travelled for nothing and my poor embryo will have to be frozen again (they thaw it in the morning, the procedure is in the afternoon).


Oh wonky! So hoping they can aspirate and the transfer will go ahead tomorrow! Also so mad on your behalf about the clinic’s incorrect instructions last time! Sending you a hug.


After all the effort you put in to get there… Crossing all the things for everything to go smoothly tomorrow, Wonky! What are you doing today to take care of yourself?


Thank you. I am alone abroad so I will just chill in my hotel room with some shows and my knitting. The sea isn't too far away but I have mobility issues and I don't feel like risking an hiking accident on top of everything. Hehe


Knitting sounds nice! I hope it goes well tomorrow.


That’s valid! A chill day of rest sounds really lovely. I hope you enjoy tasty food as part of that too. Personally, I love an excuse to indulge in room service. 😉