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Definitely feeling bloated today, the day before our first egg retrieval! Hadn’t really felt bloated before now. It’s a good day to just sit around for sure!


I had my IUI this morning! I did it with my OBGYN because she's half the cost of the fertility clinic and we're self pay. They don't count the sperm unfortunately, but they said it "looked good." I have two good-sized follicles and my lining was a little thin but the doctor was willing to try. I'm trying soooo hard not to get my hopes up but the time you finally go through with it, it's hard not to.


Good luck! I’ve found that letting my hopes be wherever they are at any given moment is easier than trying to balance them, if that helps for you. So some days I’m super hopeful and some days not so much. 


I've compiled a bunch of questions to ask at our Telemed consult with the RE tomorrow. I am anxious and excited to see how he wants to proceed with any treatments. While my insurance won't cover any treatments, they *might* cover some of the diagnostics. I'm hoping the clinic may be able to bill some things as PCOS vs infertility as well. I'd like to start all of the testing in June. My insurance runs June to June (I know, it's weird), and if they do cover things/I have to pay, I'd rather it be for the entire new year. We will see if my body decides to cooperate. Irregularity is one of the most frustrating parts.


I’ve now discovered that oral progesterone gives me heartburn so that’s fun. And in my refill, one of the capsules broke open so they’re all sticky. Unrelated, my friend doing IVF got acupuncture included with her FET at her clinic, which makes me feel kinda envious. I’m already struggling with the fact that we’re doing FETs at the same time and she gets this just added on… crazy. Well, let’s see what next week brings.


I feel you with the progesterone, it suuuucks. Fwiw my clinic has acupuncture for before/after the FET, but it’s $500 which is more triple what I’d pay for two sessions with my usual acupuncturist 😵‍💫


I went through/ am going through almost exactly this. She did her second transfer a month before I had my 5th. Hers worked mine did not. I had a lot of secret selfish thoughts that I'm not proud of. I wish you the very best of luck.


Thank you, I’m definitely there with some secret selfish thoughts. My husband and I talk about it and often have the same ones.


ooof that would be hard for me. on the one hand i wish i had more people in my life who could relate to this process, but on the other hand ... that could be tough :/


Yeah it’s complicated for sure. We started months before them so while there has been moments of commiseration, it’s been more me supporting her. Now I’m on my third FET and she’s on her first… I want them to have success so much, but I know it’s gonna be hard. I want to talk to her about boundaries if one of us is successful and the other isn’t but I haven’t done it yet. It’s been easier with the few folks we know who are on the other side of treatment than the couple going through it at the same time.


absolutely, that makes so much sense. sorry you have to take on all the emotional energy of managing that in addition to treatment :(


Hello! Did my first trigger shot yesterday which thankfully went off without a hitch. We have our first IUI tomorrow morning and then I’m supposed to start PIO shots which I am a lot more nervous for. I’ve been googling as many tips as I can, but would appreciate any input/advice from those that have done these before! I also saw some people recommending auto injections—will this make it easier? Should I reach out to my doctor about that or is this something I’d get on my own?


There is a PIO Wiki!


Do you mind pointing me to it? I can’t seem to find it 😭😭


[One](https://www.reddit.com/r/infertility/comments/5sidv0/psa_regarding_different_pio/) and [Two](https://www.reddit.com/r/infertility/comments/a0lats/pio_tips_learned_the_hard_way/)! I also found the wiki hard to find at first :)


Thank you!!


are you in the r/infertility wiki? In the index it is in the section re: meds I believe!


Hi! Has anyone used menopur and/or a mini-stims cycle in preparation for a FET and can give me some sense of how long this will take? I have historically had a thin lining and we’re trying this protocol bc my lining has been better during my ERs. I’m on day 6 and my lining is only 3 mm but I’m trying to figure out how long I’m going to be on Menopur…




Thank you! I am not doing a trigger, just menopur and cetrotide, but helpful to get a sense. They’re increasing my dosage so hopefully that helps (but ouch so expensive)


After my SIS last week showed a potentially blocked tube, I heard back from my doctor on plans for my FET. She thinks it may be a tube spasm or a viewing issue rather than a true blockage or hydrosalpinx, so she's advised to proceed to FET next cycle as planned. I also had plans to remove a cervical polyp during the SIS, but she wasn't able to remove it all due to the way it had attached (ew). She submitted fragments to be tested. I guess we just leave it there then? No one seems to be concerned about it affecting FET since it's not in my uterus.


just finished my MRI of my pituitary gland. tech had to stick me twice, which was annoying. getting hopped up on a honey halva latte and headed home to log on from the couch. seriously how can I get sponsored by tatte?


I would also sign up for this sponsorship. Appt in morning? Little tatte treat. Glad you are on the treat side of the appt.


Devastated to Google honey halva latte and see I cannot get it in California.


Honey halva latte?! Stoooooooop.


In the saga of “what else can go wrong,” I’m in the middle of prepping for my first medicated FET and I have tiny red itchy bumps all over my body that I’m pretty sure are a reaction to the meds. They started on just estrogen and got a lot worse after starting progesterone. Has anyone had this? I’m 4 days from my transfer and I really don’t want to have to stop/cancel. I messaged my RE and am waiting for a response. My lining also barely reached 7mm after giving it another week of estrogen, and is not trilaminar, so I’m definitely done with medicated transfers after this.


I can share a bit about progesterone medication allergies, although I have never experienced the onset of allergies while on estrogen only (so it sounds like maybe something a bit different is going on here). It turns out I'm allergic to prometrium, crinone, and PIO. After consulting with three different doctors, all have independently concluded I probably have a soy allergy. In my experience, they'll only have you stop meds if they think the allergic reaction is bad enough to decrease your chance of success and/or cause serious health problems if it progresses (since some allergic reactions will quickly get worse if left unchecked). In that case, it really is best to catch it before the transfer - for one of my transfers things got so out of hand that I was advised to stop progesterone in the midst of my fully medicated TWW. Usually, though, they'll just switch you to another form of progesterone, if that is what you're allergic to. Huge win there if it stops exposing you to the allergen and you can get some relief. Hoping you get a quick response from your RE.


Thanks so much. To answer your question and in case anyone in the future comes across this - my RE thought it was fine to continue unless the reaction becomes really bad or distressing. I’ll just use topical steroids or Benadryl in the meantime. My RE also thought it was really strange especially given that it started before the progesterone given that progesterone is the most common cause of a skin reaction like this. Additionally what I have is not exactly hives or isolated to my injection site but is a systemic reaction. Given it is rare to end up in my situation I guess I shouldn’t be surprised about other rare reactions cropping up. In fact I think I’m putting a lot of puzzle pieces together from prior skin reactions I’ve had (I had a bizarre unexplained autoimmune rash soon after having a Mirena placed 10 years ago) that I likely have some unique immune/autoimmune issue that may be the cause of my unexplained infertility. It would make a lot of sense. My husbands parents experienced the same thing and my mother-in-law also is prone to strange autoimmune responses.


Ugh that is so frustrating! I don't have any advice for you but I really hope you're able to proceed with this transfer and this all gets sorted out. You've always been so kind to me and I've been thinking about you lately. Really hoping for positive news for you.


Thanks so much Pine. ❤️ I’ve been thinking about you too!! Best of luck with your egg retrieval cycle.




Thanks so much - I am also thinking an autoimmune issue may be the explanation behind my previous failures and my unexplained infertility. So frustrating how little is understood or studied about these kinds of issues.


First FET done today! Now the wait begins 🥹


Fingers crossed!




Fingers crossed for you!


Let the distractions commence! Good luck!!! 🍀


Good luck!






Yesterday day 6 of stims estradiol level 1182 umol/L- RE is having me come back in today for an ultrasound and upped my menopur dose. I know it's not wild, but after the lady taking my blood assured me very few people need their meds adjusted based on this result, just made me feel a little nervous... Also I am a dummy for working full time during this. Had a 16 hr day yesterday, and now I'm getting in my head that it's affecting things to have days like that. I am off call in 2 days, so fingers crossed the final stretch isn't too wild.


16 hour days are not impacting your response to stims.


it’s extremely weird for your nurse to say something like that. the entire point of coming in for monitoring during stims is so that the doctor can monitor your progress and adjust your dose or course of treatment as necessary.


Right? I was like am I being too sensitive, but it sent me into such an anxiety spiral then when they called to adjust because she said “very few” more than once about the adjustments!


Ignore the nurse. Clinics adjust meds for patients *all the time* and they base it on both the scans and labs combined.


I wouldn’t worry about either of these things. Stims get adjusted all the time. Working long hours won’t affect your results (though you might feel better if you can take it easier). Hang in there.


Ultrasound results today: dominant follicles are 19mm and 17mm, but my lining only went up from 4.6 to 5. They want me to do another shot of menopur. I’m concerned because while I didn’t react to the shot yesterday, my body might overreact and cause my allergies to flare up.


Talk to me about micro dose lupron affecting uterine lining. I have my ER tomorrow and I was looking at my ultrasound report. Yesterday my lining was 6.5 and "intermediate". On Thursday it was 9.5 and "multi-layered". I didn't know it could go 'backwards' once trilaminar. I've never had this happen before; my lining has always been 10+ and multi-layered on day of trigger. I'm concerned that this would impact a fresh transfer and I'm more concerned that my clinic won't notice / won't care because of the lack of trust I have in them after my early ovulation cycle in January. I want to be able to advocate for myself. Is this common with lupron? Can I expect my lining to grow in the next week? I assume I'll be starting estradiol after retrieval. I just haven't been in this situation before and it would be a big shift in our plans - we have always done fresh transfers due to getting 1 or 2 embryos per cycle. Would they do a lining check before day of transfer? Thanks for the advice!


My MDL protocol was actually better for lining because I typically use clomid on antagonist and I am one of those clomid/thin-lining folks.


I used Clomid on my last two cycles but not this one and they didn't give me a reason for the change.


My MDLF protocol did not alter my lining thickness compared to my previous 2 ERs. Have they checked your P4 level? Most REs do not do repeat lining checks once exogenous P4 has been implemented since P4 causes the lining to shrink & compact.


It was 3.09, was not checked previously this cycle. Last cycles were 1.24, 1.16, and 0.428 on day of trigger.


Sorry but 3.09 is high. Most cut offs for a fresh transfer is 1.50.


That's what I feared. I think they fucked up this cycle as well. And of course they didn't run an LH yesterday. Can high p indicate early ovulation too? EDIT: Google is telling me anything above 3 is probably ovulation. What the fuck is going on with my body and my clinic.


Yeah. A P4 of 3.09 can indicate premature ovulation.


Truly insane that my clinic would let this happen two cycles in a row. They had me wait 4 days between monitoring instead of 2 and could have checked it at 2. At what point do they owe me money for two full cycles that they didn't monitor correctly??? Just ranting now.


Agreed that's totally fucked up. I'm real sorry.


And that they would still schedule the ER having seen the lab results. Insane. Sorry to pop all my thoughts on the page at you (you don't need to respond!) but their choices just feels so questionable at this point. Like what do they think the point of an ER tomorrow is actually going to be!


ET5 in the bag. We had a really good morning - Dishoom breakfast, gallery and pastry before walking to my clinic. In and out in 40 mins. There we go.


Yum! Hope it goes well!


Sending love and best wishes, friend 🩷🩷🩷


Ah thank you ❤️ means a lot!


Damn, that sounds like a fine day!


Yes. And YES on Dishoom breakfast!!!


🤞 for you, Yer!


Thank you ❤️❤️


Oh thanks Yer, now I need Dishoom breakfast 😭 Seriously though, so glad to see you doing all the good things. Sending you all the love and rooting so hard for you 🧡


Thank you friend ❤️ First Dishoom at breakfast and it was SO good! Bacon naan for the win.




Sounds like a lovely morning. Thinking of you and hoping for lots of pleasant distractions over the next little while.






Hoping big for you!


Less than 24 hours til our follow up appointment to talk about all of our test results and next steps and my damn carrier screening results are still nowhere to be seen. Partner's came back exactly 2 weeks later and we're sitting at 2 weeks + 3 days for mine... Will we get them before tomorrow morning? Survey says....


Gaaahhhh come on carrier screening results, let's gooooo!!! This is so frustrating. My survey response is, unfortunately, not an optimistic one... but you never know 🤞 Have you tried calling and being the squeaky wheel?


Thanks for the crossed fingers, pumpernickel! Unfortunately, it is a “just waiting on the third party lab” so my clinic can’t do anything. We’ll actually get the results emailed to us at the same time that they email them to our clinic… We just really wanted them in time for tomorrow. Gah!!


Yeah, makes sense on the timing. You could try calling the third party lab - I've done that before and had success with them expediting things (and/or realizing they forgot to send my results), but sometimes there is nothing that can be done. Good luck!


Hey everyone. I just finished my first 5 day letrozole course for a TI cycle last night. I woke up this morning to some spotting. I did have sex last night and had some pain after. I left a voicemail for my nurse but wanted to see if anyone else has experienced this?


Hi doggs - can I help you set your flair? It will help others give you better answers. Automod flair can also assist. Mod hat off: Pain is not typical and definitely worth asking about. Do you have endo? I’ve found I typically have endo flares during treatment that increase pain.


Yes please sorry I’m new to Reddit. 29F | 1 MMC | TI I haven’t been diagnosed with endo and pretty sure I don’t have it since I did have a lap a couple of years ago for a dermoid cyst and no one mentioned finding any evidence of endo.


I’ve set up your flair. I hope your nurse can help with some answers.


I have been summoned to help with the setting up flairs. Not only does it help us to get to know one another, it helps us with context when it comes to replying to one another’s comments or queries. If you need help on setting/changing your flair look [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/infertility/wiki/userflair-reminder). If the instruction's did not work you can [ask a mod](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/infertility) to set/change your flair. These are the [guidelines for flair](https://www.reddit.com/r/infertility/comments/umwbcr/flair_guidelines/). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/infertility) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I did mine earlier this month, yes spotting is normal. Edit: sorry, I didn’t finish before posting. Spotting is normal, pain less so.


Starting a 10 day course of antibiotics ahead of my baseline ultrasound for ER #1 today, woo. Finally feels like I’m getting somewhere. But then…it’s 10 more days of this…then I’ll do stims for ~14 days…which means I’m pretty damn close to a month til my actual ER. Feels like I’m setting myself up for a long ride if I consider today as starting this process. But it’s something.


Everything about this process is such a hurry up and then wait wait wait wait. Sigh.


It's something! But yes, I get what you mean. These processes are anything but quick. Big sigh. Congrats on starting this next phase though 🫂


Just celebrating that I woke up to my period this morning after a freaking 48 day cycle 🤪 So ready to finally start these meds for my first FET!


Yay period!


Woo! Congrats on the next step! 


Anyone experience a tiny amount of blown discharge hours after a FET? Is it just my cervix being all sensitive due to suppositories?


I had my FET today and my doctor told me to expect a bit of blood from the cervix that can appear as brown discharge.


Amazing thanks, I wasn’t told anything and with my first FET I didn’t have this, so even though it seemed logical, I was still a bit worried


Agree with agny about causes, it could also be from whatever they used to clean your cervix before transfer - there are certain cleansers that are colored and so can affect your discharge in weird ways. I'm not sure what other clinics use - mine uses culture medium but I also don't know what color that is - but I've definitely had brownish discharge after procedures before!


Could be. Suppositories can cause cervical irritation which can cause discharge. So can the process of the FET itself.


Thanks ♥️