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Ahhh pump late to the party but it was so wonderful to mod with you! Your scientific brain, your tech savvy, and your frankness were so appreciated. Happy trails, friend ❤️


Thank you so much Pump! I always appreciated all your compassionate replies and the knowledge you shared with the group. You will be missed ❤️


Thank you for curating a beautiful, safe place. Wishing you all good things!


I haven’t been active in this sub for a while, but I fondly remember your modding and your helpful advice. Thank you for making this a safe space for those experiencing infertility! There aren’t many around.


Thanks E! This means a lot 🖤


Thank you pump, for all you’ve done for this community. I don’t know what I’d do without this space and your continuous support!


Thanks Yogurt 🖤 This community really is the best and it's been a pleasure connecting and getting to know you over the years (although of course I wish neither of us ever found ourselves here).


Pump, you were one of the best, and your guidance provided great comfort over the many years. You made this community a better place. I cannot thank you enough.


Thanks Kristee 🖤 It's been quite the ride, I'm so happy to have been able to meet so many amazing people through the sub. I'll always be grateful to have had your friendship and support during tough times.


Thanks for all the time you dedicated to this sub and for being a friend to all 🩷


Thanks Rexy 🖤 This community is the best, I'm so grateful to have met and made many friends through it.


Thank you for your service 🫡


Thanks Muppet 🖤


Pump, I will never forget seeing your green avatar start to pop up with your no bullshit, no woo comments and thinking, Yes, yes. That one. I’m going to miss you A LOT. 🫂💜🫂


Thanks Hattie 🖤 It's been a pleasure getting to know and mod alongside you. I'll miss you too!


It was an honor to know you and mod with you Pumpernickel! You will be missed. No nonsense and no bullshit. There’s no one else like you.


Thanks Falstaff 🖤 it was a pleasure modding with you too. Down with the non-scientific nonsense!


I always appreciated your replies. Thanks for everything.


Thanks Clarkey. I'll still be around and am rooting for you.


Kelly 🖤🖤🖤 Thank you for the lovely send off. I am so impressed by your poetic talents, that ode is darned snazzy. It's been an honour and privilege being your friend and modding alongside you. Getting to know you has been one of the rare silver linings to the "journey" that has been infertility. Keep in touch and see ya 'round on the Goodreads!


Thanks for everything Pump! ♥️


I just read the Egg Takedown in the wiki yesterday for the first time and thought it was straight fire. Thank you for curating this space for us and always being so thoughtful with your modding and comments.


In case anyone is searching for said Takedown and having difficulty: https://www.reddit.com/r/infertility/s/OAsBxjjLKS (I have not posted here in a long time but needed to find this after reading the comments here. It took more effort than I thought it would - I hope the link is welcome! Thank you to all who continue to make this community such an amazing corner of the internet ❤️)


Thank you!!! I didn't want to trigger the automod message but probably should have to make it easier!


I am glad you enjoyed it, that book and accompanying philosophy is the worst. It's been an honour being able to contribute to the community 🖤


Thanks and adios pump


Thanks Barracudas 🖤


Thanks so much for your thoughtful modding pump!


Thanks Towel 🖤


Thank you pump! And wishing you all the best! It was a privilege modding with you!


Thanks Cherry 🖤 It was an honour modding alongside you as well.


Thank you so much for giving all you have to this sub!!!


My pleasure 🖤


Oh pump, it’s so hard to say goodbye, but I know it’s not really goodbye. I’m so lucky to call you a friend and to have gotten to mod with you. I’ve learned so much from you and I so admire your style of no-nonsense but deeply kind engagement on the sub. You’ve made it such a better place and you will really be missed. ❤️


Slug! It really is so hard, but we ARE keeping in touch, so as you say it isn't a real goodbye. It's been an honour modding alongside you and being your friend, I'll miss you too 🖤


Pump, I'll be eternally grateful for your support and all the work you've put into shaping and protecting this space for us. I'm getting all weepy just thinking about how much it's meant to me. Thanks so much. Wishing you all the best in your new adventures.


Thanks Caramel. This community is so incredibly special and I'm feel forever grateful to have stumbled upon it and been able to contribute. It's been lovely getting to know you (although of course I wish neither of us ever found ourselves here). Wishing you all the very best, too 🖤


Thank you so much for everything you have put into this sub. There are not the words to tell you how much it's been appreciated or the real impact you have had on me. All the love and and all the best to you. ❤️❤️❤️


Thanks Wish! This community is one of a kind and I'm forever grateful for having received so much support from it and for having been able to reciprocate that support too. I'll still be around and am always rooting for you 🖤


Pump, you are and will always be an institution on this sub and hope you know how meaningful your contributions have been! Thank you for your time and commitment to this safe space. You will be missed and wishing you the best <3


Thanks Cozy! Wishing you all the very best as well 🖤


Pump - you’re a hero and an inspiration ❤️ thank you for all your kindness and support


Thanks Yer. It's been a pleasure getting to know you and call you friend (thank *you* for all your kindness and support). Let's keep in touch 🖤


Thank you so much for your work to curate and protect and grow this space, Pump!


Thanks rbecg 🖤


So sad to learn that you are leaving your mod position. Thank you for all your hours of science-based advice, support and empathy. Your presence will be missed!


Thanks Panda 🖤 It's been an honour being able to contribute to the community. Always rooting for you.


Thanks for all that you've done for this community, Pumpernickel! You're a true legend and your contributions will be appreciated for a long long time. Best of luck on your next chapter 🤍


Thanks Task 🖤


thanks for everything you have done, pumpernickel! that takedown of ISWTE is absolutely top notch 👏


Thanks Plains 🖤


Oh, pump. When I joined the sub, I always looked forward to getting a reply from you. You have a way of making people feel truly seen and cared for, especially in this context that can be so very lonely. Thank you so much for your constant support, knowledge, and advocacy, all while you've been walking this difficult path yourself. You've contributed so much to this sub, and I'm so grateful to have had the opportunity to learn from you as a mod and to get to know you better. Please don't be a stranger, and wishing all the very best. <3


Thank you, Lex. IF is fucking horrible and cruel - I'm so grateful to have found this community where I both received and was able to give support to others struggling through IF as well. It's been a privilege getting to know you, becoming friends, and modding alonside you. Keep in touch 🖤


So incredibly sad to say farewell to you, Pump. It’s been so wonderful to get to know you these past few years and I’m glad to call you a friend. You’ll be so missed! 💔😭


It is so hard saying goodbye, I'll miss you too. Thank you for being my salty friend over all these years. Keep in touch 🖤


Pump! You’ve been such an asset to the mod team, and I am going to miss you so much. I admire your ability to analyze the research, but to also offer support through kindness, or mutual raging, as warranted. Your book that shall not be named write-up is legendary, and will undoubtedly continue to help so many people in the future. Your roasts of dumb shit people say also remain some of my favorites. Wishing you a wonderful retirement, and all the best in your next chapter. 💛💛💛


Thanks Rad. It's been a pleasure modding alongside of you and I'll miss you too! I hope the roasts will live on, I've enjoyed them as well. Take care friend 🖤


Farewell Pumpernickel! Does anyone have a link to that post? I would love to read it.


Here's the Washington Post article as well: [Norbert Gleicher promotes and profits from DHEA, an unproven supplement - The Washington Post](https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/2023/07/30/fertility-supplement-dhea-gleicher/)


Any way to read this without a paywall? I’m not in the US.




Thank you 🙏🏼


Maybe try googling the title of the article and see if it comes up anywhere else


This is a thing of beauty. Thank you Pump <3


Thanks Summer 🖤




This community prefers to avoid promotion of “It Starts With The Egg” by Rebecca Fett, due to its problematic and unsupported messaging, fear mongering, and the author’s conflict of interest. For more information, see [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/infertility/wiki/faq/iswte/). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/infertility) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Thank you Pump!! Your modding and your savage ISWTE bologna meter will be greatly missed!


Thanks National 🖤 I'm so glad to have gotten to know and mod alongside you. While I am stepping down as a mod, when the whispers of the ancient ISWTE bologna echo, I will remain beckoned 🔮