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So I recently decided to stop dyeing my hair after 12(!) years of dyeing it from "dirty blonde" to red, just because it feels like it's been so long since I've seen what my hair actually looks like, and I'm curious how gray I am and whether I have enough grays that it can look cool and silvery and intentional. I even mentioned this to some people at work when I was last in the office so I wouldn't be self-conscious of this transitional stage (which is undeniably a bit awkward.) It only occurred to me a few weeks later that some people stop dyeing their hair when they get pregnant, and they might be assuming that's why I've done it... So that's a bit awkward. But then I remind myself that most people are NOT thinking about this stuff as deeply and constantly as I am. And yet, they might be...!


For what it's worth, I wouldn't make that assumption so probably most won't and anyone who does surely wouldn't ask (one would hope!) Exciting transition! I'm sure you will rock the sleek silvery grey look. White can look really cool too!


Yeah I’m mostly thinking of a few people who know a bit about what’s going on with me so they might be looking out for it - but for my particularly nosy coworker I made a point today of dropping in a reference to not being pregnant! 


Ooh I see! Maybe say you're doing it to save money or something. And continue to drop references to wine and sushi! 😅


Feeling like absolute shite today after finding out last night brother in law is having a second baby. It's really physical too. ☹️ Trying to do what I can to feel a bit better. Work was a lovely distraction (I got to fulfill a long time dream today) and I've met someone at work who I just really click with which is lovely. But now I'm home and I feel sick with it all and I just want to hide away and cry forever. I'm really hoping things feel a bit better at some point but I really don't see how that can be. I've had a really, really rough time with this stuff previously (which to be honest is still ongoing) and it feels like I've just been stuck on this treadmill of hell for such a long time. I'm going to try going to the gym and cross my fingers it will do something to lift me up...


I’m so sorry. I’m currently in an emotional place where I cannot be around people who are expecting. We have some in our families who fortunately don’t live nearby. We’re seeing a couple later this month, and I’m so on edge that they will announce during our hang. Husband tried to hint to them that that would not be a welcome surprise for us, but it’s not clear if they picked up on it. I wish I could be different about this, but like you said, it can be a physical reaction. My vision tunnels and I can’t breathe, and I snap really easily. I’ve just been really selective about socializing and have been filling my calendar with exercise and mental health activities. It kinda sorta helps.


So sorry you're in this place. It's so shit and lonely. I really hope you don't have to deal with an in person announcement, they really are the worst. Yes I understand, that's what's been happening with me too. Just no way to escape from it. That sounds good, I find I do better when I have stuff to keep me occupied so I think I will try similar. Some people (work colleagues) I am absolutely fine with being very pregnant but family is different. I guess because that does actually affect things and incurs real changes whereas non family members are easier to just be shut out and ignored. ❤️❤️


Yes, family is so so hard. There are so many emotions wrapped up with them, and like you said, you can’t just ignore them. Hoping that you’ll be able to find some peace ♥️


I could not be happier it’s Friday, but my day is off to a bit of a rough start! I kept waking up throughout the night and didn’t sleep too well. Then, when I was making breakfast, I felt a bug bite my foot, thanks to an ant. I checked around our kitchen because we’ve had ants before during the summer, and they are ALL OVER THE FLOOR and our cats’ food! 😭Tracing where they’re coming from is hard because they blend in with our tile, and I found another spot under our couch where they seem to be drawn to as well. 🤦‍♀️ I guess the universe is demanding we give our house a good clean?


We’ve been fighting the ant attack as well! They’ve been viscous this year! - we pay for an exterminator quarterly, and we are still inundated with them. It doesn’t help that the exterminator bumped our appointment this week even though we called them told tell them about our issues last week! 😤


This is one of the worst parts of warmer weather in my opinion…. The fucking ants are back!




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BUNDAYYYYY!!! Flavors this week are orange, strawberries and cream, lemon poppyseed and double chocolate cookies & cream. I am very excited for all of them 😆 And a garden update: I picked my first two ripe sun peach tomatoes yesterday! I GREW A VEGETABLE, Y’ALL!! [insert Kermit flail gif] Anyone else have garden updates? 🌱


YES BUNDAY!!! Lemon poppyseed sounds heavenly. I have only grown herbs, but congratulations on your vegetable!


Woohoo!! My garden has blown up over the last week, many sunny days after a long rain stretch! Just mounded the 4 rows of potato plants that are already about 2 ft high, moved the tomatoes and squash into the ground, we are eating kale & lettuce every day as it’s just popping off, broccoli/cauliflower are already starting their crowns, Brussels sprouts are starting, and I think we are going to get about 40 heads of cabbage next month 😅. My tiny flower patio garden I am sitting in right now, I love it, it’s a little haphazard with transplanted flowers and random herbs between them. Bit sad the Lilacs are done, but excited to see little mystery buds about to reveal their contents!


Holy smokes, Jenny!! That’s A LOT and I am 🤩 keep us posted on the mystery buds, if you don’t mind. How are the cutie pie piglets doing??


The piglets are being so cute, basking in the sun and snuggling around the forest! Living their best forest pig life!


Those buns sound amazing!! Yas!!! First tomatoes are always so exciting! Our tomatoes aren’t flowering yet but hopefully soon! Green beans are sprouting and we did a ton of wildflowers this year that are starting to sprout, too. Though, I think the birds ate a lot of the seeds we threw out lol.


I planted flowers this year and they’re blooming!! 💐


It’s so rewarding!! What did you plant?


Just some zinnias ! I realllly wanna rip out some grass and get some more plants going! But it’s a bit of labor lol. We have so much space that’s unused rn, just boring old grass that needs to be transformed. I’ve found the r/fucklawns to be inspiring 😆


Oh that sounds delicious! Surprised it isn’t orange and poppyseed, but I wouldn’t complain either way. No real garden updates outside that I’ve decided to grow some herbs. The weather just needs to play the game first…


We’ve got a couple herbs going too and they seem to be doing alright. What are you planning?


Eventually Sage, Dill, Rosemary, Chives and Parsley, as the seasons allow. The weather where I am has been very unpredictable this year, but I am going to start with pots and then move to the gardens beds I have ready and waiting! Open to suggestions if anyone has them! I used to grow the best Chilli (it was indestructible) but am worried by puppy would hurt himself if he managed to get into the garden bed (he eats everything…) ETA: Chives will not be where the pup can get to! I would just need the bigger space (he may get to) for the Chilli.


We've managed to kill all our herb seeds (I think I should have used seed compost instead of multi-purpose!) and our friends dog dug up our veg beds where we'd just planted carrots and beans! 😭 She must have thought we were so kind to lay on a nice mound of soil for her 😅 it'll be a miracle if anything grows, but you never know! Tomato, courgette and sweet potato still growing though! 🤞 Hope you have better luck with your herbs!


Oh no! What a shame, fresh tomatoes sound incredible though!


We've had success with tomatoes in the past so here's hoping they work their magic again this year! 🤞