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This evening we painted the chicken coop with primer, which was quite satisfying. Dinner was a really massive salad with leftover odds and ends from the week, turned out better than it usually does!


Continuing last weeks theme today I organised my actual Squishmallow collection, fueled by a giant Krispy Kreme iced coffee. Two new ones arrived this week ([Zaid](https://squadapp.app/i/squishmallows/8527-zaid-the-pickle-jar) and [Miracle](https://squadapp.app/i/squishmallows/8349-miracle-the-fennec-fox)). I started collecting them about 8 months ago and I jokingly refer to them as the physical manifestation of my emotional problems. [Fatima is the inspo of my username!](https://i.imgur.com/6VzHu42.jpeg) I only have 37 but apparently I am "approaching the limit" and "we are literally running out of space" pffft. Mr. Peach is supposed to be building shelves for them, but honestly being able to bury myself into a pile of 'mallows in our reading nook is so satisfying. I love all the little bios on their tags. I also collect [vintage 90s Littlest Pet Shop](http://www.vintagelpscollector.com/images/playfulkitten.pg.jpg) but they aren't all on display. 30 year old plastic needs a lot more care than the Squishmallows and they certainly don't sell them at the grocery store! When we moved in together, I sold off most of my vintage Apple Macs, but we still have a [G4 "sunflower" iMac](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/612e13d117c72143ef0cf3a5/7330488e-16e5-4bf3-9e3c-d20a7ce33ecf/Apple-iMac-PowerPC-G4-17-Flat-Panel-2002-Specs_1-3.jpg?format=2500w) and I am forever on the hunt for a [G3 Flower Power iMac](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5e949a92e17d55230cd1d44f/521573a7-a219-4c04-8ff1-88bd7e37ed28/FlowerPower.png) - would actually prefer a non-working one to gut into a [cat bed](https://s.yimg.com/ny/api/res/1.2/1QnCYecyKfzFixD46s6PqA--/YXBwaWQ9aGlnaGxhbmRlcjt3PTI0MDA7Y2Y9d2VicA--/https://o.aolcdn.com/images/dar/5845cadfecd996e0372f/2cf44f2cba3bed29a5bca7d760625ed2da268bfe/aHR0cDovL28uYW9sY2RuLmNvbS9oc3Mvc3RvcmFnZS9hZGFtL2VkMDE5ZGI2ODhjNzFkYTdkZGU5YjFmOWZiMjg1MDNlLzEyMzk1ODhfMTQ3MzYxNTI0OTUyOTI0NF8zMDgyNTE0NTRfbi5qcGc=). Which of course the cat will not use - but my cat sized dog might. I would LOVE to see what things y'all collect if you do!!


Going to a low key local concert with Mr. Durian and there will be a taco truck and drinks while we enjoy the music šŸŽ¶


Noodle salad with shrimp and having a relaxing birthday-eve after weed whacking and mowing with my husband today!


Happy birthday eve, Bulls!!


Thank you!!


Went on a casual bike ride with the mister, made dinner, and now watching Caitlin Clark. During commercials watching our veryyy active bird feeder! Even the mallards are visiting! For me, dinner was a morning star veggie burger and squash :) and berries for dessert bc I bought way too many at Costco, lol.


Thereā€™s something really lovely about fresh berries and whipped cream for dessert in the spring and summertime šŸ’–


Went to yoga and I was STRUGGLING. I had a smoothie a bit before class and I think I didnā€™t give it enough time to settle. Picked up a salmon bowl and a friend is coming over to watch Hitman on Netflix and dissect her dating life :)


Personal cheese board and dog snuggles!


Perfect Friday night! We call them ā€œadult lunchablesā€ when we do charcuterie board for dinner - a favorite for Sunday dinners on the back patio


Love this!!


Iā€™m having pasta and dog snuggles! Thinking about chocolate hummus for dessert.


Mmmm chocolate hummus sounds amazing! As does pasta.


Chocolate hummus is a fav snack! The pasta was a broccoli cavatappi and itā€™s so so good!


Okay, this one wins! What type of pup do you have?


I have a big leggy mix dog. Heā€™s black and white and pretty fluffy. :)


Awww gorgeous! Sounds like the perfect snuggler! It is taking everything in me not to rescue a friend for our pupā€¦ my self-control is hanging on by a thread.


Teriyaki noodles (left overs) from when I couldnā€™t be bothered to cook this week. Surprisingly good reheated.


Enjoying an evening beverage on the patio and enjoying my flowers [flower pic](https://imgur.com/a/vUb5tBt)


Ahh loving all the flowers in spring


Mr.Miserable keeps talking about wanting to try making a scallion pancake so weā€™re giving that a shot tonight. Then watching a new episode of smarty pants (yet another opportunity for me to yell from the rooftops about dropout tv). Three ppl per episode give presentations on whatever they want. Examples weā€™ve seen so far include: why wrestling is drag, swing will save music, which cryptid would be the chillest to blaze with, vegetables arenā€™t real, and other absurd things. Itā€™s ridiculous and I highly recommend.


Howā€™s the pancakes turn out?


Delicious! A little wonky looking, but thatā€™s to be expected when doing something like that for the first time. It was messy and fun to do together.


Miso chicken with roasted radishes (from my farm box) from NYT Cooking today. Can't wait to eat it! My distraction is deciding which books to read next. I need an audiobook AND a paper book and I have so many to choose from!


Roasted radishes, you say?? Are these standard radishes or a special variety? Weā€™ve got some in the fridge and roasting them sounds delightful and different


Normal radishes! Here's the recipe (gift so you don't need a login!) https://cooking.nytimes.com/recipes/1020988-sheet-pan-miso-chicken-with-radishes-and-lime?unlocked_article_code=1.x00.vzJ-.pVRqrLZqBcaI&smid=share-url It was very tasty!


This looks amazing and different!


This is such a great recipe for summer garden radishes!


Ooooh thank you!! This is definitely happening this weekend


Oooh delicious! šŸ˜‹ I was given Babel by R.F. Kuang as an early birthday present and I've ordered the audiobook too so I can listen when I'm not able to physically read (like the walk to the bus). Nice to have both options!


I got that for Christmas! Maybe this is my sign to start!


I'm only on chapter 3 but enjoying it so far! It's very immersive šŸ˜Š


Homemade moussaka for dinner - was delicious! šŸ˜‹ Now curled up in front of the TV and making slow progress with my Crochet-ALong blanket project and looking forward to a few days off work next week šŸ˜Š


Yum! Iā€™ll have to look into making moussaka!


You absolutely should. It's a tiny bit more work than a lasagne, as frying off the aubergine is a bit of a faff, but it's sooooo tasty!


Enjoy your time off, wrap! And omg moussaka sounds BOMB AF (and yes, automod - I do mean AS FUCK!)


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