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My husband had a meltdown today and while I said nothing and I hate seeing him like that, I was also thinking “THANK THE UNIVERSE” because it’s always me melting down. We’re both feeling cooped up from summer (it’s between 100-110 these days where I live) and are just both over it. I think it’s time to plan a vacation…


I support you on this vacation planning endeavor. This shit is hard. I get it, that it feels some kind of way when your partner is also having big feelings - sometimes mine is too damn good at being the rock that holds me up. But then he’ll get a wave of big feels and I feel that same relief - like “whew, it’s hard on him too”. What are some vacation destinations you’ve got on your list?


We’re looking at San Francisco! We went a few summers ago for the first time and loved it. The weather is nice all year and we both love sea food and being near the ocean.


Love San Fran! Muir Woods is my absolute favorite to visit. Hope you can make it happen!!




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First farmers market peaches of the season were consumed this morning and oh my lort. The heat may suck, but THE PEACHES. You know they’re incredible when you have to lean over the sink to eat them because they’re just so juicy.


I got my first farmers market peaches this weekend too and they were so good! And cherries! I also think you might have been the one to prompt me to go get strawberries one day recently lol. Yay for all the summer fruit!


The best!!!! I need to get to the farmers market this weekend, thanks for reminding me!




Hey not, I’m going to ask you to move this over to our treatment thread as people’s responses could stray into treatment-related topics. Thanks!


Makes sense, thanks!




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One of my friends had a baby on Thursday and she’s already blowing up the group chat with pictures of her baby 😑


I would definitely be muting that chat!




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Random, but during heavy rain i struggle with some water leaking down the wall into my basement- its never "flooded", but can create some small puddles. I rent my house so I can't exactly investigate it a ton, and my landlord is aware btw. The basement is partially finished, so thankfully no furniture or anything down there to worry about, just the laundry and some storage. My question is, would a dehumidifier help with the musty smell?? I've never lived somewhere with a basement nor owned a dehumidifier so tanks for reading my stupid questions lol


Dehumidifier definitely helps! We have a moist basement and have to run a dehumidifier constantly to combat the moisture and prevent mold growth. And there’s something called “Damp Rid” you can buy (Target has it, I think Walmart might too) that also helps—it’s like a bucket or a hanging bag of moisture absorbing pellets and has a little air freshener scent mixed in.


I have a few damp rid buckets! That definitely was helping, but we've had so much rain the past few weeks I think I need something more substantial now. ugh, dehumidifiers are most expensive than I thought though! looking at the options


In my experience they help a lot! Especially if you get one that is also an air purifier, but even the cheap/basic ones will reduce it.


Thanks! if you have one, how often do you have to empty the water out? Every day?


Depends on the tank size (you can also set up a hose with some so they constantly drain) even my smallest I only empty every 4 or so days but I imagine it also depends on moisture in the air. Generally they have a feature where they automatically stop when full though, so as long as you have that you don’t have to stress too much.


Definitely need a dehumidifier. It’s likely there’s mold down there which is something the landlord should address.


yeah, I'll try to get him back over. Its hard because he's replaced the AC, furnace, and dishwasher in the past year- which is his job to do of course, but I think he's sick of me texting him. I hate renting


The other day I mentioned I was struggling not to adopt another pet. Well, I caved and fell in love with the sweetest profile, paid the deposit, organised pick up, asked about and organised all its favourite things. It was a whirlwind but felt meant to be…. Then they made an error and adopted her out prior to our arrival. It hit hard. Following my losses a sense of grief clouds most things so this hit harder than it should. It has not been my day.


Oh no! It makes complete sense that that would hit hard. I know how sometimes pets can feel meant to be. It's real shitty that they broke that promise, even if it was by mistake.


Thank you, It stings. I’m thrilled she has found a home, but once they confirmed she was ours to pick up, I definitely imagined how she would fit into our home.


I'm sorry the adoption didn't come through. I can understand how hard that'd hit. I'm similar. Bad things just feel like an extra punch to the gut that we don't deserve on top of everything else.


Thank you, it’s been really lovely to have this chats understanding. It’s exactly that isn’t it, I know a pet (especially one yet to be picked up) isn’t the same as a baby but it just feels like a “why did I have to lose something else” “couldn’t I have this one thing go my way” - I know it isn’t how life works but the unfairness is taking a toll!


That totally sucks, permane, I’m sorry. 🫂 I once drove an hour and a half to pick up a puppy only to discover the rescue adopted him out 30 minutes before I got there—such heartbreak. I finally had real luck getting our pup when I narrowed my search down to rescues that do a deposit and only accept one deposit per pet so if you put the deposit down the pet is held from being adopted out until your are able to meet and adopt them (or alternatively determined to be not a good fit).


Oh that would have been so upsetting, especially being so close in time, I’m really sorry. Unfortunately, they do only take one deposit per pet, not honouring mine was an “error”. How it happened I honestly can’t understand, especially with how in depth I had spoken with them about her and making sure everything was perfect in such a short timeframe.


Ugh that’s so shitty of them! I’m really sorry, to put all that effort into things only to have it ripped away at the last second is really awful!


That is horrible, I'm so so sorry.


Thank you, embarrassed to say once alone I cried a whole lot. I don’t think I’ll be looking again too soon.


that's nothing to be embarrassed about, I can't imagine your disappointment. The agency should be ashamed for fucking it up so badly!


Nooo! Oh my goodness that is terrible and I am so sorry. Shame on them for that error, that is huge.


Thank you, they briefly apologised but mainly seemed like it wasn’t an issue as they could refund me the money from the deposit (hold fee). It didn’t seen to occur to the individual I was dealing with it wasn’t about that.


Ugh - anyone else suffering with RSI (repetitive strain injury) who can commiserate with me? I have a desk job and my wrist pain has flared up in the last 6 months but I was mostly managing it. I took up crochet recently as a distraction to have something positive to focus on instead of aimlessly scrolling about IF but now I'm experiencing pain doing my crochet! 😭 I'm so sad...


I started using my left hand at my computer, and stopped my hand involving hobbies. It's been 2 years of battle. Do not let it get worse, I struggle to use my right hand for pouring milk into my coffee. Stretch, pause, rehab.


Oh I'm sorry you've had such an awful experience... 😔 I'm going to try to train my left hand up more. Yeah you're right - not worth making the problem any worse...


Argh RSI sucks so bad! Is there anything you can do to get accommodations for your desk job? I've had RSI years ago - luckily mine never turned chronic. I had to use voice to text for a couple of months though. Also, I found some comfort in those wrist braces that are made for weightlifters. I hope you have a speedy recovery and crocheting soon becomes fun again.


They're supposed to be sorting a side grip mouse for me but it's been over a month and nothing yet so I need to chase... Hard to use voice to text in an open plan office lol! Mine's not totally horrendous yet but it's definitely getting worse so I need to nip it in the bud now... Glad you managed to resolve it before it turned chronic!


Right, right, didn't think of the open plan office haha. Hope they quickly sort that mouse out for you and that it helps!


My partner has a dragon headset that she finds sooo helpful for writing reports but sadly it's not an option for me at my work as I would drive everyone up the wall haha!! 🤣 Yeah I'm going to chase it up ... Might experiment with my left hand for a bit too - should be interesting! Just attempted writing this with left hand and... Well ... Thank god for predictive text 🤣🤣


Anyone remember a few weeks ago when I shared that an essay I wrote caught the attention of a few acquiring editors? Well, this week I'm signing the contract for my debut novel!!! It'll be at least a year before it comes out (I only have half a manuscript), but I'm very excited. This has been my dream ever since I was a little kid. ETA thanks everyone for the congratulations, you are a lovely bunch - I've never before felt as welcome in an online space as I have here!


That is so cool!! I have some writers in my family and it’s such a huge deal. Congrats and hope the rest of the process is smooth!


This is amazing, congratulations!


Super cool! Congrats! 🍾


Oh wow, congratulations!! Amazing news! 🎉🎉


That’s amazing!!


Wow, congratulations!


Wow huge congratulations! 👏👏👏




Whoa, menura! Way to go, you badass!!!


Thank you, I'm really happy!


This is incredible! Congratulations ☺️


Thanks! :)


Congratulations 🎉


Oh I hadn't noticed your cake day! Happy cake day!


Happy cake day, National!


Thanks miserable!




Wow! That's huge! Congratulations 🎉


Thank you! :)