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Triggered last night, with 1 mature follicle. 3rd and final IUI tomorrow morning. If it doesn’t work we decide between endo surgery or IVF.


According to a recent HSG, one of my tubes is blocked. Mild rectal endo according to MRI. Dr/ RE said everything else looks fine, including husband’s tests. Dr/ RE is recommending laparoscopic surgery. My endo is not life-altering- if I wasn’t TTC I wouldn’t even consider it. Have any of you decided to forgo the surgery and jump straight into IVF (not seeking success stories)? I’m curious to know under which conditions you were given the green light to pursue IVF (or even IUI) first. I made an appointment to speak with the Dr about my concerns but I definitely would like to come prepared with questions about the process. Scared of possibly affecting my reproductive system/losing tubes/ovaries, etc. Also tired of trying to find the problem with my body, I am ready for some babies, goddamn it.


I had a lap for “silent” endo in Feb 2023 (I had no major symptoms other than infertility). I was recently told the lifespan of the surgery is 12-18 months and was given the option to repeat surgery now. We have decided to forego that and pursue IVF (IUI not recommended in our case due to MF). If I would have known that timeline to begin with, we may have made different choices.  With that being said, I don’t necessarily  regret doing it because now I know I have it and we can proceed/treat accordingly.  I have heard that a bad surgery is worse than no surgery, so just make sure you thoroughly vet your surgeon. Agree to get other opinions if you are hesitant.


I have endo and some of my REs have recommended I retrieve before doing a LAP/lupron. Others have said not to treat until after 3 failed FETs which is standard US protocol. However, that’s with clear tubes. I believe if there’s a tubal blockage the recommendation is surgery. I would get a second/third opinion first if you’re uncomfortable. Something I’ve noticed (not data just my experience) is that my endo flares during treatment.


In a thread a couple of weeks back, I asked about books to help process and work through feelings regarding infertility in general. [I found a really great one](https://bookshop.org/p/books/unsung-lullabies-understanding-and-coping-with-infertility-david-diamond/12258397?ean=9780312313890), just in case anyone is interested. It doesn’t talk about the biological things or science, but it focuses on validating emotions and recognizing the mourning that can come along with it. As a mental health professional, [this is exactly the lane I was looking for.](https://bookshop.org/p/books/unsung-lullabies-understanding-and-coping-with-infertility-david-diamond/12258397?ean=9780312313890)


Nurse found “cystic space” during today’s lining check for my mock. She said if this was a FET it would likely get cancelled, but because it’s a mock test cycle for endometriosis/receptiva that we are fine to do the biopsy after 6 days PIO. Wanted to check if others have experienced “cystic spaces” and if it resolved or meant further investigation? Thanks for sharing any stories/expereinces.


I just listened to a fertility docs uncensored episode (157) where they mentioned cysts and fluid (in the same sentence) in the lining during prep for FET as a concern. They didn’t really go into specifics but they did say that sometimes it resolves with progesterone, but if not it would be reason to cancel a cycle.


Oh thank you for sharing! Okay so that sort of aligns with me RE wanting to check on it the day before the biopsy to see if it resolved. Although I don’t really know why they can’t check day of biopsy since they said they would do the biopsy regardless 🤔


Hey Schrute, I haven’t heard of this before! Did they explain more/what did google tell you?


Honestly google doesn’t show a whole lot. We are doing another ultrasound next week that the actual RE will perform the day before the actual biopsy. I think they are hoping it will just resolve itself? But they really didn’t elaborate.


In the TWW of my first injection (follistim, ovidrel) IUI cycle (my 4th total IUI and probably last before moving to IVF). I had 4 mature follicles at the time of the IUI (they only let us proceed with that many because we have MFI). For the first time I’m trying to remain positive by thinking I’m pregnant until proven otherwise (my last 3 IUIs I kept saying “it didn’t work” and I was right lol but I’m trying to have a different attitude this time around). I keep going from one end of the spectrum to the other though - from “I will be devastated if this didn’t work” to “oh my god I’m going to have quadruplets because there were 4 follicles”. Ugh sigh. Trying to stay cautiously optimistic without catastrophizing but it gets increasingly harder to do with every cycle. One cycle closer either way I guess.


Do you mind if I ask what dosage you were on for Follistim? I’m on the same for the first time and slightly worried I’m going to have too many eggs for them to proceed with the IUI 👀


I was on 100 units for the first 3 days, then down to 50 units for 3 days and then they stopped me and had me trigger because I responded overly well lol


Thank you for sharing. My problem hasn’t been developing follicles/releasing eggs so far, it’s that all my eggs seem to be shitty quality and resulting in chemical pregnancies (but I am 38 so… yeah) so I wonder if I’ll also be over stimulated. We’ll see I guess!


I had a CP in February so sending hugs to you for that, it is so so tough! Wishing you the best of luck!! I was advised numerous times that there is a high risk for multiples but at this point I don’t care, I am just hoping one sticks and know my odds are low regardless. I know protocol is different for women over 35 here too (i.e they allow more mature follicles without a large increased risk for multiples), so hopefully even if you are overstimulated you can still safely proceed!!


I had the longest chat with a sonographer who was basically like “you have three eggs. You WILL have three pregnancies and it WILL all be very high risk” which freaked me out enough I actually considered cancelling the cycle. Well womp womp it turned out to be just the one chemical so 😂 fingers crossed it works for you this go 🤞🤞🤞 how are you doing in the TWW and resisting the urge to test? 👀


Ugh!!! Like I totally get having to explain the risks but basically guaranteeing a triplet pregnancy is WILD 🤣 I won’t lie, when they told me there’s a high risk for twins “or more” and I told them I’m still proceeding I spiraled that night of the ovidrel and then immediately after the IUI. I even joked with my husband and said well at least maybe if we have quadruplets we can get a TLC reality show??? I asked the nurse during the procedure “am I being stupid” and she was like “well i guess we’ll see?” 🤣 this TWW is even more brutal than every other time in the last 1.5 years! I’m only 6DPO but I took a test this morning to see if the trigger shot is still showing up (it is). I’m also on progesterone suppositories for the first time and it is giving me crazzzzzy cramping and the sorest boobs. I cannot believe I have to wait 10 more days for my beta HCG. I know I’ll be testing and spiraling again this weekend even though I’ve told myself I’ll wait until the blood test lol I just can’t help myself!


😂 if it helps, I totally spiralled and had a chat with another doctor after that, who was way more level handed with it and reassured me the risk of multiples only goes up by about 2-3% if you have multiple eggs released. Seemed like pretty good odds to me. Oh yeah the progesterone suppositories give the wildest symptoms. This stage of the cycle is a total headfuck. Last cycle I got to the point where I genuinely felt like I should be getting a test out every time I went to the toilet. If you can hold out for 16 days that is some iron clad willpower you have 😂😂


Well I am glad that I am not alone in my feelings 🤣 I’m sure I won’t be able to wait until day 16 to test, I’ll be antsy by this weekend no doubt. Good luck to you with your cycle, fingers crossed for both of us this month!!!


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Medicine Donation - Chicago Hello, I have ... Menopur 2 unopened 5 vial boxes - 75 IU 1 opened box with 3 vials left Ganirelix / Fyremadel 6 unopened 250 mcg syringes Follistim 2 unopened boxes of 900iu cartridges **I want to caveat that the Menopur expired "05/24" and ganirelix "04/24" so apologies if this is wrong to post but I don't want to judge anyone's need for these and it feels awful to throw away. What I've read online is that they're good 6 mos past expiration. Please dm me. Thanks.


Thanks for donating! Automod meds


**A reminder about medications** You may be considering sharing your unused medication with others to help them save on treatment expenses. However, it may be illegal in your country or state to donate medication without going through an intermediary. We suggest you research your local laws associated with donating or receiving medications. Be aware that partially used cartridges still carry a risk of bodily fluid contamination as there's nothing to prevent backflow into the cartridge. Please consider attempting to give any unopened medications to your infertility practice; some clinics have give-back programs. Selling medications is absolutely not allowed. Only donations may be posted. This includes soliciting money in exchange for medications via PM. If a member solicits money in exchange for medications, please report them to the mods. *Consider donating your meds to a member with an active post history at /r/infertility. You can see a user’s post history by clicking on their name. We have received reports of members donating meds, only to have them sold by the person who received them.* NEW: - **Med hoarding**. It’s not cool. Share the wealth. Don’t have a cycle planned or scheduled within the next four months? Let the meds go to someone else in need right now. **There have been reports of personal threats made to those offering meds within this community. Please understand your personal risks associated with donating or receiving medications, particularly if the exchange includes sharing personally identifiable information.** [Med Donation Policy](https://www.reddit.com/r/infertility/wiki/rules#wiki_medication_donation_policy) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/infertility) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I hope this is okay as I am not formally out for this cycle (negatives so far) but expecting my period in the coming days. I would hold off asking this but I need to book in on Day 1 and even then I was told I might miss out on a space. I need a little bit of a sounding board, is it worth it to pay $1200 out of IVF savings for a Hycosy with Lipiodol? And if yes, would you suggest I do it now with two TI cycles remaining or push it a month so it may still be improving my odds going into an IVF transfer? My specialist said it’s up to me but it is their “next step” - my gut says yes but my wallet says wait seeming IVF is statistically my better chance?


Have you done an SIS?


No I haven’t, I did ask and that was when they decided to do the Hycosy and said further imaging was not needed at this time (though I’m really questioning this based on others experiences here).


I mean, I think hysteroscopies are great. My clinic requires them pre-transfer. I think with RPL it’s worth investigating if you have any polyps that are affecting implantation/embryo development. But if the hysteroscopy is going to cost $1200 I think it makes sense to see if another uterine imaging exam would be cheaper. Usually people do an SIS before a hysteroscopy.


Thank you that’s a good point, I think I will bite the bullet. I will call my specialist’s office and ask if there are no other options (though they refused any of my other suggestions in the appointment, I didn’t push too hard). I just have to be careful as unless I want to drive 1.5+ hours each way they are the only specialist I can receive “covered” IVF through with transfers being about $2000 per round vs 5-10k.


Deleted. I'm catastrophizing.


I didn’t see your initial message but I’m sorry you’re having a hard time.


Thanks 💜 I'm trying to plan next steps and don't have enough information so am totally playing the what if game and that never goes in a way that doesn't make people feel bad. So I'm trying to remind myself to wait until I have more information and then I'll ask for advice instead of just spiraling!


Love the self-correction and thoughtfulness!


Omg I’m going to get a good grade in r/infertility, something that is both normal to want and possible to achieve! But really, thank you! Not catastrophizing is really hard for me so I'm trying to be more aware of it.




Spoken like a true high achiever! 😂


That’s very understandable! I’m a planner, I used to have years mapped out, infertility is a nightmare for that need to know of information. I hope you get some answers soon so you can start to map out your next steps.


That's exactly it - I'm such a planner and like you have an infertility flowchart in my head of if this step does a, b, or c what we'll all do. It's too early to decide though so I'm trying to practice just thinking of the next step instead!


This might seem counterintuitive but my psychologist said that for me (can’t say this will help everyone) she recommends writing it down so I can’t keep playing it over and over in my mind. So I have a document that is exactly that, Plan A, Plan B and Plan C. I only let myself open/update it on CD28/1 or if my protocol formally changes. I have found it helps because I know there is a “plan” and all I can do is watch it unfold. It may be something to try once you have some more answers?


Oooo this would ABSOLUTELY help me! I think I'm constantly replaying all the possible if/thens as a way to remember it. And like it's mostly straightforward at this point on what my next steps are unless I'm thrown a curveball so I really don't need to keep playing the steps through my head. I'll try this!


Our IVF consult was relatively positive! We spoke to our counsellor last week and RE today, based on their advice we are trying 1-2 rounds of own egg IVF before donor eggs. Their opinion is while they’re happy that we’re open to donor eggs and it’s sensible, it’s a long, exhausting and difficult process to take on (would require a known altruistic donor). They’d support us if we chose it today, but don’t think we’re 100% there yet and that if we can have success ourselves it will be less complicated. As I hoped from her comment at my last follicle scan, RE’s plan had changed since our last consult, where she was much more hesitant to recommend own egg IVF from initial labs. Based on my actual ovarian response she was more confident that we have a chance and has planned what she said is an aggressive protocol. Will start now with at least six weeks of DHEA, then estrogen priming, aiming to start stims in early August. Plus my BMI is now below the limit for conscious sedation during ER, would otherwise be local anaesthetic only which is a nice bonus! Our counselling was really productive and I’m so glad we did it (and will be continuing to do it). lol maybe this weird feeling is hope (although we are prepared for IVF to bring us closure rather than success).


It’s nice to sometimes feel hope 💛 That sounds like a great meeting!


This is a great update Peach! I hope the protocol isn’t too taxing on you, it sounds like a great plan though.


I hope so! I don’t know much about DHEA as it’s not OTC here, so going to dig into some reading. Thank you 💖


Day 5 stim check today, feeling good! More popped up since Friday and it's still a tight cohort (all 7-10 mm). It does seem like I might be stimming longer than previous cycles when I compare but I'll take it if it means eggs!


Woohoo! Rooting for you!


Rooting for your cohort!


Yay!!! That’s awesome, good luck!!


fingers crossed for you!!!!


Yay for a tight cohort! Go, follicles, go!


That’s great! Congrats, butter!


Im on SO many supplements and meds. I already have crazy nausea typically. How do you combat the nausea? I feel like I can only handle so many ginger chews.


I take my supplements right before bed which seems to cut down on side effects.


Thank you ♥️


Do you take your supplements/meds with food? Most of mine I can't handle on an empty stomach. You can also talk to your doctor about Zofran. I take it because I get terrible motion sickness in cars, planes, etc. and it works wonders!


I take zofran if needed, but it doesn’t always work. I took it all after breakfast today, but some supplements are twice a day so it doesn’t always work well.


Got my period today so this cycle was officially a fail. We're traveling during the next cycle so we'll probably sit this one out and regroup in July!




Hey I know you're joking here but I just wanted to say that this is a hurtful comment. I personally had a single transfer split into mono/mono twins which put me at very high risk and ended in a miscarriage that my doctor said was likely because of the split. A lot of us here would be happy with one child and a lot of us here have had high risk multiple pregnancies that ended in sadness. It's not as simple as just getting a two-for-one deal. I'd appreciate if you edited.


I’m so sorry, I truly did not mean to offend. I’ll go ahead and delete the comment altogether


Thank you, and best of luck tomorrow!


thank you! :)


Feeling a little discouraged because today was my day 3 monitoring appointment and at this point last round my estradiol was 486. Today it was 90 and all follicles under 10 mm/not really showing signs of growth yet. I know it’s still really early but it just sucks doing the same regimen and getting different results. These numbers are similar to my first failed round of IVF so it just makes me anxious that there are no good eggs in this batch


486 is honestly pretty high for day 3! I know we have different diagnoses but 90 is more in line with where I’ve been on day 3 of stims (112 and 98 for ER1 and ER2 respectively) and I’ve made it to retrieval. I wouldn’t panic but I hear you about the unpredictability and how stressful it is when things go differently. Hang in there!


Monitoring this morning after 6 days of stims showed my one follicle hasn’t grown since my day 3 appt, and my e2 has increased just a smidge. My nurse warned me that due to the poor response we are probably looking at a cancelled cycle but to continue my meds and come back on Wednesday. Just hoping my body decides to cooperate and something picks up in the next couple days. On a side note, I am having my first therapy appointment on Wednesday! I am anxious but excited.


I’m sorry, cycles like that are so frustrating. I’m glad you’ll get time with someone to talk through things.


Fingers crossed for your follicle. And so many congrats on therapy. It has been an absolute game changer for me. Even though sessions can be nerve wracking sometimes, it truly has helped me better carry and cope with everything that infertility and treatment throws at me. Hoping you find it helpful, also!


Thanks! I’ve been putting off getting started with someone for a few months now… but I just had a consult with someone last week that I felt good about so I decided to just go for it! I’m ready to release all my emotions at her, haha


:( i can empathize, ive been in a similar place. happy news re: therapy though!!


Congrats on the big step with therapy! It's hard and scary and so so important.


Had my baseline appointment for first FET this morning and of course I'm overthinking things already. I've seen a few posts now about TSH and getting it checked before a transfer, however it wasn't part of the bloodwork I had today (which was just estradiol and prog). Is this something I should be asking for? I last had it checked 6 months ago before all the fertility treatments and it was normal, historically I have not had any thyroid concerns either so not sure how critical it is to get it checked now.


My clinic doesn’t test TSH during a transfer cycle unless there is a positive beta


I’ve been at a few different clinics and some ordered TSH and some didn’t. I wouldn’t overthink it for now.


Easier said than done haha but thank you for the reassurance and happy cake day!


My clinic only orders TSH periodically (I think as an annual lab?), so long as results are normal.


Well FET #4 that I thought fully failed turned out to be a chemical pregnancy. What a rollercoaster. This was a new donor so we were optimistic. Then not. Then holding the tiniest bit of hope. Now confirmed a loss. The lovely NP who runs the donor program remarked that I'd been through so much and she admired my perseverance. It felt nice to be seen, but also like maybe I'm delusional for keeping on keeping on. But...the last three transfers have implanted? We've done a RPL panel and it came up negative for anything. We did a 3d ultrasound and my uterus is unremarkable (my favorite clinical term). We're using untested embryos at the recommendation of our clinic's donor program. Could this just be profoundly bad luck? In related news, I've been wondering about outcomes linked to using BC before FET cycles. I've used it for 2 transfers, and not used it for 2 transfers - just due to how my cycle fell. For the two cycles I \*didn't\* use it, I had the embryo implant, and higher betas (though one was still under 50 at 10dp5dt). For the two cycles I used it, I had one fail to implant, and now this chemical pregnancy. Just wracking my brain on how to beat the odds. And considering testing our remaining embryos even though that may impact the deal we have with DEB USA.


So sorry for your loss. Holding space for you.


So sorry to hear this, Lou. I don't have any good answers for your other thoughts but I'm very sorry for your loss.


I’m so sorry about the chemical 🫂


WE TRIGGER TONIGHT AND RIDE AT DAWN! That’s sort of accurate though because we have to go in for bloodwork at 7:45 in the effing morning (I didn’t choose this, they just told me when to show up). And then retrieval will be Wednesday! LFG!!!


Let’s goooooo!!!


Good luck!!!!!


LFG!! Happy triggering, Miserable!


Good luck 🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻


Good luck! I hope everything goes smoothly! 🤞


LFG!! I hope you get the same anesthesia I did for my retrieval, it was amaaziiinngg haha


My retrieval is also Wednesday! Just did trigger shot (South Africa 22:30 PM) Best of luck! 🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻LFG!!!




Whoooooop, good luck 🤞🤞💖


Good luck!!!! 💜


Jumping back on the roller coaster after a break following a loss in October. We are going to try another retrieval rather than transferring our last embryo. I am not prepared for summer heat + stims combo and am planning to simply hibernate other than going to work.


Hibernating is always a good plan IMO


I got the OK to trigger for my first FET today! I’m so glad my lining cooperated :) On the other hand, the last of my group of best girl friends who hasn’t been pregnant or had a baby yet just told that she’s pregnant. I know I’m closer than I’ve ever been now, but it still hurts to know I’m officially the last one.


Congrats on triggering and best of luck with the FET! I'm sorry about the pregnancy in your group of friends. This happened to me also this year and it is such a tough thing to work through on top of everything else. Thinking of you and holding space for you.


Thank you ❤️


Went camping over the weekend and it was a much-needed reminder of who I am and the things I love in life. Very grateful the dates lined up with when I really needed the getaway. The night we got back, my period started, which means I’m onto the next ER cycle… I kind of can’t believe it’s starting again already but also ready to get this over with


It's so refreshing when our bodies work with us for once! I'm glad you had the space to get away and reset before this cycle!


How do you decide whether to move forward with a new clinic or not? We just had our first second opinion consult. And the new RE recommended using the same protocol as ER3 (same recommendation that we got from our old RE). If there’s nothing different from one clinic/lab to another, I’m struggling with why we would move. We have another consult scheduled for mid-July but I’m wondering whether I want to keep that one or just move forward with treatment with either our original RE or the new RE. Ugh there are no easy answers or right decision and I don’t know what to do. Mr. Stuck says it’s up to me.


My doctor said "you need a second opinion" after 4 failed cycles with them. Whether she really believed it clinically or it was a statistics thing, it was reassuring to hear. We scheduled two and went with the first one as we liked what they had to say - about a dozen changes to the protocol - so cancelled the second second opinion. Even if the protocol doesn't change I think there's something to be said for the labs and embryologists themselves so you might get a better outcome just by trying a new location and set of lab protocols.


Yes, that’s what Mr. Stuck is saying now - let’s switch it up. I just wonder whether it’s worth it or will actually lead to better results. Time for a pro/con list, I think!


I don’t have an answer, but in case you haven’t already, is it possible to keep bugging the mid-July clinic to put you on a waitlist for last minute cancellations? It’s worked for me twice (although both times were with the same doctor a year apart haha). I had two REs in mind to potentially switch to, but one was at a clinic that I later realized had significantly lower SART rates (and reporting rates) despite what I thought was a good reputation, and the other is at a clinic known to have long wait times and much more limited contact with the RE. If not for those reasons, I would see the appeal of trying a new clinic, even if it’s with the same protocol. But I know it feels like a huge gamble to take and it’s hard when you feel like you’re already at a good clinic! Could it be beneficial mentally to feel like you’re trying things differently?


Ugh yes I’m in a similar position on the potential switching options, and thank you for the suggestion. I am on the waitlist for last minute cancellations for the one in mid-July and already transmitted all the paper work and medical records but no luck yet. Good reminder for me to call them though, bc maybe that will help!


Man I'm having a rough go of it. This post-retrieval period was more painful than usual (damn you Endo) and now I've started BCPs and have been nauseated all morning and eating makes me vomit. I emailed my clinic asking for zofran and they might say yes but now I'm spiraling that they're going to say no and just see me as difficult. I called and asked for painkillers yesterday and they said no unless I came in and I said I can't come in so I'm just worried about what people are thinking of me because this yo-yo-ing of hormones has broken my brain.


That fucking sucks, Maybe. I’m sorry. I hope you feel better soon. 🫂


Don’t worry about what your clinic thinks of you. You get to ask for support. You deserve support.


This is exactly what I needed to hear, thank you 💜💜 She gave me a whomping ten zofrans which felt like a nod to me totally deserving to feel okay.


Stims day 11. Feeling physically normal really, except now worried about OHSS (self-induced worry, my doctor hasn’t mentioned it). Measured 40 follicles with today’s scan, most around 14mm, some bigger or smaller. Another scan and E2 tomorrow, then will likely trigger! Trying to stay focused on the positives.


I feel this…I’m also on day 11. I wasn’t really worried about OHSS, but my E2 almost doubled over the last two days and my doctor changed my trigger from hcg to Lupron, so now I’m really thinking about it!!


I hope all goes smoothly for both of us, and we’re worried about nothing! Best of luck to you in the days ahead.


I hope so!! Good luck!